#!/bin/bash # files: mycommands.sh.dist # copy to mycommands.sh and add all your commands an functions here ... export res # your additional bahsbot commands ... mycommands() { case "$MESSAGE" in '/run_'*) myback="run_${MESSAGE#*_}" if [ -x "./${myback}.sh" ]; then checkback "${myback}" if [ "$res" -gt 0 ] ; then send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "Start ${myback}, use /kill${myback} to stop it." background "./${myback}.sh" "${myback}" else send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "Background job ${myback} already running." fi fi ;; '/kill_'*) myback="run_${MESSAGE#*_}" if [ -x "./${myback}.sh" ]; then checkback "${myback}" if [ "$res" -eq 0 ] ; then killback "${myback}" send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "Stopping ${myback}, use /run_${myback} to start again." else send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "No background job ${myback}." fi fi ;; esac } # place your additional processing functions here ... # inifnite loop for waching a given dir for new files # $1 dir to wtach for new files watch_dir_loop() { local newfile old [ ! -d "$1" ] && echo "ERROR: no directory $1 found!" >&2 && exit 1 # wait for new files in WATCHDIR inotifywait -q -m "$1" -e create --format "%f" \ | while true do # read in newfile read -r newfile #skip if not match or same name as last time [ "${newfile}" = "${old}" ] && continue sleep 0.2 # process content and output message echo "$(date): new file: ${newfile}" >>"$0.log" # note: loop callback must a function in the calling script! if _is_function loop_callback ; then loop_callback "$1/$newfile" else echo "ERROR: loop_callback not found!" >&2 exit 1 fi done } # 2>>"$0.log" output_telegram() { # output to telegram sed <<< "${1}" -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ mynewlinestartshere /g' } # 2>>"$0.log" # name and localtion of the tml file # $1 string to output # $2 file to add file to output_html_file() { local date date="$(date)" output_file "$(sed <<< "
" ' s/ my[a-z]\{3,15}\(start\|ends\)here.*
/g s/ *mynewlinestartshere */
/ s/\n/
/ ')" } # >>"$0.log" 2>&1 # $1 string to output # $2 file to add file to output_file() { local publish="${2}" [ ! -w "${publish}" ] && echo "ERROR: file ${publish} is not writeable or does not exist!" && exit # output at beginnung of file, add date to message sed <<< "${1}" ' s/ *mynewlinestartshere */\n/ s/ my[a-z]\{3,15}\(start\|ends\)here.*//g ' >"$publish$$" cat "$publish" >>"$publish$$" mv "${publish}$$" "${publish}" } # >>"$0.log" 2>&1