2020-08-18 09:26:33 +02:00

207 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2014 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package config
import (
type OptionsConfiguration struct {
RawListenAddresses []string `xml:"listenAddress" json:"listenAddresses" default:"default"`
RawGlobalAnnServers []string `xml:"globalAnnounceServer" json:"globalAnnounceServers" default:"default"`
GlobalAnnEnabled bool `xml:"globalAnnounceEnabled" json:"globalAnnounceEnabled" default:"true"`
LocalAnnEnabled bool `xml:"localAnnounceEnabled" json:"localAnnounceEnabled" default:"true"`
LocalAnnPort int `xml:"localAnnouncePort" json:"localAnnouncePort" default:"21027"`
LocalAnnMCAddr string `xml:"localAnnounceMCAddr" json:"localAnnounceMCAddr" default:"[ff12::8384]:21027"`
MaxSendKbps int `xml:"maxSendKbps" json:"maxSendKbps"`
MaxRecvKbps int `xml:"maxRecvKbps" json:"maxRecvKbps"`
ReconnectIntervalS int `xml:"reconnectionIntervalS" json:"reconnectionIntervalS" default:"60"`
RelaysEnabled bool `xml:"relaysEnabled" json:"relaysEnabled" default:"true"`
RelayReconnectIntervalM int `xml:"relayReconnectIntervalM" json:"relayReconnectIntervalM" default:"10"`
StartBrowser bool `xml:"startBrowser" json:"startBrowser" default:"true"`
NATEnabled bool `xml:"natEnabled" json:"natEnabled" default:"true"`
NATLeaseM int `xml:"natLeaseMinutes" json:"natLeaseMinutes" default:"60"`
NATRenewalM int `xml:"natRenewalMinutes" json:"natRenewalMinutes" default:"30"`
NATTimeoutS int `xml:"natTimeoutSeconds" json:"natTimeoutSeconds" default:"10"`
URAccepted int `xml:"urAccepted" json:"urAccepted"` // Accepted usage reporting version; 0 for off (undecided), -1 for off (permanently)
URSeen int `xml:"urSeen" json:"urSeen"` // Report which the user has been prompted for.
URUniqueID string `xml:"urUniqueID" json:"urUniqueId"` // Unique ID for reporting purposes, regenerated when UR is turned on.
URURL string `xml:"urURL" json:"urURL" default:""` // usage reporting URL
URPostInsecurely bool `xml:"urPostInsecurely" json:"urPostInsecurely" default:"false"` // For testing
URInitialDelayS int `xml:"urInitialDelayS" json:"urInitialDelayS" default:"1800"`
RestartOnWakeup bool `xml:"restartOnWakeup" json:"restartOnWakeup" default:"true"`
AutoUpgradeIntervalH int `xml:"autoUpgradeIntervalH" json:"autoUpgradeIntervalH" default:"12"` // 0 for off
UpgradeToPreReleases bool `xml:"upgradeToPreReleases" json:"upgradeToPreReleases"` // when auto upgrades are enabled
KeepTemporariesH int `xml:"keepTemporariesH" json:"keepTemporariesH" default:"24"` // 0 for off
CacheIgnoredFiles bool `xml:"cacheIgnoredFiles" json:"cacheIgnoredFiles" default:"false"`
ProgressUpdateIntervalS int `xml:"progressUpdateIntervalS" json:"progressUpdateIntervalS" default:"5"`
LimitBandwidthInLan bool `xml:"limitBandwidthInLan" json:"limitBandwidthInLan" default:"false"`
MinHomeDiskFree Size `xml:"minHomeDiskFree" json:"minHomeDiskFree" default:"1 %"`
ReleasesURL string `xml:"releasesURL" json:"releasesURL" default:""`
AlwaysLocalNets []string `xml:"alwaysLocalNet" json:"alwaysLocalNets"`
OverwriteRemoteDevNames bool `xml:"overwriteRemoteDeviceNamesOnConnect" json:"overwriteRemoteDeviceNamesOnConnect" default:"false"`
TempIndexMinBlocks int `xml:"tempIndexMinBlocks" json:"tempIndexMinBlocks" default:"10"`
UnackedNotificationIDs []string `xml:"unackedNotificationID" json:"unackedNotificationIDs"`
TrafficClass int `xml:"trafficClass" json:"trafficClass"`
DefaultFolderPath string `xml:"defaultFolderPath" json:"defaultFolderPath" default:"~"`
SetLowPriority bool `xml:"setLowPriority" json:"setLowPriority" default:"true"`
RawMaxFolderConcurrency int `xml:"maxFolderConcurrency" json:"maxFolderConcurrency"`
CRURL string `xml:"crashReportingURL" json:"crURL" default:""` // crash reporting URL
CREnabled bool `xml:"crashReportingEnabled" json:"crashReportingEnabled" default:"true"` // Read in the monitor, but it's read before every attempt to report stuff, so does not require a restart.
StunKeepaliveStartS int `xml:"stunKeepaliveStartS" json:"stunKeepaliveStartS" default:"180"` // 0 for off
StunKeepaliveMinS int `xml:"stunKeepaliveMinS" json:"stunKeepaliveMinS" default:"20"` // 0 for off
RawStunServers []string `xml:"stunServer" json:"stunServers" default:"default"`
DatabaseTuning Tuning `xml:"databaseTuning" json:"databaseTuning" restart:"true"` // Can't be adjusted once the database has been opened
RawMaxCIRequestKiB int `xml:"maxConcurrentIncomingRequestKiB" json:"maxConcurrentIncomingRequestKiB"`
DeprecatedUPnPEnabled bool `xml:"upnpEnabled,omitempty" json:"-"`
DeprecatedUPnPLeaseM int `xml:"upnpLeaseMinutes,omitempty" json:"-"`
DeprecatedUPnPRenewalM int `xml:"upnpRenewalMinutes,omitempty" json:"-"`
DeprecatedUPnPTimeoutS int `xml:"upnpTimeoutSeconds,omitempty" json:"-"`
DeprecatedRelayServers []string `xml:"relayServer,omitempty" json:"-"`
DeprecatedMinHomeDiskFreePct float64 `xml:"minHomeDiskFreePct,omitempty" json:"-"`
DeprecatedMaxConcurrentScans int `xml:"maxConcurrentScans,omitempty" json:"-"`
func (opts OptionsConfiguration) Copy() OptionsConfiguration {
optsCopy := opts
optsCopy.RawListenAddresses = make([]string, len(opts.RawListenAddresses))
copy(optsCopy.RawListenAddresses, opts.RawListenAddresses)
optsCopy.RawGlobalAnnServers = make([]string, len(opts.RawGlobalAnnServers))
copy(optsCopy.RawGlobalAnnServers, opts.RawGlobalAnnServers)
optsCopy.AlwaysLocalNets = make([]string, len(opts.AlwaysLocalNets))
copy(optsCopy.AlwaysLocalNets, opts.AlwaysLocalNets)
optsCopy.UnackedNotificationIDs = make([]string, len(opts.UnackedNotificationIDs))
copy(optsCopy.UnackedNotificationIDs, opts.UnackedNotificationIDs)
return optsCopy
// RequiresRestartOnly returns a copy with only the attributes that require
// restart on change.
func (opts OptionsConfiguration) RequiresRestartOnly() OptionsConfiguration {
optsCopy := opts
blank := OptionsConfiguration{}
util.CopyMatchingTag(&blank, &optsCopy, "restart", func(v string) bool {
if len(v) > 0 && v != "true" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(`unexpected tag value: %s. Expected untagged or "true"`, v))
return v != "true"
return optsCopy
func (opts OptionsConfiguration) IsStunDisabled() bool {
return opts.StunKeepaliveMinS < 1 || opts.StunKeepaliveStartS < 1 || !opts.NATEnabled
func (opts OptionsConfiguration) ListenAddresses() []string {
var addresses []string
for _, addr := range opts.RawListenAddresses {
switch addr {
case "default":
addresses = append(addresses, DefaultListenAddresses...)
addresses = append(addresses, addr)
return util.UniqueTrimmedStrings(addresses)
func (opts OptionsConfiguration) StunServers() []string {
var addresses []string
for _, addr := range opts.RawStunServers {
switch addr {
case "default":
defaultPrimaryAddresses := make([]string, len(DefaultPrimaryStunServers))
copy(defaultPrimaryAddresses, DefaultPrimaryStunServers)
addresses = append(addresses, defaultPrimaryAddresses...)
defaultSecondaryAddresses := make([]string, len(DefaultSecondaryStunServers))
copy(defaultSecondaryAddresses, DefaultSecondaryStunServers)
addresses = append(addresses, defaultSecondaryAddresses...)
addresses = append(addresses, addr)
addresses = util.UniqueTrimmedStrings(addresses)
return addresses
func (opts OptionsConfiguration) GlobalDiscoveryServers() []string {
var servers []string
for _, srv := range opts.RawGlobalAnnServers {
switch srv {
case "default":
servers = append(servers, DefaultDiscoveryServers...)
case "default-v4":
servers = append(servers, DefaultDiscoveryServersV4...)
case "default-v6":
servers = append(servers, DefaultDiscoveryServersV6...)
servers = append(servers, srv)
return util.UniqueTrimmedStrings(servers)
func (opts OptionsConfiguration) MaxFolderConcurrency() int {
// If a value is set, trust that.
if opts.RawMaxFolderConcurrency > 0 {
return opts.RawMaxFolderConcurrency
if opts.RawMaxFolderConcurrency < 0 {
// -1 etc means unlimited, which in the implementation means zero
return 0
// Otherwise default to the number of CPU cores in the system as a rough
// approximation of system powerfullness.
if n := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1); n > 0 {
return n
// We should never get here to begin with, but since we're here let's
// use some sort of reasonable compromise between the old "no limit" and
// getting nothing done... (Median number of folders out there at time
// of writing is two, 95-percentile at 12 folders.)
return 4 //
func (opts OptionsConfiguration) MaxConcurrentIncomingRequestKiB() int {
// Negative is disabled, which in limiter land is spelled zero
if opts.RawMaxCIRequestKiB < 0 {
return 0
if opts.RawMaxFolderConcurrency == 0 {
// The default is 256 MiB
return 256 * 1024 // KiB
// We can't really do less than a couple of concurrent blocks or we'll
// pretty much stall completely. Check that an explicit value is large
// enough.
const minAllowed = 2 * protocol.MaxBlockSize / 1024
if opts.RawMaxCIRequestKiB < minAllowed {
return minAllowed
// Roll with it.
return opts.RawMaxCIRequestKiB
func (opts OptionsConfiguration) AutoUpgradeEnabled() bool {
return opts.AutoUpgradeIntervalH > 0