optimize logging

This commit is contained in:
Kay Marquardt (Gnadelwartz) 2020-12-15 20:53:42 +01:00
parent 32a6ef2cc6
commit 5b94265b09
1 changed files with 19 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# This file is public domain in the USA and all free countries.
# Elsewhere, consider it to be WTFPLv2. (wtfpl.net/txt/copying)
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.2-dev2-26-g9d39fe1
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.2-dev2-27-g32a6ef2
# Exit Codes:
# - 0 success (hopefully)
@ -85,9 +85,10 @@ check_token(){
return 1
# log $1 to ERRORLOG with date
printf "%s: %s\n" "$(date)" "$*" >>"${ERRORLOG}"
log_error(){ printf "%s: %s\n" "$(date)" "$*" >>"${ERRORLOG}"; }
log_debug(){ printf "%s: %s\n" "$(date)" "$*" >>"${DEBUGLOG}"; }
log_message(){ printf "%s: %s\n" "$(date)" "$*" >>"${MESSAGELOG}"; }
log_update(){ printf "%s: %s\n" "$(date)" "$*" >>"${UPDATELOG}"; }
# additional tests if we run in debug mode
# debug should always last argument
@ -386,7 +387,7 @@ killallproc() {
# $ chat $2 msg_id $3 nolog
declare -xr DELETE_URL=$URL'/deleteMessage'
delete_message() {
[ -z "$3" ] && printf "%s: Delete Message CHAT=%s MSG_ID=%s\n" "$(date)" "${1}" "${2}" >>"${UPDATELOG}"
[ -z "$3" ] && log_update "Delete Message CHAT=${1} MSG_ID=${2}"
sendJson "${1}" '"message_id": '"${2}"'' "${DELETE_URL}"
@ -418,14 +419,13 @@ function detect_curl() {
# curl not in PATH and not in usual locations
local warn="Warning: Curl not detected, try fallback to wget! pls install curl or adjust BASHBOT_CURL/BASHBOT_WGET environment variables."
printf "%s: %s\n" "$(date)" "${warn}" >>"${UPDATELOG}"
[ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" ] && printf "%s: %s\n" "$(date)" "${warn}" >>"${DEBUGLOG}"
log_update "${warn}"; [ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" ] && log_debug "${warn}"
return 1
# iconv used to filter out broken utf characters, if not installed fake it
if ! _exists iconv; then
printf "%s: %s\n" "$(date)" "Warning: iconv not installed, pls imstall iconv!" >>"${UPDATELOG}"
log_update "Warning: iconv not installed, pls imstall iconv!"
function iconv() { cat; }
@ -441,8 +441,8 @@ sendJson(){
json='{'"${chat} $(iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8 -c <<<"$2")"'}'
if [ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" ] ; then
printf "%s: sendJson (curl) CHAT=%s JSON=%s URL=%s\n" "$(date)" "${chat#*:}" "${2:0:100}" "${3##*/}" >>"${UPDATELOG}"
printf "\n%s: DEBUG sendJson ==========\n%s\n" "$(date)" "$("${JSONSHFILE}" -b -n <<<"${json}" 2>&1)" >>"${MESSAGELOG}"
log_update "sendJson (curl) CHAT=${chat#*:} JSON=${2:0:100} URL=${3##*/}"
log_message "DEBUG sendJson ==========\n$("${JSONSHFILE}" -b -n <<<"${json}" 2>&1)"
[[ "${chat}" == *"NAN" ]] && return # not a number
# OK here we go ...
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ if detect_curl ; then
# here we have curl ----
[ -z "${BASHBOT_CURL}" ] && BASHBOT_CURL="curl"
[[ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" && -n "${3}" ]] && printf "%s: getJson (curl) URL=%s\n" "$(date)" "${1##*/}" >>"${DEBUGLOG}"
[[ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" && -n "${3}" ]] && log_debug "getJson (curl) URL=${1##*/}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ if detect_curl ; then
[ "$#" -lt 4 ] && return
if [ -n "$5" ]; then
[ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" ] &&\
printf "%s: sendUpload CHAT=%s WHAT=%s FILE=%s CAPT=%s\n" "$(date)" "${1}" "${2}" "${3}" "${4}" >>"${UPDATELOG}"
log_update "sendUpload CHAT=${1} WHAT=${2} FILE=${3} CAPT=${4}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
res="$("${BASHBOT_CURL}" -s -k ${BASHBOT_CURL_ARGS} "$4" -F "chat_id=$1"\
-F "$2=@$3;${3##*/}" -F "caption=$5" | "${JSONSHFILE}" -b -n 2>/dev/null )"
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ else
# NO curl, try wget
if _exists wget; then
[[ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" && -z "${3}" ]] && printf "%s: getJson (wget) URL=%s\n" "$(date)" "${1##*/}" >>"${DEBUGLOG}"
[[ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" && -z "${3}" ]] && log_debug "getJson (wget) URL=${1##*/}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
wget --no-check-certificate -t 2 -T "${TIMEOUT}" ${BASHBOT_WGET_ARGS} -qO - "$1"
@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ sendJsonRetry(){
local offset=0
[ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" ] && printf "\n%s: New Result ==========\n%s\n" "$(date)" "$1" >>"${MESSAGELOG}"
[ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" ] && log_message "New Result ==========\n$1"
BOTSENT[OK]="$(JsonGetLine '"ok"' <<< "${1}")"
if [ "${BOTSENT[OK]}" = "true" ]; then
BOTSENT[ID]="$(JsonGetValue '"result","message_id"' <<< "${1}")"
@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ process_client() {
local num="$1" debug="$2"
pre_process_message "${num}"
# log message on debug
[[ -n "${debug}" ]] && printf "\n%s: New Message ==========\n%s\n" "$(date)" "$UPDATE" >>"${MESSAGELOG}"
[[ -n "${debug}" ]] && log_message "New Message ==========\n${UPDATE}"
# check for users / groups to ignore
jssh_updateArray_async "BASHBOTBLOCKED" "${BLOCKEDFILE}"
@ -1009,11 +1009,11 @@ start_bot() {
local stepsleep="${BASHBOT_SLEEP_STEP:-100}"
local maxsleep="${BASHBOT_SLEEP:-5000}"
# startup message
DEBUGMSG="$(date): Start BASHBOT updates in Mode \"${1:-normal}\" =========="
printf "%s\n" "${DEBUGMSG}" >>"${UPDATELOG}"
DEBUGMSG="Start BASHBOT updates in Mode \"${1:-normal}\" =========="
log_update "${DEBUGMSG}"
# redirect to Debug.log
[[ "${1}" == *"debug" ]] && exec &>>"${DEBUGLOG}"
printf "%s\n" "${DEBUGMSG}"; DEBUGMSG="${1}"
log_debug "${DEBUGMSG}"; DEBUGMSG="${1}"
[[ "${DEBUGMSG}" == "xdebug"* ]] && set -x && unset BASHBOT_UPDATELOG
# cleaup old pipes and empty logfiles
find "${DATADIR}" -type p -delete
@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ start_bot() {
# try to recover
if _is_function bashbotBlockRecover && [ -z "$(getJson "${ME_URL}")" ]; then
log_error "Try to recover, calling bashbotBlockRecover ..."
bashbotBlockRecover >>"${ERRORLOG}"