
Install bashbot

  1. Go to the directory you want to install bashbot, e.g.
  2. Download latest release zip from github and extract all files.
  3. Change into the directory telegram-bot-bash
  4. Create default commands with cp commands.sh.dist commands.sh; cp mycommands.sh.dist mycommands.sh
  5. Run ./bashbot.sh init to setup the environment and enter your Bots token given by botfather.

Now your Bot is ready to start …

If you are new to Bot development read Bots: An introduction for developers

Install from Github

As an alternative to download the zip files, you can clone the github repository to get the latest improvements/fixes.

  1. Go to the directory you want to install bashbot, e.g.
  2. Run git clone https://github.com/topkecleon/telegram-bot-bash.git
  3. Change into the directory telegram-bot-bash
  4. Run test/ALL-tests.sh and if everthing finish OK …
  5. Run sudo ./bashbot.sh init to setup the environment and enter your Bots token given by botfather.

Update bashbot

  1. Go to the directory where you had installed bashbot, e.g.
  2. Download latest release zip from github
  3. Extract all files to your existing bashbot dir Note: all files execpt ‘mycommands.sh’ and ‘commands.sh’ may overwritten!
  4. Run sudo ./bashbot.sh init to setup your environment after the update

Notes on Updates

Location of tmp / data dir

From version 0.70 on the tmp dir is renamed to ‘data-bot-bash’ to reflect the fact that not only temporary files are stored. an existing ‘tmp-bot-bash’ will be automatically renamed after update.

From version 0.50 on the temporary files are no more placed in ‘/tmp’. instead a dedicated tmp dir is used.

Changes to send_keyboard in v0.6

From Version 0.60 on keybord format for send_keyboard and send_message "mykeyboardstartshere ..." was changed. Keybords are now defined in JSON Array notation e.g. “[ \“yes\” , \“no\” ]”. This has the advantage that you can create any type of keyboard supported by Telegram. The old format is supported for backward compatibility, but may fail for corner cases.

Example Keyboards:

Next Create Bot
