mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 17:22:23 +00:00
2132 lines
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2132 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2014 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package model
import (
var (
blockStats = make(map[string]int)
blockStatsMut = sync.NewMutex()
func init() {
folderFactories[config.FolderTypeSendReceive] = newSendReceiveFolder
// A pullBlockState is passed to the puller routine for each block that needs
// to be fetched.
type pullBlockState struct {
block protocol.BlockInfo
// A copyBlocksState is passed to copy routine if the file has blocks to be
// copied.
type copyBlocksState struct {
blocks []protocol.BlockInfo
have int
// Which filemode bits to preserve
const retainBits = fs.ModeSetgid | fs.ModeSetuid | fs.ModeSticky
var (
activity = newDeviceActivity()
errNoDevice = errors.New("peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later")
errDirPrefix = "directory has been deleted on a remote device but "
errDirHasToBeScanned = errors.New(errDirPrefix + "contains changed files, scheduling scan")
errDirHasIgnored = errors.New(errDirPrefix + "contains ignored files (see ignore documentation for (?d) prefix)")
errDirNotEmpty = errors.New(errDirPrefix + "is not empty; the contents are probably ignored on that remote device, but not locally")
errNotAvailable = errors.New("no connected device has the required version of this file")
errModified = errors.New("file modified but not rescanned; will try again later")
errUnexpectedDirOnFileDel = errors.New("encountered directory when trying to remove file/symlink")
errIncompatibleSymlink = errors.New("incompatible symlink entry; rescan with newer Syncthing on source")
contextRemovingOldItem = "removing item to be replaced"
type dbUpdateType int
func (d dbUpdateType) String() string {
switch d {
case dbUpdateHandleDir:
return "dbUpdateHandleDir"
case dbUpdateDeleteDir:
return "dbUpdateDeleteDir"
case dbUpdateHandleFile:
return "dbUpdateHandleFile"
case dbUpdateDeleteFile:
return "dbUpdateDeleteFile"
case dbUpdateShortcutFile:
return "dbUpdateShourtcutFile"
case dbUpdateHandleSymlink:
return "dbUpdateHandleSymlink"
case dbUpdateInvalidate:
return "dbUpdateHandleInvalidate"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown dbUpdateType %d", d))
const (
dbUpdateHandleDir dbUpdateType = iota
const (
defaultCopiers = 2
defaultPullerPause = 60 * time.Second
defaultPullerPendingKiB = 2 * protocol.MaxBlockSize / 1024
maxPullerIterations = 3
type dbUpdateJob struct {
file protocol.FileInfo
jobType dbUpdateType
type sendReceiveFolder struct {
queue *jobQueue
blockPullReorderer blockPullReorderer
writeLimiter *byteSemaphore
tempPullErrors map[string]string // pull errors that might be just transient
func newSendReceiveFolder(model *model, fset *db.FileSet, ignores *ignore.Matcher, cfg config.FolderConfiguration, ver versioner.Versioner, evLogger events.Logger, ioLimiter *byteSemaphore) service {
f := &sendReceiveFolder{
folder: newFolder(model, fset, ignores, cfg, evLogger, ioLimiter, ver),
queue: newJobQueue(),
blockPullReorderer: newBlockPullReorderer(cfg.BlockPullOrder, model.id, cfg.DeviceIDs()),
writeLimiter: newByteSemaphore(cfg.MaxConcurrentWrites),
f.folder.puller = f
if f.Copiers == 0 {
f.Copiers = defaultCopiers
// If the configured max amount of pending data is zero, we use the
// default. If it's configured to something non-zero but less than the
// protocol block size we adjust it upwards accordingly.
if f.PullerMaxPendingKiB == 0 {
f.PullerMaxPendingKiB = defaultPullerPendingKiB
if blockSizeKiB := protocol.MaxBlockSize / 1024; f.PullerMaxPendingKiB < blockSizeKiB {
f.PullerMaxPendingKiB = blockSizeKiB
return f
// pull returns true if it manages to get all needed items from peers, i.e. get
// the device in sync with the global state.
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) pull() (bool, error) {
l.Debugf("%v pulling", f)
scanChan := make(chan string)
go f.pullScannerRoutine(scanChan)
defer func() {
changed := 0
f.pullErrors = nil
var err error
for tries := 0; tries < maxPullerIterations; tries++ {
select {
case <-f.ctx.Done():
return false, f.ctx.Err()
// Needs to be set on every loop, as the puller might have set
// it to FolderSyncing during the last iteration.
changed, err = f.pullerIteration(scanChan)
if err != nil {
return false, err
l.Debugln(f, "changed", changed, "on try", tries+1)
if changed == 0 {
// No files were changed by the puller, so we are in
// sync (except for unrecoverable stuff like invalid
// filenames on windows).
pullErrNum := len(f.tempPullErrors)
if pullErrNum > 0 {
f.pullErrors = make([]FileError, 0, len(f.tempPullErrors))
for path, err := range f.tempPullErrors {
l.Infof("Puller (folder %s, item %q): %v", f.Description(), path, err)
f.pullErrors = append(f.pullErrors, FileError{
Err: err,
Path: path,
f.tempPullErrors = nil
if pullErrNum > 0 {
l.Infof("%v: Failed to sync %v items", f.Description(), pullErrNum)
f.evLogger.Log(events.FolderErrors, map[string]interface{}{
"folder": f.folderID,
"errors": f.Errors(),
return changed == 0, nil
// pullerIteration runs a single puller iteration for the given folder and
// returns the number items that should have been synced (even those that
// might have failed). One puller iteration handles all files currently
// flagged as needed in the folder.
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) pullerIteration(scanChan chan<- string) (int, error) {
f.tempPullErrors = make(map[string]string)
snap, err := f.dbSnapshot()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer snap.Release()
pullChan := make(chan pullBlockState)
copyChan := make(chan copyBlocksState)
finisherChan := make(chan *sharedPullerState)
dbUpdateChan := make(chan dbUpdateJob)
pullWg := sync.NewWaitGroup()
copyWg := sync.NewWaitGroup()
doneWg := sync.NewWaitGroup()
updateWg := sync.NewWaitGroup()
l.Debugln(f, "copiers:", f.Copiers, "pullerPendingKiB:", f.PullerMaxPendingKiB)
go func() {
// dbUpdaterRoutine finishes when dbUpdateChan is closed
for i := 0; i < f.Copiers; i++ {
go func() {
// copierRoutine finishes when copyChan is closed
f.copierRoutine(copyChan, pullChan, finisherChan)
go func() {
// pullerRoutine finishes when pullChan is closed
f.pullerRoutine(snap, pullChan, finisherChan)
// finisherRoutine finishes when finisherChan is closed
go func() {
f.finisherRoutine(snap, finisherChan, dbUpdateChan, scanChan)
changed, fileDeletions, dirDeletions, err := f.processNeeded(snap, dbUpdateChan, copyChan, scanChan)
// Signal copy and puller routines that we are done with the in data for
// this iteration. Wait for them to finish.
// Signal the finisher chan that there will be no more input and wait
// for it to finish.
if err == nil {
f.processDeletions(fileDeletions, dirDeletions, snap, dbUpdateChan, scanChan)
// Wait for db updates and scan scheduling to complete
return changed, err
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) processNeeded(snap *db.Snapshot, dbUpdateChan chan<- dbUpdateJob, copyChan chan<- copyBlocksState, scanChan chan<- string) (int, map[string]protocol.FileInfo, []protocol.FileInfo, error) {
changed := 0
var dirDeletions []protocol.FileInfo
fileDeletions := map[string]protocol.FileInfo{}
buckets := map[string][]protocol.FileInfo{}
// Iterate the list of items that we need and sort them into piles.
// Regular files to pull goes into the file queue, everything else
// (directories, symlinks and deletes) goes into the "process directly"
// pile.
snap.WithNeed(protocol.LocalDeviceID, func(intf protocol.FileIntf) bool {
select {
case <-f.ctx.Done():
return false
if f.IgnoreDelete && intf.IsDeleted() {
l.Debugln(f, "ignore file deletion (config)", intf.FileName())
return true
file := intf.(protocol.FileInfo)
switch {
case f.ignores.ShouldIgnore(file.Name):
l.Debugln(f, "Handling ignored file", file)
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{file, dbUpdateInvalidate}
case runtime.GOOS == "windows" && fs.WindowsInvalidFilename(file.Name) != nil:
if file.IsDeleted() {
// Just pretend we deleted it, no reason to create an error
// about a deleted file that we can't have anyway.
// Reason we need it in the first place is, that it was
// ignored at some point.
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{file, dbUpdateDeleteFile}
} else {
// We can't pull an invalid file. Grab the error again since
// we couldn't assign it directly in the case clause.
f.newPullError(file.Name, fs.WindowsInvalidFilename(file.Name))
// No reason to retry for this
case file.IsDeleted():
if file.IsDirectory() {
// Perform directory deletions at the end, as we may have
// files to delete inside them before we get to that point.
dirDeletions = append(dirDeletions, file)
} else if file.IsSymlink() {
f.deleteFile(file, snap, dbUpdateChan, scanChan)
} else {
df, ok := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, file.Name)
// Local file can be already deleted, but with a lower version
// number, hence the deletion coming in again as part of
// WithNeed, furthermore, the file can simply be of the wrong
// type if we haven't yet managed to pull it.
if ok && !df.IsDeleted() && !df.IsSymlink() && !df.IsDirectory() && !df.IsInvalid() {
fileDeletions[file.Name] = file
// Put files into buckets per first hash
key := string(df.BlocksHash)
buckets[key] = append(buckets[key], df)
} else {
f.deleteFileWithCurrent(file, df, ok, dbUpdateChan, scanChan)
case file.Type == protocol.FileInfoTypeFile:
curFile, hasCurFile := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, file.Name)
if hasCurFile && file.BlocksEqual(curFile) {
// We are supposed to copy the entire file, and then fetch nothing. We
// are only updating metadata, so we don't actually *need* to make the
// copy.
f.shortcutFile(file, curFile, dbUpdateChan)
} else {
// Queue files for processing after directories and symlinks.
f.queue.Push(file.Name, file.Size, file.ModTime())
case runtime.GOOS == "windows" && file.IsSymlink():
if err := f.handleSymlinkCheckExisting(file, snap, scanChan); err != nil {
f.newPullError(file.Name, fmt.Errorf("handling unsupported symlink: %w", err))
l.Debugln(f, "Invalidating symlink (unsupported)", file.Name)
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{file, dbUpdateInvalidate}
case file.IsDirectory() && !file.IsSymlink():
l.Debugln(f, "Handling directory", file.Name)
if f.checkParent(file.Name, scanChan) {
f.handleDir(file, snap, dbUpdateChan, scanChan)
case file.IsSymlink():
l.Debugln(f, "Handling symlink", file.Name)
if f.checkParent(file.Name, scanChan) {
f.handleSymlink(file, snap, dbUpdateChan, scanChan)
panic("unhandleable item type, can't happen")
return true
select {
case <-f.ctx.Done():
return changed, nil, nil, f.ctx.Err()
// Now do the file queue. Reorder it according to configuration.
switch f.Order {
case config.PullOrderRandom:
case config.PullOrderAlphabetic:
// The queue is already in alphabetic order.
case config.PullOrderSmallestFirst:
case config.PullOrderLargestFirst:
case config.PullOrderOldestFirst:
case config.PullOrderNewestFirst:
// Process the file queue.
for {
select {
case <-f.ctx.Done():
return changed, fileDeletions, dirDeletions, f.ctx.Err()
fileName, ok := f.queue.Pop()
if !ok {
fi, ok := snap.GetGlobal(fileName)
if !ok {
// File is no longer in the index. Mark it as done and drop it.
if fi.IsDeleted() || fi.IsInvalid() || fi.Type != protocol.FileInfoTypeFile {
// The item has changed type or status in the index while we
// were processing directories above.
if !f.checkParent(fi.Name, scanChan) {
// Check our list of files to be removed for a match, in which case
// we can just do a rename instead.
key := string(fi.BlocksHash)
for candidate, ok := popCandidate(buckets, key); ok; candidate, ok = popCandidate(buckets, key) {
// candidate is our current state of the file, where as the
// desired state with the delete bit set is in the deletion
// map.
desired := fileDeletions[candidate.Name]
if err := f.renameFile(candidate, desired, fi, snap, dbUpdateChan, scanChan); err != nil {
l.Debugf("rename shortcut for %s failed: %s", fi.Name, err.Error())
// Failed to rename, try next one.
// Remove the pending deletion (as we performed it by renaming)
delete(fileDeletions, candidate.Name)
continue nextFile
devices := snap.Availability(fileName)
for _, dev := range devices {
if _, ok := f.model.Connection(dev); ok {
// Handle the file normally, by coping and pulling, etc.
f.handleFile(fi, snap, copyChan)
continue nextFile
f.newPullError(fileName, errNotAvailable)
return changed, fileDeletions, dirDeletions, nil
func popCandidate(buckets map[string][]protocol.FileInfo, key string) (protocol.FileInfo, bool) {
cands := buckets[key]
if len(cands) == 0 {
return protocol.FileInfo{}, false
buckets[key] = cands[1:]
return cands[0], true
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) processDeletions(fileDeletions map[string]protocol.FileInfo, dirDeletions []protocol.FileInfo, snap *db.Snapshot, dbUpdateChan chan<- dbUpdateJob, scanChan chan<- string) {
for _, file := range fileDeletions {
select {
case <-f.ctx.Done():
f.deleteFile(file, snap, dbUpdateChan, scanChan)
// Process in reverse order to delete depth first
for i := range dirDeletions {
select {
case <-f.ctx.Done():
dir := dirDeletions[len(dirDeletions)-i-1]
l.Debugln(f, "Deleting dir", dir.Name)
f.deleteDir(dir, snap, dbUpdateChan, scanChan)
// handleDir creates or updates the given directory
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) handleDir(file protocol.FileInfo, snap *db.Snapshot, dbUpdateChan chan<- dbUpdateJob, scanChan chan<- string) {
// Used in the defer closure below, updated by the function body. Take
// care not declare another err.
var err error
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemStarted, map[string]string{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": file.Name,
"type": "dir",
"action": "update",
defer func() {
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemFinished, map[string]interface{}{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": file.Name,
"error": events.Error(err),
"type": "dir",
"action": "update",
mode := fs.FileMode(file.Permissions & 0777)
if f.IgnorePerms || file.NoPermissions {
mode = 0777
if shouldDebug() {
curFile, _ := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, file.Name)
l.Debugf("need dir\n\t%v\n\t%v", file, curFile)
info, err := f.mtimefs.Lstat(file.Name)
switch {
// There is already something under that name, we need to handle that.
// Unless it already is a directory, as we only track permissions,
// that don't result in a conflict.
case err == nil && !info.IsDir():
// Check that it is what we have in the database.
curFile, hasCurFile := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, file.Name)
if err := f.scanIfItemChanged(file.Name, info, curFile, hasCurFile, scanChan); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "handling dir")
f.newPullError(file.Name, err)
// Remove it to replace with the dir.
if !curFile.IsSymlink() && f.inConflict(curFile.Version, file.Version) {
// The new file has been changed in conflict with the existing one. We
// should file it away as a conflict instead of just removing or
// archiving.
// Symlinks aren't checked for conflicts.
err = f.inWritableDir(func(name string) error {
return f.moveForConflict(name, file.ModifiedBy.String(), scanChan)
}, curFile.Name)
} else {
err = f.deleteItemOnDisk(curFile, snap, scanChan)
if err != nil {
f.newPullError(file.Name, err)
// The directory doesn't exist, so we create it with the right
// mode bits from the start.
case err != nil && fs.IsNotExist(err):
// We declare a function that acts on only the path name, so
// we can pass it to InWritableDir. We use a regular Mkdir and
// not MkdirAll because the parent should already exist.
mkdir := func(path string) error {
err = f.mtimefs.Mkdir(path, mode)
if err != nil || f.IgnorePerms || file.NoPermissions {
return err
// Copy the parent owner and group, if we are supposed to do that.
if err := f.maybeCopyOwner(path); err != nil {
return err
// Stat the directory so we can check its permissions.
info, err := f.mtimefs.Lstat(path)
if err != nil {
return err
// Mask for the bits we want to preserve and add them in to the
// directories permissions.
return f.mtimefs.Chmod(path, mode|(info.Mode()&retainBits))
if err = f.inWritableDir(mkdir, file.Name); err == nil {
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{file, dbUpdateHandleDir}
} else {
f.newPullError(file.Name, errors.Wrap(err, "creating directory"))
// Weird error when stat()'ing the dir. Probably won't work to do
// anything else with it if we can't even stat() it.
case err != nil:
f.newPullError(file.Name, errors.Wrap(err, "checking file to be replaced"))
// The directory already exists, so we just correct the mode bits. (We
// don't handle modification times on directories, because that sucks...)
// It's OK to change mode bits on stuff within non-writable directories.
if !f.IgnorePerms && !file.NoPermissions {
if err := f.mtimefs.Chmod(file.Name, mode|(info.Mode()&retainBits)); err != nil {
f.newPullError(file.Name, err)
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{file, dbUpdateHandleDir}
// checkParent verifies that the thing we are handling lives inside a directory,
// and not a symlink or regular file. It also resurrects missing parent dirs.
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) checkParent(file string, scanChan chan<- string) bool {
parent := filepath.Dir(file)
if err := osutil.TraversesSymlink(f.mtimefs, parent); err != nil {
f.newPullError(file, errors.Wrap(err, "checking parent dirs"))
return false
// issues #114 and #4475: This works around a race condition
// between two devices, when one device removes a directory and the
// other creates a file in it. However that happens, we end up with
// a directory for "foo" with the delete bit, but a file "foo/bar"
// that we want to sync. We never create the directory, and hence
// fail to create the file and end up looping forever on it. This
// breaks that by creating the directory and scheduling a scan,
// where it will be found and the delete bit on it removed. The
// user can then clean up as they like...
// This can also occur if an entire tree structure was deleted, but only
// a leave has been scanned.
// And if this is an encrypted folder:
// Encrypted files have made-up filenames with two synthetic parent
// directories which don't have any meaning. Create those if necessary.
if _, err := f.mtimefs.Lstat(parent); !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
l.Debugf("%v parent not missing %v", f, file)
return true
l.Debugf("%v creating parent directory of %v", f, file)
if err := f.mtimefs.MkdirAll(parent, 0755); err != nil {
f.newPullError(file, errors.Wrap(err, "creating parent dir"))
return false
if f.Type != config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted {
scanChan <- parent
return true
// handleSymlink creates or updates the given symlink
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) handleSymlink(file protocol.FileInfo, snap *db.Snapshot, dbUpdateChan chan<- dbUpdateJob, scanChan chan<- string) {
// Used in the defer closure below, updated by the function body. Take
// care not declare another err.
var err error
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemStarted, map[string]string{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": file.Name,
"type": "symlink",
"action": "update",
defer func() {
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemFinished, map[string]interface{}{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": file.Name,
"error": events.Error(err),
"type": "symlink",
"action": "update",
if shouldDebug() {
curFile, _ := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, file.Name)
l.Debugf("need symlink\n\t%v\n\t%v", file, curFile)
if len(file.SymlinkTarget) == 0 {
// Index entry from a Syncthing predating the support for including
// the link target in the index entry. We log this as an error.
f.newPullError(file.Name, errIncompatibleSymlink)
if f.handleSymlinkCheckExisting(file, snap, scanChan); err != nil {
f.newPullError(file.Name, fmt.Errorf("handling symlink: %w", err))
// We declare a function that acts on only the path name, so
// we can pass it to InWritableDir.
createLink := func(path string) error {
if err := f.mtimefs.CreateSymlink(file.SymlinkTarget, path); err != nil {
return err
return f.maybeCopyOwner(path)
if err = f.inWritableDir(createLink, file.Name); err == nil {
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{file, dbUpdateHandleSymlink}
} else {
f.newPullError(file.Name, errors.Wrap(err, "symlink create"))
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) handleSymlinkCheckExisting(file protocol.FileInfo, snap *db.Snapshot, scanChan chan<- string) error {
// If there is already something under that name, we need to handle that.
info, err := f.mtimefs.Lstat(file.Name)
if err != nil {
if fs.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
return err
// Check that it is what we have in the database.
curFile, hasCurFile := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, file.Name)
if err := f.scanIfItemChanged(file.Name, info, curFile, hasCurFile, scanChan); err != nil {
return err
// Remove it to replace with the symlink. This also handles the
// "change symlink type" path.
if !curFile.IsDirectory() && !curFile.IsSymlink() && f.inConflict(curFile.Version, file.Version) {
// The new file has been changed in conflict with the existing one. We
// should file it away as a conflict instead of just removing or
// archiving.
// Directories and symlinks aren't checked for conflicts.
return f.inWritableDir(func(name string) error {
return f.moveForConflict(name, file.ModifiedBy.String(), scanChan)
}, curFile.Name)
} else {
return f.deleteItemOnDisk(curFile, snap, scanChan)
// deleteDir attempts to remove a directory that was deleted on a remote
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) deleteDir(file protocol.FileInfo, snap *db.Snapshot, dbUpdateChan chan<- dbUpdateJob, scanChan chan<- string) {
// Used in the defer closure below, updated by the function body. Take
// care not declare another err.
var err error
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemStarted, map[string]string{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": file.Name,
"type": "dir",
"action": "delete",
defer func() {
if err != nil {
f.newPullError(file.Name, errors.Wrap(err, "delete dir"))
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemFinished, map[string]interface{}{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": file.Name,
"error": events.Error(err),
"type": "dir",
"action": "delete",
cur, hasCur := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, file.Name)
if err = f.checkToBeDeleted(file, cur, hasCur, scanChan); err != nil {
if fs.IsNotExist(err) || fs.IsErrCaseConflict(err) {
err = nil
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{file, dbUpdateDeleteDir}
if err = f.deleteDirOnDisk(file.Name, snap, scanChan); err != nil {
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{file, dbUpdateDeleteDir}
// deleteFile attempts to delete the given file
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) deleteFile(file protocol.FileInfo, snap *db.Snapshot, dbUpdateChan chan<- dbUpdateJob, scanChan chan<- string) {
cur, hasCur := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, file.Name)
f.deleteFileWithCurrent(file, cur, hasCur, dbUpdateChan, scanChan)
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) deleteFileWithCurrent(file, cur protocol.FileInfo, hasCur bool, dbUpdateChan chan<- dbUpdateJob, scanChan chan<- string) {
// Used in the defer closure below, updated by the function body. Take
// care not declare another err.
var err error
l.Debugln(f, "Deleting file", file.Name)
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemStarted, map[string]string{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": file.Name,
"type": "file",
"action": "delete",
defer func() {
if err != nil {
f.newPullError(file.Name, errors.Wrap(err, "delete file"))
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemFinished, map[string]interface{}{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": file.Name,
"error": events.Error(err),
"type": "file",
"action": "delete",
if err = f.checkToBeDeleted(file, cur, hasCur, scanChan); err != nil {
if fs.IsNotExist(err) || fs.IsErrCaseConflict(err) {
err = nil
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{file, dbUpdateDeleteFile}
// We are asked to delete a file, but what we have on disk and in db
// is a directory. Something is wrong here, should probably not happen.
if cur.IsDirectory() {
err = errUnexpectedDirOnFileDel
if f.inConflict(cur.Version, file.Version) {
// There is a conflict here, which shouldn't happen as deletions
// always lose. Merge the version vector of the file we have
// locally and commit it to db to resolve the conflict.
cur.Version = cur.Version.Merge(file.Version)
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{cur, dbUpdateHandleFile}
if f.versioner != nil && !cur.IsSymlink() {
err = f.inWritableDir(f.versioner.Archive, file.Name)
} else {
err = f.inWritableDir(f.mtimefs.Remove, file.Name)
if err == nil || fs.IsNotExist(err) {
// It was removed or it doesn't exist to start with
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{file, dbUpdateDeleteFile}
if _, serr := f.mtimefs.Lstat(file.Name); serr != nil && !fs.IsPermission(serr) {
// We get an error just looking at the file, and it's not a permission
// problem. Lets assume the error is in fact some variant of "file
// does not exist" (possibly expressed as some parent being a file and
// not a directory etc) and that the delete is handled.
err = nil
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{file, dbUpdateDeleteFile}
// renameFile attempts to rename an existing file to a destination
// and set the right attributes on it.
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) renameFile(cur, source, target protocol.FileInfo, snap *db.Snapshot, dbUpdateChan chan<- dbUpdateJob, scanChan chan<- string) error {
// Used in the defer closure below, updated by the function body. Take
// care not declare another err.
var err error
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemStarted, map[string]string{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": source.Name,
"type": "file",
"action": "delete",
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemStarted, map[string]string{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": target.Name,
"type": "file",
"action": "update",
defer func() {
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemFinished, map[string]interface{}{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": source.Name,
"error": events.Error(err),
"type": "file",
"action": "delete",
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemFinished, map[string]interface{}{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": target.Name,
"error": events.Error(err),
"type": "file",
"action": "update",
l.Debugln(f, "taking rename shortcut", source.Name, "->", target.Name)
// Check that source is compatible with what we have in the DB
if err = f.checkToBeDeleted(source, cur, true, scanChan); err != nil {
return err
// Check that the target corresponds to what we have in the DB
curTarget, ok := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, target.Name)
switch stat, serr := f.mtimefs.Lstat(target.Name); {
case serr != nil:
var caseErr *fs.ErrCaseConflict
switch {
case errors.As(serr, &caseErr):
if caseErr.Real != source.Name {
err = serr
fallthrough // This is a case only rename
case fs.IsNotExist(serr):
if !ok || curTarget.IsDeleted() {
scanChan <- target.Name
err = errModified
// We can't check whether the file changed as compared to the db,
// do not delete.
err = serr
case !ok:
// Target appeared from nowhere
scanChan <- target.Name
err = errModified
var fi protocol.FileInfo
if fi, err = scanner.CreateFileInfo(stat, target.Name, f.mtimefs); err == nil {
if !fi.IsEquivalentOptional(curTarget, f.modTimeWindow, f.IgnorePerms, true, protocol.LocalAllFlags) {
// Target changed
scanChan <- target.Name
err = errModified
if err != nil {
return err
tempName := fs.TempName(target.Name)
if f.versioner != nil {
err = f.CheckAvailableSpace(uint64(source.Size))
if err == nil {
err = osutil.Copy(f.CopyRangeMethod, f.mtimefs, f.mtimefs, source.Name, tempName)
if err == nil {
err = f.inWritableDir(f.versioner.Archive, source.Name)
} else {
err = osutil.RenameOrCopy(f.CopyRangeMethod, f.mtimefs, f.mtimefs, source.Name, tempName)
if err != nil {
return err
minBlocksPerBlock := target.BlockSize() / protocol.MinBlockSize
blockStats["total"] += len(target.Blocks) * minBlocksPerBlock
blockStats["renamed"] += len(target.Blocks) * minBlocksPerBlock
// The file was renamed, so we have handled both the necessary delete
// of the source and the creation of the target temp file. Fix-up the metadata,
// update the local index of the target file and rename from temp to real name.
if err = f.performFinish(target, curTarget, true, tempName, snap, dbUpdateChan, scanChan); err != nil {
return err
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{source, dbUpdateDeleteFile}
return nil
// This is the flow of data and events here, I think...
// +-----------------------+
// | | - - - - > ItemStarted
// | handleFile | - - - - > ItemFinished (on shortcuts)
// | |
// +-----------------------+
// |
// | copyChan (copyBlocksState; unless shortcut taken)
// |
// | +-----------------------+
// | | +-----------------------+
// +--->| | |
// | | copierRoutine |
// +-| |
// +-----------------------+
// |
// | pullChan (sharedPullerState)
// |
// | +-----------------------+
// | | +-----------------------+
// +-->| | |
// | | pullerRoutine |
// +-| |
// +-----------------------+
// |
// | finisherChan (sharedPullerState)
// |
// | +-----------------------+
// | | |
// +-->| finisherRoutine | - - - - > ItemFinished
// | |
// +-----------------------+
// handleFile queues the copies and pulls as necessary for a single new or
// changed file.
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) handleFile(file protocol.FileInfo, snap *db.Snapshot, copyChan chan<- copyBlocksState) {
curFile, hasCurFile := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, file.Name)
have, _ := blockDiff(curFile.Blocks, file.Blocks)
tempName := fs.TempName(file.Name)
blocks := make([]protocol.BlockInfo, 0, len(file.Blocks))
reused := make([]int, 0, len(file.Blocks))
// Check for an old temporary file which might have some blocks we could
// reuse.
tempBlocks, err := scanner.HashFile(f.ctx, f.mtimefs, tempName, file.BlockSize(), nil, false)
if err != nil {
var caseErr *fs.ErrCaseConflict
if errors.As(err, &caseErr) {
if rerr := f.mtimefs.Rename(caseErr.Real, tempName); rerr == nil {
tempBlocks, err = scanner.HashFile(f.ctx, f.mtimefs, tempName, file.BlockSize(), nil, false)
if err == nil {
// Check for any reusable blocks in the temp file
tempCopyBlocks, _ := blockDiff(tempBlocks, file.Blocks)
// block.String() returns a string unique to the block
existingBlocks := make(map[string]struct{}, len(tempCopyBlocks))
for _, block := range tempCopyBlocks {
existingBlocks[block.String()] = struct{}{}
// Since the blocks are already there, we don't need to get them.
for i, block := range file.Blocks {
_, ok := existingBlocks[block.String()]
if !ok {
blocks = append(blocks, block)
} else {
reused = append(reused, i)
// The sharedpullerstate will know which flags to use when opening the
// temp file depending if we are reusing any blocks or not.
if len(reused) == 0 {
// Otherwise, discard the file ourselves in order for the
// sharedpuller not to panic when it fails to exclusively create a
// file which already exists
f.inWritableDir(f.mtimefs.Remove, tempName)
} else {
// Copy the blocks, as we don't want to shuffle them on the FileInfo
blocks = append(blocks, file.Blocks...)
// Reorder blocks
blocks = f.blockPullReorderer.Reorder(blocks)
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemStarted, map[string]string{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": file.Name,
"type": "file",
"action": "update",
s := newSharedPullerState(file, f.mtimefs, f.folderID, tempName, blocks, reused, f.IgnorePerms || file.NoPermissions, hasCurFile, curFile, !f.DisableSparseFiles, !f.DisableFsync)
l.Debugf("%v need file %s; copy %d, reused %v", f, file.Name, len(blocks), len(reused))
cs := copyBlocksState{
sharedPullerState: s,
blocks: blocks,
have: len(have),
copyChan <- cs
// blockDiff returns lists of common and missing (to transform src into tgt)
// blocks. Both block lists must have been created with the same block size.
func blockDiff(src, tgt []protocol.BlockInfo) ([]protocol.BlockInfo, []protocol.BlockInfo) {
if len(tgt) == 0 {
return nil, nil
if len(src) == 0 {
// Copy the entire file
return nil, tgt
have := make([]protocol.BlockInfo, 0, len(src))
need := make([]protocol.BlockInfo, 0, len(tgt))
for i := range tgt {
if i >= len(src) {
return have, append(need, tgt[i:]...)
if !bytes.Equal(tgt[i].Hash, src[i].Hash) {
// Copy differing block
need = append(need, tgt[i])
} else {
have = append(have, tgt[i])
return have, need
// populateOffsets sets the Offset field on each block
func populateOffsets(blocks []protocol.BlockInfo) {
var offset int64
for i := range blocks {
blocks[i].Offset = offset
offset += int64(blocks[i].Size)
// shortcutFile sets file mode and modification time, when that's the only
// thing that has changed.
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) shortcutFile(file, curFile protocol.FileInfo, dbUpdateChan chan<- dbUpdateJob) {
l.Debugln(f, "taking shortcut on", file.Name)
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemStarted, map[string]string{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": file.Name,
"type": "file",
"action": "metadata",
var err error
defer f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemFinished, map[string]interface{}{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": file.Name,
"error": events.Error(err),
"type": "file",
"action": "metadata",
if !f.IgnorePerms && !file.NoPermissions {
if err = f.mtimefs.Chmod(file.Name, fs.FileMode(file.Permissions&0777)); err != nil {
f.newPullError(file.Name, err)
f.mtimefs.Chtimes(file.Name, file.ModTime(), file.ModTime()) // never fails
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{file, dbUpdateShortcutFile}
// copierRoutine reads copierStates until the in channel closes and performs
// the relevant copies when possible, or passes it to the puller routine.
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) copierRoutine(in <-chan copyBlocksState, pullChan chan<- pullBlockState, out chan<- *sharedPullerState) {
buf := protocol.BufferPool.Get(protocol.MinBlockSize)
defer func() {
folderFilesystems := make(map[string]fs.Filesystem)
// Hope that it's usually in the same folder, so start with that one.
folders := []string{f.folderID}
for folder, cfg := range f.model.cfg.Folders() {
folderFilesystems[folder] = cfg.Filesystem()
if folder != f.folderID {
folders = append(folders, folder)
for state := range in {
if err := f.CheckAvailableSpace(uint64(state.file.Size)); err != nil {
// Nothing more to do for this failed file, since it would use to much disk space
out <- state.sharedPullerState
dstFd, err := state.tempFile()
if err != nil {
// Nothing more to do for this failed file, since we couldn't create a temporary for it.
out <- state.sharedPullerState
if f.Type != config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted {
weakHashFinder, file := f.initWeakHashFinder(state)
for _, block := range state.blocks {
select {
case <-f.ctx.Done():
state.fail(errors.Wrap(f.ctx.Err(), "folder stopped"))
break blocks
if !f.DisableSparseFiles && state.reused == 0 && block.IsEmpty() {
// The block is a block of all zeroes, and we are not reusing
// a temp file, so there is no need to do anything with it.
// If we were reusing a temp file and had this block to copy,
// it would be because the block in the temp file was *not* a
// block of all zeroes, so then we should not skip it.
// Pretend we copied it.
buf = protocol.BufferPool.Upgrade(buf, int(block.Size))
var found bool
if f.Type != config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted {
found, err = weakHashFinder.Iterate(block.WeakHash, buf, func(offset int64) bool {
if f.verifyBuffer(buf, block) != nil {
return true
err = f.limitedWriteAt(dstFd, buf, block.Offset)
if err != nil {
state.fail(errors.Wrap(err, "dst write"))
if offset == block.Offset {
} else {
return false
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("weak hasher iter", err)
if !found {
found = f.model.finder.Iterate(folders, block.Hash, func(folder, path string, index int32) bool {
ffs := folderFilesystems[folder]
fd, err := ffs.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return false
defer fd.Close()
srcOffset := int64(state.file.BlockSize()) * int64(index)
_, err = fd.ReadAt(buf, srcOffset)
if err != nil {
return false
// Hash is not SHA256 as it's an encrypted hash token. In that
// case we can't verify the block integrity so we'll take it on
// trust. (The other side can and will verify.)
if f.Type != config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted {
if err := f.verifyBuffer(buf, block); err != nil {
l.Debugln("Finder failed to verify buffer", err)
return false
if f.CopyRangeMethod != fs.CopyRangeMethodStandard {
err = f.withLimiter(func() error {
defer dstFd.mut.Unlock()
return fs.CopyRange(f.CopyRangeMethod, fd, dstFd.fd, srcOffset, block.Offset, int64(block.Size))
} else {
err = f.limitedWriteAt(dstFd, buf, block.Offset)
if err != nil {
state.fail(errors.Wrap(err, "dst write"))
if path == state.file.Name {
return true
if state.failed() != nil {
if !found {
ps := pullBlockState{
sharedPullerState: state.sharedPullerState,
block: block,
pullChan <- ps
} else {
if file != nil {
// os.File used to return invalid argument if nil.
// fs.File panics as it's an interface.
out <- state.sharedPullerState
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) initWeakHashFinder(state copyBlocksState) (*weakhash.Finder, fs.File) {
if f.Type == config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted {
l.Debugln("not weak hashing due to folder type", f.Type)
return nil, nil
blocksPercentChanged := 0
if tot := len(state.file.Blocks); tot > 0 {
blocksPercentChanged = (tot - state.have) * 100 / tot
if blocksPercentChanged < f.WeakHashThresholdPct {
l.Debugf("not weak hashing %s. not enough changed %.02f < %d", state.file.Name, blocksPercentChanged, f.WeakHashThresholdPct)
return nil, nil
hashesToFind := make([]uint32, 0, len(state.blocks))
for _, block := range state.blocks {
if block.WeakHash != 0 {
hashesToFind = append(hashesToFind, block.WeakHash)
if len(hashesToFind) == 0 {
l.Debugf("not weak hashing %s. file did not contain any weak hashes", state.file.Name)
return nil, nil
file, err := f.mtimefs.Open(state.file.Name)
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("weak hasher", err)
return nil, nil
weakHashFinder, err := weakhash.NewFinder(f.ctx, file, state.file.BlockSize(), hashesToFind)
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("weak hasher", err)
return nil, file
return weakHashFinder, file
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) verifyBuffer(buf []byte, block protocol.BlockInfo) error {
if len(buf) != int(block.Size) {
return fmt.Errorf("length mismatch %d != %d", len(buf), block.Size)
hash := sha256.Sum256(buf)
if !bytes.Equal(hash[:], block.Hash) {
return fmt.Errorf("hash mismatch %x != %x", hash, block.Hash)
return nil
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) pullerRoutine(snap *db.Snapshot, in <-chan pullBlockState, out chan<- *sharedPullerState) {
requestLimiter := newByteSemaphore(f.PullerMaxPendingKiB * 1024)
wg := sync.NewWaitGroup()
for state := range in {
if state.failed() != nil {
out <- state.sharedPullerState
f.setState(FolderSyncing) // Does nothing if already FolderSyncing
// The requestLimiter limits how many pending block requests we have
// ongoing at any given time, based on the size of the blocks
// themselves.
state := state
bytes := int(state.block.Size)
if err := requestLimiter.takeWithContext(f.ctx, bytes); err != nil {
out <- state.sharedPullerState
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
defer requestLimiter.give(bytes)
f.pullBlock(state, snap, out)
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) pullBlock(state pullBlockState, snap *db.Snapshot, out chan<- *sharedPullerState) {
// Get an fd to the temporary file. Technically we don't need it until
// after fetching the block, but if we run into an error here there is
// no point in issuing the request to the network.
fd, err := state.tempFile()
if err != nil {
out <- state.sharedPullerState
if !f.DisableSparseFiles && state.reused == 0 && state.block.IsEmpty() {
// There is no need to request a block of all zeroes. Pretend we
// requested it and handled it correctly.
out <- state.sharedPullerState
var lastError error
candidates := f.model.availabilityInSnapshot(f.FolderConfiguration, snap, state.file, state.block)
for {
select {
case <-f.ctx.Done():
state.fail(errors.Wrap(f.ctx.Err(), "folder stopped"))
break loop
// Select the least busy device to pull the block from. If we found no
// feasible device at all, fail the block (and in the long run, the
// file).
selected, found := activity.leastBusy(candidates)
if !found {
if lastError != nil {
state.fail(errors.Wrap(lastError, "pull"))
} else {
state.fail(errors.Wrap(errNoDevice, "pull"))
candidates = removeAvailability(candidates, selected)
// Fetch the block, while marking the selected device as in use so that
// leastBusy can select another device when someone else asks.
var buf []byte
blockNo := int(state.block.Offset / int64(state.file.BlockSize()))
buf, lastError = f.model.requestGlobal(f.ctx, selected.ID, f.folderID, state.file.Name, blockNo, state.block.Offset, int(state.block.Size), state.block.Hash, state.block.WeakHash, selected.FromTemporary)
if lastError != nil {
l.Debugln("request:", f.folderID, state.file.Name, state.block.Offset, state.block.Size, "returned error:", lastError)
// Verify that the received block matches the desired hash, if not
// try pulling it from another device.
// For receive-only folders, the hash is not SHA256 as it's an
// encrypted hash token. In that case we can't verify the block
// integrity so we'll take it on trust. (The other side can and
// will verify.)
if f.Type != config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted {
lastError = f.verifyBuffer(buf, state.block)
if lastError != nil {
l.Debugln("request:", f.folderID, state.file.Name, state.block.Offset, state.block.Size, "hash mismatch")
// Save the block data we got from the cluster
err = f.limitedWriteAt(fd, buf, state.block.Offset)
if err != nil {
state.fail(errors.Wrap(err, "save"))
} else {
out <- state.sharedPullerState
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) performFinish(file, curFile protocol.FileInfo, hasCurFile bool, tempName string, snap *db.Snapshot, dbUpdateChan chan<- dbUpdateJob, scanChan chan<- string) error {
// Set the correct permission bits on the new file
if !f.IgnorePerms && !file.NoPermissions {
if err := f.mtimefs.Chmod(tempName, fs.FileMode(file.Permissions&0777)); err != nil {
return err
// Copy the parent owner and group, if we are supposed to do that.
if err := f.maybeCopyOwner(tempName); err != nil {
return err
if stat, err := f.mtimefs.Lstat(file.Name); err == nil {
// There is an old file or directory already in place. We need to
// handle that.
if err := f.scanIfItemChanged(file.Name, stat, curFile, hasCurFile, scanChan); err != nil {
return err
if !curFile.IsDirectory() && !curFile.IsSymlink() && f.inConflict(curFile.Version, file.Version) {
// The new file has been changed in conflict with the existing one. We
// should file it away as a conflict instead of just removing or
// archiving.
// Directories and symlinks aren't checked for conflicts.
err = f.inWritableDir(func(name string) error {
return f.moveForConflict(name, file.ModifiedBy.String(), scanChan)
}, curFile.Name)
} else {
err = f.deleteItemOnDisk(curFile, snap, scanChan)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
// Replace the original content with the new one. If it didn't work,
// leave the temp file in place for reuse.
if err := osutil.RenameOrCopy(f.CopyRangeMethod, f.mtimefs, f.mtimefs, tempName, file.Name); err != nil {
return err
// Set the correct timestamp on the new file
f.mtimefs.Chtimes(file.Name, file.ModTime(), file.ModTime()) // never fails
// Record the updated file in the index
dbUpdateChan <- dbUpdateJob{file, dbUpdateHandleFile}
return nil
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) finisherRoutine(snap *db.Snapshot, in <-chan *sharedPullerState, dbUpdateChan chan<- dbUpdateJob, scanChan chan<- string) {
for state := range in {
if closed, err := state.finalClose(); closed {
l.Debugln(f, "closing", state.file.Name)
if err == nil {
err = f.performFinish(state.file, state.curFile, state.hasCurFile, state.tempName, snap, dbUpdateChan, scanChan)
if err != nil {
f.newPullError(state.file.Name, err)
} else {
minBlocksPerBlock := state.file.BlockSize() / protocol.MinBlockSize
blockStats["total"] += (state.reused + state.copyTotal + state.pullTotal) * minBlocksPerBlock
blockStats["reused"] += state.reused * minBlocksPerBlock
blockStats["pulled"] += state.pullTotal * minBlocksPerBlock
// copyOriginShifted is counted towards copyOrigin due to progress bar reasons
// for reporting reasons we want to separate these.
blockStats["copyOrigin"] += (state.copyOrigin - state.copyOriginShifted) * minBlocksPerBlock
blockStats["copyOriginShifted"] += state.copyOriginShifted * minBlocksPerBlock
blockStats["copyElsewhere"] += (state.copyTotal - state.copyOrigin) * minBlocksPerBlock
if f.Type != config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted {
f.evLogger.Log(events.ItemFinished, map[string]interface{}{
"folder": f.folderID,
"item": state.file.Name,
"error": events.Error(err),
"type": "file",
"action": "update",
// Moves the given filename to the front of the job queue
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) BringToFront(filename string) {
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) Jobs(page, perpage int) ([]string, []string, int) {
return f.queue.Jobs(page, perpage)
// dbUpdaterRoutine aggregates db updates and commits them in batches no
// larger than 1000 items, and no more delayed than 2 seconds.
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) dbUpdaterRoutine(dbUpdateChan <-chan dbUpdateJob) {
const maxBatchTime = 2 * time.Second
changedDirs := make(map[string]struct{})
found := false
var lastFile protocol.FileInfo
tick := time.NewTicker(maxBatchTime)
defer tick.Stop()
batch := db.NewFileInfoBatch(func(files []protocol.FileInfo) error {
// sync directories
for dir := range changedDirs {
delete(changedDirs, dir)
if !f.FolderConfiguration.DisableFsync {
fd, err := f.mtimefs.Open(dir)
if err != nil {
l.Debugf("fsync %q failed: %v", dir, err)
if err := fd.Sync(); err != nil {
l.Debugf("fsync %q failed: %v", dir, err)
// All updates to file/folder objects that originated remotely
// (across the network) use this call to updateLocals
if found {
f.ReceivedFile(lastFile.Name, lastFile.IsDeleted())
found = false
return nil
recvEnc := f.Type == config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted
for {
select {
case job, ok := <-dbUpdateChan:
if !ok {
break loop
switch job.jobType {
case dbUpdateHandleFile, dbUpdateShortcutFile:
changedDirs[filepath.Dir(job.file.Name)] = struct{}{}
if recvEnc {
job.file.Size += encryptionTrailerSize(job.file)
case dbUpdateHandleDir:
changedDirs[job.file.Name] = struct{}{}
case dbUpdateHandleSymlink, dbUpdateInvalidate:
// fsyncing symlinks is only supported by MacOS
// and invalidated files are db only changes -> no sync
// For some reason we seem to care about file deletions and
// content modification, but not about metadata and dirs/symlinks.
if !job.file.IsInvalid() && job.jobType&(dbUpdateHandleFile|dbUpdateDeleteFile) != 0 {
found = true
lastFile = job.file
job.file.Sequence = 0
case <-tick.C:
// pullScannerRoutine aggregates paths to be scanned after pulling. The scan is
// scheduled once when scanChan is closed (scanning can not happen during pulling).
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) pullScannerRoutine(scanChan <-chan string) {
toBeScanned := make(map[string]struct{})
for path := range scanChan {
toBeScanned[path] = struct{}{}
if len(toBeScanned) != 0 {
scanList := make([]string, 0, len(toBeScanned))
for path := range toBeScanned {
l.Debugln(f, "scheduling scan after pulling for", path)
scanList = append(scanList, path)
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) inConflict(current, replacement protocol.Vector) bool {
if current.Concurrent(replacement) {
// Obvious case
return true
if replacement.Counter(f.shortID) > current.Counter(f.shortID) {
// The replacement file contains a higher version for ourselves than
// what we have. This isn't supposed to be possible, since it's only
// we who can increment that counter. We take it as a sign that
// something is wrong (our index may have been corrupted or removed)
// and flag it as a conflict.
return true
return false
func removeAvailability(availabilities []Availability, availability Availability) []Availability {
for i := range availabilities {
if availabilities[i] == availability {
availabilities[i] = availabilities[len(availabilities)-1]
return availabilities[:len(availabilities)-1]
return availabilities
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) moveForConflict(name, lastModBy string, scanChan chan<- string) error {
if isConflict(name) {
l.Infoln("Conflict for", name, "which is already a conflict copy; not copying again.")
if err := f.mtimefs.Remove(name); err != nil && !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
return errors.Wrap(err, contextRemovingOldItem)
return nil
if f.MaxConflicts == 0 {
if err := f.mtimefs.Remove(name); err != nil && !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
return errors.Wrap(err, contextRemovingOldItem)
return nil
newName := conflictName(name, lastModBy)
err := f.mtimefs.Rename(name, newName)
if fs.IsNotExist(err) {
// We were supposed to move a file away but it does not exist. Either
// the user has already moved it away, or the conflict was between a
// remote modification and a local delete. In either way it does not
// matter, go ahead as if the move succeeded.
err = nil
if f.MaxConflicts > -1 {
matches := existingConflicts(name, f.mtimefs)
if len(matches) > f.MaxConflicts {
for _, match := range matches[f.MaxConflicts:] {
if gerr := f.mtimefs.Remove(match); gerr != nil {
l.Debugln(f, "removing extra conflict", gerr)
if err == nil {
scanChan <- newName
return err
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) newPullError(path string, err error) {
if errors.Cause(err) == f.ctx.Err() {
// Error because the folder stopped - no point logging/tracking
defer f.errorsMut.Unlock()
// We might get more than one error report for a file (i.e. error on
// Write() followed by Close()); we keep the first error as that is
// probably closer to the root cause.
if _, ok := f.tempPullErrors[path]; ok {
// Establish context to differentiate from errors while scanning.
// Use "syncing" as opposed to "pulling" as the latter might be used
// for errors occurring specificly in the puller routine.
errStr := fmt.Sprintln("syncing:", err)
f.tempPullErrors[path] = errStr
l.Debugf("%v new error for %v: %v", f, path, err)
// deleteItemOnDisk deletes the file represented by old that is about to be replaced by new.
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) deleteItemOnDisk(item protocol.FileInfo, snap *db.Snapshot, scanChan chan<- string) (err error) {
defer func() {
err = errors.Wrap(err, contextRemovingOldItem)
switch {
case item.IsDirectory():
// Directories aren't archived and need special treatment due
// to potential children.
return f.deleteDirOnDisk(item.Name, snap, scanChan)
case !item.IsSymlink() && f.versioner != nil:
// If we should use versioning, let the versioner archive the
// file before we replace it. Archiving a non-existent file is not
// an error.
// Symlinks aren't archived.
return f.inWritableDir(f.versioner.Archive, item.Name)
return f.inWritableDir(f.mtimefs.Remove, item.Name)
// deleteDirOnDisk attempts to delete a directory. It checks for files/dirs inside
// the directory and removes them if possible or returns an error if it fails
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) deleteDirOnDisk(dir string, snap *db.Snapshot, scanChan chan<- string) error {
if err := osutil.TraversesSymlink(f.mtimefs, filepath.Dir(dir)); err != nil {
return err
if err := f.deleteDirOnDiskHandleChildren(dir, snap, scanChan); err != nil {
return err
err := f.inWritableDir(f.mtimefs.Remove, dir)
if err == nil || fs.IsNotExist(err) {
// It was removed or it doesn't exist to start with
return nil
if _, serr := f.mtimefs.Lstat(dir); serr != nil && !fs.IsPermission(serr) {
// We get an error just looking at the directory, and it's not a
// permission problem. Lets assume the error is in fact some variant
// of "file does not exist" (possibly expressed as some parent being a
// file and not a directory etc) and that the delete is handled.
return nil
return err
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) deleteDirOnDiskHandleChildren(dir string, snap *db.Snapshot, scanChan chan<- string) error {
var dirsToDelete []string
var hasIgnored, hasKnown, hasToBeScanned, hasReceiveOnlyChanged bool
var delErr error
err := f.mtimefs.Walk(dir, func(path string, info fs.FileInfo, err error) error {
if path == dir {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
switch match := f.ignores.Match(path); {
case match.IsDeletable():
if info.IsDir() {
dirsToDelete = append(dirsToDelete, path)
return nil
case fs.IsTemporary(path):
if err := f.mtimefs.Remove(path); err != nil && delErr == nil {
delErr = err
return nil
case match.IsIgnored():
hasIgnored = true
return nil
cf, ok := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, path)
switch {
case !ok || cf.IsDeleted():
// Something appeared in the dir that we either are not
// aware of at all or that we think should be deleted
// -> schedule scan.
scanChan <- path
hasToBeScanned = true
return nil
case ok && f.Type == config.FolderTypeReceiveOnly && cf.IsReceiveOnlyChanged():
hasReceiveOnlyChanged = true
return nil
diskFile, err := scanner.CreateFileInfo(info, path, f.mtimefs)
if err != nil {
// Lets just assume the file has changed.
scanChan <- path
hasToBeScanned = true
return nil
if !cf.IsEquivalentOptional(diskFile, f.modTimeWindow, f.IgnorePerms, true, protocol.LocalAllFlags) {
// File on disk changed compared to what we have in db
// -> schedule scan.
scanChan <- path
hasToBeScanned = true
return nil
// Dir contains file that is valid according to db and
// not ignored -> something weird is going on
hasKnown = true
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
for i := range dirsToDelete {
if err := f.mtimefs.Remove(dirsToDelete[len(dirsToDelete)-1-i]); err != nil && delErr == nil {
delErr = err
// "Error precedence":
// Something changed on disk, check that and maybe all else gets resolved
if hasToBeScanned {
return errDirHasToBeScanned
// Ignored files will never be touched, i.e. this will keep failing until
// user acts.
if hasIgnored {
return errDirHasIgnored
if hasReceiveOnlyChanged {
// Pretend we deleted the directory. It will be resurrected as a
// receive-only changed item on scan.
scanChan <- dir
return nil
if hasKnown {
return errDirNotEmpty
// All good, except maybe failing to remove a (?d) ignored item
return delErr
// scanIfItemChanged schedules the given file for scanning and returns errModified
// if it differs from the information in the database. Returns nil if the file has
// not changed.
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) scanIfItemChanged(name string, stat fs.FileInfo, item protocol.FileInfo, hasItem bool, scanChan chan<- string) (err error) {
defer func() {
if err == errModified {
scanChan <- name
if !hasItem || item.Deleted {
// The item appeared from nowhere
return errModified
// Check that the item on disk is what we expect it to be according
// to the database. If there's a mismatch here, there might be local
// changes that we don't know about yet and we should scan before
// touching the item.
statItem, err := scanner.CreateFileInfo(stat, item.Name, f.mtimefs)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "comparing item on disk to db")
if !statItem.IsEquivalentOptional(item, f.modTimeWindow, f.IgnorePerms, true, protocol.LocalAllFlags) {
return errModified
return nil
// checkToBeDeleted makes sure the file on disk is compatible with what there is
// in the DB before the caller proceeds with actually deleting it.
// I.e. non-nil error status means "Do not delete!" or "is already deleted".
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) checkToBeDeleted(file, cur protocol.FileInfo, hasCur bool, scanChan chan<- string) error {
if err := osutil.TraversesSymlink(f.mtimefs, filepath.Dir(file.Name)); err != nil {
l.Debugln(f, "not deleting item behind symlink on disk, but update db", file.Name)
return fs.ErrNotExist
stat, err := f.mtimefs.Lstat(file.Name)
deleted := fs.IsNotExist(err) || fs.IsErrCaseConflict(err)
if !deleted && err != nil {
return err
if deleted {
if hasCur && !cur.Deleted && !cur.IsUnsupported() {
scanChan <- file.Name
return errModified
l.Debugln(f, "not deleting item we don't have, but update db", file.Name)
return err
return f.scanIfItemChanged(file.Name, stat, cur, hasCur, scanChan)
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) maybeCopyOwner(path string) error {
if !f.CopyOwnershipFromParent {
// Not supposed to do anything.
return nil
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// Can't do anything.
return nil
info, err := f.mtimefs.Lstat(filepath.Dir(path))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "copy owner from parent")
if err := f.mtimefs.Lchown(path, info.Owner(), info.Group()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "copy owner from parent")
return nil
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) inWritableDir(fn func(string) error, path string) error {
return inWritableDir(fn, f.mtimefs, path, f.IgnorePerms)
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) limitedWriteAt(fd io.WriterAt, data []byte, offset int64) error {
return f.withLimiter(func() error {
_, err := fd.WriteAt(data, offset)
return err
func (f *sendReceiveFolder) withLimiter(fn func() error) error {
if err := f.writeLimiter.takeWithContext(f.ctx, 1); err != nil {
return err
defer f.writeLimiter.give(1)
return fn()
// A []FileError is sent as part of an event and will be JSON serialized.
type FileError struct {
Path string `json:"path"`
Err string `json:"error"`
type fileErrorList []FileError
func (l fileErrorList) Len() int {
return len(l)
func (l fileErrorList) Less(a, b int) bool {
return l[a].Path < l[b].Path
func (l fileErrorList) Swap(a, b int) {
l[a], l[b] = l[b], l[a]
func conflictName(name, lastModBy string) string {
ext := filepath.Ext(name)
return name[:len(name)-len(ext)] + time.Now().Format(".sync-conflict-20060102-150405-") + lastModBy + ext
func isConflict(name string) bool {
return strings.Contains(filepath.Base(name), ".sync-conflict-")
func existingConflicts(name string, fs fs.Filesystem) []string {
ext := filepath.Ext(name)
matches, err := fs.Glob(name[:len(name)-len(ext)] + ".sync-conflict-????????-??????*" + ext)
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("globbing for conflicts", err)
return matches