Audrius Butkevicius 674fc566bb lib/connections: Refactor
1. Removes separate relay lists and relay clients/services, just makes it a listen address
2. Easier plugging-in of other transports
3. Allows "hot" disabling and enabling NAT services
4. Allows "hot" listen address changes
5. Changes listen address list with a preferable "default" value just like for discovery
6. Debounces global discovery announcements as external addresses change (which it might alot upon starting)
7. Stops this whole "pick other peers relay by latency". This information is no longer available,
   but I don't think it matters as most of the time other peer only has one relay.
8. Rename ListenAddress to ListenAddresses, as well as in javascript land.
9. Stop serializing deprecated values to JSON

2016-05-04 19:38:12 +00:00

565 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2015 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package connections
import (
// Registers NAT service providers
_ ""
_ ""
var (
dialers = make(map[string]dialerFactory, 0)
listeners = make(map[string]listenerFactory, 0)
// Service listens and dials all configured unconnected devices, via supported
// dialers. Successful connections are handed to the model.
type Service struct {
cfg *config.Wrapper
myID protocol.DeviceID
model Model
tlsCfg *tls.Config
discoverer discover.Finder
conns chan IntermediateConnection
bepProtocolName string
tlsDefaultCommonName string
lans []*net.IPNet
writeRateLimit *ratelimit.Bucket
readRateLimit *ratelimit.Bucket
natService *nat.Service
natServiceToken *suture.ServiceToken
mut sync.RWMutex
listeners map[string]genericListener
listenerTokens map[string]suture.ServiceToken
currentConnection map[protocol.DeviceID]Connection
func NewService(cfg *config.Wrapper, myID protocol.DeviceID, mdl Model, tlsCfg *tls.Config, discoverer discover.Finder,
bepProtocolName string, tlsDefaultCommonName string, lans []*net.IPNet) *Service {
service := &Service{
Supervisor: suture.NewSimple("connections.Service"),
cfg: cfg,
myID: myID,
model: mdl,
tlsCfg: tlsCfg,
discoverer: discoverer,
conns: make(chan IntermediateConnection),
bepProtocolName: bepProtocolName,
tlsDefaultCommonName: tlsDefaultCommonName,
lans: lans,
natService: nat.NewService(myID, cfg),
mut: sync.NewRWMutex(),
listeners: make(map[string]genericListener),
listenerTokens: make(map[string]suture.ServiceToken),
currentConnection: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]Connection),
// The rate variables are in KiB/s in the UI (despite the camel casing
// of the name). We multiply by 1024 here to get B/s.
if service.cfg.Options().MaxSendKbps > 0 {
service.writeRateLimit = ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(1024*service.cfg.Options().MaxSendKbps), int64(5*1024*service.cfg.Options().MaxSendKbps))
if service.cfg.Options().MaxRecvKbps > 0 {
service.readRateLimit = ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(1024*service.cfg.Options().MaxRecvKbps), int64(5*1024*service.cfg.Options().MaxRecvKbps))
// There are several moving parts here; one routine per listening address
// (handled in configuration changing) to handle incoming connections,
// one routine to periodically attempt outgoing connections, one routine to
// the the common handling regardless of whether the connection was
// incoming or outgoing.
raw := cfg.Raw()
// Actually starts the listeners and NAT service
service.CommitConfiguration(raw, raw)
return service
func (s *Service) handle() {
for c := range s.conns {
cs := c.ConnectionState()
// We should have negotiated the next level protocol "bep/1.0" as part
// of the TLS handshake. Unfortunately this can't be a hard error,
// because there are implementations out there that don't support
// protocol negotiation (iOS for one...).
if !cs.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual || cs.NegotiatedProtocol != s.bepProtocolName {
l.Infof("Peer %s did not negotiate bep/1.0", c.RemoteAddr())
// We should have received exactly one certificate from the other
// side. If we didn't, they don't have a device ID and we drop the
// connection.
certs := cs.PeerCertificates
if cl := len(certs); cl != 1 {
l.Infof("Got peer certificate list of length %d != 1 from %s; protocol error", cl, c.RemoteAddr())
remoteCert := certs[0]
remoteID := protocol.NewDeviceID(remoteCert.Raw)
// The device ID should not be that of ourselves. It can happen
// though, especially in the presence of NAT hairpinning, multiple
// clients between the same NAT gateway, and global discovery.
if remoteID == s.myID {
l.Infof("Connected to myself (%s) - should not happen", remoteID)
hello, err := exchangeHello(c, s.model.GetHello(remoteID))
if err != nil {
l.Infof("Failed to exchange Hello messages with %s (%s): %s", remoteID, c.RemoteAddr(), err)
s.model.OnHello(remoteID, c.RemoteAddr(), hello)
// If we have a relay connection, and the new incoming connection is
// not a relay connection, we should drop that, and prefer the this one.
skip := false
ct, ok := s.currentConnection[remoteID]
// Lower priority is better, just like nice etc.
if ok && ct.Priority > c.Priority {
l.Debugln("Switching connections", remoteID)
s.model.Close(remoteID, protocol.ErrSwitchingConnections)
} else if s.model.ConnectedTo(remoteID) {
// We should not already be connected to the other party. TODO: This
// could use some better handling. If the old connection is dead but
// hasn't timed out yet we may want to drop *that* connection and keep
// this one. But in case we are two devices connecting to each other
// in parallel we don't want to do that or we end up with no
// connections still established...
l.Infof("Connected to already connected device (%s)", remoteID)
skip = true
} else if s.model.IsPaused(remoteID) {
l.Infof("Connection from paused device (%s)", remoteID)
skip = true
if skip {
for deviceID, deviceCfg := range s.cfg.Devices() {
if deviceID == remoteID {
// Verify the name on the certificate. By default we set it to
// "syncthing" when generating, but the user may have replaced
// the certificate and used another name.
certName := deviceCfg.CertName
if certName == "" {
certName = s.tlsDefaultCommonName
err := remoteCert.VerifyHostname(certName)
if err != nil {
// Incorrect certificate name is something the user most
// likely wants to know about, since it's an advanced
// config. Warn instead of Info.
l.Warnf("Bad certificate from %s (%v): %v", remoteID, c.RemoteAddr(), err)
continue next
// If rate limiting is set, and based on the address we should
// limit the connection, then we wrap it in a limiter.
limit := s.shouldLimit(c.RemoteAddr())
wr := io.Writer(c)
if limit && s.writeRateLimit != nil {
wr = NewWriteLimiter(c, s.writeRateLimit)
rd := io.Reader(c)
if limit && s.readRateLimit != nil {
rd = NewReadLimiter(c, s.readRateLimit)
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s (%s)", c.LocalAddr(), c.RemoteAddr(), c.Type)
protoConn := protocol.NewConnection(remoteID, rd, wr, s.model, name, deviceCfg.Compression)
modelConn := Connection{c, protoConn}
l.Infof("Established secure connection to %s at %s", remoteID, name)
l.Debugf("cipher suite: %04X in lan: %t", c.ConnectionState().CipherSuite, !limit)
s.model.AddConnection(modelConn, hello)
s.currentConnection[remoteID] = modelConn
continue next
l.Infof("Connection from %s (%s) with ignored device ID %s", c.RemoteAddr(), c.Type, remoteID)
func (s *Service) connect() {
nextDial := make(map[string]time.Time)
delay := time.Second
sleep := time.Second
for {
l.Debugln("Reconnect loop")
now := time.Now()
var seen []string
for deviceID, deviceCfg := range s.cfg.Devices() {
if deviceID == s.myID {
l.Debugln("Reconnect loop for", deviceID)
paused := s.model.IsPaused(deviceID)
connected := s.model.ConnectedTo(deviceID)
ct := s.currentConnection[deviceID]
if paused {
var addrs []string
for _, addr := range deviceCfg.Addresses {
if addr == "dynamic" {
if s.discoverer != nil {
if t, err := s.discoverer.Lookup(deviceID); err == nil {
addrs = append(addrs, t...)
} else {
addrs = append(addrs, addr)
seen = append(seen, addrs...)
for _, addr := range addrs {
uri, err := url.Parse(addr)
if err != nil {
l.Infoln("Failed to parse connection url:", addr, err)
dialerFactory, ok := dialers[uri.Scheme]
if !ok {
l.Debugln("Unknown address schema", uri)
dialer := dialerFactory(s.cfg, s.tlsCfg)
nextDialAt, ok := nextDial[uri.String()]
// See below for comments on this delay >= sleep check
if delay >= sleep && ok && nextDialAt.After(now) {
l.Debugf("Not dialing as next dial is at %s and current time is %s", nextDialAt, now)
nextDial[uri.String()] = now.Add(dialer.RedialFrequency())
if connected && dialer.Priority() >= ct.Priority {
l.Debugf("Not dialing using %s as priorty is less than current connection (%d >= %d)", dialer, dialer.Priority(), ct.Priority)
l.Debugln("dial", deviceCfg.DeviceID, uri)
conn, err := dialer.Dial(deviceID, uri)
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("dial failed", deviceCfg.DeviceID, uri, err)
if connected {
s.model.Close(deviceID, protocol.ErrSwitchingConnections)
s.conns <- conn
continue nextDevice
nextDial, sleep = filterAndFindSleepDuration(nextDial, seen, now)
// delay variable is used to trigger much more frequent dialing after
// initial startup, essentially causing redials every 1, 2, 4, 8... seconds
if delay < sleep {
delay *= 2
} else {
func (s *Service) shouldLimit(addr net.Addr) bool {
if s.cfg.Options().LimitBandwidthInLan {
return true
tcpaddr, ok := addr.(*net.TCPAddr)
if !ok {
return true
for _, lan := range s.lans {
if lan.Contains(tcpaddr.IP) {
return false
return !tcpaddr.IP.IsLoopback()
func (s *Service) createListener(addr string) {
uri, err := url.Parse(addr)
if err != nil {
l.Infoln("Failed to parse listen address:", addr, err)
listenerFactory, ok := listeners[uri.Scheme]
if !ok {
l.Infoln("Unknown listen address scheme:", uri.String())
listener := listenerFactory(uri, s.tlsCfg, s.conns, s.natService)
s.listeners[addr] = listener
s.listenerTokens[addr] = s.Add(listener)
func (s *Service) logListenAddressesChangedEvent(l genericListener) {
events.Default.Log(events.ListenAddressesChanged, map[string]interface{}{
"address": l.URI(),
"lan": l.LANAddresses(),
"wan": l.WANAddresses(),
func (s *Service) VerifyConfiguration(from, to config.Configuration) error {
return nil
func (s *Service) CommitConfiguration(from, to config.Configuration) bool {
// We require a restart if a device as been removed.
restart := false
newDevices := make(map[protocol.DeviceID]bool, len(to.Devices))
for _, dev := range to.Devices {
newDevices[dev.DeviceID] = true
for _, dev := range from.Devices {
if !newDevices[dev.DeviceID] {
restart = true
existingListeners := s.listeners
seen := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, addr := range config.Wrap("", to).ListenAddresses() {
if _, ok := existingListeners[addr]; !ok {
l.Debugln("Staring listener", addr)
seen[addr] = struct{}{}
for addr := range s.listeners {
if _, ok := seen[addr]; !ok {
l.Debugln("Stopping listener", addr)
delete(s.listenerTokens, addr)
delete(s.listeners, addr)
if to.Options.NATEnabled && s.natServiceToken == nil {
l.Debugln("Starting NAT service")
token := s.Add(s.natService)
s.natServiceToken = &token
} else if !to.Options.NATEnabled && s.natServiceToken != nil {
l.Debugln("Stopping NAT service")
s.natServiceToken = nil
return !restart
func (s *Service) AllAddresses() []string {
var addrs []string
for _, listener := range s.listeners {
for _, lanAddr := range listener.LANAddresses() {
addrs = append(addrs, lanAddr.String())
for _, wanAddr := range listener.WANAddresses() {
addrs = append(addrs, wanAddr.String())
return util.UniqueStrings(addrs)
func (s *Service) ExternalAddresses() []string {
var addrs []string
for _, listener := range s.listeners {
for _, wanAddr := range listener.WANAddresses() {
addrs = append(addrs, wanAddr.String())
return util.UniqueStrings(addrs)
func (s *Service) Status() map[string]interface{} {
result := make(map[string]interface{})
for addr, listener := range s.listeners {
status := make(map[string]interface{})
err := listener.Error()
if err != nil {
status["error"] = err.Error()
status["lanAddresses"] = urlsToStrings(listener.LANAddresses())
status["wanAddresses"] = urlsToStrings(listener.WANAddresses())
result[addr] = status
return result
func exchangeHello(c net.Conn, h protocol.HelloMessage) (protocol.HelloMessage, error) {
if err := c.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(2 * time.Second)); err != nil {
return protocol.HelloMessage{}, err
defer c.SetDeadline(time.Time{})
header := make([]byte, 8)
msg := h.MustMarshalXDR()
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(header[:4], protocol.HelloMessageMagic)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(header[4:], uint32(len(msg)))
if _, err := c.Write(header); err != nil {
return protocol.HelloMessage{}, err
if _, err := c.Write(msg); err != nil {
return protocol.HelloMessage{}, err
if _, err := io.ReadFull(c, header); err != nil {
return protocol.HelloMessage{}, err
if binary.BigEndian.Uint32(header[:4]) != protocol.HelloMessageMagic {
return protocol.HelloMessage{}, fmt.Errorf("incorrect magic")
msgSize := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(header[4:])
if msgSize > 1024 {
return protocol.HelloMessage{}, fmt.Errorf("hello message too big")
buf := make([]byte, msgSize)
var hello protocol.HelloMessage
if _, err := io.ReadFull(c, buf); err != nil {
return protocol.HelloMessage{}, err
if err := hello.UnmarshalXDR(buf); err != nil {
return protocol.HelloMessage{}, err
return hello, nil
func filterAndFindSleepDuration(nextDial map[string]time.Time, seen []string, now time.Time) (map[string]time.Time, time.Duration) {
newNextDial := make(map[string]time.Time)
for _, addr := range seen {
nextDialAt, ok := nextDial[addr]
if ok {
newNextDial[addr] = nextDialAt
min := time.Minute
for _, next := range newNextDial {
cur := next.Sub(now)
if cur < min {
min = cur
return newNextDial, min
func urlsToStrings(urls []*url.URL) []string {
strings := make([]string, len(urls))
for i, url := range urls {
strings[i] = url.String()
return strings