Jakob Borg ea87bcefd6 lib/protocol, lib/model: Implement high precision time stamps (fixes #3305)
This adds a new nanoseconds field to the FileInfo, populates it during
scans and sets the non-truncated time in Chtimes calls.

The actual file modification time is defined as modified_s seconds +
modified_ns nanoseconds. It's expected that the modified_ns field is <=
1e9 (that is, all whole seconds should go in the modified_s field) but
not really enforced. Given that it's an int32 the timestamp can be
adjusted += ~2.9 seconds by the modified_ns field...

2016-08-06 13:05:59 +00:00

192 lines
5.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer

// protoc --proto_path=../../../../../:../../../../gogo/protobuf/protobuf:. --gogofast_out=. message.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package protocol;
import "";
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters_all) = false;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = false;
option (gogoproto.protosizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_stringer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix_all) = false;
// --- Pre-auth ---
message Hello {
string device_name = 1;
string client_name = 2;
string client_version = 3;
// --- Header ---
message Header {
MessageType type = 1;
MessageCompression compression = 2;
enum MessageType {
CLUSTER_CONFIG = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "messageTypeClusterConfig"];
INDEX = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "messageTypeIndex"];
INDEX_UPDATE = 2 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "messageTypeIndexUpdate"];
REQUEST = 3 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "messageTypeRequest"];
RESPONSE = 4 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "messageTypeResponse"];
DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS = 5 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "messageTypeDownloadProgress"];
PING = 6 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "messageTypePing"];
CLOSE = 7 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "messageTypeClose"];
enum MessageCompression {
NONE = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "MessageCompressionNone"];
LZ4 = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "MessageCompressionLZ4"];
// --- Actual messages ---
// Cluster Config
message ClusterConfig {
repeated Folder folders = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message Folder {
string id = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "ID"];
string label = 2;
bool read_only = 3;
bool ignore_permissions = 4;
bool ignore_delete = 5;
bool disable_temp_indexes = 6;
repeated Device devices = 16 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message Device {
bytes id = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "ID"];
string name = 2;
repeated string addresses = 3;
Compression compression = 4;
string cert_name = 5;
int64 max_sequence = 6;
bool introducer = 7;
uint64 index_id = 8 [(gogoproto.customname) = "IndexID", (gogoproto.customtype) = "IndexID", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
enum Compression {
METADATA = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "CompressMetadata"];
NEVER = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "CompressNever"];
ALWAYS = 2 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "CompressAlways"];
// Index and Index Update
message Index {
string folder = 1;
repeated FileInfo files = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message IndexUpdate {
string folder = 1;
repeated FileInfo files = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message FileInfo {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
string name = 1;
FileInfoType type = 2;
int64 size = 3;
uint32 permissions = 4;
int64 modified_s = 5;
int32 modified_ns = 11;
bool deleted = 6;
bool invalid = 7;
bool no_permissions = 8;
Vector version = 9 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
int64 sequence = 10;
repeated BlockInfo Blocks = 16 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
enum FileInfoType {
FILE = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "FileInfoTypeFile"];
DIRECTORY = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "FileInfoTypeDirectory"];
SYMLINK_FILE = 2 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "FileInfoTypeSymlinkFile"];
SYMLINK_DIRECTORY = 3 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "FileInfoTypeSymlinkDirectory"];
SYMLINK_UNKNOWN = 4 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "FileInfoTypeSymlinkUnknown"];
message BlockInfo {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
int64 offset = 1;
int32 size = 2;
bytes hash = 3;
message Vector {
repeated Counter counters = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message Counter {
uint64 id = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "ID", (gogoproto.customtype) = "ShortID", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
uint64 value = 2;
// Request
message Request {
int32 id = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "ID"];
string folder = 2;
string name = 3;
int64 offset = 4;
int32 size = 5;
bytes hash = 6;
bool from_temporary = 7;
// Response
message Response {
int32 id = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "ID"];
bytes data = 2;
ErrorCode code = 3;
enum ErrorCode {
NO_ERROR = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "ErrorCodeNoError"];
GENERIC = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "ErrorCodeGeneric"];
NO_SUCH_FILE = 2 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "ErrorCodeNoSuchFile"];
INVALID_FILE = 3 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "ErrorCodeInvalidFile"];
// DownloadProgress
message DownloadProgress {
string folder = 1;
repeated FileDownloadProgressUpdate updates = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message FileDownloadProgressUpdate {
FileDownloadProgressUpdateType update_type = 1;
string name = 2;
Vector version = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated int32 block_indexes = 4;
enum FileDownloadProgressUpdateType {
APPEND = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "UpdateTypeAppend"];
FORGET = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "UpdateTypeForget"];
// Ping
message Ping {
// Close
message Close {
string reason = 1;