Jakob Borg 531ceb2b0f
Add indirection for large version vectors. (#6376)
This adds indirection of large version vectors in the same manner as we
already to block lists. The effect is the same: less duplicated data in
some situations.

To mitigate the impact for when this indirection
wouldn't be needed I've added an indirection cutoff for both blocks and
the new version vector stuff: we don't do the indirection at all for
small block lists or small version vectors, instead storing it directly
like we used to do. This is faster for small files and small setups.
2020-05-13 14:28:42 +02:00

334 lines
9.2 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2018 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package main
import (
type fileInfoKey struct {
folder uint32
device uint32
name string
type globalKey struct {
folder uint32
name string
type sequenceKey struct {
folder uint32
sequence uint64
func idxck(ldb backend.Backend) (success bool) {
folders := make(map[uint32]string)
devices := make(map[uint32]string)
deviceToIDs := make(map[string]uint32)
fileInfos := make(map[fileInfoKey]protocol.FileInfo)
globals := make(map[globalKey]db.VersionList)
sequences := make(map[sequenceKey]string)
needs := make(map[globalKey]struct{})
blocklists := make(map[string]struct{})
versions := make(map[string]protocol.Vector)
usedBlocklists := make(map[string]struct{})
usedVersions := make(map[string]struct{})
var localDeviceKey uint32
success = true
it, err := ldb.NewPrefixIterator(nil)
if err != nil {
for it.Next() {
key := it.Key()
switch key[0] {
case db.KeyTypeDevice:
folder := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(key[1:])
device := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(key[1+4:])
name := nulString(key[1+4+4:])
var f protocol.FileInfo
err := f.Unmarshal(it.Value())
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unable to unmarshal FileInfo:", err)
success = false
fileInfos[fileInfoKey{folder, device, name}] = f
case db.KeyTypeGlobal:
folder := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(key[1:])
name := nulString(key[1+4:])
var flv db.VersionList
if err := flv.Unmarshal(it.Value()); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unable to unmarshal VersionList:", err)
success = false
globals[globalKey{folder, name}] = flv
case db.KeyTypeFolderIdx:
key := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(it.Key()[1:])
folders[key] = string(it.Value())
case db.KeyTypeDeviceIdx:
key := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(it.Key()[1:])
devices[key] = string(it.Value())
deviceToIDs[string(it.Value())] = key
if bytes.Equal(it.Value(), protocol.LocalDeviceID[:]) {
localDeviceKey = key
case db.KeyTypeSequence:
folder := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(key[1:])
seq := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(key[5:])
val := it.Value()
sequences[sequenceKey{folder, seq}] = string(val[9:])
case db.KeyTypeNeed:
folder := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(key[1:])
name := nulString(key[1+4:])
needs[globalKey{folder, name}] = struct{}{}
case db.KeyTypeBlockList:
hash := string(key[1:])
blocklists[hash] = struct{}{}
case db.KeyTypeVersion:
hash := string(key[1:])
var v protocol.Vector
if err := v.Unmarshal(it.Value()); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unable to unmarshal Vector:", err)
success = false
versions[hash] = v
if localDeviceKey == 0 {
fmt.Println("Missing key for local device in device index (bailing out)")
success = false
var missingSeq []sequenceKey
for fk, fi := range fileInfos {
if != fi.Name {
fmt.Printf("Mismatching FileInfo name, %q (key) != %q (actual)\n",, fi.Name)
success = false
folder := folders[fk.folder]
if folder == "" {
fmt.Printf("Unknown folder ID %d for FileInfo %q\n", fk.folder,
success = false
if devices[fk.device] == "" {
fmt.Printf("Unknown device ID %d for FileInfo %q, folder %q\n", fk.folder,, folder)
success = false
if fk.device == localDeviceKey {
sk := sequenceKey{fk.folder, uint64(fi.Sequence)}
name, ok := sequences[sk]
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("Sequence entry missing for FileInfo %q, folder %q, seq %d\n", fi.Name, folder, fi.Sequence)
missingSeq = append(missingSeq, sk)
success = false
if name != fi.Name {
fmt.Printf("Sequence entry refers to wrong name, %q (seq) != %q (FileInfo), folder %q, seq %d\n", name, fi.Name, folder, fi.Sequence)
success = false
if len(fi.Blocks) == 0 && len(fi.BlocksHash) != 0 {
key := string(fi.BlocksHash)
if _, ok := blocklists[key]; !ok {
fmt.Printf("Missing block list for file %q, block list hash %x\n", fi.Name, fi.BlocksHash)
success = false
} else {
usedBlocklists[key] = struct{}{}
if fi.VersionHash != nil {
key := string(fi.VersionHash)
if _, ok := versions[key]; !ok {
fmt.Printf("Missing version vector for file %q, version hash %x\n", fi.Name, fi.VersionHash)
success = false
} else {
usedVersions[key] = struct{}{}
_, ok := globals[globalKey{fk.folder,}]
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("Missing global for file %q\n", fi.Name)
success = false
// Aggregate the ranges of missing sequence entries, print them
sort.Slice(missingSeq, func(a, b int) bool {
if missingSeq[a].folder != missingSeq[b].folder {
return missingSeq[a].folder < missingSeq[b].folder
return missingSeq[a].sequence < missingSeq[b].sequence
var folder uint32
var startSeq, prevSeq uint64
for _, sk := range missingSeq {
if folder != sk.folder || sk.sequence != prevSeq+1 {
if folder != 0 {
fmt.Printf("Folder %d missing %d sequence entries: #%d - #%d\n", folder, prevSeq-startSeq+1, startSeq, prevSeq)
startSeq = sk.sequence
folder = sk.folder
prevSeq = sk.sequence
if folder != 0 {
fmt.Printf("Folder %d missing %d sequence entries: #%d - #%d\n", folder, prevSeq-startSeq+1, startSeq, prevSeq)
for gk, vl := range globals {
folder := folders[gk.folder]
if folder == "" {
fmt.Printf("Unknown folder ID %d for VersionList %q\n", gk.folder,
success = false
for i, fv := range vl.Versions {
dev, ok := deviceToIDs[string(fv.Device)]
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("VersionList %q, folder %q refers to unknown device %q\n",, folder, fv.Device)
success = false
fi, ok := fileInfos[fileInfoKey{gk.folder, dev,}]
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("VersionList %q, folder %q, entry %d refers to unknown FileInfo\n",, folder, i)
success = false
fiv := fi.Version
if fi.VersionHash != nil {
fiv = versions[string(fi.VersionHash)]
if !fiv.Equal(fv.Version) {
fmt.Printf("VersionList %q, folder %q, entry %d, FileInfo version mismatch, %v (VersionList) != %v (FileInfo)\n",, folder, i, fv.Version, fi.Version)
success = false
if fi.IsInvalid() != fv.Invalid {
fmt.Printf("VersionList %q, folder %q, entry %d, FileInfo invalid mismatch, %v (VersionList) != %v (FileInfo)\n",, folder, i, fv.Invalid, fi.IsInvalid())
success = false
// If we need this file we should have a need entry for it. False
// positives from needsLocally for deleted files, where we might
// legitimately lack an entry if we never had it, and ignored files.
if needsLocally(vl) {
_, ok := needs[gk]
if !ok {
dev := deviceToIDs[string(vl.Versions[0].Device)]
fi := fileInfos[fileInfoKey{gk.folder, dev,}]
if !fi.IsDeleted() && !fi.IsIgnored() {
fmt.Printf("Missing need entry for needed file %q, folder %q\n",, folder)
seenSeq := make(map[fileInfoKey]uint64)
for sk, name := range sequences {
folder := folders[sk.folder]
if folder == "" {
fmt.Printf("Unknown folder ID %d for sequence entry %d, %q\n", sk.folder, sk.sequence, name)
success = false
if prev, ok := seenSeq[fileInfoKey{folder: sk.folder, name: name}]; ok {
fmt.Printf("Duplicate sequence entry for %q, folder %q, seq %d (prev %d)\n", name, folder, sk.sequence, prev)
success = false
seenSeq[fileInfoKey{folder: sk.folder, name: name}] = sk.sequence
fi, ok := fileInfos[fileInfoKey{sk.folder, localDeviceKey, name}]
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("Missing FileInfo for sequence entry %d, folder %q, %q\n", sk.sequence, folder, name)
success = false
if fi.Sequence != int64(sk.sequence) {
fmt.Printf("Sequence mismatch for %q, folder %q, %d (key) != %d (FileInfo)\n", name, folder, sk.sequence, fi.Sequence)
success = false
for nk := range needs {
folder := folders[nk.folder]
if folder == "" {
fmt.Printf("Unknown folder ID %d for need entry %q\n", nk.folder,
success = false
vl, ok := globals[nk]
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("Missing global for need entry %q, folder %q\n",, folder)
success = false
if !needsLocally(vl) {
fmt.Printf("Need entry for file we don't need, %q, folder %q\n",, folder)
success = false
if d := len(blocklists) - len(usedBlocklists); d > 0 {
fmt.Printf("%d block list entries out of %d needs GC\n", d, len(blocklists))
if d := len(versions) - len(usedVersions); d > 0 {
fmt.Printf("%d version entries out of %d needs GC\n", d, len(versions))
func needsLocally(vl db.VersionList) bool {
var lv *protocol.Vector
for _, fv := range vl.Versions {
if bytes.Equal(fv.Device, protocol.LocalDeviceID[:]) {
lv = &fv.Version
if lv == nil {
return true // proviosinally, it looks like we need the file
return !lv.GreaterEqual(vl.Versions[0].Version)