```UTF-8``` is a variable length encoding of Unicode. UTF-8 is recommended as the default encoding in JSON, XML and HTML, also Telegram make use of it.
The first 128 characters are regular ASCII, so it's a superset of and compatible with ASCII environments. The next 1,920 characters need
two bytes for encoding and covers almost all ```Latin``` alphabets, also ```Greek```, ```Cyrillic```,
```Hebrew```, ```Arabic``` and more. See [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8) for more deatils.
Telegram send JSON messages with all characters not fitting in one byte (256 bit) escaped as sequences of ```\uxxxx``` to be regular one byte ASCII (incl. iso-xxx-x), e.g. Emoticons and Arabic characters, e.g. the Emoticons ``` 😁 😘 ❤️ 😊 👍 ``` are encoded as:
In theorie you can decode these characters with ```echo -e``` or ```printf '%s\\n'``` in bash, but this works only for single byte characters! To support also multibyte characters in JSON strings you need a working python on your system.
#### If no python is detected on your system, bashbot falls back to echo -e. See [longstanding issue #50](https://github.com/topkecleon/telegram-bot-bash/issues/50)
Bashbot is desingned to run manually by the user who installed it. Nevertheless it's possible to run it by an other user-ID, as a system service or sceduled from cron. This is onyl recommended for experiend linux users.
# edit the values of the following lines to fit your config:
start="/usr/local/telegram-bot-bash/bashbot.sh" # location of your bashbot.sh script
name='' # your bot name as given to botfather, e.g. mysomething_bot
# END Configuration
From now on always use bashbot.rc to start/stop your bot:
sudo ./bashbot.rc start
Type ```ps -ef | grep bashbot``` to verify your Bot is running as the desired user.
If you started bashbot by bashbot.rc you must use bashbot.rc also to manage your Bot! The following commands are availible:
sudo ./bashbot.rc start
sudo ./bashbot.rc stop
sudo ./bashbot.rc status
sudo ./bashbot.rc suspendback
sudo ./bashbot.rc resumeback
sudo ./bashbot.rc killback
To change back the environment to your user-ID run ```sudo ./bashbot.sh init``` again and enter your user name.
To use bashbot as a system servive include a working ```bashbot.rc``` in your init system (systemd, /etc/init.d).
### Scedule bashbot from Cron
An example crontab is provided in ```bashbot.cron```.
- If you are running bashbot with your user-ID, copy the examples lines to your crontab and remove username ```nobody```.
- if you run bashbot as an other user or a system service edit ```bashbot.cron``` to fit your needs and replace username```nobody``` with the username you want to run bashbot. copy the modified file to ```/etc/cron.d/bashbot```