diff --git a/README.html b/README.html index 5d6dcec..80fe75e 100644 --- a/README.html +++ b/README.html @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ It features background tasks and interactive chats, and can serve as an interfac

Running a Telegram Bot means it is connected to the public and you never know what's send to your Bot.

Bash scripts in general are not designed to be bullet proof, so consider this Bot as a proof of concept. Bash programmers often struggle with 'quoting hell' and globbing, see Implications of wrong quoting

Whenever you are processing input from untrusted sources (messages, files, network) you must be as careful as possible, e.g. set IFS appropriate, disable globbing (set -f) and quote everything. In addition delete unused scripts and examples from your Bot, e.g. scripts 'notify', 'calc', 'question', and disable all not used commands.


Note: Until v0.941 (mai/22/2020) telegram-bot-bash had a remote code execution (RCE) bug, please update if you use an older version! see Issue #125


Note: Up to version v0.941 (mai/22/2020) telegram-bot-bash had a remote code execution (RCE) bug, please update if you use an older version! see Issue #125

One of the most powerful features of unix shells is variable and command substitution using ${} and $(), but as they are expanded in double quotes, this can lead to RCE and information disclosing bugs in complex scripts like bashbot. So it's more secure to escape or remove '$' in input from user, files or network.

A powerful tool to improve your scripts is shellcheck. You can use it online or install shellcheck locally. Shellcheck is used extensive in bashbot development to ensure a high code quality, e.g. it's not allowed to push changes without passing all shellcheck tests. In addition bashbot has a test suite to check if important functionality is working as expected.

Use printf whenever possible

@@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ It features background tasks and interactive chats, and can serve as an interfac

Never run your Bot as root, this is the most dangerous you can do! Usually the user 'nobody' has almost no rights on unix/linux systems. See Expert use on how to run your Bot as an other user.

Secure your Bot installation

Your Bot configuration must no be readable from other users. Everyone who can read your Bots token is able to act as your Bot and has access to all chats the Bot is in!


Everyone with read access to your Bot files can extract your Bots data. Especially your Bot Token in token must be protected against other users. No one except you should have write access to the Bot files. The Bot should be restricted to have write access to count and tmp-bot-bash only, all other files must be write protected.


Everyone with read access to your Bot files can extract your Bots data. Especially your Bot config in config.jssh must be protected against other users. No one except you should have write access to the Bot files. The Bot should be restricted to have write access to count.jssh and data-bot-bash only, all other files must be write protected.

To set access rights for your bashbot installation to a reasonable default run sudo ./bashbot.sh init after every update or change to your installation directory.


Is this Bot insecure?

Bashbot is not more (in)secure as any Bot written in an other language, we have done our best to make it as secure as possible. But YOU are responsible for the bot commands you wrote and you should know about the risks ...


Note: Until v0.941 (mai/22/2020) telegram-bot-bash has a remote code execution bug, please update if you use an older version!


Note: Up to version 0.941 (mai/22/2020) telegram-bot-bash had a remote code execution bug, please update if you use an older version!

Why Bash and not the much better xyz?

Well, that's a damn good question ... may be because I'm an unix admin from stone age. Nevertheless there are more reasons from my side: