mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 01:51:39 +00:00
Adds a new folder state "Waiting to Sync" in the same vein as the existing "Waiting to Scan". This vastly improves performances in the rare cases when there are lots and lots of folders operating.
2691 lines
78 KiB
2691 lines
78 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2014 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package model
import (
stdsync "sync"
// How many files to send in each Index/IndexUpdate message.
const (
maxBatchSizeBytes = 250 * 1024 // Aim for making index messages no larger than 250 KiB (uncompressed)
maxBatchSizeFiles = 1000 // Either way, don't include more files than this
type service interface {
DelayScan(d time.Duration)
SchedulePull() // something relevant changed, we should try a pull
Jobs(page, perpage int) ([]string, []string, int) // In progress, Queued, skipped
Scan(subs []string) error
CheckHealth() error
Errors() []FileError
WatchError() error
ForceRescan(file protocol.FileInfo) error
GetStatistics() (stats.FolderStatistics, error)
getState() (folderState, time.Time, error)
type Availability struct {
ID protocol.DeviceID `json:"id"`
FromTemporary bool `json:"fromTemporary"`
type Model interface {
ResetFolder(folder string)
DelayScan(folder string, next time.Duration)
ScanFolder(folder string) error
ScanFolders() map[string]error
ScanFolderSubdirs(folder string, subs []string) error
State(folder string) (string, time.Time, error)
FolderErrors(folder string) ([]FileError, error)
WatchError(folder string) error
Override(folder string)
Revert(folder string)
BringToFront(folder, file string)
GetIgnores(folder string) ([]string, []string, error)
SetIgnores(folder string, content []string) error
GetFolderVersions(folder string) (map[string][]versioner.FileVersion, error)
RestoreFolderVersions(folder string, versions map[string]time.Time) (map[string]string, error)
DBSnapshot(folder string) (*db.Snapshot, error)
NeedFolderFiles(folder string, page, perpage int) ([]db.FileInfoTruncated, []db.FileInfoTruncated, []db.FileInfoTruncated)
FolderProgressBytesCompleted(folder string) int64
CurrentFolderFile(folder string, file string) (protocol.FileInfo, bool)
CurrentGlobalFile(folder string, file string) (protocol.FileInfo, bool)
Availability(folder string, file protocol.FileInfo, block protocol.BlockInfo) []Availability
Completion(device protocol.DeviceID, folder string) FolderCompletion
ConnectionStats() map[string]interface{}
DeviceStatistics() (map[string]stats.DeviceStatistics, error)
FolderStatistics() (map[string]stats.FolderStatistics, error)
UsageReportingStats(version int, preview bool) map[string]interface{}
StartDeadlockDetector(timeout time.Duration)
GlobalDirectoryTree(folder, prefix string, levels int, dirsonly bool) map[string]interface{}
type model struct {
cfg config.Wrapper
db *db.Lowlevel
finder *db.BlockFinder
progressEmitter *ProgressEmitter
id protocol.DeviceID
shortID protocol.ShortID
cacheIgnoredFiles bool
protectedFiles []string
evLogger events.Logger
clientName string
clientVersion string
fmut sync.RWMutex // protects the below
folderCfgs map[string]config.FolderConfiguration // folder -> cfg
folderFiles map[string]*db.FileSet // folder -> files
deviceStatRefs map[protocol.DeviceID]*stats.DeviceStatisticsReference // deviceID -> statsRef
folderIgnores map[string]*ignore.Matcher // folder -> matcher object
folderRunners map[string]service // folder -> puller or scanner
folderRunnerTokens map[string][]suture.ServiceToken // folder -> tokens for puller or scanner
folderRestartMuts syncMutexMap // folder -> restart mutex
folderVersioners map[string]versioner.Versioner // folder -> versioner (may be nil)
pmut sync.RWMutex // protects the below
conn map[protocol.DeviceID]connections.Connection
connRequestLimiters map[protocol.DeviceID]*byteSemaphore
closed map[protocol.DeviceID]chan struct{}
helloMessages map[protocol.DeviceID]protocol.HelloResult
deviceDownloads map[protocol.DeviceID]*deviceDownloadState
remotePausedFolders map[protocol.DeviceID][]string // deviceID -> folders
foldersRunning int32 // for testing only
type folderFactory func(*model, *db.FileSet, *ignore.Matcher, config.FolderConfiguration, versioner.Versioner, fs.Filesystem, events.Logger) service
var (
folderFactories = make(map[config.FolderType]folderFactory)
var (
errDeviceUnknown = errors.New("unknown device")
errDevicePaused = errors.New("device is paused")
errDeviceIgnored = errors.New("device is ignored")
ErrFolderPaused = errors.New("folder is paused")
errFolderNotRunning = errors.New("folder is not running")
errFolderMissing = errors.New("no such folder")
errNetworkNotAllowed = errors.New("network not allowed")
errNoVersioner = errors.New("folder has no versioner")
// errors about why a connection is closed
errIgnoredFolderRemoved = errors.New("folder no longer ignored")
errReplacingConnection = errors.New("replacing connection")
errStopped = errors.New("Syncthing is being stopped")
// NewModel creates and starts a new model. The model starts in read-only mode,
// where it sends index information to connected peers and responds to requests
// for file data without altering the local folder in any way.
func NewModel(cfg config.Wrapper, id protocol.DeviceID, clientName, clientVersion string, ldb *db.Lowlevel, protectedFiles []string, evLogger events.Logger) Model {
m := &model{
Supervisor: suture.New("model", suture.Spec{
Log: func(line string) {
PassThroughPanics: true,
cfg: cfg,
db: ldb,
finder: db.NewBlockFinder(ldb),
progressEmitter: NewProgressEmitter(cfg, evLogger),
id: id,
shortID: id.Short(),
cacheIgnoredFiles: cfg.Options().CacheIgnoredFiles,
protectedFiles: protectedFiles,
evLogger: evLogger,
clientName: clientName,
clientVersion: clientVersion,
folderCfgs: make(map[string]config.FolderConfiguration),
folderFiles: make(map[string]*db.FileSet),
deviceStatRefs: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]*stats.DeviceStatisticsReference),
folderIgnores: make(map[string]*ignore.Matcher),
folderRunners: make(map[string]service),
folderRunnerTokens: make(map[string][]suture.ServiceToken),
folderVersioners: make(map[string]versioner.Versioner),
conn: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]connections.Connection),
connRequestLimiters: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]*byteSemaphore),
closed: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]chan struct{}),
helloMessages: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]protocol.HelloResult),
deviceDownloads: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]*deviceDownloadState),
remotePausedFolders: make(map[protocol.DeviceID][]string),
fmut: sync.NewRWMutex(),
pmut: sync.NewRWMutex(),
for devID := range cfg.Devices() {
m.deviceStatRefs[devID] = stats.NewDeviceStatisticsReference(m.db, devID.String())
return m
func (m *model) Serve() {
func (m *model) ServeBackground() {
func (m *model) onServe() {
// Add and start folders
for _, folderCfg := range m.cfg.Folders() {
if folderCfg.Paused {
func (m *model) Stop() {
devs := m.cfg.Devices()
ids := make([]protocol.DeviceID, 0, len(devs))
for id := range devs {
ids = append(ids, id)
w := m.closeConns(ids, errStopped)
// StartDeadlockDetector starts a deadlock detector on the models locks which
// causes panics in case the locks cannot be acquired in the given timeout
// period.
func (m *model) StartDeadlockDetector(timeout time.Duration) {
l.Infof("Starting deadlock detector with %v timeout", timeout)
detector := newDeadlockDetector(timeout)
detector.Watch("fmut", m.fmut)
detector.Watch("pmut", m.pmut)
// startFolder constructs the folder service and starts it.
func (m *model) startFolder(folder string) {
folderCfg := m.folderCfgs[folder]
// Close connections to affected devices
m.closeConns(folderCfg.DeviceIDs(), fmt.Errorf("started folder %v", folderCfg.Description()))
defer m.fmut.Unlock()
// Need to hold lock on m.fmut when calling this.
func (m *model) startFolderLocked(cfg config.FolderConfiguration) {
_, ok := m.folderRunners[cfg.ID]
if ok {
l.Warnln("Cannot start already running folder", cfg.Description())
panic("cannot start already running folder")
folderFactory, ok := folderFactories[cfg.Type]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown folder type 0x%x", cfg.Type))
folder := cfg.ID
fset := m.folderFiles[folder]
// Find any devices for which we hold the index in the db, but the folder
// is not shared, and drop it.
expected := mapDevices(cfg.DeviceIDs())
for _, available := range fset.ListDevices() {
if _, ok := expected[available]; !ok {
l.Debugln("dropping", folder, "state for", available)
v, ok := fset.Sequence(protocol.LocalDeviceID), true
indexHasFiles := ok && v > 0
if !indexHasFiles {
// It's a blank folder, so this may the first time we're looking at
// it. Attempt to create and tag with our marker as appropriate. We
// don't really do anything with errors at this point except warn -
// if these things don't work, we still want to start the folder and
// it'll show up as errored later.
if err := cfg.CreateRoot(); err != nil {
l.Warnln("Failed to create folder root directory", err)
} else if err = cfg.CreateMarker(); err != nil {
l.Warnln("Failed to create folder marker:", err)
ffs := fset.MtimeFS()
// These are our metadata files, and they should always be hidden.
_ = ffs.Hide(config.DefaultMarkerName)
_ = ffs.Hide(".stversions")
_ = ffs.Hide(".stignore")
var ver versioner.Versioner
if cfg.Versioning.Type != "" {
var err error
ver, err = versioner.New(ffs, cfg.Versioning)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("creating versioner: %v", err))
if service, ok := ver.(suture.Service); ok {
// The versioner implements the suture.Service interface, so
// expects to be run in the background in addition to being called
// when files are going to be archived.
token := m.Add(service)
m.folderRunnerTokens[folder] = append(m.folderRunnerTokens[folder], token)
m.folderVersioners[folder] = ver
ignores := m.folderIgnores[folder]
p := folderFactory(m, fset, ignores, cfg, ver, ffs, m.evLogger)
m.folderRunners[folder] = p
m.warnAboutOverwritingProtectedFiles(cfg, ignores)
token := m.Add(p)
m.folderRunnerTokens[folder] = append(m.folderRunnerTokens[folder], token)
l.Infof("Ready to synchronize %s (%s)", cfg.Description(), cfg.Type)
func (m *model) warnAboutOverwritingProtectedFiles(cfg config.FolderConfiguration, ignores *ignore.Matcher) {
if cfg.Type == config.FolderTypeSendOnly {
// This is a bit of a hack.
ffs := cfg.Filesystem()
if ffs.Type() != fs.FilesystemTypeBasic {
folderLocation := ffs.URI()
var filesAtRisk []string
for _, protectedFilePath := range m.protectedFiles {
// check if file is synced in this folder
if protectedFilePath != folderLocation && !fs.IsParent(protectedFilePath, folderLocation) {
// check if file is ignored
relPath, _ := filepath.Rel(folderLocation, protectedFilePath)
if ignores.Match(relPath).IsIgnored() {
filesAtRisk = append(filesAtRisk, protectedFilePath)
if len(filesAtRisk) > 0 {
l.Warnln("Some protected files may be overwritten and cause issues. See https://docs.syncthing.net/users/config.html#syncing-configuration-files for more information. The at risk files are:", strings.Join(filesAtRisk, ", "))
func (m *model) addFolder(cfg config.FolderConfiguration) {
if len(cfg.ID) == 0 {
panic("cannot add empty folder id")
if len(cfg.Path) == 0 {
panic("cannot add empty folder path")
// Creating the fileset can take a long time (metadata calculation) so
// we do it outside of the lock.
fset := db.NewFileSet(cfg.ID, cfg.Filesystem(), m.db)
defer m.fmut.Unlock()
m.addFolderLocked(cfg, fset)
func (m *model) addFolderLocked(cfg config.FolderConfiguration, fset *db.FileSet) {
m.folderCfgs[cfg.ID] = cfg
m.folderFiles[cfg.ID] = fset
ignores := ignore.New(cfg.Filesystem(), ignore.WithCache(m.cacheIgnoredFiles))
if err := ignores.Load(".stignore"); err != nil && !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
l.Warnln("Loading ignores:", err)
m.folderIgnores[cfg.ID] = ignores
func (m *model) removeFolder(cfg config.FolderConfiguration) {
m.stopFolder(cfg, fmt.Errorf("removing folder %v", cfg.Description()))
isPathUnique := true
for folderID, folderCfg := range m.folderCfgs {
if folderID != cfg.ID && folderCfg.Path == cfg.Path {
isPathUnique = false
if isPathUnique {
// Delete syncthing specific files
// Remove it from the database
db.DropFolder(m.db, cfg.ID)
func (m *model) stopFolder(cfg config.FolderConfiguration, err error) {
// Stop the services running for this folder and wait for them to finish
// stopping to prevent races on restart.
tokens := m.folderRunnerTokens[cfg.ID]
for _, id := range tokens {
m.RemoveAndWait(id, 0)
// Wait for connections to stop to ensure that no more calls to methods
// expecting this folder to exist happen (e.g. .IndexUpdate).
m.closeConns(cfg.DeviceIDs(), err).Wait()
// Need to hold lock on m.fmut when calling this.
func (m *model) removeFolderLocked(cfg config.FolderConfiguration) {
// Clean up our config maps
delete(m.folderCfgs, cfg.ID)
delete(m.folderFiles, cfg.ID)
delete(m.folderIgnores, cfg.ID)
delete(m.folderRunners, cfg.ID)
delete(m.folderRunnerTokens, cfg.ID)
delete(m.folderVersioners, cfg.ID)
func (m *model) restartFolder(from, to config.FolderConfiguration) {
if len(to.ID) == 0 {
panic("bug: cannot restart empty folder ID")
if to.ID != from.ID {
l.Warnf("bug: folder restart cannot change ID %q -> %q", from.ID, to.ID)
panic("bug: folder restart cannot change ID")
// This mutex protects the entirety of the restart operation, preventing
// there from being more than one folder restart operation in progress
// at any given time. The usual fmut/pmut stuff doesn't cover this,
// because those locks are released while we are waiting for the folder
// to shut down (and must be so because the folder might need them as
// part of its operations before shutting down).
restartMut := m.folderRestartMuts.Get(to.ID)
defer restartMut.Unlock()
var infoMsg string
var errMsg string
switch {
case to.Paused:
infoMsg = "Paused"
errMsg = "pausing"
case from.Paused:
infoMsg = "Unpaused"
errMsg = "unpausing"
infoMsg = "Restarted"
errMsg = "restarting"
var fset *db.FileSet
if !to.Paused {
// Creating the fileset can take a long time (metadata calculation)
// so we do it outside of the lock.
fset = db.NewFileSet(to.ID, to.Filesystem(), m.db)
m.stopFolder(from, fmt.Errorf("%v folder %v", errMsg, to.Description()))
defer m.fmut.Unlock()
if !to.Paused {
m.addFolderLocked(to, fset)
l.Infof("%v folder %v (%v)", infoMsg, to.Description(), to.Type)
func (m *model) newFolder(cfg config.FolderConfiguration) {
// Creating the fileset can take a long time (metadata calculation) so
// we do it outside of the lock.
fset := db.NewFileSet(cfg.ID, cfg.Filesystem(), m.db)
// Close connections to affected devices
m.closeConns(cfg.DeviceIDs(), fmt.Errorf("started folder %v", cfg.Description()))
defer m.fmut.Unlock()
m.addFolderLocked(cfg, fset)
func (m *model) UsageReportingStats(version int, preview bool) map[string]interface{} {
stats := make(map[string]interface{})
if version >= 3 {
// Block stats
copyBlockStats := make(map[string]int)
for k, v := range blockStats {
copyBlockStats[k] = v
if !preview {
blockStats[k] = 0
stats["blockStats"] = copyBlockStats
// Transport stats
transportStats := make(map[string]int)
for _, conn := range m.conn {
stats["transportStats"] = transportStats
// Ignore stats
ignoreStats := map[string]int{
"lines": 0,
"inverts": 0,
"folded": 0,
"deletable": 0,
"rooted": 0,
"includes": 0,
"escapedIncludes": 0,
"doubleStars": 0,
"stars": 0,
var seenPrefix [3]bool
for folder := range m.cfg.Folders() {
lines, _, err := m.GetIgnores(folder)
if err != nil {
ignoreStats["lines"] += len(lines)
for _, line := range lines {
// Allow prefixes to be specified in any order, but only once.
for {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "!") && !seenPrefix[0] {
seenPrefix[0] = true
line = line[1:]
ignoreStats["inverts"] += 1
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "(?i)") && !seenPrefix[1] {
seenPrefix[1] = true
line = line[4:]
ignoreStats["folded"] += 1
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "(?d)") && !seenPrefix[2] {
seenPrefix[2] = true
line = line[4:]
ignoreStats["deletable"] += 1
} else {
seenPrefix[0] = false
seenPrefix[1] = false
seenPrefix[2] = false
// Noops, remove
line = strings.TrimSuffix(line, "**")
line = strings.TrimPrefix(line, "**/")
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "/") {
ignoreStats["rooted"] += 1
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#include ") {
ignoreStats["includes"] += 1
if strings.Contains(line, "..") {
ignoreStats["escapedIncludes"] += 1
if strings.Contains(line, "**") {
ignoreStats["doubleStars"] += 1
// Remove not to trip up star checks.
line = strings.Replace(line, "**", "", -1)
if strings.Contains(line, "*") {
ignoreStats["stars"] += 1
stats["ignoreStats"] = ignoreStats
return stats
type ConnectionInfo struct {
Connected bool
Paused bool
Address string
ClientVersion string
Type string
Crypto string
func (info ConnectionInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
"at": info.At,
"inBytesTotal": info.InBytesTotal,
"outBytesTotal": info.OutBytesTotal,
"connected": info.Connected,
"paused": info.Paused,
"address": info.Address,
"clientVersion": info.ClientVersion,
"type": info.Type,
"crypto": info.Crypto,
// ConnectionStats returns a map with connection statistics for each device.
func (m *model) ConnectionStats() map[string]interface{} {
defer m.pmut.RUnlock()
res := make(map[string]interface{})
devs := m.cfg.Devices()
conns := make(map[string]ConnectionInfo, len(devs))
for device, deviceCfg := range devs {
hello := m.helloMessages[device]
versionString := hello.ClientVersion
if hello.ClientName != "syncthing" {
versionString = hello.ClientName + " " + hello.ClientVersion
ci := ConnectionInfo{
ClientVersion: strings.TrimSpace(versionString),
Paused: deviceCfg.Paused,
if conn, ok := m.conn[device]; ok {
ci.Type = conn.Type()
ci.Crypto = conn.Crypto()
ci.Connected = ok
ci.Statistics = conn.Statistics()
if addr := conn.RemoteAddr(); addr != nil {
ci.Address = addr.String()
conns[device.String()] = ci
res["connections"] = conns
in, out := protocol.TotalInOut()
res["total"] = ConnectionInfo{
Statistics: protocol.Statistics{
At: time.Now(),
InBytesTotal: in,
OutBytesTotal: out,
return res
// DeviceStatistics returns statistics about each device
func (m *model) DeviceStatistics() (map[string]stats.DeviceStatistics, error) {
defer m.fmut.RUnlock()
res := make(map[string]stats.DeviceStatistics, len(m.deviceStatRefs))
for id, sr := range m.deviceStatRefs {
stats, err := sr.GetStatistics()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res[id.String()] = stats
return res, nil
// FolderStatistics returns statistics about each folder
func (m *model) FolderStatistics() (map[string]stats.FolderStatistics, error) {
res := make(map[string]stats.FolderStatistics)
defer m.fmut.RUnlock()
for id, runner := range m.folderRunners {
stats, err := runner.GetStatistics()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res[id] = stats
return res, nil
type FolderCompletion struct {
CompletionPct float64
NeedBytes int64
NeedItems int64
GlobalBytes int64
NeedDeletes int64
// Map returns the members as a map, e.g. used in api to serialize as Json.
func (comp FolderCompletion) Map() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{
"completion": comp.CompletionPct,
"needBytes": comp.NeedBytes,
"needItems": comp.NeedItems,
"globalBytes": comp.GlobalBytes,
"needDeletes": comp.NeedDeletes,
// Completion returns the completion status, in percent, for the given device
// and folder.
func (m *model) Completion(device protocol.DeviceID, folder string) FolderCompletion {
rf, ok := m.folderFiles[folder]
if !ok {
return FolderCompletion{} // Folder doesn't exist, so we hardly have any of it
snap := rf.Snapshot()
defer snap.Release()
tot := snap.GlobalSize().Bytes
if tot == 0 {
// Folder is empty, so we have all of it
return FolderCompletion{
CompletionPct: 100,
counts := m.deviceDownloads[device].GetBlockCounts(folder)
var need, items, fileNeed, downloaded, deletes int64
snap.WithNeedTruncated(device, func(f db.FileIntf) bool {
ft := f.(db.FileInfoTruncated)
// If the file is deleted, we account it only in the deleted column.
if ft.Deleted {
return true
// This might might be more than it really is, because some blocks can be of a smaller size.
downloaded = int64(counts[ft.Name]) * int64(ft.BlockSize())
fileNeed = ft.FileSize() - downloaded
if fileNeed < 0 {
fileNeed = 0
need += fileNeed
return true
needRatio := float64(need) / float64(tot)
completionPct := 100 * (1 - needRatio)
// If the completion is 100% but there are deletes we need to handle,
// drop it down a notch. Hack for consumers that look only at the
// percentage (our own GUI does the same calculation as here on its own
// and needs the same fixup).
if need == 0 && deletes > 0 {
completionPct = 95 // chosen by fair dice roll
l.Debugf("%v Completion(%s, %q): %f (%d / %d = %f)", m, device, folder, completionPct, need, tot, needRatio)
return FolderCompletion{
CompletionPct: completionPct,
NeedBytes: need,
NeedItems: items,
GlobalBytes: tot,
NeedDeletes: deletes,
// DBSnapshot returns a snapshot of the database content relevant to the given folder.
func (m *model) DBSnapshot(folder string) (*db.Snapshot, error) {
rf, ok := m.folderFiles[folder]
if !ok {
return nil, errFolderMissing
return rf.Snapshot(), nil
func (m *model) FolderProgressBytesCompleted(folder string) int64 {
return m.progressEmitter.BytesCompleted(folder)
// NeedFolderFiles returns paginated list of currently needed files in
// progress, queued, and to be queued on next puller iteration.
func (m *model) NeedFolderFiles(folder string, page, perpage int) ([]db.FileInfoTruncated, []db.FileInfoTruncated, []db.FileInfoTruncated) {
rf, rfOk := m.folderFiles[folder]
runner, runnerOk := m.folderRunners[folder]
cfg := m.folderCfgs[folder]
if !rfOk {
return nil, nil, nil
snap := rf.Snapshot()
defer snap.Release()
var progress, queued, rest []db.FileInfoTruncated
var seen map[string]struct{}
skip := (page - 1) * perpage
get := perpage
if runnerOk {
progressNames, queuedNames, skipped := runner.Jobs(page, perpage)
progress = make([]db.FileInfoTruncated, len(progressNames))
queued = make([]db.FileInfoTruncated, len(queuedNames))
seen = make(map[string]struct{}, len(progressNames)+len(queuedNames))
for i, name := range progressNames {
if f, ok := snap.GetGlobalTruncated(name); ok {
progress[i] = f
seen[name] = struct{}{}
for i, name := range queuedNames {
if f, ok := snap.GetGlobalTruncated(name); ok {
queued[i] = f
seen[name] = struct{}{}
get -= len(seen)
if get == 0 {
return progress, queued, nil
skip -= skipped
rest = make([]db.FileInfoTruncated, 0, perpage)
snap.WithNeedTruncated(protocol.LocalDeviceID, func(f db.FileIntf) bool {
if cfg.IgnoreDelete && f.IsDeleted() {
return true
if skip > 0 {
return true
ft := f.(db.FileInfoTruncated)
if _, ok := seen[ft.Name]; !ok {
rest = append(rest, ft)
return get > 0
return progress, queued, rest
// Index is called when a new device is connected and we receive their full index.
// Implements the protocol.Model interface.
func (m *model) Index(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
return m.handleIndex(deviceID, folder, fs, false)
// IndexUpdate is called for incremental updates to connected devices' indexes.
// Implements the protocol.Model interface.
func (m *model) IndexUpdate(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
return m.handleIndex(deviceID, folder, fs, true)
func (m *model) handleIndex(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo, update bool) error {
op := "Index"
if update {
op += " update"
l.Debugf("%v (in): %s / %q: %d files", op, deviceID, folder, len(fs))
if cfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(folder); !ok || !cfg.SharedWith(deviceID) {
l.Infof("%v for unexpected folder ID %q sent from device %q; ensure that the folder exists and that this device is selected under \"Share With\" in the folder configuration.", op, folder, deviceID)
return errors.Wrap(errFolderMissing, folder)
} else if cfg.Paused {
l.Debugf("%v for paused folder (ID %q) sent from device %q.", op, folder, deviceID)
return errors.Wrap(ErrFolderPaused, folder)
files, existing := m.folderFiles[folder]
runner, running := m.folderRunners[folder]
if !existing {
l.Infof("%v for nonexistent folder %q", op, folder)
return errors.Wrap(errFolderMissing, folder)
if running {
defer runner.SchedulePull()
downloads := m.deviceDownloads[deviceID]
downloads.Update(folder, makeForgetUpdate(fs))
if !update {
for i := range fs {
// The local attributes should never be transmitted over the wire.
// Make sure they look like they weren't.
fs[i].LocalFlags = 0
files.Update(deviceID, fs)
m.evLogger.Log(events.RemoteIndexUpdated, map[string]interface{}{
"device": deviceID.String(),
"folder": folder,
"items": len(fs),
"version": files.Sequence(deviceID),
return nil
func (m *model) ClusterConfig(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, cm protocol.ClusterConfig) error {
// Check the peer device's announced folders against our own. Emits events
// for folders that we don't expect (unknown or not shared).
// Also, collect a list of folders we do share, and if he's interested in
// temporary indexes, subscribe the connection.
tempIndexFolders := make([]string, 0, len(cm.Folders))
conn, ok := m.conn[deviceID]
closed := m.closed[deviceID]
if !ok {
panic("bug: ClusterConfig called on closed or nonexistent connection")
changed := false
deviceCfg := m.cfg.Devices()[deviceID]
// Needs to happen outside of the fmut, as can cause CommitConfiguration
if deviceCfg.AutoAcceptFolders {
for _, folder := range cm.Folders {
changed = m.handleAutoAccepts(deviceCfg, folder) || changed
var paused []string
for _, folder := range cm.Folders {
cfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(folder.ID)
if !ok || !cfg.SharedWith(deviceID) {
if deviceCfg.IgnoredFolder(folder.ID) {
l.Infof("Ignoring folder %s from device %s since we are configured to", folder.Description(), deviceID)
m.cfg.AddOrUpdatePendingFolder(folder.ID, folder.Label, deviceID)
changed = true
m.evLogger.Log(events.FolderRejected, map[string]string{
"folder": folder.ID,
"folderLabel": folder.Label,
"device": deviceID.String(),
l.Infof("Unexpected folder %s sent from device %q; ensure that the folder exists and that this device is selected under \"Share With\" in the folder configuration.", folder.Description(), deviceID)
if folder.Paused {
paused = append(paused, folder.ID)
if cfg.Paused {
fs, ok := m.folderFiles[folder.ID]
if !ok {
// Shouldn't happen because !cfg.Paused, but might happen
// if the folder is about to be unpaused, but not yet.
if !folder.DisableTempIndexes {
tempIndexFolders = append(tempIndexFolders, folder.ID)
myIndexID := fs.IndexID(protocol.LocalDeviceID)
mySequence := fs.Sequence(protocol.LocalDeviceID)
var startSequence int64
for _, dev := range folder.Devices {
if dev.ID == m.id {
// This is the other side's description of what it knows
// about us. Lets check to see if we can start sending index
// updates directly or need to send the index from start...
if dev.IndexID == myIndexID {
// They say they've seen our index ID before, so we can
// send a delta update only.
if dev.MaxSequence > mySequence {
// Safety check. They claim to have more or newer
// index data than we have - either we have lost
// index data, or reset the index without resetting
// the IndexID, or something else weird has
// happened. We send a full index to reset the
// situation.
l.Infof("Device %v folder %s is delta index compatible, but seems out of sync with reality", deviceID, folder.Description())
startSequence = 0
l.Debugf("Device %v folder %s is delta index compatible (mlv=%d)", deviceID, folder.Description(), dev.MaxSequence)
startSequence = dev.MaxSequence
} else if dev.IndexID != 0 {
// They say they've seen an index ID from us, but it's
// not the right one. Either they are confused or we
// must have reset our database since last talking to
// them. We'll start with a full index transfer.
l.Infof("Device %v folder %s has mismatching index ID for us (%v != %v)", deviceID, folder.Description(), dev.IndexID, myIndexID)
startSequence = 0
} else if dev.ID == deviceID {
// This is the other side's description of themselves. We
// check to see that it matches the IndexID we have on file,
// otherwise we drop our old index data and expect to get a
// completely new set.
theirIndexID := fs.IndexID(deviceID)
if dev.IndexID == 0 {
// They're not announcing an index ID. This means they
// do not support delta indexes and we should clear any
// information we have from them before accepting their
// index, which will presumably be a full index.
} else if dev.IndexID != theirIndexID {
// The index ID we have on file is not what they're
// announcing. They must have reset their database and
// will probably send us a full index. We drop any
// information we have and remember this new index ID
// instead.
l.Infof("Device %v folder %s has a new index ID (%v)", deviceID, folder.Description(), dev.IndexID)
fs.SetIndexID(deviceID, dev.IndexID)
} else {
// They're sending a recognized index ID and will most
// likely use delta indexes. We might already have files
// that we need to pull so let the folder runner know
// that it should recheck the index data.
if runner := m.folderRunners[folder.ID]; runner != nil {
defer runner.SchedulePull()
is := &indexSender{
conn: conn,
connClosed: closed,
folder: folder.ID,
fset: fs,
prevSequence: startSequence,
evLogger: m.evLogger,
is.Service = util.AsService(is.serve, is.String())
// The token isn't tracked as the service stops when the connection
// terminates and is automatically removed from supervisor (by
// implementing suture.IsCompletable).
m.remotePausedFolders[deviceID] = paused
// This breaks if we send multiple CM messages during the same connection.
if len(tempIndexFolders) > 0 {
conn, ok := m.conn[deviceID]
// In case we've got ClusterConfig, and the connection disappeared
// from infront of our nose.
if ok {
m.progressEmitter.temporaryIndexSubscribe(conn, tempIndexFolders)
if deviceCfg.Introducer {
folders, devices, foldersDevices, introduced := m.handleIntroductions(deviceCfg, cm)
folders, devices, deintroduced := m.handleDeintroductions(deviceCfg, foldersDevices, folders, devices)
if introduced || deintroduced {
changed = true
cfg := m.cfg.RawCopy()
cfg.Folders = make([]config.FolderConfiguration, 0, len(folders))
for _, fcfg := range folders {
cfg.Folders = append(cfg.Folders, fcfg)
cfg.Devices = make([]config.DeviceConfiguration, len(devices))
for _, dcfg := range devices {
cfg.Devices = append(cfg.Devices, dcfg)
if changed {
if err := m.cfg.Save(); err != nil {
l.Warnln("Failed to save config", err)
return nil
// handleIntroductions handles adding devices/folders that are shared by an introducer device
func (m *model) handleIntroductions(introducerCfg config.DeviceConfiguration, cm protocol.ClusterConfig) (map[string]config.FolderConfiguration, map[protocol.DeviceID]config.DeviceConfiguration, folderDeviceSet, bool) {
changed := false
folders := m.cfg.Folders()
devices := m.cfg.Devices()
foldersDevices := make(folderDeviceSet)
for _, folder := range cm.Folders {
// Adds devices which we do not have, but the introducer has
// for the folders that we have in common. Also, shares folders
// with devices that we have in common, yet are currently not sharing
// the folder.
fcfg, ok := folders[folder.ID]
if !ok {
// Don't have this folder, carry on.
folderChanged := false
for _, device := range folder.Devices {
// No need to share with self.
if device.ID == m.id {
foldersDevices.set(device.ID, folder.ID)
if _, ok := m.cfg.Devices()[device.ID]; !ok {
// The device is currently unknown. Add it to the config.
devices[device.ID] = m.introduceDevice(device, introducerCfg)
} else if fcfg.SharedWith(device.ID) {
// We already share the folder with this device, so
// nothing to do.
// We don't yet share this folder with this device. Add the device
// to sharing list of the folder.
l.Infof("Sharing folder %s with %v (vouched for by introducer %v)", folder.Description(), device.ID, introducerCfg.DeviceID)
fcfg.Devices = append(fcfg.Devices, config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device.ID,
IntroducedBy: introducerCfg.DeviceID,
folderChanged = true
if folderChanged {
folders[fcfg.ID] = fcfg
changed = true
return folders, devices, foldersDevices, changed
// handleDeintroductions handles removals of devices/shares that are removed by an introducer device
func (m *model) handleDeintroductions(introducerCfg config.DeviceConfiguration, foldersDevices folderDeviceSet, folders map[string]config.FolderConfiguration, devices map[protocol.DeviceID]config.DeviceConfiguration) (map[string]config.FolderConfiguration, map[protocol.DeviceID]config.DeviceConfiguration, bool) {
if introducerCfg.SkipIntroductionRemovals {
return folders, devices, false
changed := false
devicesNotIntroduced := make(map[protocol.DeviceID]struct{})
// Check if we should unshare some folders, if the introducer has unshared them.
for folderID, folderCfg := range folders {
for k := 0; k < len(folderCfg.Devices); k++ {
if folderCfg.Devices[k].IntroducedBy != introducerCfg.DeviceID {
devicesNotIntroduced[folderCfg.Devices[k].DeviceID] = struct{}{}
if !foldersDevices.has(folderCfg.Devices[k].DeviceID, folderCfg.ID) {
// We could not find that folder shared on the
// introducer with the device that was introduced to us.
// We should follow and unshare as well.
l.Infof("Unsharing folder %s with %v as introducer %v no longer shares the folder with that device", folderCfg.Description(), folderCfg.Devices[k].DeviceID, folderCfg.Devices[k].IntroducedBy)
folderCfg.Devices = append(folderCfg.Devices[:k], folderCfg.Devices[k+1:]...)
folders[folderID] = folderCfg
changed = true
// Check if we should remove some devices, if the introducer no longer
// shares any folder with them. Yet do not remove if we share other
// folders that haven't been introduced by the introducer.
for deviceID, device := range devices {
if device.IntroducedBy == introducerCfg.DeviceID {
if !foldersDevices.hasDevice(deviceID) {
if _, ok := devicesNotIntroduced[deviceID]; !ok {
// The introducer no longer shares any folder with the
// device, remove the device.
l.Infof("Removing device %v as introducer %v no longer shares any folders with that device", deviceID, device.IntroducedBy)
changed = true
delete(devices, deviceID)
l.Infof("Would have removed %v as %v no longer shares any folders, yet there are other folders that are shared with this device that haven't been introduced by this introducer.", deviceID, device.IntroducedBy)
return folders, devices, changed
// handleAutoAccepts handles adding and sharing folders for devices that have
// AutoAcceptFolders set to true.
func (m *model) handleAutoAccepts(deviceCfg config.DeviceConfiguration, folder protocol.Folder) bool {
if cfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(folder.ID); !ok {
defaultPath := m.cfg.Options().DefaultFolderPath
defaultPathFs := fs.NewFilesystem(fs.FilesystemTypeBasic, defaultPath)
pathAlternatives := []string{
for _, path := range pathAlternatives {
if _, err := defaultPathFs.Lstat(path); !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
fcfg := config.NewFolderConfiguration(m.id, folder.ID, folder.Label, fs.FilesystemTypeBasic, filepath.Join(defaultPath, path))
fcfg.Devices = append(fcfg.Devices, config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: deviceCfg.DeviceID,
// Need to wait for the waiter, as this calls CommitConfiguration,
// which sets up the folder and as we return from this call,
// ClusterConfig starts poking at m.folderFiles and other things
// that might not exist until the config is committed.
w, _ := m.cfg.SetFolder(fcfg)
l.Infof("Auto-accepted %s folder %s at path %s", deviceCfg.DeviceID, folder.Description(), fcfg.Path)
return true
l.Infof("Failed to auto-accept folder %s from %s due to path conflict", folder.Description(), deviceCfg.DeviceID)
return false
} else {
for _, device := range cfg.DeviceIDs() {
if device == deviceCfg.DeviceID {
// Already shared nothing todo.
return false
cfg.Devices = append(cfg.Devices, config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: deviceCfg.DeviceID,
w, _ := m.cfg.SetFolder(cfg)
l.Infof("Shared %s with %s due to auto-accept", folder.ID, deviceCfg.DeviceID)
return true
func (m *model) introduceDevice(device protocol.Device, introducerCfg config.DeviceConfiguration) config.DeviceConfiguration {
addresses := []string{"dynamic"}
for _, addr := range device.Addresses {
if addr != "dynamic" {
addresses = append(addresses, addr)
l.Infof("Adding device %v to config (vouched for by introducer %v)", device.ID, introducerCfg.DeviceID)
newDeviceCfg := config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device.ID,
Name: device.Name,
Compression: introducerCfg.Compression,
Addresses: addresses,
CertName: device.CertName,
IntroducedBy: introducerCfg.DeviceID,
// The introducers' introducers are also our introducers.
if device.Introducer {
l.Infof("Device %v is now also an introducer", device.ID)
newDeviceCfg.Introducer = true
newDeviceCfg.SkipIntroductionRemovals = device.SkipIntroductionRemovals
return newDeviceCfg
// Closed is called when a connection has been closed
func (m *model) Closed(conn protocol.Connection, err error) {
device := conn.ID()
conn, ok := m.conn[device]
if !ok {
delete(m.conn, device)
delete(m.connRequestLimiters, device)
delete(m.helloMessages, device)
delete(m.deviceDownloads, device)
delete(m.remotePausedFolders, device)
closed := m.closed[device]
delete(m.closed, device)
l.Infof("Connection to %s at %s closed: %v", device, conn.Name(), err)
m.evLogger.Log(events.DeviceDisconnected, map[string]string{
"id": device.String(),
"error": err.Error(),
// closeConns will close the underlying connection for given devices and return
// a waiter that will return once all the connections are finished closing.
func (m *model) closeConns(devs []protocol.DeviceID, err error) config.Waiter {
conns := make([]connections.Connection, 0, len(devs))
closed := make([]chan struct{}, 0, len(devs))
for _, dev := range devs {
if conn, ok := m.conn[dev]; ok {
conns = append(conns, conn)
closed = append(closed, m.closed[dev])
for _, conn := range conns {
return &channelWaiter{chans: closed}
// closeConn closes the underlying connection for the given device and returns
// a waiter that will return once the connection is finished closing.
func (m *model) closeConn(dev protocol.DeviceID, err error) config.Waiter {
return m.closeConns([]protocol.DeviceID{dev}, err)
type channelWaiter struct {
chans []chan struct{}
func (w *channelWaiter) Wait() {
for _, c := range w.chans {
// Implements protocol.RequestResponse
type requestResponse struct {
data []byte
closed chan struct{}
once stdsync.Once
func newRequestResponse(size int) *requestResponse {
return &requestResponse{
data: protocol.BufferPool.Get(size),
closed: make(chan struct{}),
func (r *requestResponse) Data() []byte {
return r.data
func (r *requestResponse) Close() {
r.once.Do(func() {
func (r *requestResponse) Wait() {
// Request returns the specified data segment by reading it from local disk.
// Implements the protocol.Model interface.
func (m *model) Request(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, folder, name string, size int32, offset int64, hash []byte, weakHash uint32, fromTemporary bool) (out protocol.RequestResponse, err error) {
if size < 0 || offset < 0 {
return nil, protocol.ErrInvalid
folderCfg, ok := m.folderCfgs[folder]
folderIgnores := m.folderIgnores[folder]
if !ok {
// The folder might be already unpaused in the config, but not yet
// in the model.
l.Debugf("Request from %s for file %s in unstarted folder %q", deviceID, name, folder)
return nil, protocol.ErrGeneric
if !folderCfg.SharedWith(deviceID) {
l.Warnf("Request from %s for file %s in unshared folder %q", deviceID, name, folder)
return nil, protocol.ErrGeneric
if folderCfg.Paused {
l.Debugf("Request from %s for file %s in paused folder %q", deviceID, name, folder)
return nil, protocol.ErrGeneric
// Make sure the path is valid and in canonical form
if name, err = fs.Canonicalize(name); err != nil {
l.Debugf("Request from %s in folder %q for invalid filename %s", deviceID, folder, name)
return nil, protocol.ErrGeneric
if deviceID != protocol.LocalDeviceID {
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in): %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d t=%v", m, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size, fromTemporary)
if fs.IsInternal(name) {
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) for internal file: %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrInvalid
if folderIgnores.Match(name).IsIgnored() {
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) for ignored file: %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrInvalid
folderFs := folderCfg.Filesystem()
if err := osutil.TraversesSymlink(folderFs, filepath.Dir(name)); err != nil {
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) traversal check: %s - %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, err, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrNoSuchFile
// Restrict parallel requests by connection/device
limiter := m.connRequestLimiters[deviceID]
if limiter != nil {
// The requestResponse releases the bytes to the limiter when its Close method is called.
res := newRequestResponse(int(size))
defer func() {
// Close it ourselves if it isn't returned due to an error
if err != nil {
if limiter != nil {
go func() {
// Only check temp files if the flag is set, and if we are set to advertise
// the temp indexes.
if fromTemporary && !folderCfg.DisableTempIndexes {
tempFn := fs.TempName(name)
if info, err := folderFs.Lstat(tempFn); err != nil || !info.IsRegular() {
// Reject reads for anything that doesn't exist or is something
// other than a regular file.
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) failed stating temp file (%v): %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, err, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrNoSuchFile
err := readOffsetIntoBuf(folderFs, tempFn, offset, res.data)
if err == nil && scanner.Validate(res.data, hash, weakHash) {
return res, nil
// Fall through to reading from a non-temp file, just incase the temp
// file has finished downloading.
if info, err := folderFs.Lstat(name); err != nil || !info.IsRegular() {
// Reject reads for anything that doesn't exist or is something
// other than a regular file.
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) failed stating file (%v): %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, err, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrNoSuchFile
if err := readOffsetIntoBuf(folderFs, name, offset, res.data); fs.IsNotExist(err) {
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) file doesn't exist: %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrNoSuchFile
} else if err != nil {
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) failed reading file (%v): %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, err, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrGeneric
if !scanner.Validate(res.data, hash, weakHash) {
m.recheckFile(deviceID, folderFs, folder, name, size, offset, hash)
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) failed validating data (%v): %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, err, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrNoSuchFile
return res, nil
func (m *model) recheckFile(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, folderFs fs.Filesystem, folder, name string, size int32, offset int64, hash []byte) {
cf, ok := m.CurrentFolderFile(folder, name)
if !ok {
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q: no current file", m, deviceID, folder, name)
if cf.IsDeleted() || cf.IsInvalid() || cf.IsSymlink() || cf.IsDirectory() {
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q: not a regular file", m, deviceID, folder, name)
blockIndex := int(offset / int64(cf.BlockSize()))
if blockIndex >= len(cf.Blocks) {
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q i=%d: block index too far", m, deviceID, folder, name, blockIndex)
block := cf.Blocks[blockIndex]
// Seems to want a different version of the file, whatever.
if !bytes.Equal(block.Hash, hash) {
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q i=%d: hash mismatch %x != %x", m, deviceID, folder, name, blockIndex, block.Hash, hash)
// The hashes provided part of the request match what we expect to find according
// to what we have in the database, yet the content we've read off the filesystem doesn't
// Something is fishy, invalidate the file and rescan it.
// The file will temporarily become invalid, which is ok as the content is messed up.
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if !ok {
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q: Folder stopped before rescan could be scheduled", m, deviceID, folder, name)
if err := runner.ForceRescan(cf); err != nil {
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q rescan: %s", m, deviceID, folder, name, err)
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q", m, deviceID, folder, name)
func (m *model) CurrentFolderFile(folder string, file string) (protocol.FileInfo, bool) {
fs, ok := m.folderFiles[folder]
if !ok {
return protocol.FileInfo{}, false
snap := fs.Snapshot()
defer snap.Release()
return snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, file)
func (m *model) CurrentGlobalFile(folder string, file string) (protocol.FileInfo, bool) {
fs, ok := m.folderFiles[folder]
if !ok {
return protocol.FileInfo{}, false
snap := fs.Snapshot()
defer snap.Release()
return snap.GetGlobal(file)
// Connection returns the current connection for device, and a boolean whether a connection was found.
func (m *model) Connection(deviceID protocol.DeviceID) (connections.Connection, bool) {
cn, ok := m.conn[deviceID]
if ok {
return cn, ok
func (m *model) GetIgnores(folder string) ([]string, []string, error) {
cfg, cfgOk := m.folderCfgs[folder]
ignores, ignoresOk := m.folderIgnores[folder]
if !cfgOk {
cfg, cfgOk = m.cfg.Folders()[folder]
if !cfgOk {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Folder %s does not exist", folder)
// On creation a new folder with ignore patterns validly has no marker yet.
if err := cfg.CheckPath(); err != nil && err != config.ErrMarkerMissing {
return nil, nil, err
if !ignoresOk {
ignores = ignore.New(fs.NewFilesystem(cfg.FilesystemType, cfg.Path))
if err := ignores.Load(".stignore"); err != nil && !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, nil, err
return ignores.Lines(), ignores.Patterns(), nil
func (m *model) SetIgnores(folder string, content []string) error {
cfg, ok := m.cfg.Folders()[folder]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("folder %s does not exist", cfg.Description())
err := cfg.CheckPath()
if err == config.ErrPathMissing {
if err = cfg.CreateRoot(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create folder root")
err = cfg.CheckPath()
if err != nil && err != config.ErrMarkerMissing {
return err
if err := ignore.WriteIgnores(cfg.Filesystem(), ".stignore", content); err != nil {
l.Warnln("Saving .stignore:", err)
return err
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if ok {
return runner.Scan(nil)
return nil
// OnHello is called when an device connects to us.
// This allows us to extract some information from the Hello message
// and add it to a list of known devices ahead of any checks.
func (m *model) OnHello(remoteID protocol.DeviceID, addr net.Addr, hello protocol.HelloResult) error {
if m.cfg.IgnoredDevice(remoteID) {
return errDeviceIgnored
cfg, ok := m.cfg.Device(remoteID)
if !ok {
m.cfg.AddOrUpdatePendingDevice(remoteID, hello.DeviceName, addr.String())
_ = m.cfg.Save() // best effort
m.evLogger.Log(events.DeviceRejected, map[string]string{
"name": hello.DeviceName,
"device": remoteID.String(),
"address": addr.String(),
return errDeviceUnknown
if cfg.Paused {
return errDevicePaused
if len(cfg.AllowedNetworks) > 0 {
if !connections.IsAllowedNetwork(addr.String(), cfg.AllowedNetworks) {
return errNetworkNotAllowed
return nil
// GetHello is called when we are about to connect to some remote device.
func (m *model) GetHello(id protocol.DeviceID) protocol.HelloIntf {
name := ""
if _, ok := m.cfg.Device(id); ok {
name = m.cfg.MyName()
return &protocol.Hello{
DeviceName: name,
ClientName: m.clientName,
ClientVersion: m.clientVersion,
// AddConnection adds a new peer connection to the model. An initial index will
// be sent to the connected peer, thereafter index updates whenever the local
// folder changes.
func (m *model) AddConnection(conn connections.Connection, hello protocol.HelloResult) {
deviceID := conn.ID()
device, ok := m.cfg.Device(deviceID)
if !ok {
l.Infoln("Trying to add connection to unknown device")
if oldConn, ok := m.conn[deviceID]; ok {
l.Infoln("Replacing old connection", oldConn, "with", conn, "for", deviceID)
// There is an existing connection to this device that we are
// replacing. We must close the existing connection and wait for the
// close to complete before adding the new connection. We do the
// actual close without holding pmut as the connection will call
// back into Closed() for the cleanup.
closed := m.closed[deviceID]
m.conn[deviceID] = conn
m.closed[deviceID] = make(chan struct{})
m.deviceDownloads[deviceID] = newDeviceDownloadState()
// 0: default, <0: no limiting
switch {
case device.MaxRequestKiB > 0:
m.connRequestLimiters[deviceID] = newByteSemaphore(1024 * device.MaxRequestKiB)
case device.MaxRequestKiB == 0:
m.connRequestLimiters[deviceID] = newByteSemaphore(1024 * defaultPullerPendingKiB)
m.helloMessages[deviceID] = hello
event := map[string]string{
"id": deviceID.String(),
"deviceName": hello.DeviceName,
"clientName": hello.ClientName,
"clientVersion": hello.ClientVersion,
"type": conn.Type(),
addr := conn.RemoteAddr()
if addr != nil {
event["addr"] = addr.String()
m.evLogger.Log(events.DeviceConnected, event)
l.Infof(`Device %s client is "%s %s" named "%s" at %s`, deviceID, hello.ClientName, hello.ClientVersion, hello.DeviceName, conn)
// Acquires fmut, so has to be done outside of pmut.
cm := m.generateClusterConfig(deviceID)
if (device.Name == "" || m.cfg.Options().OverwriteRemoteDevNames) && hello.DeviceName != "" {
device.Name = hello.DeviceName
func (m *model) DownloadProgress(device protocol.DeviceID, folder string, updates []protocol.FileDownloadProgressUpdate) error {
cfg, ok := m.folderCfgs[folder]
if !ok || cfg.DisableTempIndexes || !cfg.SharedWith(device) {
return nil
downloads := m.deviceDownloads[device]
downloads.Update(folder, updates)
state := downloads.GetBlockCounts(folder)
m.evLogger.Log(events.RemoteDownloadProgress, map[string]interface{}{
"device": device.String(),
"folder": folder,
"state": state,
return nil
func (m *model) deviceWasSeen(deviceID protocol.DeviceID) {
sr, ok := m.deviceStatRefs[deviceID]
if ok {
type indexSender struct {
conn protocol.Connection
folder string
dev string
fset *db.FileSet
prevSequence int64
evLogger events.Logger
connClosed chan struct{}
func (s *indexSender) serve(ctx context.Context) {
var err error
l.Debugf("Starting indexSender for %s to %s at %s (slv=%d)", s.folder, s.dev, s.conn, s.prevSequence)
defer l.Debugf("Exiting indexSender for %s to %s at %s: %v", s.folder, s.dev, s.conn, err)
// We need to send one index, regardless of whether there is something to send or not
err = s.sendIndexTo(ctx)
// Subscribe to LocalIndexUpdated (we have new information to send) and
// DeviceDisconnected (it might be us who disconnected, so we should
// exit).
sub := s.evLogger.Subscribe(events.LocalIndexUpdated | events.DeviceDisconnected)
defer sub.Unsubscribe()
evChan := sub.C()
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Minute)
defer ticker.Stop()
for err == nil {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-s.connClosed:
// While we have sent a sequence at least equal to the one
// currently in the database, wait for the local index to update. The
// local index may update for other folders than the one we are
// sending for.
if s.fset.Sequence(protocol.LocalDeviceID) <= s.prevSequence {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-s.connClosed:
case <-evChan:
case <-ticker.C:
err = s.sendIndexTo(ctx)
// Wait a short amount of time before entering the next loop. If there
// are continuous changes happening to the local index, this gives us
// time to batch them up a little.
time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
// Complete implements the suture.IsCompletable interface. When Serve terminates
// before Stop is called, the supervisor will check for this method and if it
// returns true removes the service instead of restarting it. Here it always
// returns true, as indexSender only terminates when a connection is
// closed/has failed, in which case retrying doesn't help.
func (s *indexSender) Complete() bool { return true }
// sendIndexTo sends file infos with a sequence number higher than prevSequence and
// returns the highest sent sequence number.
func (s *indexSender) sendIndexTo(ctx context.Context) error {
initial := s.prevSequence == 0
batch := newFileInfoBatch(nil)
batch.flushFn = func(fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
l.Debugf("%v: Sending %d files (<%d bytes)", s, len(batch.infos), batch.size)
if initial {
initial = false
return s.conn.Index(ctx, s.folder, fs)
return s.conn.IndexUpdate(ctx, s.folder, fs)
var err error
var f protocol.FileInfo
snap := s.fset.Snapshot()
defer snap.Release()
snap.WithHaveSequence(s.prevSequence+1, func(fi db.FileIntf) bool {
if err = batch.flushIfFull(); err != nil {
return false
if shouldDebug() {
if fi.SequenceNo() < s.prevSequence+1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("sequence lower than requested, got:", fi.SequenceNo(), ", asked to start at:", s.prevSequence+1))
if f.Sequence > 0 && fi.SequenceNo() <= f.Sequence {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("non-increasing sequence, current:", fi.SequenceNo(), "<= previous:", f.Sequence))
f = fi.(protocol.FileInfo)
// Mark the file as invalid if any of the local bad stuff flags are set.
f.RawInvalid = f.IsInvalid()
// If the file is marked LocalReceive (i.e., changed locally on a
// receive only folder) we do not want it to ever become the
// globally best version, invalid or not.
if f.IsReceiveOnlyChanged() {
f.Version = protocol.Vector{}
f.LocalFlags = 0 // never sent externally
return true
if err != nil {
return err
err = batch.flush()
// True if there was nothing to be sent
if f.Sequence == 0 {
return err
s.prevSequence = f.Sequence
return err
func (s *indexSender) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("indexSender@%p for %s to %s at %s", s, s.folder, s.dev, s.conn)
func (m *model) requestGlobal(ctx context.Context, deviceID protocol.DeviceID, folder, name string, offset int64, size int, hash []byte, weakHash uint32, fromTemporary bool) ([]byte, error) {
nc, ok := m.conn[deviceID]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("requestGlobal: no such device: %s", deviceID)
l.Debugf("%v REQ(out): %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d h=%x wh=%x ft=%t", m, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size, hash, weakHash, fromTemporary)
return nc.Request(ctx, folder, name, offset, size, hash, weakHash, fromTemporary)
func (m *model) ScanFolders() map[string]error {
folders := make([]string, 0, len(m.folderCfgs))
for folder := range m.folderCfgs {
folders = append(folders, folder)
errors := make(map[string]error, len(m.folderCfgs))
errorsMut := sync.NewMutex()
wg := sync.NewWaitGroup()
for _, folder := range folders {
folder := folder
go func() {
err := m.ScanFolder(folder)
if err != nil {
errors[folder] = err
return errors
func (m *model) ScanFolder(folder string) error {
return m.ScanFolderSubdirs(folder, nil)
func (m *model) ScanFolderSubdirs(folder string, subs []string) error {
err := m.checkFolderRunningLocked(folder)
runner := m.folderRunners[folder]
if err != nil {
return err
return runner.Scan(subs)
func (m *model) DelayScan(folder string, next time.Duration) {
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if !ok {
// numHashers returns the number of hasher routines to use for a given folder,
// taking into account configuration and available CPU cores.
func (m *model) numHashers(folder string) int {
folderCfg := m.folderCfgs[folder]
numFolders := len(m.folderCfgs)
if folderCfg.Hashers > 0 {
// Specific value set in the config, use that.
return folderCfg.Hashers
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" || runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
// Interactive operating systems; don't load the system too heavily by
// default.
return 1
// For other operating systems and architectures, lets try to get some
// work done... Divide the available CPU cores among the configured
// folders.
if perFolder := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1) / numFolders; perFolder > 0 {
return perFolder
return 1
// generateClusterConfig returns a ClusterConfigMessage that is correct for
// the given peer device
func (m *model) generateClusterConfig(device protocol.DeviceID) protocol.ClusterConfig {
var message protocol.ClusterConfig
defer m.fmut.RUnlock()
for _, folderCfg := range m.cfg.FolderList() {
if !folderCfg.SharedWith(device) {
protocolFolder := protocol.Folder{
ID: folderCfg.ID,
Label: folderCfg.Label,
ReadOnly: folderCfg.Type == config.FolderTypeSendOnly,
IgnorePermissions: folderCfg.IgnorePerms,
IgnoreDelete: folderCfg.IgnoreDelete,
DisableTempIndexes: folderCfg.DisableTempIndexes,
Paused: folderCfg.Paused,
var fs *db.FileSet
if !folderCfg.Paused {
fs = m.folderFiles[folderCfg.ID]
for _, device := range folderCfg.Devices {
deviceCfg, _ := m.cfg.Device(device.DeviceID)
protocolDevice := protocol.Device{
ID: deviceCfg.DeviceID,
Name: deviceCfg.Name,
Addresses: deviceCfg.Addresses,
Compression: deviceCfg.Compression,
CertName: deviceCfg.CertName,
Introducer: deviceCfg.Introducer,
if fs != nil {
if deviceCfg.DeviceID == m.id {
protocolDevice.IndexID = fs.IndexID(protocol.LocalDeviceID)
protocolDevice.MaxSequence = fs.Sequence(protocol.LocalDeviceID)
} else {
protocolDevice.IndexID = fs.IndexID(deviceCfg.DeviceID)
protocolDevice.MaxSequence = fs.Sequence(deviceCfg.DeviceID)
protocolFolder.Devices = append(protocolFolder.Devices, protocolDevice)
message.Folders = append(message.Folders, protocolFolder)
return message
func (m *model) State(folder string) (string, time.Time, error) {
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if !ok {
// The returned error should be an actual folder error, so returning
// errors.New("does not exist") or similar here would be
// inappropriate.
return "", time.Time{}, nil
state, changed, err := runner.getState()
return state.String(), changed, err
func (m *model) FolderErrors(folder string) ([]FileError, error) {
err := m.checkFolderRunningLocked(folder)
runner := m.folderRunners[folder]
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return runner.Errors(), nil
func (m *model) WatchError(folder string) error {
err := m.checkFolderRunningLocked(folder)
runner := m.folderRunners[folder]
if err != nil {
return nil // If the folder isn't running, there's no error to report.
return runner.WatchError()
func (m *model) Override(folder string) {
// Grab the runner and the file set.
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if !ok {
// Run the override, taking updates as if they came from scanning.
func (m *model) Revert(folder string) {
// Grab the runner and the file set.
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if !ok {
// Run the revert, taking updates as if they came from scanning.
func (m *model) GlobalDirectoryTree(folder, prefix string, levels int, dirsonly bool) map[string]interface{} {
files, ok := m.folderFiles[folder]
if !ok {
return nil
output := make(map[string]interface{})
sep := string(filepath.Separator)
prefix = osutil.NativeFilename(prefix)
if prefix != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(prefix, sep) {
prefix = prefix + sep
snap := files.Snapshot()
defer snap.Release()
snap.WithPrefixedGlobalTruncated(prefix, func(fi db.FileIntf) bool {
f := fi.(db.FileInfoTruncated)
// Don't include the prefix itself.
if f.IsInvalid() || f.IsDeleted() || strings.HasPrefix(prefix, f.Name) {
return true
f.Name = strings.Replace(f.Name, prefix, "", 1)
var dir, base string
if f.IsDirectory() && !f.IsSymlink() {
dir = f.Name
} else {
dir = filepath.Dir(f.Name)
base = filepath.Base(f.Name)
if levels > -1 && strings.Count(f.Name, sep) > levels {
return true
last := output
if dir != "." {
for _, path := range strings.Split(dir, sep) {
directory, ok := last[path]
if !ok {
newdir := make(map[string]interface{})
last[path] = newdir
last = newdir
} else {
last = directory.(map[string]interface{})
if !dirsonly && base != "" {
last[base] = []interface{}{
f.ModTime(), f.FileSize(),
return true
return output
func (m *model) GetFolderVersions(folder string) (map[string][]versioner.FileVersion, error) {
ver, ok := m.folderVersioners[folder]
if !ok {
return nil, errFolderMissing
if ver == nil {
return nil, errNoVersioner
return ver.GetVersions()
func (m *model) RestoreFolderVersions(folder string, versions map[string]time.Time) (map[string]string, error) {
fcfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(folder)
if !ok {
return nil, errFolderMissing
ver := m.folderVersioners[folder]
if !ok {
return nil, errFolderMissing
if ver == nil {
return nil, errNoVersioner
restoreErrors := make(map[string]string)
for file, version := range versions {
if err := ver.Restore(file, version); err != nil {
restoreErrors[file] = err.Error()
// Trigger scan
if !fcfg.FSWatcherEnabled {
go func() { _ = m.ScanFolder(folder) }()
return restoreErrors, nil
func (m *model) Availability(folder string, file protocol.FileInfo, block protocol.BlockInfo) []Availability {
// The slightly unusual locking sequence here is because we need to hold
// pmut for the duration (as the value returned from foldersFiles can
// get heavily modified on Close()), but also must acquire fmut before
// pmut. (The locks can be *released* in any order.)
defer m.pmut.RUnlock()
fs, ok := m.folderFiles[folder]
cfg := m.folderCfgs[folder]
if !ok {
return nil
var availabilities []Availability
snap := fs.Snapshot()
defer snap.Release()
for _, device := range snap.Availability(file.Name) {
for _, pausedFolder := range m.remotePausedFolders[device] {
if pausedFolder == folder {
continue next
_, ok := m.conn[device]
if ok {
availabilities = append(availabilities, Availability{ID: device, FromTemporary: false})
for _, device := range cfg.Devices {
if m.deviceDownloads[device.DeviceID].Has(folder, file.Name, file.Version, int32(block.Offset/int64(file.BlockSize()))) {
availabilities = append(availabilities, Availability{ID: device.DeviceID, FromTemporary: true})
return availabilities
// BringToFront bumps the given files priority in the job queue.
func (m *model) BringToFront(folder, file string) {
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if ok {
func (m *model) ResetFolder(folder string) {
l.Infof("Cleaning data for folder %q", folder)
db.DropFolder(m.db, folder)
func (m *model) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("model@%p", m)
func (m *model) VerifyConfiguration(from, to config.Configuration) error {
return nil
func (m *model) CommitConfiguration(from, to config.Configuration) bool {
// TODO: This should not use reflect, and should take more care to try to handle stuff without restart.
// Go through the folder configs and figure out if we need to restart or not.
fromFolders := mapFolders(from.Folders)
toFolders := mapFolders(to.Folders)
for folderID, cfg := range toFolders {
if _, ok := fromFolders[folderID]; !ok {
// A folder was added.
if cfg.Paused {
l.Infoln("Paused folder", cfg.Description())
} else {
l.Infoln("Adding folder", cfg.Description())
for folderID, fromCfg := range fromFolders {
toCfg, ok := toFolders[folderID]
if !ok {
// The folder was removed.
if fromCfg.Paused && toCfg.Paused {
// This folder exists on both sides. Settings might have changed.
// Check if anything differs that requires a restart.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(fromCfg.RequiresRestartOnly(), toCfg.RequiresRestartOnly()) {
m.restartFolder(fromCfg, toCfg)
// Emit the folder pause/resume event
if fromCfg.Paused != toCfg.Paused {
eventType := events.FolderResumed
if toCfg.Paused {
eventType = events.FolderPaused
m.evLogger.Log(eventType, map[string]string{"id": toCfg.ID, "label": toCfg.Label})
// Removing a device. We actually don't need to do anything.
// Because folder config has changed (since the device lists do not match)
// Folders for that had device got "restarted", which involves killing
// connections to all devices that we were sharing the folder with.
// At some point model.Close() will get called for that device which will
// clean residue device state that is not part of any folder.
// Pausing a device, unpausing is handled by the connection service.
fromDevices := from.DeviceMap()
toDevices := to.DeviceMap()
for deviceID, toCfg := range toDevices {
fromCfg, ok := fromDevices[deviceID]
if !ok {
sr := stats.NewDeviceStatisticsReference(m.db, deviceID.String())
m.deviceStatRefs[deviceID] = sr
delete(fromDevices, deviceID)
if fromCfg.Paused == toCfg.Paused {
// Ignored folder was removed, reconnect to retrigger the prompt.
if len(fromCfg.IgnoredFolders) > len(toCfg.IgnoredFolders) {
m.closeConn(deviceID, errIgnoredFolderRemoved)
if toCfg.Paused {
l.Infoln("Pausing", deviceID)
m.closeConn(deviceID, errDevicePaused)
m.evLogger.Log(events.DevicePaused, map[string]string{"device": deviceID.String()})
} else {
m.evLogger.Log(events.DeviceResumed, map[string]string{"device": deviceID.String()})
for deviceID := range fromDevices {
delete(m.deviceStatRefs, deviceID)
// Some options don't require restart as those components handle it fine
// by themselves. Compare the options structs containing only the
// attributes that require restart and act apprioriately.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(from.Options.RequiresRestartOnly(), to.Options.RequiresRestartOnly()) {
l.Debugln(m, "requires restart, options differ")
return false
return true
// checkFolderRunningLocked returns nil if the folder is up and running and a
// descriptive error if not.
// Need to hold (read) lock on m.fmut when calling this.
func (m *model) checkFolderRunningLocked(folder string) error {
_, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if ok {
return nil
if cfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(folder); !ok {
return errFolderMissing
} else if cfg.Paused {
return ErrFolderPaused
return errFolderNotRunning
// checkFolderDeviceStatusLocked first checks the folder and then whether the
// given device is connected and shares this folder.
// Need to hold (read) lock on both m.fmut and m.pmut when calling this.
func (m *model) checkDeviceFolderConnectedLocked(device protocol.DeviceID, folder string) error {
if err := m.checkFolderRunningLocked(folder); err != nil {
return err
if cfg, ok := m.cfg.Device(device); !ok {
return errDeviceUnknown
} else if cfg.Paused {
return errDevicePaused
if _, ok := m.conn[device]; !ok {
return errors.New("device is not connected")
if cfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(folder); !ok || !cfg.SharedWith(device) {
return errors.New("folder is not shared with device")
return nil
// mapFolders returns a map of folder ID to folder configuration for the given
// slice of folder configurations.
func mapFolders(folders []config.FolderConfiguration) map[string]config.FolderConfiguration {
m := make(map[string]config.FolderConfiguration, len(folders))
for _, cfg := range folders {
m[cfg.ID] = cfg
return m
// mapDevices returns a map of device ID to nothing for the given slice of
// device IDs.
func mapDevices(devices []protocol.DeviceID) map[protocol.DeviceID]struct{} {
m := make(map[protocol.DeviceID]struct{}, len(devices))
for _, dev := range devices {
m[dev] = struct{}{}
return m
func readOffsetIntoBuf(fs fs.Filesystem, file string, offset int64, buf []byte) error {
fd, err := fs.Open(file)
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("readOffsetIntoBuf.Open", file, err)
return err
defer fd.Close()
_, err = fd.ReadAt(buf, offset)
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("readOffsetIntoBuf.ReadAt", file, err)
return err
// makeForgetUpdate takes an index update and constructs a download progress update
// causing to forget any progress for files which we've just been sent.
func makeForgetUpdate(files []protocol.FileInfo) []protocol.FileDownloadProgressUpdate {
updates := make([]protocol.FileDownloadProgressUpdate, 0, len(files))
for _, file := range files {
if file.IsSymlink() || file.IsDirectory() || file.IsDeleted() {
updates = append(updates, protocol.FileDownloadProgressUpdate{
Name: file.Name,
Version: file.Version,
UpdateType: protocol.UpdateTypeForget,
return updates
// folderDeviceSet is a set of (folder, deviceID) pairs
type folderDeviceSet map[string]map[protocol.DeviceID]struct{}
// set adds the (dev, folder) pair to the set
func (s folderDeviceSet) set(dev protocol.DeviceID, folder string) {
devs, ok := s[folder]
if !ok {
devs = make(map[protocol.DeviceID]struct{})
s[folder] = devs
devs[dev] = struct{}{}
// has returns true if the (dev, folder) pair is in the set
func (s folderDeviceSet) has(dev protocol.DeviceID, folder string) bool {
_, ok := s[folder][dev]
return ok
// hasDevice returns true if the device is set on any folder
func (s folderDeviceSet) hasDevice(dev protocol.DeviceID) bool {
for _, devices := range s {
if _, ok := devices[dev]; ok {
return true
return false
type fileInfoBatch struct {
infos []protocol.FileInfo
size int
flushFn func([]protocol.FileInfo) error
func newFileInfoBatch(fn func([]protocol.FileInfo) error) *fileInfoBatch {
return &fileInfoBatch{
infos: make([]protocol.FileInfo, 0, maxBatchSizeFiles),
flushFn: fn,
func (b *fileInfoBatch) append(f protocol.FileInfo) {
b.infos = append(b.infos, f)
b.size += f.ProtoSize()
func (b *fileInfoBatch) flushIfFull() error {
if len(b.infos) >= maxBatchSizeFiles || b.size >= maxBatchSizeBytes {
return b.flush()
return nil
func (b *fileInfoBatch) flush() error {
if len(b.infos) == 0 {
return nil
if err := b.flushFn(b.infos); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (b *fileInfoBatch) reset() {
b.infos = b.infos[:0]
b.size = 0
// syncMutexMap is a type safe wrapper for a sync.Map that holds mutexes
type syncMutexMap struct {
inner stdsync.Map
func (m *syncMutexMap) Get(key string) sync.Mutex {
v, _ := m.inner.LoadOrStore(key, sync.NewMutex())
return v.(sync.Mutex)
// sanitizePath takes a string that might contain all kinds of special
// characters and makes a valid, similar, path name out of it.
// Spans of invalid characters are replaced by a single space. Invalid
// characters are control characters, the things not allowed in file names
// in Windows, and common shell metacharacters. Even if asterisks and pipes
// and stuff are allowed on Unixes in general they might not be allowed by
// the filesystem and may surprise the user and cause shell oddness. This
// function is intended for file names we generate on behalf of the user,
// and surprising them with odd shell characters in file names is unkind.
// We include whitespace in the invalid characters so that multiple
// whitespace is collapsed to a single space. Additionally, whitespace at
// either end is removed.
func sanitizePath(path string) string {
invalid := regexp.MustCompile(`([[:cntrl:]]|[<>:"'/\\|?*\n\r\t \[\]\{\};:!@$%&^#])+`)
return strings.TrimSpace(invalid.ReplaceAllString(path, " "))