#!/bin/bash # file: bashbot.sh # do not edit, this file will be overwritten on update # bashbot, the Telegram bot written in bash. # Written by Drew (@topkecleon) KayM (@gnadelwartz). # Also contributed: Daniil Gentili (@danogentili), JuanPotato, BigNerd95, TiagoDanin, iicc1. # https://github.com/topkecleon/telegram-bot-bash # Depends on JSON.sh (http://github.com/dominictarr/JSON.sh) (MIT/Apache), # This file is public domain in the USA and all free countries. # Elsewhere, consider it to be WTFPLv2. (wtfpl.net/txt/copying) # #### $$VERSION$$ v1.2-dev2-66-gc93c9ae # # Exit Codes: # - 0 success (hopefully) # - 1 can't change to dir # - 2 can't write to tmp, count or token # - 3 user / command / file not found # - 4 unknown command # - 5 cannot connect to telegram bot # - 6 mandatory module not found # - 7 can't get bottoken # - 8 curl/wget missing # - 10 not bash! # shellcheck disable=SC2140,SC2031,SC2120,SC1091,SC1117 # emmbeded system may claim bash but it is not # check for bash like ARRAY handlung if ! (unset a; set -A a a; eval "a=(a b)"; eval '[ -n "${a[1]}" ]'; ) > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Error: Current shell does not support ARRAY's, may be busbox ash shell. pls install a real bash!"; exit 10 fi # are we running in a terminal? if [ -t 1 ] && [ -n "$TERM" ]; then CLEAR='clear' RED='\e[31m' GREEN='\e[32m' ORANGE='\e[35m' GREY='\e[1;30m' NC='\e[0m' fi # telegram uses utf-8 characters, check if we have an utf-8 charset if [ "${LANG}" = "${LANG%[Uu][Tt][Ff]*}" ]; then echo -e "${ORANGE}Warning: Telegram uses utf-8, but looks like you are using non utf-8 locale:${NC} ${LANG}" fi # we need some bash 4+ features, check for old bash by feature if [ "$({ LC_ALL=C.utf-8 echo -e "\u1111"; } 2>/dev/null)" = "\u1111" ]; then echo -e "${ORANGE}Warning: Missing unicode '\uxxxx' support, missing C.utf-8 locale or to old bash version.${NC}" fi # some important helper functions # returns true if command exist _exists() { [ "$(type -t "${1}")" = "file" ] } # execute function if exists _exec_if_function() { [ "$(type -t "${1}")" != "function" ] && return 1 "$@" } # returns true if function exist _is_function() { [ "$(type -t "${1}")" = "function" ] } # round $1 in international notation! , returns float with $2 decimal digits # if $2 is not given or is not a positive number zero is assumed _round_float() { local digit="${2}"; [[ "${2}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || digit="0" { LC_ALL=C.utf-8 printf "%.${digit}f" "${1}"; } 2>/dev/null } setConfigKey() { [[ "$1" =~ ^[-a-zA-Z0-9,._]+$ ]] || return 3 [ -z "${BOTCONFIG}" ] && return 1 printf '["%s"]\t"%s"\n' "${1//,/\",\"}" "${2//\"/\\\"}" >>"${BOTCONFIG}.jssh" } getConfigKey() { [[ "$1" =~ ^[-a-zA-Z0-9,._]+$ ]] || return 3 [ -r "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh" ] && sed -n 's/\["'"$1"'"\]\t*"\(.*\)"/\1/p' <"${BOTCONFIG}.jssh" | tail -n 1 } # check if $1 seems a valid token # return true if token seems to be valid check_token(){ [[ "${1}" =~ ^[0-9]{8,10}:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{35}$ ]] && return 0 return 1 } # log $1 to ERRORLOG with date log_error(){ printf "%s: %b\n" "$(date)" "$*" >>"${ERRORLOG}"; } log_debug(){ printf "%s: %b\n" "$(date)" "$*" >>"${DEBUGLOG}"; } log_message(){ printf "\n%s: %b\n" "$(date)" "$*" >>"${MESSAGELOG}"; } log_update(){ printf "%s: %b\n" "$(date)" "$*" >>"${UPDATELOG}"; } # additional tests if we run in debug mode export BASHBOTDEBUG # debug should always last argument [[ "${BASH_ARGV[0]}" == *"debug"* ]] && BASHBOTDEBUG="yes" # $1 where $2 command $3 may debug # shellcheck disable=SC2094 debug_checks(){ { [ -z "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" ] && return local DATE WHERE MYTOKEN; DATE="$(date)"; WHERE="${1}"; shift printf "%s: debug_checks: %s: bashbot.sh %s\n" "${DATE}" "${WHERE}" "${@##*/}" # shellcheck disable=SC2094 [ -z "${DEBUGLOG}" ] && printf "%s: %s\n" "${DATE}" "DEBUGLOG not set! ==========" MYTOKEN="$(getConfigKey "bottoken")" [ -z "${MYTOKEN}" ] && printf "%s: %s\n" "${DATE}" "Bot token is missing! ==========" check_token "${MYTOKEN}" || printf "%s: %s\n" "${DATE}" "Invalid bot token! ==========" [ -z "$(getConfigKey "botadmin")" ] && printf "%s: %s\n" "${DATE}" "Bot admin is missing! ==========" # call user defined debug_checks if exists _exec_if_function my_debug_checks "${DATE}" "${WHERE}" "$*" } >>"${DEBUGLOG}" } # some linux, e.g. manajro seems not to have C locale activated by default if _exists locale && [ "$(locale -a | grep -c -e "^C$" -e "^C.utf8$")" -lt 2 ]; then echo -e "${ORANGE}Warning: locale ${NC}${GREY}C${NC}${ORANGE} and/or ${NC}${GREY}C.utf8${NC}${ORANGE} seems missing, use \"${NC}${GREY}locale -a${NC}${ORANGE}\" to show what locales are installed on your system.${NC}" fi # get location and name of bashbot.sh SCRIPT="$0" REALME="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" SCRIPTDIR="$(dirname "${REALME}")" RUNDIR="$(dirname "$0")" MODULEDIR="${SCRIPTDIR}/modules" # adjust locations based on source and real name if [ "${SCRIPT}" != "${REALME}" ] || [ "$1" = "source" ]; then SOURCE="yes" fi BOTCOMMANDS="start, stop, status, help, init, suspendback, resumeback, killback" [[ -z "$1" && -z "${SOURCE}" ]] && echo -e "${ORANGE}Available commands: ${GREY}${BOTCOMMANDS}${NC}" && exit if [ "$1" = "help" ]; then HELP="${BASHBOT_HOME:-.}/README" if [ -n "${CLEAR}" ];then _exists w3m && w3m "$HELP.html" && exit _exists lynx && lynx "$HELP.html" && exit _exists less && less "$HELP.txt" && exit fi cat "$HELP.txt" exit fi if [ -n "$BASHBOT_HOME" ]; then SCRIPTDIR="$BASHBOT_HOME" else BASHBOT_HOME="${SCRIPTDIR}" fi [ -z "${BASHBOT_ETC}" ] && BASHBOT_ETC="$BASHBOT_HOME" [ -z "${BASHBOT_VAR}" ] && BASHBOT_VAR="$BASHBOT_HOME" ADDONDIR="${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/addons" RUNUSER="${USER}" # USER is overwritten by bashbot array :-(, save original # OK everything setup, lets start if [[ -z "${SOURCE}" && -z "$BASHBOT_HOME" ]] && ! cd "${RUNDIR}" ; then echo -e "${RED}ERROR: Can't change to ${RUNDIR} ...${NC}" exit 1 else RUNDIR="." fi if [ ! -w "." ]; then echo -e "${ORANGE}WARNING: ${RUNDIR} is not writeable!${NC}" ls -ld . fi # Setup and check environment if BOTTOKEN is NOT set BOTCONFIG="${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/botconfig" TOKENFILE="${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/token" BOTADMIN="${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/botadmin" BOTACL="${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/botacl" DATADIR="${BASHBOT_VAR:-.}/data-bot-bash" BLOCKEDFILE="${BASHBOT_VAR:-.}/blocked" COUNTFILE="${BASHBOT_VAR:-.}/count" LOGDIR="${RUNDIR:-.}/logs" # assume everything already set up correctly if TOKEN is set if [[ -z "${BOTTOKEN}" && ! -f "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh" ]]; then # BOTCONFIG does not exist, create printf '["bot_config_key"]\t"config_key_value"\n' >>"${BOTCONFIG}.jssh" # convert old token if [ -r "${TOKENFILE}" ]; then token="$(< "${TOKENFILE}")" # no old token, ask user elif [ -z "${CLEAR}" ] && [ "$1" != "init" ]; then echo "Running headless, set BOTTOKEN or run ${SCRIPT} init first!" exit 2 else ${CLEAR} echo -e "${RED}TOKEN MISSING.${NC}" echo -e "${ORANGE}PLEASE WRITE YOUR TOKEN HERE OR PRESS CTRL+C TO ABORT${NC}" read -r token fi [ -n "${token}" ] && printf '["bottoken"]\t"%s"\n' "${token}" >> "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh" # no botadmin, setup botadmin if [ -z "$(getConfigKey "botadmin")" ]; then # convert old admin if [ -r "${BOTADMIN}" ]; then admin="$(< "${BOTADMIN}")" elif [ -z "${CLEAR}" ]; then echo "Running headless, set botadmin to AUTO MODE!" else ${CLEAR} echo -e "${RED}BOTADMIN MISSING.${NC}" echo -e "${ORANGE}PLEASE WRITE YOUR TELEGRAM ID HERE OR ENTER '?'${NC}" echo -e "${ORANGE}TO MAKE FIRST USER TYPING '/start' TO BOTADMIN${NC}" read -r admin fi [ -z "${admin}" ] && admin='?' printf '["botadmin"]\t"%s"\n' "${admin}" >> "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh" fi # setup botacl file if [ ! -f "${BOTACL}" ]; then echo -e "${ORANGE}Create empty ${BOTACL} file.${NC}" printf '\n' >"${BOTACL}" fi # setup data dir file if [ ! -d "${DATADIR}" ]; then mkdir "${DATADIR}" elif [ ! -w "${DATADIR}" ]; then echo -e "${RED}ERROR: Can't write to ${DATADIR}!.${NC}" ls -ld "${DATADIR}" exit 2 fi # setup count file if [ ! -f "${COUNTFILE}.jssh" ]; then printf '["counted_user_chat_id"]\t"num_messages_seen"\n' >> "${COUNTFILE}.jssh" # convert old file on creation if [ -r "${COUNTFILE}" ];then sed 's/COUNT/\[\"/;s/$/\"\]\t\"1\"/' < "${COUNTFILE}" >> "${COUNTFILE}.jssh" fi elif [ ! -w "${COUNTFILE}.jssh" ]; then echo -e "${RED}ERROR: Can't write to ${COUNTFILE}!.${NC}" ls -l "${COUNTFILE}.jssh" exit 2 fi # setup blocked file if [ ! -f "${BLOCKEDFILE}.jssh" ]; then printf '["blocked_user_or_chat_id"]\t"name and reason"\n' >>"${BLOCKEDFILE}.jssh" fi fi if [[ ! -d "${LOGDIR}" || ! -w "${LOGDIR}" ]]; then LOGDIR="${RUNDIR:-.}" fi DEBUGLOG="${LOGDIR}/DEBUG.log" ERRORLOG="${LOGDIR}/ERROR.log" UPDATELOG="${LOGDIR}/BASHBOT.log" MESSAGELOG="${LOGDIR}/MESSAGE.log" debug_checks "start SOURCE=${SOURCE:-no}" "$@" # read BOTTOKEN from bot database if not set if [ -z "${BOTTOKEN}" ]; then BOTTOKEN="$(getConfigKey "bottoken")" if [ -z "${BOTTOKEN}" ]; then BOTERROR="Warning: can't get bot token, try to recover working config..." echo -e "${ORANGE}${BOTERROR}${NC} \c" if [ -r "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh.ok" ]; then log_error "${BOTERROR}" cp "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh.ok" "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh"; echo "OK" BOTTOKEN="$(getConfigKey "bottoken")" else echo -e "\n${RED}Error: Missing bot token! remove ${BOTCONFIG}.jssh and run \"bashbot.sh init\" may fix it.${NC}" exit 7 fi fi fi # BOTTOKEN format checks if ! check_token "${BOTTOKEN}"; then echo -e "${ORANGE}Warning: your bottoken may incorrect. it should have the following format:${NC}" echo -e "${GREY}123456789${RED}:${GREY}Aa-Zz_0Aa-Zz_1Aa-Zz_2Aa-Zz_3Aa-Zz_4${ORANGE} => ${NC}\c" echo -e "${GREY}8-10 digits${RED}:${GREY}35 alphanumeric characters + '_-'${NC}" echo -e "${ORANGE}Your current token is: '${GREY}^$(cat -ve <<<"${BOTTOKEN//:/${RED}:${GREY}}")${ORANGE}'${NC}" if [[ ! "${BOTTOKEN}" =~ ^[0-9]{8,10}: ]]; then echo -e "${ORANGE}Possible problem in the digits part, len is $(($(wc -c <<<"${BOTTOKEN%:*}")-1))${NC}" [ -n "$(getConfigKey "botid")" ] && echo -e "${GREY}Did you mean: \"${NC}$(getConfigKey "botid")${GREY}\" ?${NC}" fi [[ ! "${BOTTOKEN}" =~ :[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{35}$ ]] &&\ echo -e "${ORANGE}Possible problem in the characters part, len is $(($(wc -c <<<"${BOTTOKEN#*:}")-1))${NC}" fi ################## # here we start with the real stuff BASHBOT_RETRY="" # retry by default URL="${BASHBOT_URL:-https://api.telegram.org/bot}${BOTTOKEN}" ME_URL=$URL'/getMe' UPD_URL=$URL'/getUpdates?offset=' GETFILE_URL=$URL'/getFile' ################# # BASHBOT COMMON functions declare -rx SCRIPT SCRIPTDIR MODULEDIR RUNDIR ADDONDIR TOKENFILE BOTADMIN BOTACL DATADIR COUNTFILE declare -rx BOTTOKEN URL ME_URL UPD_URL GETFILE_URL declare -ax CMD declare -Ax UPD BOTSENT USER MESSAGE URLS CONTACT LOCATION CHAT FORWARD REPLYTO VENUE iQUERY declare -Ax SERVICE NEWMEMBER LEFTMEMBER PINNED MIGRATE export res CAPTION ME ################## # read commands file if we are not sourced COMMANDS="${BASHBOT_ETC:-.}/commands.sh" if [ -z "${SOURCE}" ]; then if [ ! -f "${COMMANDS}" ] || [ ! -r "${COMMANDS}" ]; then echo -e "${RED}ERROR: ${COMMANDS} does not exist or is not readable!.${NC}" ls -l "${COMMANDS}" exit 3 fi fi # shellcheck source=./commands.sh [ -r "${COMMANDS}" ] && source "${COMMANDS}" "source" ############### # load modules for modules in "${MODULEDIR:-.}"/*.sh ; do # shellcheck source=./modules/aliases.sh if ! _is_function "$(basename "${modules}")" && [ -r "${modules}" ]; then source "${modules}" "source"; fi done ##################### # BASHBOT INTERNAL functions # # do we have BSD sed if ! sed '1ia' /dev/null; then echo -e "${ORANGE}Warning: You may run on a BSD style system without gnu utils ...${NC}" fi #jsonDB is now mandatory if ! _is_function jssh_newDB ; then echo -e "${RED}ERROR: Mandatory module jsonDB is missing or not readable!" exit 6 fi # $1 URL, $2 filename in DATADIR # outputs final filename download() { local empty="no.file" file="${2:-${empty}}" if [[ "$file" = *"/"* ]] || [[ "$file" = "."* ]]; then file="${empty}"; fi while [ -f "${DATADIR:-.}/${file}" ] ; do file="$RAMDOM-${file}"; done getJson "$1" >"${DATADIR:-.}/${file}" || return printf '%s\n' "${DATADIR:-.}/${file}" } # $1 postfix, e.g. chatid # $2 prefix, back- or startbot- procname(){ printf '%s\n' "$2${ME}_$1" } # $1 string to search for programme incl. parameters # returns a list of PIDs of all current bot processes matching $1 proclist() { # shellcheck disable=SC2009 ps -fu "${UID}" | grep -F "$1" | grep -v ' grep'| grep -F "${ME}" | sed 's/\s\+/\t/g' | cut -f 2 } # $1 string to search for programme to kill killallproc() { local procid; procid="$(proclist "$1")" if [ -n "${procid}" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2046 kill $(proclist "$1") sleep 1 procid="$(proclist "$1")" # shellcheck disable=SC2046 [ -n "${procid}" ] && kill $(proclist -9 "$1") fi debug_checks "end killallproc" "${1}" } # $ chat $2 msg_id $3 nolog declare -xr DELETE_URL=$URL'/deleteMessage' delete_message() { [ -z "$3" ] && log_update "Delete Message CHAT=${1} MSG_ID=${2}" sendJson "${1}" '"message_id": '"${2}"'' "${DELETE_URL}" } get_file() { [ -z "$1" ] && return sendJson "" '"file_id": "'"${1}"'"' "${GETFILE_URL}" printf '%s\n' "${URL}"/"$(JsonGetString <<< "${res}" '"result","file_path"')" } # curl is preferred, try detect curl even not in PATH # return TRUE if curl is found or custom curl detected # return FALSE if no curl is found or wget is forced by BASHBOT_WGET # sets BASHBOT_CURL to point to curl DETECTED_CURL="curl" function detect_curl() { # custom curl command [ -n "${BASHBOT_CURL}" ] && return 0 # use wget if [ -n "${BASHBOT_WGET}" ]; then DETECTED_CURL="wget" return 1 fi # default use curl in PATH BASHBOT_CURL="curl" _exists curl && return 0 # search in usual locations local file for file in /usr/bin /bin /usr/local/bin; do if [ -x "${file}/curl" ]; then BASHBOT_CURL="${file}/curl" return 0 fi done # curl not in PATH and not in usual locations DETECTED_CURL="wget" local warn="Warning: Curl not detected, try fallback to wget! pls install curl or adjust BASHBOT_CURL/BASHBOT_WGET environment variables." log_update "${warn}"; [ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" ] && log_debug "${warn}" return 1 } # iconv used to filter out broken utf characters, if not installed fake it if ! _exists iconv; then log_update "Warning: iconv not installed, pls imstall iconv!" function iconv() { cat; } fi TIMEOUT="${BASHBOT_TIMEOUT}" [[ "$TIMEOUT" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || TIMEOUT="20" # usage: sendJson "chat" "JSON" "URL" sendJson(){ local json chat="" if [ -n "${1}" ]; then chat='"chat_id":'"${1}"',' [[ "${1}" == *[!0-9-]* ]] && chat='"chat_id":"'"${1}"' NAN",' # chat id not a number! fi # compose final json json='{'"${chat} $(iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8 -c <<<"$2")"'}' if [ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" ] ; then log_update "sendJson (${DETECTED_CURL}) CHAT=${chat#*:} JSON=${2:0:100} URL=${3##*/}" log_message "DEBUG sendJson ==========\n$("${JSONSHFILE}" -b -n <<<"${json}" 2>&1)" fi # chat id not a number if [[ "${chat}" == *"NAN\"," ]]; then sendJsonResult "$(printf '["ok"]\tfalse\n["error_code"]\t400\n["description"]\t"Bad Request: chat id not a number"\n')"\ "sendJson (NAN)" "$@" return fi # OK here we go ... # route to curl/wget specific function res="$(sendJson_do "${json}" "${3}")" # check telegram response sendJsonResult "${res}" "sendJson (${DETECTED_CURL})" "$@" [ -n "${BASHBOT_EVENT_SEND[*]}" ] && event_send "send" "${@}" & } # # curl / wget specific functions # if detect_curl ; then # here we have curl ---- [ -z "${BASHBOT_CURL}" ] && BASHBOT_CURL="curl" getJson(){ [[ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" && -n "${3}" ]] && log_debug "getJson (curl) URL=${1##*/}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 "${BASHBOT_CURL}" -sL -k ${BASHBOT_CURL_ARGS} -m "${TIMEOUT}" "$1" } # curl variant for sendJson # usage: "JSON" "URL" sendJson_do(){ # shellcheck disable=SC2086 "${BASHBOT_CURL}" -s -k ${BASHBOT_CURL_ARGS} -m "${TIMEOUT}"\ -d "${1}" -X POST "${2}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" | "${JSONSHFILE}" -b -n 2>/dev/null } #$1 Chat, $2 what, $3 file, $4 URL, $5 caption sendUpload() { [ "$#" -lt 4 ] && return if [ -n "$5" ]; then [ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" ] &&\ log_update "sendUpload CHAT=${1} WHAT=${2} FILE=${3} CAPT=${4}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 res="$("${BASHBOT_CURL}" -s -k ${BASHBOT_CURL_ARGS} "$4" -F "chat_id=$1"\ -F "$2=@$3;${3##*/}" -F "caption=$5" | "${JSONSHFILE}" -b -n 2>/dev/null )" else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 res="$("${BASHBOT_CURL}" -s -k ${BASHBOT_CURL_ARGS} "$4" -F "chat_id=$1"\ -F "$2=@$3;${3##*/}" | "${JSONSHFILE}" -b -n 2>/dev/null )" fi sendJsonResult "${res}" "sendUpload (curl)" "$@" [ -n "${BASHBOT_EVENT_SEND[*]}" ] && event_send "upload" "$@" & } else # NO curl, try wget if _exists wget; then getJson(){ [[ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" && -z "${3}" ]] && log_debug "getJson (wget) URL=${1##*/}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 wget --no-check-certificate -t 2 -T "${TIMEOUT}" ${BASHBOT_WGET_ARGS} -qO - "$1" } # curl variant for sendJson # usage: "JSON" "URL" sendJson_do(){ # shellcheck disable=SC2086 wget --no-check-certificate -t 2 -T "${TIMEOUT}" ${BASHBOT_WGET_ARGS} -qO - --post-data="${1}" \ --header='Content-Type:application/json' "${2}" | "${JSONSHFILE}" -b -n 2>/dev/null } sendUpload() { log_error "Sorry, wget does not support file upload" BOTSENT[OK]="false" [ -n "${BASHBOT_EVENT_SEND[*]}" ] && event_send "upload" "$@" & } else # ups, no curl AND no wget if [ -n "${BASHBOT_WGET}" ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: You set BASHBOT_WGET but no wget found!${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Error: curl and wget not found, install curl!${NC}" fi exit 8 fi fi # retry sendJson # $1 function $2 sleep $3 ... $n arguments sendJsonRetry(){ local retry="${1}"; shift [[ "${1}" =~ ^\ *[0-9.]+\ *$ ]] && sleep "${1}"; shift printf "%s: RETRY %s %s %s\n" "$(date)" "${retry}" "${1}" "${2:0:60}" case "${retry}" in 'sendJson'*) sendJson "$@" ;; 'sendUpload'*) sendUpload "$@" ;; 'send_album'*) send_album "$@" ;; *) log_error "Error: unknown function ${retry}, cannot retry" return ;; esac [ "${BOTSENT[OK]}" = "true" ] && log_error "Retry OK:${retry} ${1} ${2:0:60}" } >>"${ERRORLOG}" # process sendJson result # stdout is written to ERROR.log # $1 result $2 function $3 .. $n original arguments, $3 is Chat_id sendJsonResult(){ local offset=0 BOTSENT=( ) [ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" ] && log_message "New Result ==========\n$1" BOTSENT[OK]="$(JsonGetLine '"ok"' <<< "${1}")" if [ "${BOTSENT[OK]}" = "true" ]; then BOTSENT[ID]="$(JsonGetValue '"result","message_id"' <<< "${1}")" return # hot path everything OK! else # oops something went wrong! if [ "${1}" != "" ]; then BOTSENT[ERROR]="$(JsonGetValue '"error_code"' <<< "${1}")" BOTSENT[DESCRIPTION]="$(JsonGetString '"description"' <<< "${1}")" grep -qs -F '"parameters","retry_after"' <<< "${1}" &&\ BOTSENT[RETRY]="$(JsonGetValue '"parameters","retry_after"' <<< "${1}")" else BOTSENT[OK]="false" BOTSENT[ERROR]="999" BOTSENT[DESCRIPTION]="Send to telegram not possible, timeout/broken/no connection" fi # log error [[ "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" = "400" && "${BOTSENT[DESCRIPTION]}" == *"starting at byte offset"* ]] &&\ offset="${BOTSENT[DESCRIPTION]%* }" printf "%s: RESULT=%s FUNC=%s CHAT[ID]=%s ERROR=%s DESC=%s ACTION=%s\n" "$(date)"\ "${BOTSENT[OK]}" "${2}" "${3}" "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" "${BOTSENT[DESCRIPTION]}" "${4:${offset}:100}" # warm path, do not retry on error, also if we use wegt [ -n "${BASHBOT_RETRY}${BASHBOT_WGET}" ] && return # OK, we can retry sendJson, let's see what's failed # throttled, telegram say we send too many messages if [ -n "${BOTSENT[RETRY]}" ]; then BASHBOT_RETRY="$(( ++BOTSENT[RETRY] ))" printf "Retry %s in %s seconds ...\n" "${2}" "${BASHBOT_RETRY}" sendJsonRetry "${2}" "${BASHBOT_RETRY}" "${@:3}" unset BASHBOT_RETRY return fi # timeout, failed connection or blocked if [ "${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" == "999" ];then # check if default curl and args are OK if ! curl -sL -k -m 2 "${URL}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then printf "%s: BASHBOT IP Address seems blocked!\n" "$(date)" # user provided function to recover or notify block if _exec_if_function bashbotBlockRecover; then BASHBOT_RETRY="2" printf "bashbotBlockRecover returned true, retry %s ...\n" "${2}" sendJsonRetry "${2}" "${BASHBOT_RETRY}" "${@:3}" unset BASHBOT_RETRY fi return fi # are not blocked, default curl and args are working if [ -n "${BASHBOT_CURL_ARGS}" ] || [ "${BASHBOT_CURL}" != "curl" ]; then printf "Problem with \"%s %s\"? retry %s with default config ...\n"\ "${BASHBOT_CURL}" "${BASHBOT_CURL_ARGS}" "${2}" BASHBOT_RETRY="2"; BASHBOT_CURL="curl"; BASHBOT_CURL_ARGS="" sendJsonRetry "${2}" "${BASHBOT_RETRY}" "${@:3}" unset BASHBOT_RETRY fi fi fi } >>"${ERRORLOG}" # escape / remove text characters for json strings, eg. " -> \" # $1 string # output escaped string JsonEscape(){ sed 's/\([-"`´,§$%&/(){}#@!?*.\t]\)/\\\1/g' <<< "$1" } # convert common telegram entities to JSON # title caption description markup inlinekeyboard title2Json(){ local title caption desc markup keyboard [ -n "$1" ] && title=',"title":"'$(JsonEscape "$1")'"' [ -n "$2" ] && caption=',"caption":"'$(JsonEscape "$2")'"' [ -n "$3" ] && desc=',"description":"'$(JsonEscape "$3")'"' [ -n "$4" ] && markup=',"parse_mode":"'"$4"'"' [ -n "$5" ] && keyboard=',"reply_markup":"'$(JsonEscape "$5")'"' printf '%s\n' "${title}${caption}${desc}${markup}${keyboard}" } # get bot name and id from telegram getBotName() { declare -A BOTARRAY Json2Array 'BOTARRAY' <<<"$(getJson "$ME_URL" | "${JSONSHFILE}" -b -n 2>/dev/null)" [ -z "${BOTARRAY["result","username"]}" ] && return 1 # save botname and id setConfigKey "botname" "${BOTARRAY["result","username"]}" setConfigKey "botid" "${BOTARRAY["result","id"]}" echo "${BOTARRAY["result","username"]}" } # pure bash implementation, done by KayM (@gnadelwartz) # see https://stackoverflow.com/a/55666449/9381171 JsonDecode() { local out="$1" remain="" U="" local regexp='(.*)\\u[dD]([0-9a-fA-F]{3})\\u[dD]([0-9a-fA-F]{3})(.*)' while [[ "${out}" =~ $regexp ]] ; do U=$(( ( (0xd${BASH_REMATCH[2]} & 0x3ff) <<10 ) | ( 0xd${BASH_REMATCH[3]} & 0x3ff ) + 0x10000 )) remain="$(printf '\\U%8.8x' "${U}")${BASH_REMATCH[4]}${remain}" out="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" done # this echo must stay for correct decoding! echo -e "${out}${remain}" } JsonGetString() { sed -n -e '0,/\['"$1"'\]/ s/\['"$1"'\][ \t]"\(.*\)"$/\1/p' } JsonGetLine() { sed -n -e '0,/\['"$1"'\]/ s/\['"$1"'\][ \t]//p' } JsonGetValue() { sed -n -e '0,/\['"$1"'\]/ s/\['"$1"'\][ \t]\([0-9.,]*\).*/\1/p' } ################ # processing of updates starts here process_updates() { local max num debug="$1" max="$(grep -F ',"update_id"]' <<< "${UPDATE}" | tail -1 | cut -d , -f 2 )" Json2Array 'UPD' <<<"${UPDATE}" for ((num=0; num<=max; num++)); do process_client "$num" "${debug}" done } process_client() { local num="$1" debug="$2" pre_process_message "${num}" # log message on debug [[ -n "${debug}" ]] && log_message "New Message ==========\n$(grep -F '["result",'"${num}" <<<"${UPDATE}")" # check for users / groups to ignore jssh_updateArray_async "BASHBOTBLOCKED" "${BLOCKEDFILE}" [ -n "${USER[ID]}" ] && [[ -n "${BASHBOTBLOCKED[${USER[ID]}]}" || -n "${BASHBOTBLOCKED[${CHAT[ID]}]}" ]] && return # process per message type if [ -z "${iQUERY[ID]}" ]; then if grep -qs -e '\["result",'"${num}"',"edited_message"' <<<"${UPDATE}"; then # edited message UPDATE="${UPDATE//,${num},\"edited_message\",/,${num},\"message\",}" Json2Array 'UPD' <<<"${UPDATE}" MESSAGE[0]="/_edited_message " fi process_message "${num}" "${debug}" printf "%s: update received FROM=%s CHAT=%s CMD=%s\n" "$(date)" "${USER[USERNAME]:0:20} (${USER[ID]})"\ "${CHAT[USERNAME]:0:20}${CHAT[TITLE]:0:30} (${CHAT[ID]})"\ "${MESSAGE:0:30}${CAPTION:0:30}${URLS[*]:0:30}" >>"${UPDATELOG}" else process_inline "${num}" "${debug}" printf "%s: iQuery received FROM=%s iQUERY=%s\n" "$(date)"\ "${iQUERY[USERNAME]:0:20} (${iQUERY[USER_ID]})" "${iQUERY[0]}" >>"${UPDATELOG}" fi ##### # process inline and message events # first classic command dispatcher # shellcheck source=./commands.sh source "${COMMANDS}" "${debug}" & # then all registered addons if [ -z "${iQUERY[ID]}" ]; then event_message "${debug}" else event_inline "${debug}" fi # last count users jssh_countKeyDB_async "${CHAT[ID]}" "${COUNTFILE}" } declare -Ax BASHBOT_EVENT_INLINE BASHBOT_EVENT_MESSAGE BASHBOT_EVENT_CMD BASHBOT_EVENT_REPLY BASHBOT_EVENT_FORWARD BASHBOT_EVENT_SEND declare -Ax BASHBOT_EVENT_CONTACT BASHBOT_EVENT_LOCATION BASHBOT_EVENT_FILE BASHBOT_EVENT_TEXT BASHBOT_EVENT_TIMER BASHBOT_BLOCKED start_timer(){ # send alarm every ~60 s while :; do sleep 59.5 kill -ALRM $$ done; } EVENT_SEND="0" event_send() { # max recursion level 5 to avoid fork bombs (( EVENT_SEND++ )); [ "$EVENT_SEND" -gt "5" ] && return # shellcheck disable=SC2153 for key in "${!BASHBOT_EVENT_SEND[@]}" do _exec_if_function "${BASHBOT_EVENT_SEND[${key}]}" "$@" done } EVENT_TIMER="0" event_timer() { local key timer debug="$1" (( EVENT_TIMER++ )) # shellcheck disable=SC2153 for key in "${!BASHBOT_EVENT_TIMER[@]}" do timer="${key##*,}" [[ ! "$timer" =~ ^-*[1-9][0-9]*$ ]] && continue if [ "$(( EVENT_TIMER % timer ))" = "0" ]; then _exec_if_function "${BASHBOT_EVENT_TIMER[${key}]}" "timer" "${key}" "${debug}" [ "$(( EVENT_TIMER % timer ))" -lt "0" ] && \ unset BASHBOT_EVENT_TIMER["${key}"] fi done } event_inline() { local key debug="$1" # shellcheck disable=SC2153 for key in "${!BASHBOT_EVENT_INLINE[@]}" do _exec_if_function "${BASHBOT_EVENT_INLINE[${key}]}" "inline" "${key}" "${debug}" done } event_message() { local key debug="$1" # ${MESSAEG[*]} event_message # shellcheck disable=SC2153 for key in "${!BASHBOT_EVENT_MESSAGE[@]}" do _exec_if_function "${BASHBOT_EVENT_MESSAGE[${key}]}" "message" "${key}" "${debug}" done # ${TEXT[*]} event_text if [ -n "${MESSAGE[0]}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2153 for key in "${!BASHBOT_EVENT_TEXT[@]}" do _exec_if_function "${BASHBOT_EVENT_TEXT[${key}]}" "text" "${key}" "${debug}" done # ${CMD[*]} event_cmd if [ -n "${CMD[0]}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2153 for key in "${!BASHBOT_EVENT_CMD[@]}" do _exec_if_function "${BASHBOT_EVENT_CMD[${key}]}" "command" "${key}" "${debug}" done fi fi # ${REPLYTO[*]} event_replyto if [ -n "${REPLYTO[UID]}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2153 for key in "${!BASHBOT_EVENT_REPLYTO[@]}" do _exec_if_function "${BASHBOT_EVENT_REPLYTO[${key}]}" "replyto" "${key}" "${debug}" done fi # ${FORWARD[*]} event_forward if [ -n "${FORWARD[UID]}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2153 for key in "${!BASHBOT_EVENT_FORWARD[@]}" do _exec_if_function && "${BASHBOT_EVENT_FORWARD[${key}]}" "forward" "${key}" "${debug}" done fi # ${CONTACT[*]} event_contact if [ -n "${CONTACT[FIRST_NAME]}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2153 for key in "${!BASHBOT_EVENT_CONTACT[@]}" do _exec_if_function "${BASHBOT_EVENT_CONTACT[${key}]}" "contact" "${key}" "${debug}" done fi # ${VENUE[*]} event_location # ${LOCATION[*]} event_location if [ -n "${LOCATION[LONGITUDE]}" ] || [ -n "${VENUE[TITLE]}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2153 for key in "${!BASHBOT_EVENT_LOCATION[@]}" do _exec_if_function "${BASHBOT_EVENT_LOCATION[${key}]}" "location" "${key}" "${debug}" done fi # ${URLS[*]} event_file # NOTE: compare again #URLS -1 blanks! if [[ "${URLS[*]}" != " " ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2153 for key in "${!BASHBOT_EVENT_FILE[@]}" do _exec_if_function "${BASHBOT_EVENT_FILE[${key}]}" "file" "${key}" "${debug}" done fi } pre_process_message(){ local num="${1}" # unset everything to not have old values CMD=( ); iQUERY=( ); MESSAGE=(); CHAT=(); USER=(); CONTACT=(); LOCATION=(); unset CAPTION REPLYTO=( ); FORWARD=( ); URLS=(); VENUE=( ); SERVICE=( ); NEWMEMBER=( ); LEFTMEMBER=( ); PINNED=( ); MIGRATE=( ) iQUERY[ID]="${UPD["result",${num},"inline_query","id"]}" CHAT[ID]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","chat","id"]}" USER[ID]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","from","id"]}" [ -z "${CHAT[ID]}" ] && CHAT[ID]="${UPD["result",${num},"edited_message","chat","id"]}" [ -z "${USER[ID]}" ] && USER[ID]="${UPD["result",${num},"edited_message","from","id"]}" # always true return 0 } process_inline() { local num="${1}" iQUERY[0]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"inline_query","query"]}")" iQUERY[USER_ID]="${UPD["result",${num},"inline_query","from","id"]}" iQUERY[FIRST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"inline_query","from","first_name"]}")" iQUERY[LAST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"inline_query","from","last_name"]}")" iQUERY[USERNAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"inline_query","from","username"]}")" # always true return 0 } process_message() { local num="$1" # Message MESSAGE[0]+="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","text"]}" | sed 's|\\/|/|g')" MESSAGE[ID]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","message_id"]}" # Chat ID is now parsed when update is received CHAT[LAST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","chat","last_name"]}")" CHAT[FIRST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","chat","first_name"]}")" CHAT[USERNAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","chat","username"]}")" # set real name as username if empty [ -z "${CHAT[USERNAME]}" ] && CHAT[USERNAME]="${CHAT[FIRST_NAME]} ${CHAT[LAST_NAME]}" CHAT[TITLE]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","chat","title"]}")" CHAT[TYPE]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","chat","type"]}")" CHAT[ALL_ADMIN]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","chat","all_members_are_administrators"]}" # user ID is now parsed when update is received #USER[ID]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","from","id"]}" USER[FIRST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","from","first_name"]}")" USER[LAST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","from","last_name"]}")" USER[USERNAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","from","username"]}")" # set real name as username if empty [ -z "${USER[USERNAME]}" ] && USER[USERNAME]="${USER[FIRST_NAME]} ${USER[LAST_NAME]}" # in reply to message from if [ -n "${UPD["result",${num},"message","reply_to_message","from","id"]}" ]; then REPLYTO[UID]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","reply_to_message","from","id"]}" REPLYTO[0]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","reply_to_message","text"]}")" REPLYTO[ID]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","reply_to_message","message_id"]}" REPLYTO[FIRST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","reply_to_message","from","first_name"]}")" REPLYTO[LAST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","reply_to_message","from","last_name"]}")" REPLYTO[USERNAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","reply_to_message","from","username"]}")" fi # forwarded message from if [ -n "${UPD["result",${num},"message","forward_from","id"]}" ]; then FORWARD[UID]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","forward_from","id"]}" FORWARD[ID]="${MESSAGE[ID]}" # same as message ID FORWARD[FIRST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","forward_from","first_name"]}")" FORWARD[LAST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","forward_from","last_name"]}")" FORWARD[USERNAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","forward_from","username"]}")" fi # get file URL from telegram, check for any of them! if grep -qs -e '\["result",'"${num}"',"message","[avpsd].*,"file_id"\]' <<<"${UPDATE}"; then URLS[AUDIO]="$(get_file "${UPD["result",${num},"message","audio","file_id"]}")" URLS[DOCUMENT]="$(get_file "${UPD["result",${num},"message","document","file_id"]}")" URLS[PHOTO]="$(get_file "${UPD["result",${num},"message","photo",0,"file_id"]}")" URLS[STICKER]="$(get_file "${UPD["result",${num},"message","sticker","file_id"]}")" URLS[VIDEO]="$(get_file "${UPD["result",${num},"message","video","file_id"]}")" URLS[VOICE]="$(get_file "${UPD["result",${num},"message","voice","file_id"]}")" fi # Contact, must have phone_number if [ -n "${UPD["result",${num},"message","contact","phone_number"]}" ]; then CONTACT[USER_ID]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","contact","user_id"]}")" CONTACT[FIRST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","contact","first_name"]}")" CONTACT[LAST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","contact","last_name"]}")" CONTACT[NUMBER]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","contact","phone_number"]}" CONTACT[VCARD]="$(JsonGetString '"result",'"${num}"',"message","contact","vcard"' <<<"${UPDATE}")" fi # venue, must have a position if [ -n "${UPD["result",${num},"message","venue","location","longitude"]}" ]; then VENUE[TITLE]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","venue","title"]}")" VENUE[ADDRESS]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","venue","address"]}")" VENUE[LONGITUDE]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","venue","location","longitude"]}" VENUE[LATITUDE]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","venue","location","latitude"]}" VENUE[FOURSQUARE]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","venue","foursquare_id"]}" fi # Caption CAPTION="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","caption"]}")" # Location LOCATION[LONGITUDE]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","location","longitude"]}" LOCATION[LATITUDE]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","location","latitude"]}" # service messages, group or channel only! if [[ "${CHAT[ID]}" == "-"* ]] ; then # new chat member if [ -n "${UPD["result",${num},"message","new_chat_member","id"]}" ]; then SERVICE[NEWMEMBER]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","new_chat_member","id"]}" NEWMEMBER[ID]="${SERVICE[NEWMEMBER]}" NEWMEMBER[FIRST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","new_chat_member","first_name"]}")" NEWMEMBER[LAST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","new_chat_member","last_name"]}")" NEWMEMBER[USERNAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","new_chat_member","username"]}")" NEWMEMBER[ISBOT]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","new_chat_member","is_bot"]}" [ -z "${MESSAGE[0]}" ] &&\ MESSAGE[0]="/_new_chat_member ${NEWMEMBER[ID]} ${NEWMEMBER[USERNAME]:=${NEWMEMBER[FIRST_NAME]} ${NEWMEMBER[LAST_NAME]}}" fi # left chat member if [ -n "${UPD["result",${num},"message","left_chat_member","id"]}" ]; then SERVICE[LEFTMEMBER]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","left_chat_member","id"]}" LEFTMEMBER[ID]="${SERVICE[LEFTMEBER]}" LEFTMEMBER[FIRST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","left_chat_member","first_name"]}")" LEFTMEMBER[LAST_NAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","left_chat_member","last_name"]}")" LEFTMEBER[USERNAME]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","left_chat_member","username"]}")" LEFTMEMBER[ISBOT]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","left_chat_member","is_bot"]}" [ -z "${MESSAGE[0]}" ] &&\ MESSAGE[0]="/_left_chat_member ${LEFTMEMBER[ID]} ${LEFTMEMBER[USERNAME]:=${LEFTMEMBER[FIRST_NAME]} ${LEFTMEMBER[LAST_NAME]}}" fi # chat title / photo, check for any of them! if grep -qs -e '\["result",'"${num}"',"message","new_chat_[tp]' <<<"${UPDATE}"; then SERVICE[NEWTITLE]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","new_chat_title"]}")" [ -z "${MESSAGE[0]}" ] && [ -n "${SERVICE[NEWTITLE]}" ] &&\ MESSAGE[0]="/_new_chat_title ${USER[ID]} ${SERVICE[NEWTITLE]}" SERVICE[NEWPHOTO]="$(get_file "${UPD["result",${num},"message","new_chat_photo",0,"file_id"]}")" [ -z "${MESSAGE[0]}" ] && [ -n "${SERVICE[NEWPHOTO]}" ] &&\ MESSAGE[0]="/_new_chat_photo ${USER[ID]} ${SERVICE[NEWPHOTO]}" fi # pinned message if [ -n "${UPD["result",${num},"message","pinned_message","message_id"]}" ]; then SERVICE[PINNED]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","pinned_message","message_id"]}" PINNED[ID]="${SERVICE[PINNED]}" PINNED[MESSAGE]="$(JsonDecode "${UPD["result",${num},"message","pinned_message","text"]}")" [ -z "${MESSAGE[0]}" ] &&\ MESSAGE[0]="/_new_pinned_message ${USER[ID]} ${PINNED[ID]} ${PINNED[MESSAGE]}" fi # migrate to super group if [ -n "${UPD["result",${num},"message","migrate_to_chat_id"]}" ]; then MIGRATE[TO]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","migrate_to_chat_id"]}" MIGRATE[FROM]="${UPD["result",${num},"message","migrate_from_chat_id"]}" SERVICE[MIGRATE]="${MIGRATE[FROM]} ${MIGRATE[TO]}" [ -z "${MESSAGE[0]}" ] &&\ MESSAGE[0]="/_migrate_group ${SERVICE[MIGRATE]}" fi # set SERVICE to yes if a service message was received [[ "${SERVICE[*]}" =~ ^[[:blank:]]*$ ]] || SERVICE[0]="yes" fi # split message in command and args [[ "${MESSAGE[0]}" == "/"* ]] && read -r CMD <<<"${MESSAGE[0]}" && CMD[0]="${CMD[0]%%@*}" # everything went well return 0 } ######################### # main get updates loop, should never terminate declare -A BASHBOTBLOCKED export BASHBOT_UPDATELOG="${BASHBOT_UPDATELOG-nolog}" # allow to be "" start_bot() { local DEBUGMSG ADMIN OFFSET=0 # adaptive sleep defaults local nextsleep="100" local stepsleep="${BASHBOT_SLEEP_STEP:-100}" local maxsleep="${BASHBOT_SLEEP:-5000}" # startup message DEBUGMSG="Start BASHBOT updates in Mode \"${1:-normal}\" ==========" log_update "${DEBUGMSG}" # redirect to Debug.log [[ "${1}" == *"debug" ]] && exec &>>"${DEBUGLOG}" log_debug "${DEBUGMSG}"; DEBUGMSG="${1}" [[ "${DEBUGMSG}" == "xdebug"* ]] && set -x && unset BASHBOT_UPDATELOG # cleaup old pipes and empty logfiles find "${DATADIR}" -type p -delete find "${DATADIR}" -size 0 -name "*.log" -delete # load addons on startup for addons in "${ADDONDIR:-.}"/*.sh ; do # shellcheck source=./modules/aliases.sh [ -r "${addons}" ] && source "${addons}" "startbot" "${DEBUGMSG}" done # shellcheck source=./commands.sh source "${COMMANDS}" "startbot" # start timer events if [ -n "${BASHBOT_START_TIMER}" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2064 trap "event_timer $DEBUGMSG" ALRM start_timer & # shellcheck disable=SC2064 trap "kill -9 $!; exit" EXIT INT HUP TERM QUIT fi # cleanup countfile on startup jssh_deleteKeyDB "CLEAN_COUNTER_DATABASE_ON_STARTUP" "${COUNTFILE}" [ -f "${COUNTFILE}.jssh.flock" ] && rm -f "${COUNTFILE}.jssh.flock" # store start time and cleanup botconfig on startup jssh_updateKeyDB "startup" "$(date)" "${BOTCONFIG}" [ -f "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh.flock" ] && rm -f "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh.flock" # read blocked users jssh_readDB_async "BASHBOTBLOCKED" "${BLOCKEDFILE}" # inform botadmin about start ADMIN="$(getConfigKey "botadmin")" [ -n "${ADMIN}" ] && send_normal_message "${ADMIN}" "Bot $(getConfigKey "botname") started ..." & ########## # bot is ready, start processing updates ... while true; do # adaptive sleep in ms rounded to next 0.1 s sleep "$(_round_float "${nextsleep}e-3" "1")" # get next update UPDATE="$(getJson "${UPD_URL}${OFFSET}" "${BASHBOT_UPDATELOG}" 2>/dev/null | "${JSONSHFILE}" -b -n 2>/dev/null | iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8 -c)" # did we get an response? if [ -n "${UPDATE}" ]; then # we got something, do processing [ "${OFFSET}" = "-999" ] && [ "${nextsleep}" -gt "$((maxsleep*2))" ] &&\ log_error "Recovered from timeout/broken/no connection, continue with telegram updates" # escape bash $ expansion bug ((nextsleep+= stepsleep , nextsleep= nextsleep>maxsleep ?maxsleep:nextsleep)) UPDATE="${UPDATE//$/\\$}" # Offset OFFSET="$(grep <<< "${UPDATE}" '\["result",[0-9]*,"update_id"\]' | tail -1 | cut -f 2)" ((OFFSET++)) if [ "$OFFSET" != "1" ]; then nextsleep="100" process_updates "${DEBUGMSG}" fi else # oops, something bad happened, wait maxsleep*10 (( nextsleep=nextsleep*2 , nextsleep= nextsleep>maxsleep*10 ?maxsleep*10:nextsleep )) # second time, report problem if [ "${OFFSET}" = "-999" ]; then log_error "Repeated timeout/broken/no connection on telegram update, sleep $(_round_float "${nextsleep}e-3")s" # try to recover if _is_function bashbotBlockRecover && [ -z "$(getJson "${ME_URL}")" ]; then log_error "Try to recover, calling bashbotBlockRecover ..." bashbotBlockRecover >>"${ERRORLOG}" fi fi OFFSET="-999" fi done } # initialize bot environment, user and permissions bot_init() { [ -n "${BASHBOT_HOME}" ] && cd "${BASHBOT_HOME}" || exit 1 local DEBUG="$1" # upgrade from old version echo "Check for Update actions ..." local OLDTMP="${BASHBOT_VAR:-.}/tmp-bot-bash" [ -d "${OLDTMP}" ] && { mv -n "${OLDTMP}/"* "${DATADIR}"; rmdir "${OLDTMP}"; } # no more existing modules [ -f "modules/inline.sh" ] && rm -f "modules/inline.sh" # load addons on startup echo "Done." echo "Initialize modules and addons ..." for addons in "${ADDONDIR:-.}"/*.sh ; do # shellcheck source=./modules/aliases.sh [ -r "${addons}" ] && source "${addons}" "init" "${DEBUG}" done echo "Done." if [[ ! -d "logs" ]]; then echo "Move Logfiles ..." mkdir logs 2>/dev/null for MVLOG in DEBUG.log MESSAGE.log ERROR.log BASHBOT.log do [ -f "${MVLOG}" ] && mv "${MVLOG}" logs 2>/dev/null done echo "Done." fi # setup bashbot [[ "${UID}" -eq "0" ]] && RUNUSER="nobody" echo -n "Enter User to run bashbot [$RUNUSER]: " read -r TOUSER [ -z "$TOUSER" ] && TOUSER="$RUNUSER" if ! id "$TOUSER" &>/dev/null; then echo -e "${RED}User \"$TOUSER\" not found!${NC}" exit 3 else # shellcheck disable=SC2009 oldbot="$(ps -fu "$TOUSER" | grep startbot | grep -v -e 'grep' -e '\-startbot' )" [ -n "${oldbot}" ] && \ echo -e "${ORANGE}Warning: At least one not upgraded TMUX bot is running! You must stop it with kill command:${NC}\\n${oldbot}" echo "Adjusting files and permissions for user \"${TOUSER}\" ..." [ -w "bashbot.rc" ] && sed -i '/^[# ]*runas=/ s/runas=.*$/runas="'$TOUSER'"/' "bashbot.rc" chown -R "$TOUSER" . ./* chmod 711 . chmod -R o-w ./* chmod -R u+w "${COUNTFILE}"* "${BLOCKEDFILE}"* "${DATADIR}" "${BOTADMIN}" logs "${LOGDIR}/"*.log 2>/dev/null chmod -R o-r,o-w "${COUNTFILE}"* "${BLOCKEDFILE}"* "${DATADIR}" "${TOKENFILE}" "${BOTADMIN}" "${BOTACL}" 2>/dev/null # jsshDB must writeable by owner find . -name '*.jssh*' -exec chmod u+w \{\} + echo "Done." fi # ask to check bottoken online if [ -z "$(getConfigKey "botid")" ]; then echo -e "Seems to be your first init. Should I verify your bot token online? (y/N) N\b\c" read -r ANSWER if [[ "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[Yy] ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Contacting telegram to verify your bot token ...${NC}" $0 botname fi fi # check if botconf if seems valid echo -e "${GREEN}This is your bot config:${NC}" sed 's/^/\t/' "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh" | grep -vF '["bot_config_key"]' if [[ "$(getConfigKey "bottoken")" =~ ^[0-9]{8,10}:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{35}$ && "$(getConfigKey "botadmin")" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo -e "Bot config seems to be valid. Should I make a backup copy? (Y/n) Y\b\c" read -r ANSWER if [[ -z "${ANSWER}" || "${ANSWER}" =~ ^[^Nn] ]]; then echo "Copy bot config to ${BOTCONFIG}.jssh.ok ..." cp "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh" "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh.ok" fi else echo -e "${ORANGE}Bot config may not complete, pls check.${NC}" fi # show result ls -ld "${DATADIR}" "${LOGDIR}" ./*.jssh* ./*.sh 2>/dev/null } if ! _is_function send_message ; then echo -e "${RED}ERROR: send_message is not available, did you deactivate ${MODULEDIR}/sendMessage.sh?${NC}" exit 1 fi # get location of JSON.sh, download if not exist JSONSHFILE="${BASHBOT_JSONSH:-${SCRIPTDIR}/JSON.sh/JSON.sh}" [[ "${JSONSHFILE}" != *"/JSON.sh" ]] && echo -e "${RED}ERROR: \"${JSONSHFILE}\" ends not with \"JSONS.sh\".${NC}" && exit 3 if [ ! -f "${JSONSHFILE}" ]; then echo "Seems to be first run, Downloading ${JSONSHFILE}..." [ "${SCRIPTDIR}/JSON.sh/JSON.sh" = "${JSONSHFILE}" ] &&\ mkdir "${SCRIPTDIR}/JSON.sh" 2>/dev/null && chmod +w "${SCRIPTDIR}/JSON.sh" getJson "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/dominictarr/JSON.sh/JSON.sh" >"${JSONSHFILE}" chmod +x "${JSONSHFILE}" fi # check if JSON.awk exist and has x flag JSONAWKFILE="${JSONSHFILE%.sh}.awk" if [ -x "${JSONAWKFILE}" ] && _exists awk ; then JSONSHFILE="JsonAwk"; JsonAwk() { "${JSONAWKFILE}" -v "BRIEF=8" -v "STRICT=0" -; } fi # source the script with source as param to use functions in other scripts # do not execute if read from other scripts if [ -z "${SOURCE}" ]; then ############## # internal options only for use from bashbot and developers # shellcheck disable=SC2221,SC2222 case "${1}" in # update botname when starting only "botname"|"start"*) ME="$(getBotName)" if [ -n "${ME}" ]; then # ok we have a connection and got botname, save it [ -n "${CLEAR}" ] && echo -e "${GREY}Bottoken is valid ...${NC}" jssh_updateKeyDB "botname" "${ME}" "${BOTCONFIG}" rm -f "${BOTCONFIG}.jssh.flock" else echo -e "${GREY}Info: Can't get Botname from Telegram, try cached one ...${NC}" ME="$(getConfigKey "botname")" if [ -z "$ME" ]; then echo -e "${RED}ERROR: No cached botname, can't continue! ...${NC}" exit 1 fi fi [ -n "${CLEAR}" ] && printf "Bot Name: %s\n" "${ME}" [ "$1" = "botname" ] && exit ;;& # used to send output of background and interactive to chats "outproc") # $2 chat_id $3 identifier of job, internal use only! [ -z "$3" ] && echo "No job identifier" && exit 3 [ -z "$2" ] && echo "No chat to send to" && exit 3 ME="$(getConfigKey "botname")" # read until terminated while read -r line ;do [ -n "$line" ] && send_message "$2" "$line" done # cleanup datadir, keep logfile if not empty rm -f -r "${DATADIR:-.}/$3" [ -s "${DATADIR:-.}/$3.log" ] || rm -f "${DATADIR:-.}/$3.log" debug_checks "end outproc" "$@" exit ;; # finally starts the read update loop, internal use only1 "startbot" ) start_bot "$2" debug_checks "end startbot" "$@" exit ;; # run after every update to update files and adjust permissions "init") bot_init "$2" debug_checks "end init" "$@" exit ;; # print usage stats "stats") echo -e "${ORANGE}stats deprecated, see bin/bashbot_stats --help${NC}" ME="$(getConfigKey "botname")" declare -A STATS jssh_readDB_async "STATS" "${COUNTFILE}" for MSG in ${!STATS[*]} do [[ ! "${MSG}" =~ ^[0-9-]*$ ]] && continue (( USERS++ )) done for MSG in ${STATS[*]} do (( MESSAGES+=MSG )) done if [ "${USERS}" != "" ]; then echo "A total of ${MESSAGES} messages from ${USERS} users are processed." else echo "No one used your bot so far ..." fi jssh_readDB_async "STATS" "${BLOCKEDFILE}" for MSG in ${!STATS[*]} do [[ ! "${MSG}" =~ ^[0-9-]*$ ]] && continue (( BLOCKS++ )) done if [ "${BLOCKS}" != "" ]; then echo -e "Note: ${BLOCKS} users are blocked by your bot:${GREY}" sort -r "${BLOCKEDFILE}.jssh" echo -e "${NC}\c" fi # show user created bot stats _exec_if_function my_bashbot_stats "$@" debug_checks "end $1" "$@" exit ;; # send message to all users 'broadcast') echo -e "${ORANGE}Broadcast is a separate command now, see ${BASHBOT_HOME:-.}/bin/send_broadcast.sh --help${NC}" "${BASHBOT_HOME:-.}"/bin/send_broadcast.sh --help exit ;; # does what it says "status") ME="$(getConfigKey "botname")" SESSION="${ME:-_bot}-startbot" BOTPID="$(proclist "${SESSION}")" if [ -n "${BOTPID}" ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Bot is running with UID ${RUNUSER}.${NC}" exit else echo -e "${ORANGE}No Bot running with UID ${RUNUSER}.${NC}" exit 5 fi debug_checks "end status" "$@" ;; # start bot as background job and check if bot is running "start") # shellcheck disable=SC2086 SESSION="${ME:-_bot}-startbot" BOTPID="$(proclist "${SESSION}")" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 [ -n "${BOTPID}" ] && kill ${BOTPID} nohup "$SCRIPT" "startbot" "$2" "${SESSION}" &>/dev/null & printf "Session Name: %s\n" "${SESSION}" sleep 1 if [ -n "$(proclist "${SESSION}")" ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Bot started successfully.${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}An error occurred while starting the bot.${NC}" exit 5 fi debug_checks "end start" "$@" ;; # does what it says "stop") ME="$(getConfigKey "botname")" SESSION="${ME:-_bot}-startbot" BOTPID="$(proclist "${SESSION}")" if [ -n "${BOTPID}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if kill ${BOTPID}; then # inform botadmin about stop ADMIN="$(getConfigKey "botadmin")" [ -n "${ADMIN}" ] && send_normal_message "${ADMIN}" "Bot ${ME} stopped ..." & echo -e "${GREEN}OK. Bot stopped successfully.${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}An error occurred while stopping bot.${NC}" exit 5 fi else echo -e "${ORANGE}No Bot running with UID ${RUNUSER}.${NC}" fi debug_checks "end stop" "$@" exit ;; # suspend, resume or kill background jobs "suspendb"*|"resumeb"*|"killb"*) _is_function job_control || { echo -e "${RED}Module background is not available!${NC}"; exit 3; } ME="$(getConfigKey "botname")" job_control "$1" debug_checks "end background $1" "$@" ;; *) echo -e "${RED}${REALME##*/}: unknown command${NC}" echo -e "${RED}Available commands: ${GREY}${BOTCOMMANDS}${NC}" && exit exit 4 ;; esac # warn if root if [[ "${UID}" -eq "0" ]] ; then echo -e "\\n${ORANGE}WARNING: ${SCRIPT} was started as ROOT (UID 0)!${NC}" echo -e "${ORANGE}You are at HIGH RISK when running a Telegram BOT with root privileges!${NC}" fi fi # end source