2020-05-16 14:39:27 +02:00

3818 lines
95 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2014 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package model
import (
srand ""
var testDataExpected = map[string]protocol.FileInfo{
"foo": {
Name: "foo",
Type: protocol.FileInfoTypeFile,
ModifiedS: 0,
Blocks: []protocol.BlockInfo{{Offset: 0x0, Size: 0x7, Hash: []uint8{0xae, 0xc0, 0x70, 0x64, 0x5f, 0xe5, 0x3e, 0xe3, 0xb3, 0x76, 0x30, 0x59, 0x37, 0x61, 0x34, 0xf0, 0x58, 0xcc, 0x33, 0x72, 0x47, 0xc9, 0x78, 0xad, 0xd1, 0x78, 0xb6, 0xcc, 0xdf, 0xb0, 0x1, 0x9f}}},
"empty": {
Name: "empty",
Type: protocol.FileInfoTypeFile,
ModifiedS: 0,
Blocks: []protocol.BlockInfo{{Offset: 0x0, Size: 0x0, Hash: []uint8{0xe3, 0xb0, 0xc4, 0x42, 0x98, 0xfc, 0x1c, 0x14, 0x9a, 0xfb, 0xf4, 0xc8, 0x99, 0x6f, 0xb9, 0x24, 0x27, 0xae, 0x41, 0xe4, 0x64, 0x9b, 0x93, 0x4c, 0xa4, 0x95, 0x99, 0x1b, 0x78, 0x52, 0xb8, 0x55}}},
"bar": {
Name: "bar",
Type: protocol.FileInfoTypeFile,
ModifiedS: 0,
Blocks: []protocol.BlockInfo{{Offset: 0x0, Size: 0xa, Hash: []uint8{0x2f, 0x72, 0xcc, 0x11, 0xa6, 0xfc, 0xd0, 0x27, 0x1e, 0xce, 0xf8, 0xc6, 0x10, 0x56, 0xee, 0x1e, 0xb1, 0x24, 0x3b, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x5b, 0xf9, 0xa9, 0xdf, 0x98, 0xf9, 0x2f, 0x76, 0x36, 0xb0, 0x5c}}},
func init() {
// Fix expected test data to match reality
for n, f := range testDataExpected {
fi, _ := os.Stat("testdata/" + n)
f.Permissions = uint32(fi.Mode())
f.ModifiedS = fi.ModTime().Unix()
f.Size = fi.Size()
testDataExpected[n] = f
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
tmpName, err := prepareTmpFile(defaultFs)
if err != nil {
exitCode := m.Run()
func prepareTmpFile(to fs.Filesystem) (string, error) {
tmpName := fs.TempName("file")
in, err := defaultFs.Open("tmpfile")
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer in.Close()
out, err := to.Create(tmpName)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer out.Close()
if _, err = io.Copy(out, in); err != nil {
return "", err
future := time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
if err := os.Chtimes(filepath.Join("testdata", tmpName), future, future); err != nil {
return "", err
return tmpName, nil
func createTmpWrapper(cfg config.Configuration) config.Wrapper {
tmpFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "syncthing-testConfig-")
if err != nil {
wrapper := config.Wrap(tmpFile.Name(), cfg, events.NoopLogger)
return wrapper
func newState(cfg config.Configuration) *model {
wcfg := createTmpWrapper(cfg)
m := setupModel(wcfg)
for _, dev := range cfg.Devices {
m.AddConnection(&fakeConnection{id: dev.DeviceID, model: m}, protocol.HelloResult{})
return m
func TestRequest(t *testing.T) {
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
// Existing, shared file
res, err := m.Request(device1, "default", "foo", 6, 0, nil, 0, false)
if err != nil {
bs := res.Data()
if !bytes.Equal(bs, []byte("foobar")) {
t.Errorf("Incorrect data from request: %q", string(bs))
// Existing, nonshared file
_, err = m.Request(device2, "default", "foo", 6, 0, nil, 0, false)
if err == nil {
t.Error("Unexpected nil error on insecure file read")
// Nonexistent file
_, err = m.Request(device1, "default", "nonexistent", 6, 0, nil, 0, false)
if err == nil {
t.Error("Unexpected nil error on insecure file read")
// Shared folder, but disallowed file name
_, err = m.Request(device1, "default", "../walk.go", 6, 0, nil, 0, false)
if err == nil {
t.Error("Unexpected nil error on insecure file read")
// Negative offset
_, err = m.Request(device1, "default", "foo", -4, 0, nil, 0, false)
if err == nil {
t.Error("Unexpected nil error on insecure file read")
// Larger block than available
_, err = m.Request(device1, "default", "foo", 42, 0, nil, 0, false)
if err == nil {
t.Error("Unexpected nil error on insecure file read")
func genFiles(n int) []protocol.FileInfo {
files := make([]protocol.FileInfo, n)
t := time.Now().Unix()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
files[i] = protocol.FileInfo{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("file%d", i),
ModifiedS: t,
Sequence: int64(i + 1),
Blocks: []protocol.BlockInfo{{Offset: 0, Size: 100, Hash: []byte("some hash bytes")}},
Version: protocol.Vector{Counters: []protocol.Counter{{ID: 42, Value: 1}}},
return files
func BenchmarkIndex_10000(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkIndex(b, 10000)
func BenchmarkIndex_100(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkIndex(b, 100)
func benchmarkIndex(b *testing.B, nfiles int) {
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
files := genFiles(nfiles)
m.Index(device1, "default", files)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
m.Index(device1, "default", files)
func BenchmarkIndexUpdate_10000_10000(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkIndexUpdate(b, 10000, 10000)
func BenchmarkIndexUpdate_10000_100(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkIndexUpdate(b, 10000, 100)
func BenchmarkIndexUpdate_10000_1(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkIndexUpdate(b, 10000, 1)
func benchmarkIndexUpdate(b *testing.B, nfiles, nufiles int) {
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
files := genFiles(nfiles)
ufiles := genFiles(nufiles)
m.Index(device1, "default", files)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
m.IndexUpdate(device1, "default", ufiles)
func BenchmarkRequestOut(b *testing.B) {
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
const n = 1000
files := genFiles(n)
fc := &fakeConnection{id: device1, model: m}
for _, f := range files {
fc.addFile(f.Name, 0644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, []byte("some data to return"))
m.AddConnection(fc, protocol.HelloResult{})
m.Index(device1, "default", files)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
data, err := m.requestGlobal(context.Background(), device1, "default", files[i%n].Name, 0, 32, nil, 0, false)
if err != nil {
if data == nil {
b.Error("nil data")
func BenchmarkRequestInSingleFile(b *testing.B) {
testOs := &fatalOs{b}
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
buf := make([]byte, 128<<10)
defer testOs.RemoveAll("testdata/request")
testOs.MkdirAll("testdata/request/for/a/file/in/a/couple/of/dirs", 0755)
ioutil.WriteFile("testdata/request/for/a/file/in/a/couple/of/dirs/128k", buf, 0644)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if _, err := m.Request(device1, "default", "request/for/a/file/in/a/couple/of/dirs/128k", 128<<10, 0, nil, 0, false); err != nil {
b.SetBytes(128 << 10)
func TestDeviceRename(t *testing.T) {
testOs := &fatalOs{t}
hello := protocol.HelloResult{
ClientName: "syncthing",
ClientVersion: "v0.9.4",
defer testOs.Remove("testdata/tmpconfig.xml")
rawCfg := config.New(device1)
rawCfg.Devices = []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
cfg := config.Wrap("testdata/tmpconfig.xml", rawCfg, events.NoopLogger)
db := db.NewLowlevel(backend.OpenMemory())
m := newModel(cfg, myID, "syncthing", "dev", db, nil)
if cfg.Devices()[device1].Name != "" {
t.Errorf("Device already has a name")
conn := &fakeConnection{id: device1, model: m}
m.AddConnection(conn, hello)
defer cleanupModel(m)
if cfg.Devices()[device1].Name != "" {
t.Errorf("Device already has a name")
m.Closed(conn, protocol.ErrTimeout)
hello.DeviceName = "tester"
m.AddConnection(conn, hello)
if cfg.Devices()[device1].Name != "tester" {
t.Errorf("Device did not get a name")
m.Closed(conn, protocol.ErrTimeout)
hello.DeviceName = "tester2"
m.AddConnection(conn, hello)
if cfg.Devices()[device1].Name != "tester" {
t.Errorf("Device name got overwritten")
cfgw, err := config.Load("testdata/tmpconfig.xml", myID, events.NoopLogger)
if err != nil {
if cfgw.Devices()[device1].Name != "tester" {
t.Errorf("Device name not saved in config")
m.Closed(conn, protocol.ErrTimeout)
opts := cfg.Options()
opts.OverwriteRemoteDevNames = true
hello.DeviceName = "tester2"
m.AddConnection(conn, hello)
if cfg.Devices()[device1].Name != "tester2" {
t.Errorf("Device name not overwritten")
func TestClusterConfig(t *testing.T) {
cfg := config.New(device1)
cfg.Devices = []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
Introducer: true,
DeviceID: device2,
cfg.Folders = []config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "folder1",
Path: "testdata1",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
{DeviceID: device2},
ID: "folder2",
Path: "testdata2",
Paused: true, // should still be included
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
{DeviceID: device2},
ID: "folder3",
Path: "testdata3",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
// should not be included, does not include device2
db := db.NewLowlevel(backend.OpenMemory())
wrapper := createTmpWrapper(cfg)
m := newModel(wrapper, myID, "syncthing", "dev", db, nil)
defer cleanupModel(m)
cm := m.generateClusterConfig(device2)
if l := len(cm.Folders); l != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Incorrect number of folders %d != 2", l)
r := cm.Folders[0]
if r.ID != "folder1" {
t.Errorf("Incorrect folder %q != folder1", r.ID)
if l := len(r.Devices); l != 2 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect number of devices %d != 2", l)
if id := r.Devices[0].ID; id != device1 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect device ID %s != %s", id, device1)
if !r.Devices[0].Introducer {
t.Error("Device1 should be flagged as Introducer")
if id := r.Devices[1].ID; id != device2 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect device ID %s != %s", id, device2)
if r.Devices[1].Introducer {
t.Error("Device2 should not be flagged as Introducer")
r = cm.Folders[1]
if r.ID != "folder2" {
t.Errorf("Incorrect folder %q != folder2", r.ID)
if l := len(r.Devices); l != 2 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect number of devices %d != 2", l)
if id := r.Devices[0].ID; id != device1 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect device ID %s != %s", id, device1)
if !r.Devices[0].Introducer {
t.Error("Device1 should be flagged as Introducer")
if id := r.Devices[1].ID; id != device2 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect device ID %s != %s", id, device2)
if r.Devices[1].Introducer {
t.Error("Device2 should not be flagged as Introducer")
func TestIntroducer(t *testing.T) {
var introducedByAnyone protocol.DeviceID
// LocalDeviceID is a magic value meaning don't check introducer
contains := func(cfg config.FolderConfiguration, id, introducedBy protocol.DeviceID) bool {
for _, dev := range cfg.Devices {
if dev.DeviceID.Equals(id) {
if introducedBy.Equals(introducedByAnyone) {
return true
return dev.IntroducedBy.Equals(introducedBy)
return false
m := newState(config.Configuration{
Devices: []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
Introducer: true,
Folders: []config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "folder1",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
ID: "folder2",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: "folder1",
Devices: []protocol.Device{
ID: device2,
Introducer: true,
SkipIntroductionRemovals: true,
if newDev, ok := m.cfg.Device(device2); !ok || !newDev.Introducer || !newDev.SkipIntroductionRemovals {
t.Error("devie 2 missing or wrong flags")
if !contains(m.cfg.Folders()["folder1"], device2, device1) {
t.Error("expected folder 1 to have device2 introduced by device 1")
m = newState(config.Configuration{
Devices: []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
Introducer: true,
DeviceID: device2,
IntroducedBy: device1,
Folders: []config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "folder1",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
{DeviceID: device2, IntroducedBy: device1},
ID: "folder2",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: "folder2",
Devices: []protocol.Device{
ID: device2,
Introducer: true,
SkipIntroductionRemovals: true,
// Should not get introducer, as it's already unset, and it's an existing device.
if newDev, ok := m.cfg.Device(device2); !ok || newDev.Introducer || newDev.SkipIntroductionRemovals {
t.Error("device 2 missing or changed flags")
if contains(m.cfg.Folders()["folder1"], device2, introducedByAnyone) {
t.Error("expected device 2 to be removed from folder 1")
if !contains(m.cfg.Folders()["folder2"], device2, device1) {
t.Error("expected device 2 to be added to folder 2")
m = newState(config.Configuration{
Devices: []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
Introducer: true,
DeviceID: device2,
IntroducedBy: device1,
Folders: []config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "folder1",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
{DeviceID: device2, IntroducedBy: device1},
ID: "folder2",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
{DeviceID: device2, IntroducedBy: device1},
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{})
if _, ok := m.cfg.Device(device2); ok {
t.Error("device 2 should have been removed")
if contains(m.cfg.Folders()["folder1"], device2, introducedByAnyone) {
t.Error("expected device 2 to be removed from folder 1")
if contains(m.cfg.Folders()["folder2"], device2, introducedByAnyone) {
t.Error("expected device 2 to be removed from folder 2")
// Two cases when removals should not happen
// 1. Introducer flag no longer set on device
m = newState(config.Configuration{
Devices: []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
Introducer: false,
DeviceID: device2,
IntroducedBy: device1,
Folders: []config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "folder1",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
{DeviceID: device2, IntroducedBy: device1},
ID: "folder2",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
{DeviceID: device2, IntroducedBy: device1},
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{})
if _, ok := m.cfg.Device(device2); !ok {
t.Error("device 2 should not have been removed")
if !contains(m.cfg.Folders()["folder1"], device2, device1) {
t.Error("expected device 2 not to be removed from folder 1")
if !contains(m.cfg.Folders()["folder2"], device2, device1) {
t.Error("expected device 2 not to be removed from folder 2")
// 2. SkipIntroductionRemovals is set
m = newState(config.Configuration{
Devices: []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
Introducer: true,
SkipIntroductionRemovals: true,
DeviceID: device2,
IntroducedBy: device1,
Folders: []config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "folder1",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
{DeviceID: device2, IntroducedBy: device1},
ID: "folder2",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: "folder2",
Devices: []protocol.Device{
ID: device2,
Introducer: true,
SkipIntroductionRemovals: true,
if _, ok := m.cfg.Device(device2); !ok {
t.Error("device 2 should not have been removed")
if !contains(m.cfg.Folders()["folder1"], device2, device1) {
t.Error("expected device 2 not to be removed from folder 1")
if !contains(m.cfg.Folders()["folder2"], device2, device1) {
t.Error("expected device 2 not to be added to folder 2")
// Test device not being removed as it's shared without an introducer.
m = newState(config.Configuration{
Devices: []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
Introducer: true,
DeviceID: device2,
IntroducedBy: device1,
Folders: []config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "folder1",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
{DeviceID: device2, IntroducedBy: device1},
ID: "folder2",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
{DeviceID: device2},
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{})
if _, ok := m.cfg.Device(device2); !ok {
t.Error("device 2 should not have been removed")
if contains(m.cfg.Folders()["folder1"], device2, introducedByAnyone) {
t.Error("expected device 2 to be removed from folder 1")
if !contains(m.cfg.Folders()["folder2"], device2, introducedByAnyone) {
t.Error("expected device 2 not to be removed from folder 2")
// Test device not being removed as it's shared by a different introducer.
m = newState(config.Configuration{
Devices: []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
Introducer: true,
DeviceID: device2,
IntroducedBy: device1,
Folders: []config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "folder1",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
{DeviceID: device2, IntroducedBy: device1},
ID: "folder2",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
{DeviceID: device2, IntroducedBy: myID},
defer cleanupModel(m)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{})
if _, ok := m.cfg.Device(device2); !ok {
t.Error("device 2 should not have been removed")
if contains(m.cfg.Folders()["folder1"], device2, introducedByAnyone) {
t.Error("expected device 2 to be removed from folder 1")
if !contains(m.cfg.Folders()["folder2"], device2, introducedByAnyone) {
t.Error("expected device 2 not to be removed from folder 2")
func TestIssue4897(t *testing.T) {
m := newState(config.Configuration{
Devices: []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
Introducer: true,
Folders: []config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "folder1",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
Paused: true,
defer cleanupModel(m)
cm := m.generateClusterConfig(device1)
if l := len(cm.Folders); l != 1 {
t.Errorf("Cluster config contains %v folders, expected 1", l)
// TestIssue5063 is about a panic in connection with modifying config in quick
// succession, related with auto accepted folders. It's unclear what exactly, a
// relevant bit seems to be here:
// PR-comments:
// Issue:
func TestIssue5063(t *testing.T) {
m := newState(defaultAutoAcceptCfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
for _, c := range m.conn {
conn := c.(*fakeConnection)
conn.closeFn = func(_ error) {}
defer m.Closed(c, errStopped) // to unblock deferred m.Stop()
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
addAndVerify := func(id string) {
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: id,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("expected shared", id)
reps := 10
ids := make([]string, reps)
for i := 0; i < reps; i++ {
ids[i] = srand.String(8)
go addAndVerify(ids[i])
defer func() {
for _, id := range ids {
finished := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-finished:
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(os.Stdout, 1)
t.Fatal("Timed out before all devices were added")
func TestAutoAcceptRejected(t *testing.T) {
// Nothing happens if AutoAcceptFolders not set
tcfg := defaultAutoAcceptCfg.Copy()
for i := range tcfg.Devices {
tcfg.Devices[i].AutoAcceptFolders = false
m := newState(tcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
id := srand.String(8)
defer os.RemoveAll(id)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: id,
if cfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); ok && cfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("unexpected shared", id)
func TestAutoAcceptNewFolder(t *testing.T) {
// New folder
m := newState(defaultAutoAcceptCfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
id := srand.String(8)
defer os.RemoveAll(id)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: id,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("expected shared", id)
func TestAutoAcceptNewFolderFromTwoDevices(t *testing.T) {
m := newState(defaultAutoAcceptCfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
id := srand.String(8)
defer os.RemoveAll(id)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: id,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("expected shared", id)
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || fcfg.SharedWith(device2) {
t.Error("unexpected expected shared", id)
m.ClusterConfig(device2, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: id,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device2) {
t.Error("expected shared", id)
func TestAutoAcceptNewFolderFromOnlyOneDevice(t *testing.T) {
modifiedCfg := defaultAutoAcceptCfg.Copy()
modifiedCfg.Devices[2].AutoAcceptFolders = false
m := newState(modifiedCfg)
id := srand.String(8)
defer os.RemoveAll(id)
defer cleanupModel(m)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: id,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("expected shared", id)
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || fcfg.SharedWith(device2) {
t.Error("unexpected expected shared", id)
m.ClusterConfig(device2, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: id,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || fcfg.SharedWith(device2) {
t.Error("unexpected shared", id)
func TestAutoAcceptNewFolderPremutationsNoPanic(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("short tests only")
testOs := &fatalOs{t}
id := srand.String(8)
label := srand.String(8)
premutations := []protocol.Folder{
{ID: id, Label: id},
{ID: id, Label: label},
{ID: label, Label: id},
{ID: label, Label: label},
localFolders := append(premutations, protocol.Folder{})
for _, localFolder := range localFolders {
for _, localFolderPaused := range []bool{false, true} {
for _, dev1folder := range premutations {
for _, dev2folder := range premutations {
cfg := defaultAutoAcceptCfg.Copy()
if localFolder.Label != "" {
fcfg := config.NewFolderConfiguration(myID, localFolder.ID, localFolder.Label, fs.FilesystemTypeBasic, localFolder.ID)
fcfg.Paused = localFolderPaused
cfg.Folders = append(cfg.Folders, fcfg)
m := newState(cfg)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{dev1folder},
m.ClusterConfig(device2, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{dev2folder},
func TestAutoAcceptMultipleFolders(t *testing.T) {
// Multiple new folders
id1 := srand.String(8)
defer os.RemoveAll(id1)
id2 := srand.String(8)
defer os.RemoveAll(id2)
m := newState(defaultAutoAcceptCfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id1,
Label: id1,
ID: id2,
Label: id2,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id1); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("expected shared", id1)
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id2); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("expected shared", id2)
func TestAutoAcceptExistingFolder(t *testing.T) {
// Existing folder
id := srand.String(8)
idOther := srand.String(8) // To check that path does not get changed.
defer os.RemoveAll(id)
defer os.RemoveAll(idOther)
tcfg := defaultAutoAcceptCfg.Copy()
tcfg.Folders = []config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: id,
Path: idOther, // To check that path does not get changed.
m := newState(tcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("missing folder, or shared", id)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: id,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) || fcfg.Path != idOther {
t.Error("missing folder, or unshared, or path changed", id)
func TestAutoAcceptNewAndExistingFolder(t *testing.T) {
// New and existing folder
id1 := srand.String(8)
defer os.RemoveAll(id1)
id2 := srand.String(8)
defer os.RemoveAll(id2)
tcfg := defaultAutoAcceptCfg.Copy()
tcfg.Folders = []config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: id1,
Path: id1, // from previous test case, to verify that path doesn't get changed.
m := newState(tcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id1); !ok || fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("missing folder, or shared", id1)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id1,
Label: id1,
ID: id2,
Label: id2,
for i, id := range []string{id1, id2} {
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("missing folder, or unshared", i, id)
func TestAutoAcceptAlreadyShared(t *testing.T) {
// Already shared
id := srand.String(8)
defer os.RemoveAll(id)
tcfg := defaultAutoAcceptCfg.Copy()
tcfg.Folders = []config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: id,
Path: id,
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
m := newState(tcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("missing folder, or not shared", id)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: id,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("missing folder, or not shared", id)
func TestAutoAcceptNameConflict(t *testing.T) {
testOs := &fatalOs{t}
id := srand.String(8)
label := srand.String(8)
testOs.MkdirAll(id, 0777)
testOs.MkdirAll(label, 0777)
defer os.RemoveAll(id)
defer os.RemoveAll(label)
m := newState(defaultAutoAcceptCfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: label,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); ok && fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("unexpected folder", id)
func TestAutoAcceptPrefersLabel(t *testing.T) {
// Prefers label, falls back to ID.
m := newState(defaultAutoAcceptCfg)
id := srand.String(8)
label := srand.String(8)
defer os.RemoveAll(id)
defer os.RemoveAll(label)
defer cleanupModel(m)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: label,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) || !strings.HasSuffix(fcfg.Path, label) {
t.Error("expected shared, or wrong path", id, label, fcfg.Path)
func TestAutoAcceptFallsBackToID(t *testing.T) {
testOs := &fatalOs{t}
// Prefers label, falls back to ID.
m := newState(defaultAutoAcceptCfg)
id := srand.String(8)
label := srand.String(8)
t.Log(id, label)
testOs.MkdirAll(label, 0777)
defer os.RemoveAll(label)
defer os.RemoveAll(id)
defer cleanupModel(m)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: label,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) || !strings.HasSuffix(fcfg.Path, id) {
t.Error("expected shared, or wrong path", id, label, fcfg.Path)
func TestAutoAcceptPausedWhenFolderConfigChanged(t *testing.T) {
// Existing folder
id := srand.String(8)
idOther := srand.String(8) // To check that path does not get changed.
defer os.RemoveAll(id)
defer os.RemoveAll(idOther)
tcfg := defaultAutoAcceptCfg.Copy()
fcfg := config.NewFolderConfiguration(myID, id, "", fs.FilesystemTypeBasic, idOther)
fcfg.Paused = true
// The order of devices here is wrong (cfg.clean() sorts them), which will cause the folder to restart.
// Because of the restart, folder gets removed from m.deviceFolder, which means that generateClusterConfig will not panic.
// This wasn't an issue before, yet keeping the test case to prove that it still isn't.
fcfg.Devices = append(fcfg.Devices, config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
tcfg.Folders = []config.FolderConfiguration{fcfg}
m := newState(tcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("missing folder, or not shared", id)
if _, ok := m.folderRunners[id]; ok {
t.Fatal("folder running?")
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: id,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok {
t.Error("missing folder")
} else if fcfg.Path != idOther {
t.Error("folder path changed")
} else {
for _, dev := range fcfg.DeviceIDs() {
if dev == device1 {
t.Error("device missing")
if _, ok := m.folderRunners[id]; ok {
t.Error("folder started")
func TestAutoAcceptPausedWhenFolderConfigNotChanged(t *testing.T) {
// Existing folder
id := srand.String(8)
idOther := srand.String(8) // To check that path does not get changed.
defer os.RemoveAll(id)
defer os.RemoveAll(idOther)
tcfg := defaultAutoAcceptCfg.Copy()
fcfg := config.NewFolderConfiguration(myID, id, "", fs.FilesystemTypeBasic, idOther)
fcfg.Paused = true
// The new folder is exactly the same as the one constructed by handleAutoAccept, which means
// the folder will not be restarted (even if it's paused), yet handleAutoAccept used to add the folder
// to m.deviceFolders which had caused panics when calling generateClusterConfig, as the folder
// did not have a file set.
fcfg.Devices = append([]config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
}, fcfg.Devices...) // Need to ensure this device order to avoid folder restart.
tcfg.Folders = []config.FolderConfiguration{fcfg}
m := newState(tcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("missing folder, or not shared", id)
if _, ok := m.folderRunners[id]; ok {
t.Fatal("folder running?")
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: id,
Label: id,
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(id); !ok {
t.Error("missing folder")
} else if fcfg.Path != idOther {
t.Error("folder path changed")
} else {
for _, dev := range fcfg.DeviceIDs() {
if dev == device1 {
t.Error("device missing")
if _, ok := m.folderRunners[id]; ok {
t.Error("folder started")
func changeIgnores(t *testing.T, m *model, expected []string) {
arrEqual := func(a, b []string) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if a[i] != b[i] {
return false
return true
ignores, _, err := m.GetIgnores("default")
if err != nil {
if !arrEqual(ignores, expected) {
t.Errorf("Incorrect ignores: %v != %v", ignores, expected)
ignores = append(ignores, "pox")
err = m.SetIgnores("default", ignores)
if err != nil {
ignores2, _, err := m.GetIgnores("default")
if err != nil {
if !arrEqual(ignores, ignores2) {
t.Errorf("Incorrect ignores: %v != %v", ignores2, ignores)
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
// see above
} else {
err = m.SetIgnores("default", expected)
if err != nil {
ignores, _, err = m.GetIgnores("default")
if err != nil {
if !arrEqual(ignores, expected) {
t.Errorf("Incorrect ignores: %v != %v", ignores, expected)
func TestIgnores(t *testing.T) {
testOs := &fatalOs{t}
// Assure a clean start state
testOs.RemoveAll(filepath.Join("testdata", config.DefaultMarkerName))
testOs.MkdirAll(filepath.Join("testdata", config.DefaultMarkerName), 0644)
ioutil.WriteFile("testdata/.stignore", []byte(".*\nquux\n"), 0644)
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
folderIgnoresAlwaysReload(m, defaultFolderConfig)
// Make sure the initial scan has finished (ScanFolders is blocking)
expected := []string{
changeIgnores(t, m, expected)
_, _, err := m.GetIgnores("doesnotexist")
if err == nil {
t.Error("No error")
err = m.SetIgnores("doesnotexist", expected)
if err == nil {
t.Error("No error")
// Invalid path, marker should be missing, hence returns an error.
fcfg := config.FolderConfiguration{ID: "fresh", Path: "XXX"}
ignores := ignore.New(fcfg.Filesystem(), ignore.WithCache(m.cacheIgnoredFiles))
m.folderCfgs[fcfg.ID] = fcfg
m.folderIgnores[fcfg.ID] = ignores
_, _, err = m.GetIgnores("fresh")
if err == nil {
t.Error("No error")
// Repeat tests with paused folder
pausedDefaultFolderConfig := defaultFolderConfig
pausedDefaultFolderConfig.Paused = true
m.restartFolder(defaultFolderConfig, pausedDefaultFolderConfig)
// Here folder initialization is not an issue as a paused folder isn't
// added to the model and thus there is no initial scan happening.
changeIgnores(t, m, expected)
// Make sure no .stignore file is considered valid
defer func() {
testOs.Rename("testdata/.stignore.bak", "testdata/.stignore")
testOs.Rename("testdata/.stignore", "testdata/.stignore.bak")
changeIgnores(t, m, []string{})
func TestEmptyIgnores(t *testing.T) {
testOs := &fatalOs{t}
// Assure a clean start state
testOs.RemoveAll(filepath.Join("testdata", config.DefaultMarkerName))
testOs.MkdirAll(filepath.Join("testdata", config.DefaultMarkerName), 0644)
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
if err := m.SetIgnores("default", []string{}); err != nil {
if _, err := os.Stat("testdata/.stignore"); err == nil {
t.Error(".stignore was created despite being empty")
if err := m.SetIgnores("default", []string{".*", "quux"}); err != nil {
if _, err := os.Stat("testdata/.stignore"); os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Error(".stignore does not exist")
if err := m.SetIgnores("default", []string{}); err != nil {
if _, err := os.Stat("testdata/.stignore"); err == nil {
t.Error(".stignore should have been deleted because it is empty")
func waitForState(t *testing.T, sub events.Subscription, folder, expected string) {
timeout := time.After(5 * time.Second)
var error string
for {
select {
case ev := <-sub.C():
data := ev.Data.(map[string]interface{})
if data["folder"].(string) == folder {
if data["error"] == nil {
error = ""
} else {
error = data["error"].(string)
if error == expected {
case <-timeout:
t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for status: %s, current status: %v", expected, error)
func TestROScanRecovery(t *testing.T) {
testOs := &fatalOs{t}
ldb := db.NewLowlevel(backend.OpenMemory())
set := db.NewFileSet("default", defaultFs, ldb)
set.Update(protocol.LocalDeviceID, []protocol.FileInfo{
{Name: "dummyfile", Version: protocol.Vector{Counters: []protocol.Counter{{ID: 42, Value: 1}}}},
fcfg := config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "default",
Path: "rotestfolder",
Type: config.FolderTypeSendOnly,
RescanIntervalS: 1,
MarkerName: config.DefaultMarkerName,
cfg := createTmpWrapper(config.Configuration{
Folders: []config.FolderConfiguration{fcfg},
Devices: []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
m := newModel(cfg, myID, "syncthing", "dev", ldb, nil)
sub := m.evLogger.Subscribe(events.StateChanged)
defer sub.Unsubscribe()
defer cleanupModel(m)
waitForState(t, sub, "default", "folder path missing")
testOs.Mkdir(fcfg.Path, 0700)
waitForState(t, sub, "default", config.ErrMarkerMissing.Error())
fd := testOs.Create(filepath.Join(fcfg.Path, config.DefaultMarkerName))
waitForState(t, sub, "default", "")
testOs.Remove(filepath.Join(fcfg.Path, config.DefaultMarkerName))
waitForState(t, sub, "default", config.ErrMarkerMissing.Error())
waitForState(t, sub, "default", "folder path missing")
func TestRWScanRecovery(t *testing.T) {
testOs := &fatalOs{t}
ldb := db.NewLowlevel(backend.OpenMemory())
set := db.NewFileSet("default", defaultFs, ldb)
set.Update(protocol.LocalDeviceID, []protocol.FileInfo{
{Name: "dummyfile", Version: protocol.Vector{Counters: []protocol.Counter{{ID: 42, Value: 1}}}},
fcfg := config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "default",
Path: "rwtestfolder",
Type: config.FolderTypeSendReceive,
RescanIntervalS: 1,
MarkerName: config.DefaultMarkerName,
cfg := createTmpWrapper(config.Configuration{
Folders: []config.FolderConfiguration{fcfg},
Devices: []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
m := newModel(cfg, myID, "syncthing", "dev", ldb, nil)
sub := m.evLogger.Subscribe(events.StateChanged)
defer sub.Unsubscribe()
defer cleanupModel(m)
waitForState(t, sub, "default", "folder path missing")
testOs.Mkdir(fcfg.Path, 0700)
waitForState(t, sub, "default", config.ErrMarkerMissing.Error())
fd := testOs.Create(filepath.Join(fcfg.Path, config.DefaultMarkerName))
waitForState(t, sub, "default", "")
testOs.Remove(filepath.Join(fcfg.Path, config.DefaultMarkerName))
waitForState(t, sub, "default", config.ErrMarkerMissing.Error())
waitForState(t, sub, "default", "folder path missing")
func TestGlobalDirectoryTree(t *testing.T) {
db := db.NewLowlevel(backend.OpenMemory())
m := newModel(defaultCfgWrapper, myID, "syncthing", "dev", db, nil)
defer cleanupModel(m)
b := func(isfile bool, path ...string) protocol.FileInfo {
typ := protocol.FileInfoTypeDirectory
blocks := []protocol.BlockInfo{}
if isfile {
typ = protocol.FileInfoTypeFile
blocks = []protocol.BlockInfo{{Offset: 0x0, Size: 0xa, Hash: []uint8{0x2f, 0x72, 0xcc, 0x11, 0xa6, 0xfc, 0xd0, 0x27, 0x1e, 0xce, 0xf8, 0xc6, 0x10, 0x56, 0xee, 0x1e, 0xb1, 0x24, 0x3b, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x5b, 0xf9, 0xa9, 0xdf, 0x98, 0xf9, 0x2f, 0x76, 0x36, 0xb0, 0x5c}}}
return protocol.FileInfo{
Name: filepath.Join(path...),
Type: typ,
ModifiedS: 0x666,
Blocks: blocks,
Size: 0xa,
filedata := []interface{}{time.Unix(0x666, 0), 0xa}
testdata := []protocol.FileInfo{
b(false, "another"),
b(false, "another", "directory"),
b(true, "another", "directory", "afile"),
b(false, "another", "directory", "with"),
b(false, "another", "directory", "with", "a"),
b(true, "another", "directory", "with", "a", "file"),
b(true, "another", "directory", "with", "file"),
b(true, "another", "file"),
b(false, "other"),
b(false, "other", "rand"),
b(false, "other", "random"),
b(false, "other", "random", "dir"),
b(false, "other", "random", "dirx"),
b(false, "other", "randomx"),
b(false, "some"),
b(false, "some", "directory"),
b(false, "some", "directory", "with"),
b(false, "some", "directory", "with", "a"),
b(true, "some", "directory", "with", "a", "file"),
b(true, "rootfile"),
expectedResult := map[string]interface{}{
"another": map[string]interface{}{
"directory": map[string]interface{}{
"afile": filedata,
"with": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"file": filedata,
"file": filedata,
"file": filedata,
"other": map[string]interface{}{
"rand": map[string]interface{}{},
"random": map[string]interface{}{
"dir": map[string]interface{}{},
"dirx": map[string]interface{}{},
"randomx": map[string]interface{}{},
"some": map[string]interface{}{
"directory": map[string]interface{}{
"with": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"file": filedata,
"rootfile": filedata,
mm := func(data interface{}) string {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return string(bytes)
m.Index(device1, "default", testdata)
result := m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "", -1, false)
if mm(result) != mm(expectedResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%#v\n%#v", result, expectedResult)
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "another", -1, false)
if mm(result) != mm(expectedResult["another"]) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(expectedResult["another"]))
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "", 0, false)
currentResult := map[string]interface{}{
"another": map[string]interface{}{},
"other": map[string]interface{}{},
"some": map[string]interface{}{},
"rootfile": filedata,
if mm(result) != mm(currentResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(currentResult))
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "", 1, false)
currentResult = map[string]interface{}{
"another": map[string]interface{}{
"directory": map[string]interface{}{},
"file": filedata,
"other": map[string]interface{}{
"rand": map[string]interface{}{},
"random": map[string]interface{}{},
"randomx": map[string]interface{}{},
"some": map[string]interface{}{
"directory": map[string]interface{}{},
"rootfile": filedata,
if mm(result) != mm(currentResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(currentResult))
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "", -1, true)
currentResult = map[string]interface{}{
"another": map[string]interface{}{
"directory": map[string]interface{}{
"with": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{},
"other": map[string]interface{}{
"rand": map[string]interface{}{},
"random": map[string]interface{}{
"dir": map[string]interface{}{},
"dirx": map[string]interface{}{},
"randomx": map[string]interface{}{},
"some": map[string]interface{}{
"directory": map[string]interface{}{
"with": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{},
if mm(result) != mm(currentResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(currentResult))
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "", 1, true)
currentResult = map[string]interface{}{
"another": map[string]interface{}{
"directory": map[string]interface{}{},
"other": map[string]interface{}{
"rand": map[string]interface{}{},
"random": map[string]interface{}{},
"randomx": map[string]interface{}{},
"some": map[string]interface{}{
"directory": map[string]interface{}{},
if mm(result) != mm(currentResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(currentResult))
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "another", 0, false)
currentResult = map[string]interface{}{
"directory": map[string]interface{}{},
"file": filedata,
if mm(result) != mm(currentResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(currentResult))
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "some/directory", 0, false)
currentResult = map[string]interface{}{
"with": map[string]interface{}{},
if mm(result) != mm(currentResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(currentResult))
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "some/directory", 1, false)
currentResult = map[string]interface{}{
"with": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{},
if mm(result) != mm(currentResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(currentResult))
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "some/directory", 2, false)
currentResult = map[string]interface{}{
"with": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"file": filedata,
if mm(result) != mm(currentResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(currentResult))
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "another", -1, true)
currentResult = map[string]interface{}{
"directory": map[string]interface{}{
"with": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{},
if mm(result) != mm(currentResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(currentResult))
// No prefix matching!
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "som", -1, false)
currentResult = map[string]interface{}{}
if mm(result) != mm(currentResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(currentResult))
func TestGlobalDirectorySelfFixing(t *testing.T) {
db := db.NewLowlevel(backend.OpenMemory())
m := newModel(defaultCfgWrapper, myID, "syncthing", "dev", db, nil)
defer cleanupModel(m)
b := func(isfile bool, path ...string) protocol.FileInfo {
typ := protocol.FileInfoTypeDirectory
blocks := []protocol.BlockInfo{}
if isfile {
typ = protocol.FileInfoTypeFile
blocks = []protocol.BlockInfo{{Offset: 0x0, Size: 0xa, Hash: []uint8{0x2f, 0x72, 0xcc, 0x11, 0xa6, 0xfc, 0xd0, 0x27, 0x1e, 0xce, 0xf8, 0xc6, 0x10, 0x56, 0xee, 0x1e, 0xb1, 0x24, 0x3b, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x5b, 0xf9, 0xa9, 0xdf, 0x98, 0xf9, 0x2f, 0x76, 0x36, 0xb0, 0x5c}}}
return protocol.FileInfo{
Name: filepath.Join(path...),
Type: typ,
ModifiedS: 0x666,
Blocks: blocks,
Size: 0xa,
filedata := []interface{}{time.Unix(0x666, 0).Format(time.RFC3339), 0xa}
testdata := []protocol.FileInfo{
b(true, "another", "directory", "afile"),
b(true, "another", "directory", "with", "a", "file"),
b(true, "another", "directory", "with", "file"),
b(false, "other", "random", "dirx"),
b(false, "other", "randomx"),
b(false, "some", "directory", "with", "x"),
b(true, "some", "directory", "with", "a", "file"),
b(false, "this", "is", "a", "deep", "invalid", "directory"),
b(true, "xthis", "is", "a", "deep", "invalid", "file"),
expectedResult := map[string]interface{}{
"another": map[string]interface{}{
"directory": map[string]interface{}{
"afile": filedata,
"with": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"file": filedata,
"file": filedata,
"other": map[string]interface{}{
"random": map[string]interface{}{
"dirx": map[string]interface{}{},
"randomx": map[string]interface{}{},
"some": map[string]interface{}{
"directory": map[string]interface{}{
"with": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"file": filedata,
"x": map[string]interface{}{},
"this": map[string]interface{}{
"is": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"deep": map[string]interface{}{
"invalid": map[string]interface{}{
"directory": map[string]interface{}{},
"xthis": map[string]interface{}{
"is": map[string]interface{}{
"a": map[string]interface{}{
"deep": map[string]interface{}{
"invalid": map[string]interface{}{
"file": filedata,
mm := func(data interface{}) string {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return string(bytes)
m.Index(device1, "default", testdata)
result := m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "", -1, false)
if mm(result) != mm(expectedResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(expectedResult))
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "xthis/is/a/deep", -1, false)
currentResult := map[string]interface{}{
"invalid": map[string]interface{}{
"file": filedata,
if mm(result) != mm(currentResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(currentResult))
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "xthis/is/a/deep", -1, true)
currentResult = map[string]interface{}{
"invalid": map[string]interface{}{},
if mm(result) != mm(currentResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(currentResult))
// !!! This is actually BAD, because we don't have enough level allowance
// to accept this file, hence the tree is left unbuilt !!!
result = m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "xthis", 1, false)
currentResult = map[string]interface{}{}
if mm(result) != mm(currentResult) {
t.Errorf("Does not match:\n%s\n%s", mm(result), mm(currentResult))
func genDeepFiles(n, d int) []protocol.FileInfo {
files := make([]protocol.FileInfo, n)
t := time.Now().Unix()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
path := ""
for i := 0; i <= d; i++ {
path = filepath.Join(path, strconv.Itoa(rand.Int()))
sofar := ""
for _, path := range filepath.SplitList(path) {
sofar = filepath.Join(sofar, path)
files[i] = protocol.FileInfo{
Name: sofar,
files[i].ModifiedS = t
files[i].Blocks = []protocol.BlockInfo{{Offset: 0, Size: 100, Hash: []byte("some hash bytes")}}
return files
func BenchmarkTree_10000_50(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkTree(b, 10000, 50)
func BenchmarkTree_100_50(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkTree(b, 100, 50)
func BenchmarkTree_100_10(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkTree(b, 100, 10)
func benchmarkTree(b *testing.B, n1, n2 int) {
db := db.NewLowlevel(backend.OpenMemory())
m := newModel(defaultCfgWrapper, myID, "syncthing", "dev", db, nil)
defer cleanupModel(m)
files := genDeepFiles(n1, n2)
m.Index(device1, "default", files)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
m.GlobalDirectoryTree("default", "", -1, false)
func TestIssue3028(t *testing.T) {
testOs := &fatalOs{t}
// Create two files that we'll delete, one with a name that is a prefix of the other.
must(t, ioutil.WriteFile("testdata/testrm", []byte("Hello"), 0644))
defer testOs.Remove("testdata/testrm")
must(t, ioutil.WriteFile("testdata/testrm2", []byte("Hello"), 0644))
defer testOs.Remove("testdata/testrm2")
// Create a model and default folder
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
// Get a count of how many files are there now
locorigfiles := localSize(t, m, "default").Files
globorigfiles := globalSize(t, m, "default").Files
// Delete and rescan specifically these two
m.ScanFolderSubdirs("default", []string{"testrm", "testrm2"})
// Verify that the number of files decreased by two and the number of
// deleted files increases by two
loc := localSize(t, m, "default")
glob := globalSize(t, m, "default")
if loc.Files != locorigfiles-2 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect local accounting; got %d current files, expected %d", loc.Files, locorigfiles-2)
if glob.Files != globorigfiles-2 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect global accounting; got %d current files, expected %d", glob.Files, globorigfiles-2)
if loc.Deleted != 2 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect local accounting; got %d deleted files, expected 2", loc.Deleted)
if glob.Deleted != 2 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect global accounting; got %d deleted files, expected 2", glob.Deleted)
func TestIssue4357(t *testing.T) {
db := db.NewLowlevel(backend.OpenMemory())
cfg := defaultCfgWrapper.RawCopy()
// Create a separate wrapper not to pollute other tests.
wrapper := createTmpWrapper(config.Configuration{})
m := newModel(wrapper, myID, "syncthing", "dev", db, nil)
defer cleanupModel(m)
// Force the model to wire itself and add the folders
p, err := wrapper.Replace(cfg)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := m.folderCfgs["default"]; !ok {
t.Error("Folder should be running")
newCfg := wrapper.RawCopy()
newCfg.Folders[0].Paused = true
p, err = wrapper.Replace(newCfg)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := m.folderCfgs["default"]; ok {
t.Error("Folder should not be running")
if _, ok := m.cfg.Folder("default"); !ok {
t.Error("should still have folder in config")
p, err = wrapper.Replace(config.Configuration{})
if err != nil {
if _, ok := m.cfg.Folder("default"); ok {
t.Error("should not have folder in config")
// Add the folder back, should be running
p, err = wrapper.Replace(cfg)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := m.folderCfgs["default"]; !ok {
t.Error("Folder should be running")
if _, ok := m.cfg.Folder("default"); !ok {
t.Error("should still have folder in config")
// Should not panic when removing a running folder.
p, err = wrapper.Replace(config.Configuration{})
if err != nil {
if _, ok := m.folderCfgs["default"]; ok {
t.Error("Folder should not be running")
if _, ok := m.cfg.Folder("default"); ok {
t.Error("should not have folder in config")
func TestIssue2782(t *testing.T) {
// CheckHealth should accept a symlinked folder, when using tilde-expanded path.
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("not reliable on Windows")
home := os.Getenv("HOME")
if home == "" {
t.Skip("no home")
// Create the test env. Needs to be based on $HOME as tilde expansion is
// part of the issue. Skip the test if any of this fails, as we are a
// bit outside of our stated domain here...
testName := ".syncthing-test." + srand.String(16)
testDir := filepath.Join(home, testName)
if err := os.RemoveAll(testDir); err != nil {
if err := os.MkdirAll(testDir+"/syncdir", 0755); err != nil {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(testDir+"/syncdir/file", []byte("hello, world\n"), 0644); err != nil {
if err := os.Symlink("syncdir", testDir+"/synclink"); err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(testDir)
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
if err := m.ScanFolder("default"); err != nil {
t.Error("scan error:", err)
runner := m.folderRunners["default"]
if _, _, err := runner.getState(); err != nil {
t.Error("folder error:", err)
func TestIndexesForUnknownDevicesDropped(t *testing.T) {
dbi := db.NewLowlevel(backend.OpenMemory())
files := db.NewFileSet("default", defaultFs, dbi)
files.Update(device1, genFiles(1))
files.Update(device2, genFiles(1))
if len(files.ListDevices()) != 2 {
t.Error("expected two devices")
m := newModel(defaultCfgWrapper, myID, "syncthing", "dev", dbi, nil)
defer cleanupModel(m)
// Remote sequence is cached, hence need to recreated.
files = db.NewFileSet("default", defaultFs, dbi)
if l := len(files.ListDevices()); l != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected one device got %v", l)
func TestSharedWithClearedOnDisconnect(t *testing.T) {
wcfg := createTmpWrapper(defaultCfg)
wcfg.SetDevice(config.NewDeviceConfiguration(device2, "device2"))
fcfg := wcfg.FolderList()[0]
fcfg.Devices = append(fcfg.Devices, config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{DeviceID: device2})
defer os.Remove(wcfg.ConfigPath())
m := setupModel(wcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
conn1 := &fakeConnection{id: device1, model: m}
m.AddConnection(conn1, protocol.HelloResult{})
conn2 := &fakeConnection{id: device2, model: m}
m.AddConnection(conn2, protocol.HelloResult{})
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: "default",
Devices: []protocol.Device{
{ID: myID},
{ID: device1},
{ID: device2},
m.ClusterConfig(device2, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: "default",
Devices: []protocol.Device{
{ID: myID},
{ID: device1},
{ID: device2},
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder("default"); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("not shared with device1")
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder("default"); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device2) {
t.Error("not shared with device2")
if conn2.Closed() {
t.Error("conn already closed")
if _, err := wcfg.RemoveDevice(device2); err != nil {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // Committer notification happens in a separate routine
fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder("default")
if !ok {
t.Fatal("default folder missing")
if !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Error("not shared with device1")
if fcfg.SharedWith(device2) {
t.Error("shared with device2")
for _, dev := range fcfg.Devices {
if dev.DeviceID == device2 {
t.Error("still there")
if !conn2.Closed() {
t.Error("connection not closed")
if _, ok := wcfg.Devices()[device2]; ok {
t.Error("device still in config")
if _, ok := m.conn[device2]; ok {
t.Error("conn not missing")
if _, ok := m.helloMessages[device2]; ok {
t.Error("hello not missing")
if _, ok := m.deviceDownloads[device2]; ok {
t.Error("downloads not missing")
func TestIssue3496(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("This test deletes files that the other test depend on. Needs fixing.")
// It seems like lots of deleted files can cause negative completion
// percentages. Lets make sure that doesn't happen. Also do some general
// checks on the completion calculation stuff.
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
addFakeConn(m, device1)
addFakeConn(m, device2)
// Reach into the model and grab the current file list...
fs := m.folderFiles["default"]
var localFiles []protocol.FileInfo
snap := fs.Snapshot()
snap.WithHave(protocol.LocalDeviceID, func(i db.FileIntf) bool {
localFiles = append(localFiles, i.(protocol.FileInfo))
return true
// Mark all files as deleted and fake it as update from device1
for i := range localFiles {
localFiles[i].Deleted = true
localFiles[i].Version = localFiles[i].Version.Update(device1.Short())
localFiles[i].Blocks = nil
// Also add a small file that we're supposed to need, or the global size
// stuff will bail out early due to the entire folder being zero size.
localFiles = append(localFiles, protocol.FileInfo{
Name: "fake",
Size: 1234,
Type: protocol.FileInfoTypeFile,
Version: protocol.Vector{Counters: []protocol.Counter{{ID: device1.Short(), Value: 42}}},
m.IndexUpdate(device1, "default", localFiles)
// Check that the completion percentage for us makes sense
comp := m.Completion(protocol.LocalDeviceID, "default")
if comp.NeedBytes > comp.GlobalBytes {
t.Errorf("Need more bytes than exist, not possible: %d > %d", comp.NeedBytes, comp.GlobalBytes)
if comp.CompletionPct < 0 {
t.Errorf("Less than zero percent complete, not possible: %.02f%%", comp.CompletionPct)
if comp.NeedBytes == 0 {
t.Error("Need no bytes even though some files are deleted")
if comp.CompletionPct == 100 {
t.Errorf("Fully complete, not possible: %.02f%%", comp.CompletionPct)
// Check that NeedSize does the correct thing
need := needSize(t, m, "default")
if need.Files != 1 || need.Bytes != 1234 {
// The one we added synthetically above
t.Errorf("Incorrect need size; %d, %d != 1, 1234", need.Files, need.Bytes)
if int(need.Deleted) != len(localFiles)-1 {
// The rest
t.Errorf("Incorrect need deletes; %d != %d", need.Deleted, len(localFiles)-1)
func TestIssue3804(t *testing.T) {
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
// Subdirs ending in slash should be accepted
if err := m.ScanFolderSubdirs("default", []string{"baz/", "foo"}); err != nil {
t.Error("Unexpected error:", err)
func TestIssue3829(t *testing.T) {
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
// Empty subdirs should be accepted
if err := m.ScanFolderSubdirs("default", []string{""}); err != nil {
t.Error("Unexpected error:", err)
func TestNoRequestsFromPausedDevices(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("broken, fails randomly, #3843")
wcfg := createTmpWrapper(defaultCfg)
wcfg.SetDevice(config.NewDeviceConfiguration(device2, "device2"))
fcfg := wcfg.FolderList()[0]
fcfg.Devices = append(fcfg.Devices, config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{DeviceID: device2})
m := setupModel(wcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
file := testDataExpected["foo"]
files := m.folderFiles["default"]
files.Update(device1, []protocol.FileInfo{file})
files.Update(device2, []protocol.FileInfo{file})
avail := m.Availability("default", file, file.Blocks[0])
if len(avail) != 0 {
t.Errorf("should not be available, no connections")
addFakeConn(m, device1)
addFakeConn(m, device2)
// !!! This is not what I'd expect to happen, as we don't even know if the peer has the original index !!!
avail = m.Availability("default", file, file.Blocks[0])
if len(avail) != 2 {
t.Errorf("should have two available")
cc := protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: "default",
Devices: []protocol.Device{
{ID: device1},
{ID: device2},
m.ClusterConfig(device1, cc)
m.ClusterConfig(device2, cc)
avail = m.Availability("default", file, file.Blocks[0])
if len(avail) != 2 {
t.Errorf("should have two available")
m.Closed(&fakeConnection{id: device1, model: m}, errDeviceUnknown)
m.Closed(&fakeConnection{id: device2, model: m}, errDeviceUnknown)
avail = m.Availability("default", file, file.Blocks[0])
if len(avail) != 0 {
t.Errorf("should have no available")
// Test that remote paused folders are not used.
addFakeConn(m, device1)
addFakeConn(m, device2)
m.ClusterConfig(device1, cc)
ccp := cc
ccp.Folders[0].Paused = true
m.ClusterConfig(device1, ccp)
avail = m.Availability("default", file, file.Blocks[0])
if len(avail) != 1 {
t.Errorf("should have one available")
// TestIssue2571 tests replacing a directory with content with a symlink
func TestIssue2571(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("Scanning symlinks isn't supported on windows")
w, fcfg := tmpDefaultWrapper()
testFs := fcfg.Filesystem()
defer os.RemoveAll(testFs.URI())
for _, dir := range []string{"toLink", "linkTarget"} {
must(t, testFs.MkdirAll(dir, 0775))
fd, err := testFs.Create(filepath.Join(dir, "a"))
must(t, err)
m := setupModel(w)
defer cleanupModel(m)
must(t, testFs.RemoveAll("toLink"))
must(t, osutil.DebugSymlinkForTestsOnly(filepath.Join(testFs.URI(), "linkTarget"), filepath.Join(testFs.URI(), "toLink")))
if dir, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile("default", "toLink"); !ok {
t.Fatalf("Dir missing in db")
} else if !dir.IsSymlink() {
t.Errorf("Dir wasn't changed to symlink")
if file, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile("default", filepath.Join("toLink", "a")); !ok {
t.Fatalf("File missing in db")
} else if !file.Deleted {
t.Errorf("File below symlink has not been marked as deleted")
// TestIssue4573 tests that contents of an unavailable dir aren't marked deleted
func TestIssue4573(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("Can't make the dir inaccessible on windows")
w, fcfg := tmpDefaultWrapper()
testFs := fcfg.Filesystem()
defer os.RemoveAll(testFs.URI())
must(t, testFs.MkdirAll("inaccessible", 0755))
defer testFs.Chmod("inaccessible", 0777)
file := filepath.Join("inaccessible", "a")
fd, err := testFs.Create(file)
must(t, err)
m := setupModel(w)
defer cleanupModel(m)
must(t, testFs.Chmod("inaccessible", 0000))
if file, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile("default", file); !ok {
t.Fatalf("File missing in db")
} else if file.Deleted {
t.Errorf("Inaccessible file has been marked as deleted.")
// TestInternalScan checks whether various fs operations are correctly represented
// in the db after scanning.
func TestInternalScan(t *testing.T) {
w, fcfg := tmpDefaultWrapper()
testFs := fcfg.Filesystem()
defer os.RemoveAll(testFs.URI())
testCases := map[string]func(protocol.FileInfo) bool{
"removeDir": func(f protocol.FileInfo) bool {
return !f.Deleted
"dirToFile": func(f protocol.FileInfo) bool {
return f.Deleted || f.IsDirectory()
baseDirs := []string{"dirToFile", "removeDir"}
for _, dir := range baseDirs {
sub := filepath.Join(dir, "subDir")
for _, dir := range []string{dir, sub} {
if err := testFs.MkdirAll(dir, 0775); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%v: %v", dir, err)
testCases[sub] = func(f protocol.FileInfo) bool {
return !f.Deleted
for _, dir := range []string{dir, sub} {
file := filepath.Join(dir, "a")
fd, err := testFs.Create(file)
must(t, err)
testCases[file] = func(f protocol.FileInfo) bool {
return !f.Deleted
m := setupModel(w)
defer cleanupModel(m)
for _, dir := range baseDirs {
must(t, testFs.RemoveAll(dir))
fd, err := testFs.Create("dirToFile")
must(t, err)
for path, cond := range testCases {
if f, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile("default", path); !ok {
t.Fatalf("%v missing in db", path)
} else if cond(f) {
t.Errorf("Incorrect db entry for %v", path)
func TestCustomMarkerName(t *testing.T) {
testOs := &fatalOs{t}
ldb := db.NewLowlevel(backend.OpenMemory())
set := db.NewFileSet("default", defaultFs, ldb)
set.Update(protocol.LocalDeviceID, []protocol.FileInfo{
{Name: "dummyfile"},
fcfg := config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "default",
Path: "rwtestfolder",
Type: config.FolderTypeSendReceive,
RescanIntervalS: 1,
MarkerName: "myfile",
cfg := createTmpWrapper(config.Configuration{
Folders: []config.FolderConfiguration{fcfg},
Devices: []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
defer testOs.RemoveAll(fcfg.Path)
m := newModel(cfg, myID, "syncthing", "dev", ldb, nil)
sub := m.evLogger.Subscribe(events.StateChanged)
defer sub.Unsubscribe()
defer cleanupModel(m)
waitForState(t, sub, "default", "folder path missing")
testOs.Mkdir(fcfg.Path, 0700)
fd := testOs.Create(filepath.Join(fcfg.Path, "myfile"))
waitForState(t, sub, "default", "")
func TestRemoveDirWithContent(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
defaultFs.MkdirAll("dirwith", 0755)
content := filepath.Join("dirwith", "content")
fd, err := defaultFs.Create(content)
must(t, err)
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
dir, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile("default", "dirwith")
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Can't get dir \"dirwith\" after initial scan")
dir.Deleted = true
dir.Version = dir.Version.Update(device1.Short()).Update(device1.Short())
file, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile("default", content)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Can't get file \"%v\" after initial scan", content)
file.Deleted = true
file.Version = file.Version.Update(device1.Short()).Update(device1.Short())
m.IndexUpdate(device1, "default", []protocol.FileInfo{dir, file})
// Is there something we could trigger on instead of just waiting?
timeout := time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second)
for {
dir, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile("default", "dirwith")
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Can't get dir \"dirwith\" after index update")
file, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile("default", content)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Can't get file \"%v\" after index update", content)
if dir.Deleted && file.Deleted {
select {
case <-timeout.C:
if !dir.Deleted && !file.Deleted {
t.Errorf("Neither the dir nor its content was deleted before timing out.")
} else if !dir.Deleted {
t.Errorf("The dir was not deleted before timing out.")
} else {
t.Errorf("The content of the dir was not deleted before timing out.")
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
func TestIssue4475(t *testing.T) {
m, conn, fcfg := setupModelWithConnection()
defer cleanupModel(m)
testFs := fcfg.Filesystem()
// Scenario: Dir is deleted locally and before syncing/index exchange
// happens, a file is create in that dir on the remote.
// This should result in the directory being recreated and added to the
// db locally.
must(t, testFs.MkdirAll("delDir", 0755))
if fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder("default"); !ok || !fcfg.SharedWith(device1) {
t.Fatal("not shared with device1")
fileName := filepath.Join("delDir", "file")
conn.addFile(fileName, 0644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, nil)
// Is there something we could trigger on instead of just waiting?
timeout := time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second)
created := false
for {
if !created {
if _, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile("default", fileName); ok {
created = true
} else {
dir, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile("default", "delDir")
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("can't get dir from db")
if !dir.Deleted {
select {
case <-timeout.C:
if created {
t.Errorf("Timed out before file from remote was created")
} else {
t.Errorf("Timed out before directory was resurrected in db")
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
func TestVersionRestore(t *testing.T) {
// We create a bunch of files which we restore
// In each file, we write the filename as the content
// We verify that the content matches at the expected filenames
// after the restore operation.
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
must(t, err)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
fcfg := config.NewFolderConfiguration(myID, "default", "default", fs.FilesystemTypeBasic, dir)
fcfg.Versioning.Type = "simple"
fcfg.FSWatcherEnabled = false
filesystem := fcfg.Filesystem()
rawConfig := config.Configuration{
Folders: []config.FolderConfiguration{fcfg},
cfg := createTmpWrapper(rawConfig)
m := setupModel(cfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
sentinel, err := time.ParseInLocation(versioner.TimeFormat, "20180101-010101", time.Local)
if err != nil {
for _, file := range []string{
// Versions directory
".stversions/file~20171210-040404.txt", // will be restored
".stversions/existing~20171210-040404", // exists, should expect to be archived.
".stversions/something~20171210-040404", // will become directory, hence error
".stversions/very/very/deep/one~20171210-040406.txt", // lives deep down, no directory exists.
".stversions/dir/existing~20171210-040406.txt", // exists, should expect to be archived.
".stversions/dir/cat", // untagged which was used by trashcan, supported
// "file.txt" will be restored
"something/file", // Becomes directory
} {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
file = filepath.FromSlash(file)
dir := filepath.Dir(file)
must(t, filesystem.MkdirAll(dir, 0755))
if fd, err := filesystem.Create(file); err != nil {
} else if _, err := fd.Write([]byte(file)); err != nil {
} else if err := fd.Close(); err != nil {
} else if err := filesystem.Chtimes(file, sentinel, sentinel); err != nil {
versions, err := m.GetFolderVersions("default")
must(t, err)
expectedVersions := map[string]int{
"file.txt": 1,
"existing": 1,
"something": 1,
"dir/file.txt": 3,
"dir/existing.txt": 1,
"very/very/deep/one.txt": 1,
"dir/cat": 1,
for name, vers := range versions {
cnt, ok := expectedVersions[name]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("unexpected %s", name)
if len(vers) != cnt {
t.Errorf("%s: %d != %d", name, cnt, len(vers))
// Delete, so we can check if we didn't hit something we expect afterwards.
delete(expectedVersions, name)
for name := range expectedVersions {
t.Errorf("not found expected %s", name)
// Restoring non existing folder fails.
_, err = m.RestoreFolderVersions("does not exist", nil)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected an error")
makeTime := func(s string) time.Time {
tm, err := time.ParseInLocation(versioner.TimeFormat, s, time.Local)
if err != nil {
return tm.Truncate(time.Second)
restore := map[string]time.Time{
"file.txt": makeTime("20171210-040404"),
"existing": makeTime("20171210-040404"),
"something": makeTime("20171210-040404"),
"dir/file.txt": makeTime("20171210-040406"),
"dir/existing.txt": makeTime("20171210-040406"),
"very/very/deep/one.txt": makeTime("20171210-040406"),
beforeRestore := time.Now().Truncate(time.Second)
ferr, err := m.RestoreFolderVersions("default", restore)
must(t, err)
if err, ok := ferr["something"]; len(ferr) > 1 || !ok || err != "cannot restore on top of a directory" {
t.Fatalf("incorrect error or count: %d %s", len(ferr), ferr)
// Failed items are not expected to be restored.
// Remove them from expectations
for name := range ferr {
delete(restore, name)
// Check that content of files matches to the version they've been restored.
for file, version := range restore {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
file = filepath.FromSlash(file)
tag := version.In(time.Local).Truncate(time.Second).Format(versioner.TimeFormat)
taggedName := filepath.Join(".stversions", versioner.TagFilename(file, tag))
fd, err := filesystem.Open(file)
if err != nil {
defer fd.Close()
content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(fd)
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(content, []byte(taggedName)) {
t.Errorf("%s: %s != %s", file, string(content), taggedName)
// Simple versioner uses now for timestamp generation, so we can check
// if existing stuff was correctly archived as we restored (oppose to deleteD), and version time as after beforeRestore
expectArchived := map[string]struct{}{
"existing": {},
"dir/file.txt": {},
"dir/existing.txt": {},
allFileVersions, err := m.GetFolderVersions("default")
must(t, err)
for file, versions := range allFileVersions {
key := file
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
file = filepath.FromSlash(file)
for _, version := range versions {
if version.VersionTime.Equal(beforeRestore) || version.VersionTime.After(beforeRestore) {
fd, err := filesystem.Open(".stversions/" + versioner.TagFilename(file, version.VersionTime.Format(versioner.TimeFormat)))
must(t, err)
defer fd.Close()
content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(fd)
if err != nil {
// Even if they are at the archived path, content should have the non
// archived name.
if !bytes.Equal(content, []byte(file)) {
t.Errorf("%s (%s): %s != %s", file, fd.Name(), string(content), file)
_, ok := expectArchived[key]
if !ok {
t.Error("unexpected archived file with future timestamp", file, version.VersionTime)
delete(expectArchived, key)
if len(expectArchived) != 0 {
t.Fatal("missed some archived files", expectArchived)
func TestPausedFolders(t *testing.T) {
// Create a separate wrapper not to pollute other tests.
wrapper := createTmpWrapper(defaultCfgWrapper.RawCopy())
m := setupModel(wrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
if err := m.ScanFolder("default"); err != nil {
pausedConfig := wrapper.RawCopy()
pausedConfig.Folders[0].Paused = true
w, err := m.cfg.Replace(pausedConfig)
must(t, err)
if err := m.ScanFolder("default"); err != ErrFolderPaused {
t.Errorf("Expected folder paused error, received: %v", err)
if err := m.ScanFolder("nonexistent"); err != errFolderMissing {
t.Errorf("Expected missing folder error, received: %v", err)
func TestIssue4094(t *testing.T) {
testOs := &fatalOs{t}
db := db.NewLowlevel(backend.OpenMemory())
// Create a separate wrapper not to pollute other tests.
wrapper := createTmpWrapper(config.Configuration{})
m := newModel(wrapper, myID, "syncthing", "dev", db, nil)
defer cleanupModel(m)
// Force the model to wire itself and add the folders
folderPath := "nonexistent"
defer testOs.RemoveAll(folderPath)
cfg := defaultCfgWrapper.RawCopy()
fcfg := config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "folder1",
Path: folderPath,
Paused: true,
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
cfg.Folders = []config.FolderConfiguration{fcfg}
p, err := wrapper.Replace(cfg)
must(t, err)
if err := m.SetIgnores(fcfg.ID, []string{"foo"}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed setting ignores: %v", err)
if _, err := fcfg.Filesystem().Lstat(".stignore"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed stating .stignore: %v", err)
func TestIssue4903(t *testing.T) {
testOs := &fatalOs{t}
db := db.NewLowlevel(backend.OpenMemory())
// Create a separate wrapper not to pollute other tests.
wrapper := createTmpWrapper(config.Configuration{})
m := newModel(wrapper, myID, "syncthing", "dev", db, nil)
defer cleanupModel(m)
// Force the model to wire itself and add the folders
folderPath := "nonexistent"
defer testOs.RemoveAll(folderPath)
cfg := defaultCfgWrapper.RawCopy()
fcfg := config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "folder1",
Path: folderPath,
Paused: true,
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
{DeviceID: device1},
cfg.Folders = []config.FolderConfiguration{fcfg}
p, err := wrapper.Replace(cfg)
must(t, err)
if err := fcfg.CheckPath(); err != config.ErrPathMissing {
t.Fatalf("expected path missing error, got: %v", err)
if _, err := fcfg.Filesystem().Lstat("."); !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Fatalf("Expected missing path error, got: %v", err)
func TestIssue5002(t *testing.T) {
// recheckFile should not panic when given an index equal to the number of blocks
m := setupModel(defaultCfgWrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
if err := m.ScanFolder("default"); err != nil {
file, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile("default", "foo")
if !ok {
t.Fatal("test file should exist")
blockSize := int32(file.BlockSize())
m.recheckFile(protocol.LocalDeviceID, "default", "foo", file.Size-int64(blockSize), []byte{1, 2, 3, 4})
m.recheckFile(protocol.LocalDeviceID, "default", "foo", file.Size, []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}) // panic
m.recheckFile(protocol.LocalDeviceID, "default", "foo", file.Size+int64(blockSize), []byte{1, 2, 3, 4})
func TestParentOfUnignored(t *testing.T) {
m := newState(defaultCfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
defer defaultFolderConfig.Filesystem().Remove(".stignore")
m.SetIgnores("default", []string{"!quux", "*"})
if parent, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile("default", "baz"); !ok {
t.Errorf(`Directory "baz" missing in db`)
} else if parent.IsIgnored() {
t.Errorf(`Directory "baz" is ignored`)
// TestFolderRestartZombies reproduces issue 5233, where multiple concurrent folder
// restarts would leave more than one folder runner alive.
func TestFolderRestartZombies(t *testing.T) {
wrapper := createTmpWrapper(defaultCfg.Copy())
opts := wrapper.Options()
opts.RawMaxFolderConcurrency = -1
folderCfg, _ := wrapper.Folder("default")
folderCfg.FilesystemType = fs.FilesystemTypeFake
m := setupModel(wrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
// Make sure the folder is up and running, because we want to count it.
// Check how many running folders we have running before the test.
if r := atomic.LoadInt32(&m.foldersRunning); r != 1 {
t.Error("Expected one running folder, not", r)
// Run a few parallel configuration changers for one second. Each waits
// for the commit to complete, but there are many of them.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
t0 := time.Now()
for time.Since(t0) < time.Second {
cfg := folderCfg.Copy()
cfg.MaxConflicts = rand.Int() // safe change that should cause a folder restart
w, err := wrapper.SetFolder(cfg)
if err != nil {
// Wait for the above to complete and check how many folders we have
// running now. It should not have increased.
// Make sure the folder is up and running, because we want to count it.
if r := atomic.LoadInt32(&m.foldersRunning); r != 1 {
t.Error("Expected one running folder, not", r)
func TestRequestLimit(t *testing.T) {
wrapper := createTmpWrapper(defaultCfg.Copy())
dev, _ := wrapper.Device(device1)
dev.MaxRequestKiB = 1
m, _ := setupModelWithConnectionFromWrapper(wrapper)
defer cleanupModel(m)
file := "tmpfile"
befReq := time.Now()
first, err := m.Request(device1, "default", file, 2000, 0, nil, 0, false)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("First request failed: %v", err)
reqDur := time.Since(befReq)
returned := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
second, err := m.Request(device1, "default", file, 2000, 0, nil, 0, false)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Second request failed: %v", err)
time.Sleep(10 * reqDur)
select {
case <-returned:
t.Fatalf("Second request returned before first was done")
select {
case <-returned:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatalf("Second request did not return after first was done")
func TestSanitizePath(t *testing.T) {
cases := [][2]string{
{"", ""},
{"foo", "foo"},
{`\*/foo\?/bar[{!@$%^&*#()}]`, "foo bar ()"},
{"Räksmörgås", "Räksmörgås"},
{`Räk \/ smörgås`, "Räk smörgås"},
{"هذا هو *\x07?اسم الملف", "هذا هو اسم الملف"},
{`../foo.txt`, `.. foo.txt`},
{" \t \n filename in \t space\r", "filename in space"},
{"你\xff好", `你 好`},
{"\000 foo", "foo"},
for _, tc := range cases {
res := sanitizePath(tc[0])
if res != tc[1] {
t.Errorf("sanitizePath(%q) => %q, expected %q", tc[0], res, tc[1])
// Fuzz test: sanitizePath must always return strings of printable UTF-8
// characters when fed random data.
// Note that space is considered printable, but other whitespace runes are not.
func TestSanitizePathFuzz(t *testing.T) {
buf := make([]byte, 128)
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
path := sanitizePath(string(buf))
if !utf8.ValidString(path) {
t.Errorf("sanitizePath(%q) => %q, not valid UTF-8", buf, path)
for _, c := range path {
if !unicode.IsPrint(c) {
t.Errorf("non-printable rune %q in sanitized path", c)
// TestConnCloseOnRestart checks that there is no deadlock when calling Close
// on a protocol connection that has a blocking reader (blocking writer can't
// be done as the test requires clusterconfigs to go through).
func TestConnCloseOnRestart(t *testing.T) {
oldCloseTimeout := protocol.CloseTimeout
protocol.CloseTimeout = 100 * time.Millisecond
defer func() {
protocol.CloseTimeout = oldCloseTimeout
w, fcfg := tmpDefaultWrapper()
m := setupModel(w)
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, fcfg.Filesystem().URI())
br := &testutils.BlockingRW{}
nw := &testutils.NoopRW{}
m.AddConnection(newFakeProtoConn(protocol.NewConnection(device1, br, nw, m, "testConn", protocol.CompressNever)), protocol.HelloResult{})
if len(m.closed) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected just one conn (len(m.conn) == %v)", len(m.conn))
closed := m.closed[device1]
newFcfg := fcfg.Copy()
newFcfg.Paused = true
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
m.restartFolder(fcfg, newFcfg)
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("Timed out before folder restart returned")
select {
case <-closed:
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("Timed out before connection was closed")
func TestModTimeWindow(t *testing.T) {
w, fcfg := tmpDefaultWrapper()
tfs := fcfg.Filesystem()
fcfg.RawModTimeWindowS = 2
m := setupModel(w)
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, tfs.URI())
name := "foo"
fd, err := tfs.Create(name)
must(t, err)
stat, err := fd.Stat()
must(t, err)
modTime := stat.ModTime()
v := protocol.Vector{}
v = v.Update(myID.Short())
fi, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile("default", name)
if !ok {
t.Fatal("File missing")
if !fi.Version.Equal(v) {
t.Fatalf("Got version %v, expected %v", fi.Version, v)
err = tfs.Chtimes(name, time.Now(), modTime.Add(time.Second))
must(t, err)
// No change due to window
fi, _ = m.CurrentFolderFile("default", name)
if !fi.Version.Equal(v) {
t.Fatalf("Got version %v, expected %v", fi.Version, v)
err = tfs.Chtimes(name, time.Now(), modTime.Add(2*time.Second))
must(t, err)
v = v.Update(myID.Short())
fi, _ = m.CurrentFolderFile("default", name)
if !fi.Version.Equal(v) {
t.Fatalf("Got version %v, expected %v", fi.Version, v)
func TestDevicePause(t *testing.T) {
m, _, fcfg := setupModelWithConnection()
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, fcfg.Filesystem().URI())
sub := m.evLogger.Subscribe(events.DevicePaused)
defer sub.Unsubscribe()
closed := m.closed[device1]
dev := m.cfg.Devices()[device1]
dev.Paused = true
timeout := time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second)
select {
case <-sub.C():
select {
case <-closed:
case <-timeout.C:
t.Fatal("Timed out before connection was closed")
case <-timeout.C:
t.Fatal("Timed out before device was paused")
func TestDeviceWasSeen(t *testing.T) {
m, _, fcfg := setupModelWithConnection()
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, fcfg.Filesystem().URI())
stats, err := m.DeviceStatistics()
if err != nil {
t.Error("Unexpected error:", err)
entry := stats[device1.String()]
if time.Since(entry.LastSeen) > time.Second {
t.Error("device should have been seen now")
func TestNewLimitedRequestResponse(t *testing.T) {
l0 := newByteSemaphore(0)
l1 := newByteSemaphore(1024)
l2 := (*byteSemaphore)(nil)
// Should take 500 bytes from any non-unlimited non-nil limiters.
res := newLimitedRequestResponse(500, l0, l1, l2)
if l1.available != 1024-500 {
t.Error("should have taken bytes from limited limiter")
// Closing the result should return the bytes.
// Try to take 1024 bytes to make sure the bytes were returned.
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Error("Bytes weren't returned in a timely fashion")
func TestSummaryPausedNoError(t *testing.T) {
wcfg, fcfg := tmpDefaultWrapper()
fcfg.Paused = true
m := setupModel(wcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
fss := NewFolderSummaryService(wcfg, m, myID, events.NoopLogger)
if _, err := fss.Summary(fcfg.ID); err != nil {
t.Error("Expected no error getting a summary for a paused folder:", err)
func TestFolderAPIErrors(t *testing.T) {
wcfg, fcfg := tmpDefaultWrapper()
fcfg.Paused = true
m := setupModel(wcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
methods := []func(folder string) error{
func(folder string) error {
return m.ScanFolderSubdirs(folder, nil)
func(folder string) error {
_, err := m.GetFolderVersions(folder)
return err
func(folder string) error {
_, err := m.RestoreFolderVersions(folder, nil)
return err
for i, method := range methods {
if err := method(fcfg.ID); err != ErrFolderPaused {
t.Errorf(`Expected "%v", got "%v" (method no %v)`, ErrFolderPaused, err, i)
if err := method("notexisting"); err != errFolderMissing {
t.Errorf(`Expected "%v", got "%v" (method no %v)`, errFolderMissing, err, i)
func TestRenameSequenceOrder(t *testing.T) {
wcfg, fcfg := tmpDefaultWrapper()
m := setupModel(wcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
numFiles := 20
ffs := fcfg.Filesystem()
for i := 0; i < numFiles; i++ {
v := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
must(t, writeFile(ffs, v, []byte(v), 0644))
count := 0
snap := dbSnapshot(t, m, "default")
snap.WithHave(protocol.LocalDeviceID, func(i db.FileIntf) bool {
return true
if count != numFiles {
t.Errorf("Unexpected count: %d != %d", count, numFiles)
// Modify all the files, other than the ones we expect to rename
for i := 0; i < numFiles; i++ {
if i == 3 || i == 17 || i == 16 || i == 4 {
v := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
must(t, writeFile(ffs, v, []byte(v+"-new"), 0644))
// Rename
must(t, ffs.Rename("3", "17"))
must(t, ffs.Rename("16", "4"))
// Scan
// Verify sequence of a appearing is followed by c disappearing.
snap = dbSnapshot(t, m, "default")
defer snap.Release()
var firstExpectedSequence int64
var secondExpectedSequence int64
failed := false
snap.WithHaveSequence(0, func(i db.FileIntf) bool {
if i.FileName() == "17" {
firstExpectedSequence = i.SequenceNo() + 1
if i.FileName() == "4" {
secondExpectedSequence = i.SequenceNo() + 1
if i.FileName() == "3" {
failed = i.SequenceNo() != firstExpectedSequence || failed
if i.FileName() == "16" {
failed = i.SequenceNo() != secondExpectedSequence || failed
return true
if failed {
func TestRenameSameFile(t *testing.T) {
wcfg, fcfg := tmpDefaultWrapper()
m := setupModel(wcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
ffs := fcfg.Filesystem()
must(t, writeFile(ffs, "file", []byte("file"), 0644))
count := 0
snap := dbSnapshot(t, m, "default")
snap.WithHave(protocol.LocalDeviceID, func(i db.FileIntf) bool {
return true
if count != 1 {
t.Errorf("Unexpected count: %d != %d", count, 1)
must(t, ffs.Rename("file", "file1"))
must(t, osutil.Copy(ffs, ffs, "file1", "file0"))
must(t, osutil.Copy(ffs, ffs, "file1", "file2"))
must(t, osutil.Copy(ffs, ffs, "file1", "file3"))
must(t, osutil.Copy(ffs, ffs, "file1", "file4"))
snap = dbSnapshot(t, m, "default")
defer snap.Release()
prevSeq := int64(0)
seen := false
snap.WithHaveSequence(0, func(i db.FileIntf) bool {
if i.SequenceNo() <= prevSeq {
t.Fatalf("non-increasing sequences: %d <= %d", i.SequenceNo(), prevSeq)
if i.FileName() == "file" {
if seen {
t.Fatal("already seen file")
seen = true
prevSeq = i.SequenceNo()
return true
func TestRenameEmptyFile(t *testing.T) {
wcfg, fcfg := tmpDefaultWrapper()
m := setupModel(wcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
ffs := fcfg.Filesystem()
must(t, writeFile(ffs, "file", []byte("data"), 0644))
must(t, writeFile(ffs, "empty", nil, 0644))
snap := dbSnapshot(t, m, "default")
defer snap.Release()
empty, eok := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, "empty")
if !eok {
t.Fatal("failed to find empty file")
file, fok := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, "file")
if !fok {
t.Fatal("failed to find non-empty file")
count := 0
snap.WithBlocksHash(empty.BlocksHash, func(_ db.FileIntf) bool {
return true
if count != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Found %d entries for empty file, expected 0", count)
count = 0
snap.WithBlocksHash(file.BlocksHash, func(_ db.FileIntf) bool {
return true
if count != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Found %d entries for non-empty file, expected 1", count)
must(t, ffs.Rename("file", "new-file"))
must(t, ffs.Rename("empty", "new-empty"))
// Scan
snap = dbSnapshot(t, m, "default")
defer snap.Release()
count = 0
snap.WithBlocksHash(empty.BlocksHash, func(_ db.FileIntf) bool {
return true
if count != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Found %d entries for empty file, expected 0", count)
count = 0
snap.WithBlocksHash(file.BlocksHash, func(i db.FileIntf) bool {
if i.FileName() != "new-file" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected file name %s, expected new-file", i.FileName())
return true
if count != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Found %d entries for non-empty file, expected 1", count)
func TestBlockListMap(t *testing.T) {
wcfg, fcfg := tmpDefaultWrapper()
m := setupModel(wcfg)
defer cleanupModel(m)
ffs := fcfg.Filesystem()
must(t, writeFile(ffs, "one", []byte("content"), 0644))
must(t, writeFile(ffs, "two", []byte("content"), 0644))
must(t, writeFile(ffs, "three", []byte("content"), 0644))
must(t, writeFile(ffs, "four", []byte("content"), 0644))
must(t, writeFile(ffs, "five", []byte("content"), 0644))
snap := dbSnapshot(t, m, "default")
defer snap.Release()
fi, ok := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, "one")
if !ok {
t.Error("failed to find existing file")
var paths []string
snap.WithBlocksHash(fi.BlocksHash, func(fi db.FileIntf) bool {
paths = append(paths, fi.FileName())
return true
expected := []string{"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"}
if !equalStringsInAnyOrder(paths, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected %q got %q", expected, paths)
// Fudge the files around
// Remove
must(t, ffs.Remove("one"))
// Modify
must(t, ffs.Remove("two"))
must(t, writeFile(ffs, "two", []byte("mew-content"), 0644))
// Rename
must(t, ffs.Rename("three", "new-three"))
// Change type
must(t, ffs.Remove("four"))
must(t, ffs.Mkdir("four", 0644))
// Check we're left with 2 of the 5
snap = dbSnapshot(t, m, "default")
defer snap.Release()
paths = paths[:0]
snap.WithBlocksHash(fi.BlocksHash, func(fi db.FileIntf) bool {
paths = append(paths, fi.FileName())
return true
expected = []string{"new-three", "five"}
if !equalStringsInAnyOrder(paths, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected %q got %q", expected, paths)
func equalStringsInAnyOrder(a, b []string) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if a[i] != b[i] {
return false
return true