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synced 2025-02-08 14:58:26 +00:00
This is a new revision of the discovery server. Relevant changes and non-changes: - Protocol towards clients is unchanged. - Recommended large scale design is still to be deployed nehind nginx (I tested, and it's still a lot faster at terminating TLS). - Database backend is leveldb again, only. It scales enough, is easy to setup, and we don't need any backend to take care of. - Server supports replication. This is a simple TCP channel - protect it with a firewall when deploying over the internet. (We deploy this within the same datacenter, and with firewall.) Any incoming client announces are sent over the replication channel(s) to other peer discosrvs. Incoming replication changes are applied to the database as if they came from clients, but without the TLS/certificate overhead. - Metrics are exposed using the prometheus library, when enabled. - The database values and replication protocol is protobuf, because JSON was quite CPU intensive when I tried that and benchmarked it. - The "Retry-After" value for failed lookups gets slowly increased from a default of 120 seconds, by 5 seconds for each failed lookup, independently by each discosrv. This lowers the query load over time for clients that are never seen. The Retry-After maxes out at 3600 after a couple of weeks of this increase. The number of failed lookups is stored in the database, now and then (avoiding making each lookup a database put). All in all this means clients can be pointed towards a cluster using just multiple A / AAAA records to gain both load sharing and redundancy (if one is down, clients will talk to the remaining ones). GitHub-Pull-Request: https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/pull/4648
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package toml
import (
func e(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
return fmt.Errorf("toml: "+format, args...)
// Unmarshaler is the interface implemented by objects that can unmarshal a
// TOML description of themselves.
type Unmarshaler interface {
UnmarshalTOML(interface{}) error
// Unmarshal decodes the contents of `p` in TOML format into a pointer `v`.
func Unmarshal(p []byte, v interface{}) error {
_, err := Decode(string(p), v)
return err
// Primitive is a TOML value that hasn't been decoded into a Go value.
// When using the various `Decode*` functions, the type `Primitive` may
// be given to any value, and its decoding will be delayed.
// A `Primitive` value can be decoded using the `PrimitiveDecode` function.
// The underlying representation of a `Primitive` value is subject to change.
// Do not rely on it.
// N.B. Primitive values are still parsed, so using them will only avoid
// the overhead of reflection. They can be useful when you don't know the
// exact type of TOML data until run time.
type Primitive struct {
undecoded interface{}
context Key
// Use MetaData.PrimitiveDecode instead.
func PrimitiveDecode(primValue Primitive, v interface{}) error {
md := MetaData{decoded: make(map[string]bool)}
return md.unify(primValue.undecoded, rvalue(v))
// PrimitiveDecode is just like the other `Decode*` functions, except it
// decodes a TOML value that has already been parsed. Valid primitive values
// can *only* be obtained from values filled by the decoder functions,
// including this method. (i.e., `v` may contain more `Primitive`
// values.)
// Meta data for primitive values is included in the meta data returned by
// the `Decode*` functions with one exception: keys returned by the Undecoded
// method will only reflect keys that were decoded. Namely, any keys hidden
// behind a Primitive will be considered undecoded. Executing this method will
// update the undecoded keys in the meta data. (See the example.)
func (md *MetaData) PrimitiveDecode(primValue Primitive, v interface{}) error {
md.context = primValue.context
defer func() { md.context = nil }()
return md.unify(primValue.undecoded, rvalue(v))
// Decode will decode the contents of `data` in TOML format into a pointer
// `v`.
// TOML hashes correspond to Go structs or maps. (Dealer's choice. They can be
// used interchangeably.)
// TOML arrays of tables correspond to either a slice of structs or a slice
// of maps.
// TOML datetimes correspond to Go `time.Time` values.
// All other TOML types (float, string, int, bool and array) correspond
// to the obvious Go types.
// An exception to the above rules is if a type implements the
// encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface. In this case, any primitive TOML value
// (floats, strings, integers, booleans and datetimes) will be converted to
// a byte string and given to the value's UnmarshalText method. See the
// Unmarshaler example for a demonstration with time duration strings.
// Key mapping
// TOML keys can map to either keys in a Go map or field names in a Go
// struct. The special `toml` struct tag may be used to map TOML keys to
// struct fields that don't match the key name exactly. (See the example.)
// A case insensitive match to struct names will be tried if an exact match
// can't be found.
// The mapping between TOML values and Go values is loose. That is, there
// may exist TOML values that cannot be placed into your representation, and
// there may be parts of your representation that do not correspond to
// TOML values. This loose mapping can be made stricter by using the IsDefined
// and/or Undecoded methods on the MetaData returned.
// This decoder will not handle cyclic types. If a cyclic type is passed,
// `Decode` will not terminate.
func Decode(data string, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return MetaData{}, e("Decode of non-pointer %s", reflect.TypeOf(v))
if rv.IsNil() {
return MetaData{}, e("Decode of nil %s", reflect.TypeOf(v))
p, err := parse(data)
if err != nil {
return MetaData{}, err
md := MetaData{
p.mapping, p.types, p.ordered,
make(map[string]bool, len(p.ordered)), nil,
return md, md.unify(p.mapping, indirect(rv))
// DecodeFile is just like Decode, except it will automatically read the
// contents of the file at `fpath` and decode it for you.
func DecodeFile(fpath string, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) {
bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fpath)
if err != nil {
return MetaData{}, err
return Decode(string(bs), v)
// DecodeReader is just like Decode, except it will consume all bytes
// from the reader and decode it for you.
func DecodeReader(r io.Reader, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) {
bs, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return MetaData{}, err
return Decode(string(bs), v)
// unify performs a sort of type unification based on the structure of `rv`,
// which is the client representation.
// Any type mismatch produces an error. Finding a type that we don't know
// how to handle produces an unsupported type error.
func (md *MetaData) unify(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
// Special case. Look for a `Primitive` value.
if rv.Type() == reflect.TypeOf((*Primitive)(nil)).Elem() {
// Save the undecoded data and the key context into the primitive
// value.
context := make(Key, len(md.context))
copy(context, md.context)
undecoded: data,
context: context,
return nil
// Special case. Unmarshaler Interface support.
if rv.CanAddr() {
if v, ok := rv.Addr().Interface().(Unmarshaler); ok {
return v.UnmarshalTOML(data)
// Special case. Handle time.Time values specifically.
// TODO: Remove this code when we decide to drop support for Go 1.1.
// This isn't necessary in Go 1.2 because time.Time satisfies the encoding
// interfaces.
if rv.Type().AssignableTo(rvalue(time.Time{}).Type()) {
return md.unifyDatetime(data, rv)
// Special case. Look for a value satisfying the TextUnmarshaler interface.
if v, ok := rv.Interface().(TextUnmarshaler); ok {
return md.unifyText(data, v)
// BUG(burntsushi)
// The behavior here is incorrect whenever a Go type satisfies the
// encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface but also corresponds to a TOML
// hash or array. In particular, the unmarshaler should only be applied
// to primitive TOML values. But at this point, it will be applied to
// all kinds of values and produce an incorrect error whenever those values
// are hashes or arrays (including arrays of tables).
k := rv.Kind()
// laziness
if k >= reflect.Int && k <= reflect.Uint64 {
return md.unifyInt(data, rv)
switch k {
case reflect.Ptr:
elem := reflect.New(rv.Type().Elem())
err := md.unify(data, reflect.Indirect(elem))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
case reflect.Struct:
return md.unifyStruct(data, rv)
case reflect.Map:
return md.unifyMap(data, rv)
case reflect.Array:
return md.unifyArray(data, rv)
case reflect.Slice:
return md.unifySlice(data, rv)
case reflect.String:
return md.unifyString(data, rv)
case reflect.Bool:
return md.unifyBool(data, rv)
case reflect.Interface:
// we only support empty interfaces.
if rv.NumMethod() > 0 {
return e("unsupported type %s", rv.Type())
return md.unifyAnything(data, rv)
case reflect.Float32:
case reflect.Float64:
return md.unifyFloat64(data, rv)
return e("unsupported type %s", rv.Kind())
func (md *MetaData) unifyStruct(mapping interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
tmap, ok := mapping.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
if mapping == nil {
return nil
return e("type mismatch for %s: expected table but found %T",
rv.Type().String(), mapping)
for key, datum := range tmap {
var f *field
fields := cachedTypeFields(rv.Type())
for i := range fields {
ff := &fields[i]
if ff.name == key {
f = ff
if f == nil && strings.EqualFold(ff.name, key) {
f = ff
if f != nil {
subv := rv
for _, i := range f.index {
subv = indirect(subv.Field(i))
if isUnifiable(subv) {
md.decoded[md.context.add(key).String()] = true
md.context = append(md.context, key)
if err := md.unify(datum, subv); err != nil {
return err
md.context = md.context[0 : len(md.context)-1]
} else if f.name != "" {
// Bad user! No soup for you!
return e("cannot write unexported field %s.%s",
rv.Type().String(), f.name)
return nil
func (md *MetaData) unifyMap(mapping interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
tmap, ok := mapping.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
if tmap == nil {
return nil
return badtype("map", mapping)
if rv.IsNil() {
for k, v := range tmap {
md.decoded[md.context.add(k).String()] = true
md.context = append(md.context, k)
rvkey := indirect(reflect.New(rv.Type().Key()))
rvval := reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(rv.Type().Elem()))
if err := md.unify(v, rvval); err != nil {
return err
md.context = md.context[0 : len(md.context)-1]
rv.SetMapIndex(rvkey, rvval)
return nil
func (md *MetaData) unifyArray(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
datav := reflect.ValueOf(data)
if datav.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
if !datav.IsValid() {
return nil
return badtype("slice", data)
sliceLen := datav.Len()
if sliceLen != rv.Len() {
return e("expected array length %d; got TOML array of length %d",
rv.Len(), sliceLen)
return md.unifySliceArray(datav, rv)
func (md *MetaData) unifySlice(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
datav := reflect.ValueOf(data)
if datav.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
if !datav.IsValid() {
return nil
return badtype("slice", data)
n := datav.Len()
if rv.IsNil() || rv.Cap() < n {
rv.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(rv.Type(), n, n))
return md.unifySliceArray(datav, rv)
func (md *MetaData) unifySliceArray(data, rv reflect.Value) error {
sliceLen := data.Len()
for i := 0; i < sliceLen; i++ {
v := data.Index(i).Interface()
sliceval := indirect(rv.Index(i))
if err := md.unify(v, sliceval); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (md *MetaData) unifyDatetime(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
if _, ok := data.(time.Time); ok {
return nil
return badtype("time.Time", data)
func (md *MetaData) unifyString(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
if s, ok := data.(string); ok {
return nil
return badtype("string", data)
func (md *MetaData) unifyFloat64(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
if num, ok := data.(float64); ok {
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Float32:
case reflect.Float64:
return nil
return badtype("float", data)
func (md *MetaData) unifyInt(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
if num, ok := data.(int64); ok {
if rv.Kind() >= reflect.Int && rv.Kind() <= reflect.Int64 {
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int64:
// No bounds checking necessary.
case reflect.Int8:
if num < math.MinInt8 || num > math.MaxInt8 {
return e("value %d is out of range for int8", num)
case reflect.Int16:
if num < math.MinInt16 || num > math.MaxInt16 {
return e("value %d is out of range for int16", num)
case reflect.Int32:
if num < math.MinInt32 || num > math.MaxInt32 {
return e("value %d is out of range for int32", num)
} else if rv.Kind() >= reflect.Uint && rv.Kind() <= reflect.Uint64 {
unum := uint64(num)
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint64:
// No bounds checking necessary.
case reflect.Uint8:
if num < 0 || unum > math.MaxUint8 {
return e("value %d is out of range for uint8", num)
case reflect.Uint16:
if num < 0 || unum > math.MaxUint16 {
return e("value %d is out of range for uint16", num)
case reflect.Uint32:
if num < 0 || unum > math.MaxUint32 {
return e("value %d is out of range for uint32", num)
} else {
return nil
return badtype("integer", data)
func (md *MetaData) unifyBool(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
if b, ok := data.(bool); ok {
return nil
return badtype("boolean", data)
func (md *MetaData) unifyAnything(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
return nil
func (md *MetaData) unifyText(data interface{}, v TextUnmarshaler) error {
var s string
switch sdata := data.(type) {
case TextMarshaler:
text, err := sdata.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
return err
s = string(text)
case fmt.Stringer:
s = sdata.String()
case string:
s = sdata
case bool:
s = fmt.Sprintf("%v", sdata)
case int64:
s = fmt.Sprintf("%d", sdata)
case float64:
s = fmt.Sprintf("%f", sdata)
return badtype("primitive (string-like)", data)
if err := v.UnmarshalText([]byte(s)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// rvalue returns a reflect.Value of `v`. All pointers are resolved.
func rvalue(v interface{}) reflect.Value {
return indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v))
// indirect returns the value pointed to by a pointer.
// Pointers are followed until the value is not a pointer.
// New values are allocated for each nil pointer.
// An exception to this rule is if the value satisfies an interface of
// interest to us (like encoding.TextUnmarshaler).
func indirect(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
if v.CanSet() {
pv := v.Addr()
if _, ok := pv.Interface().(TextUnmarshaler); ok {
return pv
return v
if v.IsNil() {
return indirect(reflect.Indirect(v))
func isUnifiable(rv reflect.Value) bool {
if rv.CanSet() {
return true
if _, ok := rv.Interface().(TextUnmarshaler); ok {
return true
return false
func badtype(expected string, data interface{}) error {
return e("cannot load TOML value of type %T into a Go %s", data, expected)