mirror of
synced 2025-02-08 14:58:26 +00:00
268 lines
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268 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2014 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
/*jslint browser: true, continue: true, plusplus: true */
/*global $: false, angular: false, console: false, validLangs: false */
var syncthing = angular.module('syncthing', [
'pascalprecht.translate', 'ngSanitize',
var urlbase = 'rest';
syncthing.config(function ($httpProvider, $translateProvider, LocaleServiceProvider) {
var deviceIDShort = metadata.deviceID.substr(0, 5);
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRF-Token-' + deviceIDShort;
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'CSRF-Token-' + deviceIDShort;
// language and localisation
prefix: 'assets/lang/lang-',
suffix: '.json'
// @TODO: extract global level functions into separate service(s)
function deviceCompare(a, b) {
if (typeof a.name !== 'undefined' && typeof b.name !== 'undefined') {
if (a.name < b.name)
return -1;
return a.name > b.name;
if (a.deviceID < b.deviceID) {
return -1;
return a.deviceID > b.deviceID;
function folderCompare(a, b) {
var labelA = a.id;
if (typeof a.label !== 'undefined' && a.label !== null && a.label.length > 0) {
labelA = a.label;
var labelB = b.id;
if (typeof b.label !== 'undefined' && b.label !== null && b.label.length > 0) {
labelB = b.label;
if (labelA < labelB) {
return -1;
return labelA > labelB;
function deviceMap(l) {
var m = {};
l.forEach(function (r) {
m[r.deviceID] = r;
return m;
function deviceList(m) {
var l = [];
for (var id in m) {
return l;
function folderMap(l) {
var m = {};
l.forEach(function (r) {
m[r.id] = r;
return m;
function folderList(m) {
var l = [];
for (var id in m) {
return l;
function isEmptyObject(obj) {
var name;
for (name in obj) {
return false;
return true;
function debounce(func, wait) {
var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result, again;
var later = function () {
var last = Date.now() - timestamp;
if (last < wait) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last);
} else {
timeout = null;
if (again) {
again = false;
result = func.apply(context, args);
context = args = null;
return function () {
context = this;
args = arguments;
timestamp = Date.now();
if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
result = func.apply(context, args);
context = args = null;
} else {
again = true;
return result;
function buildTree(children) {
/* Converts
* {
* 'foo/bar': [...],
* 'foo/baz': [...]
* }
* to
* [
* {
* title: 'foo',
* children: [
* {
* title: 'bar',
* versions: [...],
* ...
* },
* {
* title: 'baz',
* versions: [...],
* ...
* }
* ],
* }
* ]
var root = {
children: []
$.each(children, function (path, data) {
var parts = path.split('/');
var name = parts.splice(-1)[0];
var keySoFar = [];
var parent = root;
while (parts.length > 0) {
var part = parts.shift();
var found = false;
for (var i = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++) {
if (parent.children[i].title == part) {
parent = parent.children[i];
found = true;
if (!found) {
var child = {
title: part,
key: keySoFar.join('/'),
folder: true,
children: []
parent = child;
title: name,
key: path,
folder: false,
versions: data,
return root.children;
// unitPrefixed converts the input such that it returns a string representation
// <1000 (<1024) with the metric unit prefix suffixed. I.e. when calling this with
// binary == true, you need to suffix an additon 'i'. The "biggest" prefix used
// is 'T', numbers > 1000T are just returned as such big numbers. If ever deemed
// useful 'P' can be added easily.
function unitPrefixed(input, binary) {
if (input === undefined || isNaN(input)) {
return '0 ';
var factor = 1000;
var i = '';
if (binary) {
factor = 1024;
i = 'i';
if (input > factor * factor * factor * factor * 1000) {
// Don't show any decimals for more than 4 digits
input /= factor * factor * factor * factor;
return input.toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumFractionDigits: 0 }) + ' T' + i;
// Show 3 significant digits (e.g. 123T or 2.54T)
if (input > factor * factor * factor * factor) {
input /= factor * factor * factor * factor;
return input.toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumSignificantDigits: 3 }) + ' T' + i;
if (input > factor * factor * factor) {
input /= factor * factor * factor;
if (binary && input >= 1000) {
return input.toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumFractionDigits: 0 }) + ' G' + i;
return input.toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumSignificantDigits: 3 }) + ' G' + i;
if (input > factor * factor) {
input /= factor * factor;
if (binary && input >= 1000) {
return input.toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumFractionDigits: 0 }) + ' M' + i;
return input.toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumSignificantDigits: 3 }) + ' M' + i;
if (input > factor) {
input /= factor;
var prefix = ' k';
if (binary) {
prefix = ' K';
if (binary && input >= 1000) {
return input.toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumFractionDigits: 0 }) + prefix + i;
return input.toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumSignificantDigits: 3 }) + prefix + i;
return Math.round(input).toLocaleString() + ' ';