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synced 2025-01-24 15:38:27 +00:00
479 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2014 Jakob Borg and Contributors (see the CONTRIBUTORS file).
// All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package discover
import (
type Discoverer struct {
myID protocol.NodeID
listenAddrs []string
localBcastIntv time.Duration
globalBcastIntv time.Duration
errorRetryIntv time.Duration
cacheLifetime time.Duration
beacon *beacon.Beacon
registry map[protocol.NodeID][]cacheEntry
registryLock sync.RWMutex
extServer string
extPort uint16
localBcastTick <-chan time.Time
stopGlobal chan struct{}
globalWG sync.WaitGroup
forcedBcastTick chan time.Time
extAnnounceOK bool
extAnnounceOKmut sync.Mutex
globalBcastStop chan bool
type cacheEntry struct {
addr string
seen time.Time
var (
ErrIncorrectMagic = errors.New("incorrect magic number")
// We tolerate a certain amount of errors because we might be running on
// laptops that sleep and wake, have intermittent network connectivity, etc.
// When we hit this many errors in succession, we stop.
const maxErrors = 30
func NewDiscoverer(id protocol.NodeID, addresses []string, localPort int) (*Discoverer, error) {
b, err := beacon.New(localPort)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
disc := &Discoverer{
myID: id,
listenAddrs: addresses,
localBcastIntv: 30 * time.Second,
globalBcastIntv: 1800 * time.Second,
errorRetryIntv: 60 * time.Second,
cacheLifetime: 5 * time.Minute,
beacon: b,
registry: make(map[protocol.NodeID][]cacheEntry),
go disc.recvAnnouncements()
return disc, nil
func (d *Discoverer) StartLocal() {
d.localBcastTick = time.Tick(d.localBcastIntv)
d.forcedBcastTick = make(chan time.Time)
go d.sendLocalAnnouncements()
func (d *Discoverer) StartGlobal(server string, extPort uint16) {
// Wait for any previous announcer to stop before starting a new one.
d.extServer = server
d.extPort = extPort
d.stopGlobal = make(chan struct{})
go d.sendExternalAnnouncements()
func (d *Discoverer) StopGlobal() {
func (d *Discoverer) ExtAnnounceOK() bool {
defer d.extAnnounceOKmut.Unlock()
return d.extAnnounceOK
func (d *Discoverer) Lookup(node protocol.NodeID) []string {
cached := d.filterCached(d.registry[node])
if len(cached) > 0 {
addrs := make([]string, len(cached))
for i := range cached {
addrs[i] = cached[i].addr
return addrs
} else if len(d.extServer) != 0 {
addrs := d.externalLookup(node)
cached = make([]cacheEntry, len(addrs))
for i := range addrs {
cached[i] = cacheEntry{
addr: addrs[i],
seen: time.Now(),
d.registry[node] = cached
return nil
func (d *Discoverer) Hint(node string, addrs []string) {
resAddrs := resolveAddrs(addrs)
var id protocol.NodeID
d.registerNode(nil, Node{
Addresses: resAddrs,
ID: id[:],
func (d *Discoverer) All() map[protocol.NodeID][]cacheEntry {
nodes := make(map[protocol.NodeID][]cacheEntry, len(d.registry))
for node, addrs := range d.registry {
addrsCopy := make([]cacheEntry, len(addrs))
copy(addrsCopy, addrs)
nodes[node] = addrsCopy
return nodes
func (d *Discoverer) announcementPkt() []byte {
var addrs []Address
for _, astr := range d.listenAddrs {
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", astr)
if err != nil {
l.Warnln("%v: not announcing %s", err, astr)
} else if debug {
l.Debugf("discover: announcing %s: %#v", astr, addr)
if len(addr.IP) == 0 || addr.IP.IsUnspecified() {
addrs = append(addrs, Address{Port: uint16(addr.Port)})
} else if bs := addr.IP.To4(); bs != nil {
addrs = append(addrs, Address{IP: bs, Port: uint16(addr.Port)})
} else if bs := addr.IP.To16(); bs != nil {
addrs = append(addrs, Address{IP: bs, Port: uint16(addr.Port)})
var pkt = Announce{
Magic: AnnouncementMagic,
This: Node{d.myID[:], addrs},
return pkt.MarshalXDR()
func (d *Discoverer) sendLocalAnnouncements() {
var addrs = resolveAddrs(d.listenAddrs)
var pkt = Announce{
Magic: AnnouncementMagic,
This: Node{d.myID[:], addrs},
msg := pkt.MarshalXDR()
for {
select {
case <-d.localBcastTick:
case <-d.forcedBcastTick:
func (d *Discoverer) sendExternalAnnouncements() {
defer d.globalWG.Done()
remote, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", d.extServer)
for err != nil {
l.Warnf("Global discovery: %v; trying again in %v", err, d.errorRetryIntv)
remote, err = net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", d.extServer)
conn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", nil)
for err != nil {
l.Warnf("Global discovery: %v; trying again in %v", err, d.errorRetryIntv)
conn, err = net.ListenUDP("udp", nil)
var buf []byte
if d.extPort != 0 {
var pkt = Announce{
Magic: AnnouncementMagic,
This: Node{d.myID[:], []Address{{Port: d.extPort}}},
buf = pkt.MarshalXDR()
} else {
buf = d.announcementPkt()
var bcastTick = time.Tick(d.globalBcastIntv)
var errTick <-chan time.Time
sendOneAnnouncement := func() {
var ok bool
if debug {
l.Debugf("discover: send announcement -> %v\n%s", remote, hex.Dump(buf))
_, err := conn.WriteTo(buf, remote)
if err != nil {
if debug {
l.Debugln("discover: warning:", err)
ok = false
} else {
// Verify that the announce server responds positively for our node ID
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
res := d.externalLookup(d.myID)
if debug {
l.Debugln("discover: external lookup check:", res)
ok = len(res) > 0
d.extAnnounceOK = ok
if ok {
errTick = nil
} else if errTick != nil {
errTick = time.Tick(d.errorRetryIntv)
// Announce once, immediately
for {
select {
case <-d.stopGlobal:
break loop
case <-errTick:
case <-bcastTick:
if debug {
l.Debugln("discover: stopping global")
func (d *Discoverer) recvAnnouncements() {
for {
buf, addr := d.beacon.Recv()
if debug {
l.Debugf("discover: read announcement from %s:\n%s", addr, hex.Dump(buf))
var pkt Announce
err := pkt.UnmarshalXDR(buf)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
var newNode bool
if bytes.Compare(pkt.This.ID, d.myID[:]) != 0 {
newNode = d.registerNode(addr, pkt.This)
if newNode {
select {
case d.forcedBcastTick <- time.Now():
func (d *Discoverer) registerNode(addr net.Addr, node Node) bool {
var id protocol.NodeID
copy(id[:], node.ID)
current := d.filterCached(d.registry[id])
orig := current
for _, a := range node.Addresses {
var nodeAddr string
if len(a.IP) > 0 {
nodeAddr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", net.IP(a.IP), a.Port)
} else if addr != nil {
ua := addr.(*net.UDPAddr)
ua.Port = int(a.Port)
nodeAddr = ua.String()
for i := range current {
if current[i].addr == nodeAddr {
current[i].seen = time.Now()
goto done
current = append(current, cacheEntry{
addr: nodeAddr,
seen: time.Now(),
if debug {
l.Debugf("discover: register: %v -> %v", id, current)
d.registry[id] = current
if len(current) > len(orig) {
addrs := make([]string, len(current))
for i := range current {
addrs[i] = current[i].addr
events.Default.Log(events.NodeDiscovered, map[string]interface{}{
"node": id.String(),
"addrs": addrs,
return len(current) > len(orig)
func (d *Discoverer) externalLookup(node protocol.NodeID) []string {
extIP, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", d.extServer)
if err != nil {
if debug {
l.Debugf("discover: %v; no external lookup", err)
return nil
conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp", nil, extIP)
if err != nil {
if debug {
l.Debugf("discover: %v; no external lookup", err)
return nil
defer conn.Close()
err = conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(5 * time.Second))
if err != nil {
if debug {
l.Debugf("discover: %v; no external lookup", err)
return nil
buf := Query{QueryMagic, node[:]}.MarshalXDR()
_, err = conn.Write(buf)
if err != nil {
if debug {
l.Debugf("discover: %v; no external lookup", err)
return nil
buf = make([]byte, 2048)
n, err := conn.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
if err, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && err.Timeout() {
// Expected if the server doesn't know about requested node ID
return nil
if debug {
l.Debugf("discover: %v; no external lookup", err)
return nil
if debug {
l.Debugf("discover: read external:\n%s", hex.Dump(buf[:n]))
var pkt Announce
err = pkt.UnmarshalXDR(buf[:n])
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
if debug {
l.Debugln("discover:", err)
return nil
var addrs []string
for _, a := range pkt.This.Addresses {
nodeAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", net.IP(a.IP), a.Port)
addrs = append(addrs, nodeAddr)
return addrs
func (d *Discoverer) filterCached(c []cacheEntry) []cacheEntry {
for i := 0; i < len(c); {
if ago := time.Since(c[i].seen); ago > d.cacheLifetime {
if debug {
l.Debugf("removing cached address %s: seen %v ago", c[i].addr, ago)
c[i] = c[len(c)-1]
c = c[:len(c)-1]
} else {
return c
func addrToAddr(addr *net.TCPAddr) Address {
if len(addr.IP) == 0 || addr.IP.IsUnspecified() {
return Address{Port: uint16(addr.Port)}
} else if bs := addr.IP.To4(); bs != nil {
return Address{IP: bs, Port: uint16(addr.Port)}
} else if bs := addr.IP.To16(); bs != nil {
return Address{IP: bs, Port: uint16(addr.Port)}
return Address{}
func resolveAddrs(addrs []string) []Address {
var raddrs []Address
for _, addrStr := range addrs {
addrRes, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addrStr)
if err != nil {
addr := addrToAddr(addrRes)
if len(addr.IP) > 0 {
raddrs = append(raddrs, addr)
} else {
raddrs = append(raddrs, Address{Port: addr.Port})
return raddrs