#!/usr/bin/env bash # this has to run once atfer git clone # and every time we create new hooks #### $$VERSION$$ v0.7-rc1-0-g8279bdb # magic to ensure that we're always inside the root of our application, # no matter from which directory we'll run script GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir) cd "$GIT_DIR/.." || exit 1 VERSION="$(git describe --tags | sed -e 's/-[0-9].*//' -e 's/v//')" DISTNAME="telegram-bot-bash" DISTDIR="./dist/${DISTNAME}" DISTFILES="bashbot.rc bashbot.sh commands.sh mycommands.sh doc examples modules LICENSE README.md README.txt README.html" # run tests first! for test in "dev/all-tests.sh" do if ! "${test}" ; then echo "Test ${test} failed, can't create dist!" exit 1 fi done # create dir for distribution and copy files mkdir -p "${DISTDIR}" 2>/dev/null # shellcheck disable=SC2086 cp -r ${DISTFILES} "${DISTDIR}" cd "${DISTDIR}" || exit 1 # additional stuff mv "commands.sh" "commands.sh.dist" mv "mycommands.sh" "mycommands.sh.dist" JSONSHFILE="JSON.sh/JSON.sh" if [ ! -f "${JSONSHFILE}" ]; then mkdir "JSON.sh" 2>/dev/null curl -sL -o "${JSONSHFILE}" "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/dominictarr/JSON.sh/JSON.sh" chmod +x "${JSONSHFILE}" fi # make html doc mkdir html 2>/dev/null cp README.html html/index.html find doc -iname "*.md" -type f -exec sh -c 'pandoc -s -S -M "title=Bashobot Documentation - ${0%.md}.html" "${0}" -o "./html/$(basename ${0%.md}.html)"' {} \; find examples -iname "*.md" -type f -exec sh -c 'pandoc -s -S -M "title=Bashobot Documentation - ${0%.md}.html" "${0}" -o "${0%.md}.html"' {} \; find README.html html examples -iname "*.html" -type f -exec sh -c 'sed -i -E "s/href=\"(\.\.\/)*doc\//href=\"\1html\//g;s/href=\"(.*).md(#.*)*\"/href=\"\1.html\"/g" ${0}' {} \; # create archive cd .. || exit 1 zip -rq "${DISTNAME}-${VERSION}.zip" "${DISTNAME}" tar -czf "${DISTNAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz" "${DISTNAME}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ls -ld ${DISTNAME}-${VERSION}.*