modules: implement processError in

This commit is contained in:
Kay Marquardt (Gnadelwartz) 2021-02-08 18:41:54 +01:00
parent 066274c943
commit 117255a958
2 changed files with 53 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ BOTCOMMANDS="-h help init start stop status suspendback resumeback killb
# 8 - curl/wget missing
# 10 - not bash!
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.45-dev-11-g897458a
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.45-dev-12-g066274c
# are we running in a terminal?
@ -466,17 +466,17 @@ download_file() {
# if no specific function exist try to call bashbotProcessError
[[ "$4" != "4"* ]] && return 1
local func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" msg="$5"; shift 5
local func="$1" err="$2"
# check for bashbotError${func} provided in mycommands
# shellcheck disable=SC2082
if _is_function "bashbotError${func}"; then
"bashbotError${func}" "${err}" "${chat}" "${user}" "${msg}" "$@"
if _is_function "bashbotError_${func}"; then
"bashbotError_${func}" "$@"
# check for bashbotError${err} provided in mycommands
elif _is_function "bashbotError${err}"; then
"bashbotError${err}" "${func}" "${chat}" "${user}" "${msg}" "$@"
elif _is_function "bashbotError_${err}"; then
"bashbotError_${err}" "$@"
# noting found, try bashbotProcessError
_exec_if_function bashbotProcessError "${func}" "${err}" "${chat}" "${user}" "${msg}" "$@"
_exec_if_function bashbotProcessError "$@"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# Elsewhere, consider it to be WTFPLv2. (
# shellcheck disable=SC1117
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.45-dev-8-g069570e
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.45-dev-12-g066274c
# will be automatically sourced from bashbot
@ -37,46 +37,64 @@ send_normal_message() {
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2"
# $1 CHAT $2 message
send_markdown_message() {
_format_message_url "$1" "$2" ',"parse_mode":"markdown"' "${MSG_URL}"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2"
# $1 CHAT $2 message
send_markdownv2_message() {
_markdownv2_message_url "$1" "$2" ',"parse_mode":"markdownv2"' "${MSG_URL}"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2"
# $1 CHAT $2 message
send_html_message() {
_format_message_url "$1" "$2" ',"parse_mode":"html"' "${MSG_URL}"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2"
# $1 CHAT $2 msg-id $3 message
edit_normal_message() {
_format_message_url "$1" "$3" ',"message_id":'"$2"'' "${EDIT_URL}"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2" "$3"
# $1 CHAT $2 msg-id $3 message
edit_markdown_message() {
_format_message_url "$1" "$3" ',"message_id":'"$2"',"parse_mode":"markdown"' "${EDIT_URL}"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2" "$3"
# $1 CHAT $2 msg-id $3 message
edit_markdownv2_message() {
_markdownv2_message_url "$1" "$3" ',"message_id":'"$2"',"parse_mode":"markdownv2"' "${EDIT_URL}"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2" "$3"
# $1 CHAT $2 msg-id $3 message
edit_html_message() {
_format_message_url "$1" "$3" ',"message_id":'"$2"',"parse_mode":"html"' "${EDIT_URL}"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2" "$3"
# $1 chat $2 mesage_id, $3 caption
edit_message_caption() {
sendJson "$1" '"message_id":'"$2"',"caption":"'"$3"'"' "${URL}/editMessageCaption"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2" "$3"
@ -117,8 +135,10 @@ send_keyboard() {
local one_time=', "one_time_keyboard":true' && [ -n "$4" ] && one_time=""
sendJson "$1" "${text}"', "reply_markup": {"keyboard": [ '"$3"' ] '"${one_time}"'}' "${MSG_URL}"
# '"text":"$2", "reply_markup": {"keyboard": [ $3 ], "one_time_keyboard": true}'
sendJson "$1" "${text}"', "reply_markup": {"keyboard": [ '"$3"' ] '"${one_time}"'}' "${MSG_URL}"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2"
# $1 CHAT $2 message $3 remove
@ -130,8 +150,10 @@ remove_keyboard() {
sendJson "$1" "${text}"', "reply_markup": {"remove_keyboard":true}' "${MSG_URL}"
# delete message if no message or $3 not empty
[[ -z "$2" || -n "$3" ]] && delete_message "$1" "${BOTSENT[ID]}" "nolog"
#JSON='"text":"$2", "reply_markup": {"remove_keyboard":true}'
[[ -z "$2" || -n "$3" ]] && delete_message "$1" "${BOTSENT[ID]}" "nolog"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2"
# buttons will specified as "texts
@ -174,8 +196,10 @@ _button_row() {
# raw inline functions, for special use
# $1 CHAT $2 message-id $3 keyboard
edit_inline_keyboard() {
sendJson "$1" '"message_id":'"$2"', "reply_markup": {"inline_keyboard": [ '"$3"' ]}' "${URL}/editMessageReplyMarkup"
# JSON='"message_id":"$2", "reply_markup": {"inline_keyboard": [ $3->[{"text":"text", "url":"url"}]<- ]}'
sendJson "$1" '"message_id":'"$2"', "reply_markup": {"inline_keyboard": [ '"$3"' ]}' "${URL}/editMessageReplyMarkup"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2"
@ -183,7 +207,8 @@ edit_inline_keyboard() {
send_inline_keyboard() {
local text; text='"text":"'$(JsonEscape "$2")'"'; [ -z "$2" ] && text='"text":"..."'
sendJson "$1" "${text}"', "reply_markup": {"inline_keyboard": [ '"$3"' ]}' "${MSG_URL}"
# JSON='"text":"$2", "reply_markup": {"inline_keyboard": [ $3->[{"text":"text", "url":"url"}]<- ]}'
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2" "$3"
# $1 callback id, $2 text to show, alert if not empty
@ -196,6 +221,8 @@ answer_callback_query() {
# $1 chat, $2 file_id on telegram server
send_sticker() {
sendJson "$1" '"sticker": "'"$2"'"' "${URL}/sendSticker"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2"
@ -314,6 +341,8 @@ send_file(){
send_action() {
[ -z "$2" ] && return
sendJson "$1" '"action": "'"$2"'"' "${URL}/sendChatAction" &
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2"
# $1 chat $2 emoji “🎲”, “🎯”, “🏀”, “⚽”, “🎰"
@ -334,6 +363,9 @@ send_dice() {
if [ "${BOTSENT[OK]}" = "true" ]; then
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2"
@ -341,14 +373,18 @@ send_dice() {
send_location() {
[ -z "$3" ] && return
sendJson "$1" '"latitude": '"$2"', "longitude": '"$3"'' "${URL}/sendLocation"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2" "$3"
# $1 CHAT $2 lat $3 long $4 title $5 address $6 foursquard id
# $1 CHAT $2 lat $3 long $4 title $5 address $6 foursquare id
send_venue() {
local add=""
[ -z "$5" ] && return
[ -n "$6" ] && add=', "foursquare_id": '"$6"''
sendJson "$1" '"latitude": '"$2"', "longitude": '"$3"', "address": "'"$5"'", "title": "'"$4"'"'"${add}" "${URL}/sendVenue"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6"
@ -360,12 +396,16 @@ send_venue() {
forward_message() {
[ -z "$3" ] && return
sendJson "$1" '"from_chat_id": '"$2"', "message_id": '"$3"'' "${URL}/forwardMessage"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2" "$3"
# $1 CHAT $2 from chat $3 from msg id
copy_message() {
[ -z "$3" ] && return
sendJson "$1" '"from_chat_id": '"$2"', "message_id": '"$3"'' "${URL}/copyMessage"
# func="$1" err="$2" chat="$3" user="$4" emsg="$5" remaining args
[ -n "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" ] && processError "${FUNCNAME[0]}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$1" "" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "$2" "$3"
# $1 CHAT $2 bashbot formatted message, see manual advanced usage