init: move to bin/

This commit is contained in:
Kay Marquardt (Gnadelwartz) 2021-01-27 16:19:43 +01:00
parent 3f331dc8e8
commit 0c0dc01f26
2 changed files with 117 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ BOTCOMMANDS="-h help init start stop status suspendback resumeback killb
# 8 - curl/wget missing
# 10 - not bash!
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.35-dev-27-gca9ea1b
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.35-dev-28-g3f331dc
# emmbeded system may claim bash but it is not
@ -1103,105 +1103,27 @@ start_bot() {
# fallback version, full version is in bin/
# initialize bot environment, user and permissions
bot_init() {
[ -n "${BASHBOT_HOME}" ] && cd "${BASHBOT_HOME}" || exit 1
local runuser chown touser botname DEBUG="$1"
# upgrade from old version
# currently no action
printf "Check for Update actions ...\n"
printf "Done.\n"
# load addons on startup
printf "Initialize modules and addons ...\n"
for addons in "${ADDONDIR:-.}"/*.sh ; do
# shellcheck source=./modules/
[ -r "${addons}" ] && source "${addons}" "init" "${DEBUG}"
[ -r "${addons}" ] && source "${addons}" "init" "$1"
printf "Done.\n"
# ask for bashbot user
runuser="${RUNUSER}"; [ "${UID}" = "0" ] && runuser="nobody"
printf "Enter User to run bashbot [${runuser}]: "
read -r chown
[ -z "${chown}" ] && chown="${runuser}"; touser="${chown%:*}"
# check user ...
if ! id "${touser}" &>/dev/null; then
printf "${RED}User \"${touser}\" does not exist!${NN}"
exit 3
elif [[ "${UID}" != "0" && "${touser}" != "${runuser}" ]]; then
# different user but not root ...
printf "${ORANGE}You are not root, adjusting permissions may fail. Try \"sudo ./ init\"${NN}Press <CTRL+C> to stop or <Enter> to continue..." 1>&2
[ -n "${INTERACTIVE}" ] && read -r runuser
# check if mycommands exist
if [ ! -r "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/" ]; then
printf " not found, copy ${GREY}<C>lean file, <E>xamples or <N>one${NC} to (c/e/N) N\b"
read -r ANSWER
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[cC] ]] && cp -f "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/" "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/"
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[eE] ]] && cp -f "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/" "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/"
# offer to copy config also
if [ ! -r "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf" ]; then
printf "Mycommands config file not found, copy ${GREY}mycommands.conf.dist${NC} to mycommands.conf? (Y/n) Y\b"
read -r ANSWER
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[nN] ]] || cp -f "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf.dist" "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf"
if [ -w "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf" ]; then
printf "Activate processing for ${GREY}<I>nline queries, <C>allback buttons, <B>oth or <N>one${NC} in (i/c/b/N) N\b"
read -r ANSWER
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[iIbB] ]] && sed -i '/INLINE="/ s/^.*$/export INLINE="1"/' "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf"
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[cCbB] ]] && sed -i '/CALLBACK="/ s/^.*$/export CALLBACK="1"/' "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf"
printf "Always ignore commands for other Bots in chat ${GREY}(/cmd@other_bot)${NC}? (y/N) N\b"
read -r ANSWER
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[yY] ]] && sed -i '/MEONLY="/ s/^.*$/export MEONLY="1"/' "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf"
printf "Delete administrative messages in chats ${GREY}(pinned, user join/leave, ...)${NC}? (y/N) N\b"
read -r ANSWER
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[yY] ]] && sed -i '/SILENCER="/ s/^.*$/export SILENCER="yes"/' "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf"
printf "Done.\n"
# adjust permissions
printf "Adjusting files and permissions for user \"${touser}\" ...\n"
printf "Adjusting files and permissions ...\n"
chmod 711 .
chmod -R o-w ./*
chmod -R u+w "${COUNTFILE}"* "${BLOCKEDFILE}"* "${DATADIR}" logs "${LOGDIR}/"*.log 2>/dev/null
chmod -R o-r,o-w "${COUNTFILE}"* "${BLOCKEDFILE}"* "${DATADIR}" "${BOTACL}" 2>/dev/null
# jsshDB must writeable by owner
find . -name '*.jssh*' -exec chmod u+w \{\} +
chown -Rf "${chown}" . ./*
printf "Done.\n"
# adjust values in bashbot.rc
if [ -w "bashbot.rc" ]; then
printf "Adjust user and botname in bashbot.rc ...\n"
sed -i '/^[# ]*runas=/ s|runas=.*$|runas="'"${touser}"'"|' "bashbot.rc"
sed -i '/^[# ]*bashbot=/ s|bashbot=.*$|bashbot="cd '"${PWD}"'; '"${PWD}"'/'"${0##*/}"'"|' "bashbot.rc"
botname="$(getConfigKey "botname")"
[ -n "${botname}" ] && sed -i '/^[# ]*name=/ s|name=.*$|name="'"${botname}"'"|' "bashbot.rc"
printf "Done.\n"
# ask to check bottoken online
if [ -z "$(getConfigKey "botid")" ]; then
printf "Seems to be your first init. Should I verify your bot token online? (y/N) N\b"
read -r ANSWER
if [[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[Yy] ]]; then
printf "${GREEN}Contacting telegram to verify your bot token ...${NN}"
$0 botname
# check if botconf seems valid
printf "${GREEN}This is your bot config:${NN}${GREY}"
sed 's/^/\t/' "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh" | grep -vF '["bot_config_key"]'; printf "${NC}"
if check_token "$(getConfigKey "bottoken")" && [[ "$(getConfigKey "botadmin")" =~ ^[${o9o9o9}]+$ ]]; then
printf "Bot config seems to be valid. Should I make a backup copy? (Y/n) Y\b"
read -r ANSWER
if [[ -z "${ANSWER}" || "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[^Nn] ]]; then
printf "Copy bot config to ${BOTCONFIG}.jssh.ok ...\n"
cp "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh" "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh.ok"
printf "${ORANGE}Bot config may incomplete, pls check.${NN}"
# show result
printf "${GREY}"; ls -ldp "${DATADIR}" "${LOGDIR}" ./*.jssh* ./*.sh ./*.conf 2>/dev/null; printf "${NC}"
_exec_if_function my_init
if ! _is_function send_message ; then

View File

@ -11,19 +11,126 @@
# AUTHOR: KayM (gnadelwartz),
# CREATED: 27.01.2021 13:42
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.35-dev-27-gca9ea1b
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.35-dev-28-g3f331dc
# shellcheck disable=SC2059
# commands to execute before bot_init() is called
# uncomment to overwrite default init
# bot_init() { my_init(); }
# called after default init is finished
my_init() {
: # ypur commands here
# extended initialisation for advanced features like:
# running bto as rest
# delete from here to disable extended init
bot_init() {
[ -n "${BASHBOT_HOME}" ] && cd "${BASHBOT_HOME}" || exit 1
local runuser chown touser botname DEBUG="$1"
# upgrade from old version
# currently no action
printf "Check for Update actions ...\n"
printf "Done.\n"
# load addons on startup
printf "Initialize modules and addons ...\n"
for addons in "${ADDONDIR:-.}"/*.sh ; do
# shellcheck source=./modules/
[ -r "${addons}" ] && source "${addons}" "init" "${DEBUG}"
printf "Done.\n"
# ask for bashbot user
# shellcheck disable=SC2153
runuser="${RUNUSER}"; [ "${UID}" = "0" ] && runuser="nobody"
printf "Enter User to run bashbot [${runuser}]: "
read -r chown
[ -z "${chown}" ] && chown="${runuser}"; touser="${chown%:*}"
# check user ...
if ! id "${touser}" &>/dev/null; then
printf "${RED}User \"${touser}\" does not exist!${NN}"
exit 3
elif [[ "${UID}" != "0" && "${touser}" != "${runuser}" ]]; then
# different user but not root ...
printf "${ORANGE}You are not root, adjusting permissions may fail. Try \"sudo ./ init\"${NN}Press <CTRL+C> to stop or <Enter> to continue..." 1>&2
[ -n "${INTERACTIVE}" ] && read -r runuser
# check if mycommands exist
if [ ! -r "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/" ]; then
printf " not found, copy ${GREY}<C>lean file, <E>xamples or <N>one${NC} to (c/e/N) N\b"
read -r ANSWER
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[cC] ]] && cp -f "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/" "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/"
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[eE] ]] && cp -f "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/" "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/"
# offer to copy config also
if [ ! -r "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf" ]; then
printf "Mycommands config file not found, copy ${GREY}mycommands.conf.dist${NC} to mycommands.conf? (Y/n) Y\b"
read -r ANSWER
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[nN] ]] || cp -f "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf.dist" "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf"
if [ -w "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf" ]; then
printf "Activate processing for ${GREY}<I>nline queries, <C>allback buttons, <B>oth or <N>one${NC} in (i/c/b/N) N\b"
read -r ANSWER
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[iIbB] ]] && sed -i '/INLINE="/ s/^.*$/export INLINE="1"/' "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf"
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[cCbB] ]] && sed -i '/CALLBACK="/ s/^.*$/export CALLBACK="1"/' "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf"
printf "Always ignore commands for other Bots in chat ${GREY}(/cmd@other_bot)${NC}? (y/N) N\b"
read -r ANSWER
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[yY] ]] && sed -i '/MEONLY="/ s/^.*$/export MEONLY="1"/' "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf"
printf "Delete administrative messages in chats ${GREY}(pinned, user join/leave, ...)${NC}? (y/N) N\b"
read -r ANSWER
[[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[yY] ]] && sed -i '/SILENCER="/ s/^.*$/export SILENCER="yes"/' "${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/mycommands.conf"
printf "Done.\n"
# adjust permissions
printf "Adjusting files and permissions for user \"${touser}\" ...\n"
chmod 711 .
chmod -R o-w ./*
chmod -R u+w "${COUNTFILE}"* "${BLOCKEDFILE}"* "${DATADIR}" logs "${LOGDIR}/"*.log 2>/dev/null
chmod -R o-r,o-w "${COUNTFILE}"* "${BLOCKEDFILE}"* "${DATADIR}" "${BOTACL}" 2>/dev/null
# jsshDB must writeable by owner
find . -name '*.jssh*' -exec chmod u+w \{\} +
chown -Rf "${chown}" . ./*
printf "Done.\n"
# adjust values in bashbot.rc
if [ -w "bashbot.rc" ]; then
printf "Adjust user and botname in bashbot.rc ...\n"
sed -i '/^[# ]*runas=/ s|runas=.*$|runas="'"${touser}"'"|' "bashbot.rc"
sed -i '/^[# ]*bashbot=/ s|bashbot=.*$|bashbot="cd '"${PWD}"'; '"${PWD}"'/'"${0##*/}"'"|' "bashbot.rc"
botname="$(getConfigKey "botname")"
[ -n "${botname}" ] && sed -i '/^[# ]*name=/ s|name=.*$|name="'"${botname}"'"|' "bashbot.rc"
printf "Done.\n"
# ask to check bottoken online
if [ -z "$(getConfigKey "botid")" ]; then
printf "Seems to be your first init. Should I verify your bot token online? (y/N) N\b"
read -r ANSWER
if [[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[Yy] ]]; then
printf "${GREEN}Contacting telegram to verify your bot token ...${NN}"
$0 botname
# check if botconf seems valid
printf "${GREEN}This is your bot config:${NN}${GREY}"
sed 's/^/\t/' "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh" | grep -vF '["bot_config_key"]'; printf "${NC}"
if check_token "$(getConfigKey "bottoken")" && [[ "$(getConfigKey "botadmin")" =~ ^[${o9o9o9}]+$ ]]; then
printf "Bot config seems to be valid. Should I make a backup copy? (Y/n) Y\b"
read -r ANSWER
if [[ -z "${ANSWER}" || "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[^Nn] ]]; then
printf "Copy bot config to ${BOTCONFIG}.jssh.ok ...\n"
cp "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh" "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh.ok"
printf "${ORANGE}Bot config may incomplete, pls check.${NN}"
# show result
printf "${GREY}"; ls -ldp "${DATADIR}" "${LOGDIR}" ./*.jssh* ./*.sh ./*.conf 2>/dev/null; printf "${NC}"
_exec_if_function my_init