
1033 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2015 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mocks/service.go --fake-name Service . Service
package connections
import (
stdsync "sync"
// Registers NAT service providers
_ ""
_ ""
var (
dialers = make(map[string]dialerFactory)
listeners = make(map[string]listenerFactory)
var (
// Dialers and listeners return errUnsupported (or a wrapped variant)
// when they are intentionally out of service due to configuration,
// build, etc. This is not logged loudly.
errUnsupported = errors.New("unsupported protocol")
// These are specific explanations for errUnsupported.
errDisabled = fmt.Errorf("%w: disabled by configuration", errUnsupported)
errDeprecated = fmt.Errorf("%w: deprecated", errUnsupported)
errNotInBuild = fmt.Errorf("%w: disabled at build time", errUnsupported)
const (
perDeviceWarningIntv = 15 * time.Minute
tlsHandshakeTimeout = 10 * time.Second
minConnectionReplaceAge = 10 * time.Second
minConnectionLoopSleep = 5 * time.Second
stdConnectionLoopSleep = time.Minute
worstDialerPriority = math.MaxInt32
recentlySeenCutoff = 7 * 24 * time.Hour
shortLivedConnectionThreshold = 5 * time.Second
// From go/src/crypto/tls/cipher_suites.go
var tlsCipherSuiteNames = map[uint16]string{
// TLS 1.2
0x0005: "TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA",
0x002f: "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA",
0x0035: "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA",
0x003c: "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256",
0x009c: "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256",
0x009d: "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384",
0xc011: "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA",
0xc027: "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256",
0xc02f: "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256",
0xc030: "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384",
// TLS 1.3
0x1301: "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256",
0x1302: "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384",
0x1303: "TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256",
var tlsVersionNames = map[uint16]string{
tls.VersionTLS12: "TLS1.2",
tls.VersionTLS13: "TLS1.3",
// Service listens and dials all configured unconnected devices, via supported
// dialers. Successful connections are handed to the model.
type Service interface {
ListenerStatus() map[string]ListenerStatusEntry
ConnectionStatus() map[string]ConnectionStatusEntry
NATType() string
type ListenerStatusEntry struct {
Error *string `json:"error"`
LANAddresses []string `json:"lanAddresses"`
WANAddresses []string `json:"wanAddresses"`
type ConnectionStatusEntry struct {
When time.Time `json:"when"`
Error *string `json:"error"`
type service struct {
cfg config.Wrapper
myID protocol.DeviceID
model Model
tlsCfg *tls.Config
discoverer discover.Finder
conns chan internalConn
bepProtocolName string
tlsDefaultCommonName string
limiter *limiter
natService *nat.Service
evLogger events.Logger
listenersMut sync.RWMutex
listeners map[string]genericListener
listenerTokens map[string]suture.ServiceToken
listenerSupervisor *suture.Supervisor
func NewService(cfg config.Wrapper, myID protocol.DeviceID, mdl Model, tlsCfg *tls.Config, discoverer discover.Finder, bepProtocolName string, tlsDefaultCommonName string, evLogger events.Logger) Service {
spec := svcutil.SpecWithInfoLogger(l)
service := &service{
Supervisor: suture.New("connections.Service", spec),
connectionStatusHandler: newConnectionStatusHandler(),
cfg: cfg,
myID: myID,
model: mdl,
tlsCfg: tlsCfg,
discoverer: discoverer,
conns: make(chan internalConn),
bepProtocolName: bepProtocolName,
tlsDefaultCommonName: tlsDefaultCommonName,
limiter: newLimiter(myID, cfg),
natService: nat.NewService(myID, cfg),
evLogger: evLogger,
listenersMut: sync.NewRWMutex(),
listeners: make(map[string]genericListener),
listenerTokens: make(map[string]suture.ServiceToken),
// A listener can fail twice, rapidly. Any more than that and it
// will be put on suspension for ten minutes. Restarts and changes
// due to config are done by removing and adding services, so are
// not subject to these limitations.
listenerSupervisor: suture.New("c.S.listenerSupervisor", suture.Spec{
EventHook: func(e suture.Event) {
FailureThreshold: 2,
FailureBackoff: 600 * time.Second,
PassThroughPanics: true,
raw := cfg.RawCopy()
// Actually starts the listeners and NAT service
// Need to start this before service.connect so that any dials that
// try punch through already have a listener to cling on.
service.CommitConfiguration(raw, raw)
// There are several moving parts here; one routine per listening address
// (handled in configuration changing) to handle incoming connections,
// one routine to periodically attempt outgoing connections, one routine to
// the common handling regardless of whether the connection was
// incoming or outgoing.
service.Add(svcutil.AsService(service.connect, fmt.Sprintf("%s/connect", service)))
service.Add(svcutil.AsService(service.handle, fmt.Sprintf("%s/handle", service)))
svcutil.OnSupervisorDone(service.Supervisor, func() {
return service
func (s *service) handle(ctx context.Context) error {
var c internalConn
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case c = <-s.conns:
cs := c.ConnectionState()
// We should have negotiated the next level protocol "bep/1.0" as part
// of the TLS handshake. Unfortunately this can't be a hard error,
// because there are implementations out there that don't support
// protocol negotiation (iOS for one...).
if !cs.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual || cs.NegotiatedProtocol != s.bepProtocolName {
l.Infof("Peer at %s did not negotiate bep/1.0", c)
// We should have received exactly one certificate from the other
// side. If we didn't, they don't have a device ID and we drop the
// connection.
certs := cs.PeerCertificates
if cl := len(certs); cl != 1 {
l.Infof("Got peer certificate list of length %d != 1 from peer at %s; protocol error", cl, c)
remoteCert := certs[0]
remoteID := protocol.NewDeviceID(remoteCert.Raw)
// The device ID should not be that of ourselves. It can happen
// though, especially in the presence of NAT hairpinning, multiple
// clients between the same NAT gateway, and global discovery.
if remoteID == s.myID {
l.Debugf("Connected to myself (%s) at %s", remoteID, c)
_ = c.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(20 * time.Second))
hello, err := protocol.ExchangeHello(c, s.model.GetHello(remoteID))
if err != nil {
if protocol.IsVersionMismatch(err) {
// The error will be a relatively user friendly description
// of what's wrong with the version compatibility. By
// default identify the other side by device ID and IP.
remote := fmt.Sprintf("%v (%v)", remoteID, c.RemoteAddr())
if hello.DeviceName != "" {
// If the name was set in the hello return, use that to
// give the user more info about which device is the
// affected one. It probably says more than the remote
// IP.
remote = fmt.Sprintf("%q (%s %s, %v)", hello.DeviceName, hello.ClientName, hello.ClientVersion, remoteID)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Connecting to %s: %s", remote, err)
warningFor(remoteID, msg)
} else {
// It's something else - connection reset or whatever
l.Infof("Failed to exchange Hello messages with %s at %s: %s", remoteID, c, err)
_ = c.SetDeadline(time.Time{})
// The Model will return an error for devices that we don't want to
// have a connection with for whatever reason, for example unknown devices.
if err := s.model.OnHello(remoteID, c.RemoteAddr(), hello); err != nil {
l.Infof("Connection from %s at %s (%s) rejected: %v", remoteID, c.RemoteAddr(), c.Type(), err)
// If we have a relay connection, and the new incoming connection is
// not a relay connection, we should drop that, and prefer this one.
ct, connected := s.model.Connection(remoteID)
// Lower priority is better, just like nice etc.
if connected && (ct.Priority() > c.priority || time.Since(ct.Statistics().StartedAt) > minConnectionReplaceAge) {
l.Debugf("Switching connections %s (existing: %s new: %s)", remoteID, ct, c)
} else if connected {
// We should not already be connected to the other party. TODO: This
// could use some better handling. If the old connection is dead but
// hasn't timed out yet we may want to drop *that* connection and keep
// this one. But in case we are two devices connecting to each other
// in parallel we don't want to do that or we end up with no
// connections still established...
l.Infof("Connected to already connected device %s (existing: %s new: %s)", remoteID, ct, c)
deviceCfg, ok := s.cfg.Device(remoteID)
if !ok {
l.Infof("Device %s removed from config during connection attempt at %s", remoteID, c)
// Verify the name on the certificate. By default we set it to
// "syncthing" when generating, but the user may have replaced
// the certificate and used another name.
certName := deviceCfg.CertName
if certName == "" {
certName = s.tlsDefaultCommonName
if remoteCert.Subject.CommonName == certName {
// All good. We do this check because our old style certificates
// have "syncthing" in the CommonName field and no SANs, which
// is not accepted by VerifyHostname() any more as of Go 1.15.
} else if err := remoteCert.VerifyHostname(certName); err != nil {
// Incorrect certificate name is something the user most
// likely wants to know about, since it's an advanced
// config. Warn instead of Info.
l.Warnf("Bad certificate from %s at %s: %v", remoteID, c, err)
// Wrap the connection in rate limiters. The limiter itself will
// keep up with config changes to the rate and whether or not LAN
// connections are limited.
isLAN := s.isLAN(c.RemoteAddr())
rd, wr := s.limiter.getLimiters(remoteID, c, isLAN)
protoConn := protocol.NewConnection(remoteID, rd, wr, c, s.model, c, deviceCfg.Compression, s.cfg.FolderPasswords(remoteID))
l.Infof("Established secure connection to %s at %s", remoteID, c)
s.model.AddConnection(protoConn, hello)
func (s *service) connect(ctx context.Context) error {
// Map of when to earliest dial each given device + address again
nextDialAt := make(map[string]time.Time)
// Used as delay for the first few connection attempts (adjusted up to
// minConnectionLoopSleep), increased exponentially until it reaches
// stdConnectionLoopSleep, at which time the normal sleep mechanism
// kicks in.
initialRampup := time.Second
for {
cfg := s.cfg.RawCopy()
bestDialerPriority := s.bestDialerPriority(cfg)
isInitialRampup := initialRampup < stdConnectionLoopSleep
l.Debugln("Connection loop")
if isInitialRampup {
l.Debugln("Connection loop in initial rampup")
// Used for consistency throughout this loop run, as time passes
// while we try connections etc.
now := time.Now()
// Attempt to dial all devices that are unconnected or can be connection-upgraded
s.dialDevices(ctx, now, cfg, bestDialerPriority, nextDialAt, isInitialRampup)
var sleep time.Duration
if isInitialRampup {
// We are in the initial rampup time, so we slowly, statically
// increase the sleep time.
sleep = initialRampup
initialRampup *= 2
} else {
// The sleep time is until the next dial scheduled in nextDialAt,
// clamped by stdConnectionLoopSleep as we don't want to sleep too
// long (config changes might happen).
sleep = filterAndFindSleepDuration(nextDialAt, now)
// ... while making sure not to loop too quickly either.
if sleep < minConnectionLoopSleep {
sleep = minConnectionLoopSleep
l.Debugln("Next connection loop in", sleep)
select {
case <-time.After(sleep):
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
func (s *service) bestDialerPriority(cfg config.Configuration) int {
bestDialerPriority := worstDialerPriority
for _, df := range dialers {
if df.Valid(cfg) != nil {
if prio := df.Priority(); prio < bestDialerPriority {
bestDialerPriority = prio
return bestDialerPriority
func (s *service) dialDevices(ctx context.Context, now time.Time, cfg config.Configuration, bestDialerPriority int, nextDialAt map[string]time.Time, initial bool) {
// Figure out current connection limits up front to see if there's any
// point in resolving devices and such at all.
allowAdditional := 0 // no limit
connectionLimit := cfg.Options.LowestConnectionLimit()
if connectionLimit > 0 {
current := s.model.NumConnections()
allowAdditional = connectionLimit - current
if allowAdditional <= 0 {
l.Debugf("Skipping dial because we've reached the connection limit, current %d >= limit %d", current, connectionLimit)
// Get device statistics for the last seen time of each device. This
// isn't critical, so ignore the potential error.
stats, _ := s.model.DeviceStatistics()
queue := make(dialQueue, 0, len(cfg.Devices))
for _, deviceCfg := range cfg.Devices {
// Don't attempt to connect to ourselves...
if deviceCfg.DeviceID == s.myID {
// Don't attempt to connect to paused devices...
if deviceCfg.Paused {
// See if we are already connected and, if so, what our cutoff is
// for dialer priority.
priorityCutoff := worstDialerPriority
connection, connected := s.model.Connection(deviceCfg.DeviceID)
if connected {
priorityCutoff = connection.Priority()
if bestDialerPriority >= priorityCutoff {
// Our best dialer is not any better than what we already
// have, so nothing to do here.
dialTargets := s.resolveDialTargets(ctx, now, cfg, deviceCfg, nextDialAt, initial, priorityCutoff)
if len(dialTargets) > 0 {
queue = append(queue, dialQueueEntry{
id: deviceCfg.DeviceID,
lastSeen: stats[deviceCfg.DeviceID].LastSeen,
shortLived: stats[deviceCfg.DeviceID].LastConnectionDurationS < shortLivedConnectionThreshold.Seconds(),
targets: dialTargets,
// Sort the queue in an order we think will be useful (most recent
// first, deprioriting unstable devices, randomizing those we haven't
// seen in a long while). If we don't do connection limiting the sorting
// doesn't have much effect, but it may result in getting up and running
// quicker if only a subset of configured devices are actually reachable
// (by prioritizing those that were reachable recently).
// Perform dials according to the queue, stopping when we've reached the
// allowed additional number of connections (if limited).
numConns := 0
for _, entry := range queue {
if conn, ok := s.dialParallel(ctx,, entry.targets); ok {
s.conns <- conn
if allowAdditional > 0 && numConns >= allowAdditional {
func (s *service) resolveDialTargets(ctx context.Context, now time.Time, cfg config.Configuration, deviceCfg config.DeviceConfiguration, nextDialAt map[string]time.Time, initial bool, priorityCutoff int) []dialTarget {
deviceID := deviceCfg.DeviceID
addrs := s.resolveDeviceAddrs(ctx, deviceCfg)
l.Debugln("Resolved device", deviceID, "addresses:", addrs)
dialTargets := make([]dialTarget, 0, len(addrs))
for _, addr := range addrs {
// Use a special key that is more than just the address, as you
// might have two devices connected to the same relay
nextDialKey := deviceID.String() + "/" + addr
when, ok := nextDialAt[nextDialKey]
if ok && !initial && when.After(now) {
l.Debugf("Not dialing %s via %v as it's not time yet", deviceID, addr)
// If we fail at any step before actually getting the dialer
// retry in a minute
nextDialAt[nextDialKey] = now.Add(time.Minute)
uri, err := url.Parse(addr)
if err != nil {
s.setConnectionStatus(addr, err)
l.Infof("Parsing dialer address %s: %v", addr, err)
if len(deviceCfg.AllowedNetworks) > 0 {
if !IsAllowedNetwork(uri.Host, deviceCfg.AllowedNetworks) {
s.setConnectionStatus(addr, errors.New("network disallowed"))
l.Debugln("Network for", uri, "is disallowed")
dialerFactory, err := getDialerFactory(cfg, uri)
if err != nil {
s.setConnectionStatus(addr, err)
if errors.Is(err, errUnsupported) {
l.Debugf("Dialer for %v: %v", uri, err)
} else if err != nil {
l.Infof("Dialer for %v: %v", uri, err)
priority := dialerFactory.Priority()
if priority >= priorityCutoff {
l.Debugf("Not dialing using %s as priority is not better than current connection (%d >= %d)", dialerFactory, dialerFactory.Priority(), priorityCutoff)
dialer := dialerFactory.New(s.cfg.Options(), s.tlsCfg)
nextDialAt[nextDialKey] = now.Add(dialer.RedialFrequency())
// For LAN addresses, increase the priority so that we
// try these first.
switch {
case dialerFactory.AlwaysWAN():
// Do nothing.
case s.isLANHost(uri.Host):
dialTargets = append(dialTargets, dialTarget{
addr: addr,
dialer: dialer,
priority: priority,
deviceID: deviceID,
uri: uri,
return dialTargets
func (s *service) resolveDeviceAddrs(ctx context.Context, cfg config.DeviceConfiguration) []string {
var addrs []string
for _, addr := range cfg.Addresses {
if addr == "dynamic" {
if s.discoverer != nil {
if t, err := s.discoverer.Lookup(ctx, cfg.DeviceID); err == nil {
addrs = append(addrs, t...)
} else {
addrs = append(addrs, addr)
return util.UniqueTrimmedStrings(addrs)
func (s *service) isLANHost(host string) bool {
// Probably we are called with an ip:port combo which we can resolve as
// a TCP address.
if addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", host); err == nil {
return s.isLAN(addr)
// ... but this function looks general enough that someone might try
// with just an IP as well in the future so lets allow that.
if addr, err := net.ResolveIPAddr("ip", host); err == nil {
return s.isLAN(addr)
return false
func (s *service) isLAN(addr net.Addr) bool {
var ip net.IP
switch addr := addr.(type) {
case *net.IPAddr:
ip = addr.IP
case *net.TCPAddr:
ip = addr.IP
case *net.UDPAddr:
ip = addr.IP
// From the standard library, just Unix sockets.
// If you invent your own, handle it.
return false
if ip.IsLoopback() {
return true
for _, lan := range s.cfg.Options().AlwaysLocalNets {
_, ipnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(lan)
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("Network", lan, "is malformed:", err)
if ipnet.Contains(ip) {
return true
lans, _ := osutil.GetLans()
for _, lan := range lans {
if lan.Contains(ip) {
return true
return false
func (s *service) createListener(factory listenerFactory, uri *url.URL) bool {
// must be called with listenerMut held
l.Debugln("Starting listener", uri)
listener := factory.New(uri, s.cfg, s.tlsCfg, s.conns, s.natService)
s.listeners[uri.String()] = listener
s.listenerTokens[uri.String()] = s.listenerSupervisor.Add(listener)
return true
func (s *service) logListenAddressesChangedEvent(l ListenerAddresses) {
s.evLogger.Log(events.ListenAddressesChanged, map[string]interface{}{
"address": l.URI,
"lan": l.LANAddresses,
"wan": l.WANAddresses,
func (s *service) VerifyConfiguration(from, to config.Configuration) error {
return nil
func (s *service) CommitConfiguration(from, to config.Configuration) bool {
newDevices := make(map[protocol.DeviceID]bool, len(to.Devices))
for _, dev := range to.Devices {
newDevices[dev.DeviceID] = true
for _, dev := range from.Devices {
if !newDevices[dev.DeviceID] {
delete(warningLimiters, dev.DeviceID)
seen := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, addr := range to.Options.ListenAddresses() {
if addr == "" {
// We can get an empty address if there is an empty listener
// element in the config, indicating no listeners should be
// used. This is not an error.
uri, err := url.Parse(addr)
if err != nil {
l.Warnf("Skipping malformed listener URL %q: %v", addr, err)
// Make sure we always have the canonical representation of the URL.
// This is for consistency as we use it as a map key, but also to
// avoid misunderstandings. We do not just use the canonicalized
// version, because an URL that looks very similar to a human might
// mean something entirely different to the computer (e.g.,
// tcp:/ in fact being equivalent to tcp://:22000).
if canonical := uri.String(); canonical != addr {
l.Warnf("Skipping malformed listener URL %q (not canonical)", addr)
if _, ok := s.listeners[addr]; ok {
seen[addr] = struct{}{}
factory, err := getListenerFactory(to, uri)
if errors.Is(err, errUnsupported) {
l.Debugf("Listener for %v: %v", uri, err)
} else if err != nil {
l.Infof("Listener for %v: %v", uri, err)
s.createListener(factory, uri)
seen[addr] = struct{}{}
for addr, listener := range s.listeners {
if _, ok := seen[addr]; !ok || listener.Factory().Valid(to) != nil {
l.Debugln("Stopping listener", addr)
delete(s.listenerTokens, addr)
delete(s.listeners, addr)
return true
func (s *service) AllAddresses() []string {
var addrs []string
for _, listener := range s.listeners {
for _, lanAddr := range listener.LANAddresses() {
addrs = append(addrs, lanAddr.String())
for _, wanAddr := range listener.WANAddresses() {
addrs = append(addrs, wanAddr.String())
return util.UniqueTrimmedStrings(addrs)
func (s *service) ExternalAddresses() []string {
if s.cfg.Options().AnnounceLANAddresses {
return s.AllAddresses()
var addrs []string
for _, listener := range s.listeners {
for _, wanAddr := range listener.WANAddresses() {
addrs = append(addrs, wanAddr.String())
return util.UniqueTrimmedStrings(addrs)
func (s *service) ListenerStatus() map[string]ListenerStatusEntry {
result := make(map[string]ListenerStatusEntry)
for addr, listener := range s.listeners {
var status ListenerStatusEntry
if err := listener.Error(); err != nil {
errStr := err.Error()
status.Error = &errStr
status.LANAddresses = urlsToStrings(listener.LANAddresses())
status.WANAddresses = urlsToStrings(listener.WANAddresses())
result[addr] = status
return result
type connectionStatusHandler struct {
connectionStatusMut sync.RWMutex
connectionStatus map[string]ConnectionStatusEntry // address -> latest error/status
func newConnectionStatusHandler() connectionStatusHandler {
return connectionStatusHandler{
connectionStatusMut: sync.NewRWMutex(),
connectionStatus: make(map[string]ConnectionStatusEntry),
func (s *connectionStatusHandler) ConnectionStatus() map[string]ConnectionStatusEntry {
result := make(map[string]ConnectionStatusEntry)
for k, v := range s.connectionStatus {
result[k] = v
return result
func (s *connectionStatusHandler) setConnectionStatus(address string, err error) {
if errors.Cause(err) == context.Canceled {
status := ConnectionStatusEntry{When: time.Now().UTC().Truncate(time.Second)}
if err != nil {
errStr := err.Error()
status.Error = &errStr
s.connectionStatus[address] = status
func (s *service) NATType() string {
defer s.listenersMut.RUnlock()
for _, listener := range s.listeners {
natType := listener.NATType()
if natType != "unknown" {
return natType
return "unknown"
func getDialerFactory(cfg config.Configuration, uri *url.URL) (dialerFactory, error) {
dialerFactory, ok := dialers[uri.Scheme]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown address scheme %q", uri.Scheme)
if err := dialerFactory.Valid(cfg); err != nil {
return nil, err
return dialerFactory, nil
func getListenerFactory(cfg config.Configuration, uri *url.URL) (listenerFactory, error) {
listenerFactory, ok := listeners[uri.Scheme]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown address scheme %q", uri.Scheme)
if err := listenerFactory.Valid(cfg); err != nil {
return nil, err
return listenerFactory, nil
func filterAndFindSleepDuration(nextDialAt map[string]time.Time, now time.Time) time.Duration {
sleep := stdConnectionLoopSleep
for key, next := range nextDialAt {
if next.Before(now) {
// Expired entry, address was not seen in last pass(es)
delete(nextDialAt, key)
if cur := next.Sub(now); cur < sleep {
sleep = cur
return sleep
func urlsToStrings(urls []*url.URL) []string {
strings := make([]string, len(urls))
for i, url := range urls {
strings[i] = url.String()
return strings
var warningLimiters = make(map[protocol.DeviceID]*rate.Limiter)
var warningLimitersMut = sync.NewMutex()
func warningFor(dev protocol.DeviceID, msg string) {
defer warningLimitersMut.Unlock()
lim, ok := warningLimiters[dev]
if !ok {
lim = rate.NewLimiter(rate.Every(perDeviceWarningIntv), 1)
warningLimiters[dev] = lim
if lim.Allow() {
func tlsTimedHandshake(tc *tls.Conn) error {
defer tc.SetDeadline(time.Time{})
return tc.Handshake()
// IsAllowedNetwork returns true if the given host (IP or resolvable
// hostname) is in the set of allowed networks (CIDR format only).
func IsAllowedNetwork(host string, allowed []string) bool {
if hostNoPort, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(host); err == nil {
host = hostNoPort
addr, err := net.ResolveIPAddr("ip", host)
if err != nil {
return false
for _, n := range allowed {
result := true
if strings.HasPrefix(n, "!") {
result = false
n = n[1:]
_, cidr, err := net.ParseCIDR(n)
if err != nil {
if cidr.Contains(addr.IP) {
return result
return false
func (s *service) dialParallel(ctx context.Context, deviceID protocol.DeviceID, dialTargets []dialTarget) (internalConn, bool) {
// Group targets into buckets by priority
dialTargetBuckets := make(map[int][]dialTarget, len(dialTargets))
for _, tgt := range dialTargets {
dialTargetBuckets[tgt.priority] = append(dialTargetBuckets[tgt.priority], tgt)
// Get all available priorities
priorities := make([]int, 0, len(dialTargetBuckets))
for prio := range dialTargetBuckets {
priorities = append(priorities, prio)
// Sort the priorities so that we dial lowest first (which means highest...)
for _, prio := range priorities {
tgts := dialTargetBuckets[prio]
res := make(chan internalConn, len(tgts))
wg := stdsync.WaitGroup{}
for _, tgt := range tgts {
go func(tgt dialTarget) {
conn, err := tgt.Dial(ctx)
if err == nil {
// Closes the connection on error
err = s.validateIdentity(conn, deviceID)
s.setConnectionStatus(tgt.addr, err)
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("dialing", deviceID, tgt.uri, "error:", err)
} else {
l.Debugln("dialing", deviceID, tgt.uri, "success:", conn)
res <- conn
// Spawn a routine which will unblock main routine in case we fail
// to connect to anyone.
go func() {
// Wait for the first connection, or for channel closure.
if conn, ok := <-res; ok {
// Got a connection, means more might come back, hence spawn a
// routine that will do the discarding.
l.Debugln("connected to", deviceID, prio, "using", conn, conn.priority)
go func(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, prio int) {
l.Debugln("discarding", len(res), "connections while connecting to", deviceID, prio)
for conn := range res {
}(deviceID, prio)
return conn, ok
// Failed to connect, report that fact.
l.Debugln("failed to connect to", deviceID, prio)
return internalConn{}, false
func (s *service) validateIdentity(c internalConn, expectedID protocol.DeviceID) error {
cs := c.ConnectionState()
// We should have received exactly one certificate from the other
// side. If we didn't, they don't have a device ID and we drop the
// connection.
certs := cs.PeerCertificates
if cl := len(certs); cl != 1 {
l.Infof("Got peer certificate list of length %d != 1 from peer at %s; protocol error", cl, c)
return fmt.Errorf("expected 1 certificate, got %d", cl)
remoteCert := certs[0]
remoteID := protocol.NewDeviceID(remoteCert.Raw)
// The device ID should not be that of ourselves. It can happen
// though, especially in the presence of NAT hairpinning, multiple
// clients between the same NAT gateway, and global discovery.
if remoteID == s.myID {
l.Debugf("Connected to myself (%s) at %s", remoteID, c)
return errors.New("connected to self")
// We should see the expected device ID
if !remoteID.Equals(expectedID) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected device id, expected %s got %s", expectedID, remoteID)
return nil