make _round_float more LANG independent (C not installed)

This commit is contained in:
Kay Marquardt (Gnadelwartz) 2021-01-18 21:09:30 +01:00
parent ad532cce54
commit fe1fb75748
2 changed files with 7 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ BOTCOMMANDS="-h help init start stop status suspendback resumeback killb
# 8 - curl/wget missing
# 10 - not bash!
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.30-0-g3266427
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.31-dev-0-gad532cc
# emmbeded system may claim bash but it is not
@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ _is_function() {
# if $2 is not given or is not a positive number zero is assumed
_round_float() {
local digit="$2"; [[ "$2" =~ ^[${o9o9o9}]+$ ]] || digit="0"
{ LC_ALL=C.utf-8 printf "%.${digit}f" "$1"; } 2>/dev/null
: "$(LC_ALL=C printf "%.${digit}f" "$1" 2>/dev/null)"
printf "%s" "${_//,/.}" # make more LANG independent
# date is external, printf is much faster

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@ -284,8 +284,9 @@ bar="${_/__x/_c}" # a_b_c
: ${SOMEVAR} # "String in var" $_ -> "var"
: $(<"file") # "Content of\n file" $_ -> "file"
# pitfall test command
[ -n "$MYVAR" ] && echo "$_" # outputs "]"
# pitfall [ vs. test command
[ -n "xxx" ] && echo "$_" # $_ -> "]"
test -n "xxx" && echo "$_" # $_ -> "xxx"
# pitfall command substitution: globbing and IFS is applied!
: "$(echo "a* is born")"# $_ -> a* is globbed even quoted!
@ -386,5 +387,5 @@ fi
#### [Prev Function Reference](
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.30-0-g3266427
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.31-dev-0-gad532cc