#!/bin/bash - #=============================================================================== # # FILE: broadcast_message.sh # # USAGE: broadcast_message.sh [-h|--help] [--doit] [--groups] [format] "message ...." [debug] # # DESCRIPTION: send a message to all user the bot have seen (listet in count.jssh) # # OPTIONS: --doit - broadcast is dangerous, simulate run without --doit # --groups - send to groups also, by default we send only to users # # format - normal, markdown, html (optional) # message - message to send in specified format # if no format is givern send_message() format is used # # -h - display short help # --help - this help # # Set BASHBOT_HOME to your installation directory # # LICENSE: WTFPLv2 http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ # AUTHOR: KayM (gnadelwartz), kay@rrr.de # CREATED: 16.12.2020 16:14:57 # #### $$VERSION$$ v1.2-dev2-30-ge6223b6 #=============================================================================== # set where your bashbot lives # shellcheck disable=SC1090 BASHBOT_HOME="${BASHBOTHOME:-../}" # check for botconfig.jssh if [ ! -r "${BASHBOT_HOME}/botconfig.jssh" ]; then echo "No bashbot config file in ${BASHBOT_HOME}" exit 3 fi # check for count.jssh if [ ! -r "${BASHBOT_HOME}/count.jssh" ]; then echo "No bashbot count file in ${BASHBOT_HOME}" exit 3 fi # broadcast is dangerous, without --doit we do a dry run ... if [ "$1" == "--doit" ]; then DOIT="yes" shift fi # send to users by default, --group sends to groups also if [ "$1" == "--groups" ]; then GROUPSALSO=" and groups" shift fi # parse args ----------------- SEND="send_message" case "$1" in "nor*"|"tex*") SEND="send_normal_message" shift ;; "mark"*) SEND="send_markdownv2_message" shift ;; "html") SEND="send_html_message" shift ;; '') echo "missing missing arguments" ;& "-h"*) echo "usage: send_message [-h|--help] [format] "message ...." [debug]" exit 1 ;; '--h'*) sed -n '3,/###/p' <"$0" exit 1 ;; esac # source bashbot source "${BASHBOT_HOME}/bashbot.sh" source "$3" # read in users declare -A SENDALL jssh_readDB_async "SENDALL" "${COUNTFILE}" if [ -z "${SENDALL[*]}" ]; then echo -e "${ORANGE}Countfile not found or empty,${NC} " fi # loop over users echo -e "${GREEN}Sending broadcast message to all users of $(getConfigKey "botname")${NC}${GREY}\c" { # dry run [ -z "${DOIT}" ] && echo -e "${NC}\n${ORANGE}DRY RUN! use --doit as first argument to execute broadcast...${NC}" for USER in ${!SENDALL[*]} do # ignore everything not a user or group [[ -z "${GROUPSALSO}" && "${USER}" == *"-"* ]] && continue [[ ! "${USER}" =~ ^[0-9-]*$ ]] && continue (( COUNT++ )) if [ -z "${DOIT}" ]; then echo "${SEND}" "${USER}" "$1" "$2" else "${SEND}" "${USER}" "$1" "$2" echo -e ".\c" 1>&2 sleep 0.1 fi done echo -e "${NC}\nMessage \"$1\" sent to ${COUNT} users${GROUPSALSO}." } | more