# files: mycommands.sh.clean
# copy to mycommands.sh and add all your commands and functions here ...
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.1-0-gc0eb399

# edit the following lines to fit your bot usage

export bashbot_info='This is bashbot, the Telegram bot written entirely in bash.

export bashbot_help='*Available commands*:
export res=""

# Set INLINE to 1 in order to receive inline queries.
# To enable this option in your bot must also send the /setinline command to @BotFather.
export INLINE="0"

# NOTE: this is a regex, not shell globbing! you must use a valid egex,
# '.' matches any character and '.*' matches all remaining charatcers!
# additionally you must escape special characters with '\', e.g. '\. \? \[ \*" to match them literally
# do NOT set to .* as this allow sending files from all locations!

# set BASHBOT_RETRY to enable retry in case of recoverable errors, e.g.  throtteling
# problems with send_,´message etc are looged to  logs/ERROR.log
#export BASHBOT_RETRY="yes"

# set value for adaptive sleeping while waitingnfor uodates in millisconds
# max slepp between polling updates 10s (default 5s)
export BASHBOT_SLEEP="10000"
# add 0.2s if no update available, up to BASHBOT_SLEEP (default 0.1s)

# if you want to use timer functions, set BASHBOT_START_TIMER to a not empty value
# default is to nit start timer
# set to "yes" and give your bot admin privilegs to remove service messaes from groups
export SILENCER="no"

# uncomment to remove keyboards sent by your bot
# export REMOVEKEYBOARD="yes"

# special network setup may require additional ARGS to curl
# example: run bashbot over TOR or SOCKS proxy
# export BASHBOT_CURL_ARGS="--socks5-hostname" # TOR
# export BASHBOT_CURL_ARGS="--socks5-hostname" # regular SOCKS

if [ "$1" = "startbot" ];then
    # run once after startup when the first message is received
    touch .mystartup
    # call my_startup on first message after startup
    # things to do only once
    [ -f .mystartup ] && rm -f .mystartup && _exec_if_function my_startup

    # your own bashbot commands
    # NOTE: command can have @botname attached, you must add * to case tests...
    mycommands() {

	# a service Message was received
	# add your own stuff here
	if [ -n "${SERVICE}" ]; then
		# example: delete every service message
		if [ "${SILENCER}" = "yes" ]; then
			delete_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "${MESSAGE[ID]}"

	# remove keyboard if you use keyboards
	[ -n "${REMOVEKEYBOARD}" ] && remove_keyboard "${CHAT[ID]}" &
	[[ -n "${REMOVEKEYBOARD_PRIVATE}" &&  "${CHAT[ID]}" == "${USER[ID]}" ]] && remove_keyboard "${CHAT[ID]}" &

	case "${MESSAGE}" in
		# example command, replace them by your own
		'/echo'*) # example echo command
			send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "$MESSAGE"

		# command overwrite examples
		# return 0 -> run default command afterwards
		# return 1 -> skip possible default commands
		'/info'*) # output date in front of regular info
			send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "$(date)"
			return 0
		'/kickme'*) # this will replace the /kickme command
			send_markdown_mesage "${CHAT[ID]}" "*This bot will not kick you!*"
			return 1

     myinlines() {
	# this fuinction is called only if you has set INLINE=1 !!
	# shellcheck disable=SC2128

	case "${iQUERY}" in
		# example inline command, replace it by your own
		"image "*) # search images with yahoo
			local search="${iQUERY#* }"
			answer_inline_multi "${iQUERY[ID]}" "$(my_image_search "${search}")"

    # place your processing functions here

    # example inline processing function, not really useful
    # $1 search parameter
	local image result sep="" count="1"
	result="$(wget --user-agent 'Mozilla/5.0' -qO - "https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=$1" |  sed 's/</\n</g' | grep "<img src=")"
	while read -r image; do
		[ "$count" -gt "20" ] && break
		image="${image#* src=\'}"; image="${image%%&pid=*}"
		[[ "${image}" = *"src="* ]] && continue
		echo "${sep}"; inline_query_compose "$RANDOM" "photo" "${image}"; sep=","
		count=$(( count + 1 ))
	done <<<"${result}"
