# a user not listed here, will return false from 'user_is_allowed'
# Format:
# user:ressource:chat
# allow user 123456789 access to all resources in all chats
# allow user 12131415 to start bot in all chats
# allow user 987654321 only to start bot in chat 98979695
# * are only allowed on the right hand side and not for user!
# the following exaples are NOT valid!
You must use the function ```user_is_allowed``` to check if a user has the capability to do something. Example: Check if user has capability to start bot.
The output of the script will be processed by 'send_messages', so you can not only send text, but also keyboards, files, locations and more.
Each newline in the output will start an new message to the user, to insert line breaks in your message you must insert ' mynewlinestartshere ' instead of a newline..
A background job is similar to an interactive chat, but runs in the background and does only output massages and does not get user input. In contrast to interactive chats it's possible to run multiple background jobs. To create a background job write a script or edit 'examples/notify.sh' script and use the funtion ```background``` to start it:
background "examples/notify.sh" "jobname"
All output of the script will be sent to the user, to stop a background job use:
killback "jobname"
You can also suspend and resume the last running background jobs from outside bashbot, e.g. in your startup schripts:
./bashbot.sh suspendback
./bashbot.sh resumeback
If you want to kill all background jobs permantly run:
./bashbot.sh killback
Note: Background Jobs run independent from main bot and continue running until your script exits or you stop if from your Bot. Backgound Jobs will continue running if your Bot is stopeda and must be terminated, e.g. by ```bashbot.sh killback```
### Inline queries
**Inline queries** allow users to send commands to your bot from every chat without going to a private chat. An inline query is started if the user type the bots name, e.g. @myBot. Everything after @myBot is immediatly send to the bot.
In order to enable **inline mode**, send `/setinline` command to [@BotFather](https://telegram.me/botfather) and provide the placeholder text that the user will see in the input field after typing your bot’s name.
The following commands allows you to send ansers to *inline queries*. To enable bashbot to process inline queries set ```INLINE="1"``` in 'mycommands.sh'.
To send messsages or links through an *inline query*:
answer_inline_query "${iQUERY[ID]}" "article" "Title of the result" "Content of the message to be sent"
To send photos in jpeg format and less than 5MB, from a website through an *inline query*:
answer_inline_query "${iQUERY[ID]}" "photo" "A valid URL of the photo" "URL of the thumbnail"
To send standard gifs from a website (less than 1MB) through an *inline query*:
To send videos from a website through an *inline query*:
answer_inline_query "${iQUERY[ID]}" "video" "valid video url" "Select one mime type: text/html or video/mp4" "URL of the thumbnail" "Title for the result"
To send photos stored in Telegram servers through an *inline query*:
answer_inline_query "${iQUERY[ID]}" "cached_photo" "identifier for the photo"
To send gifs stored in Telegram servers through an *inline query*:
answer_inline_query "${iQUERY[ID]}" "cached_gif" "identifier for the gif"
To send mpeg4 gifs stored in Telegram servers through an *inline query*:
answer_inline_query "${iQUERY[ID]}" "cached_mpeg4_gif" "identifier for the gif"
To send stickers through an *inline query*:
answer_inline_query "${iQUERY[ID]}" "cached_sticker" "identifier for the sticker"
See also [answer_inline_multi, answer_inline_compose](6_reference.md#answer_inline_multi) and [mycommands.sh](../mycommands.sh) for more information.