# test for text only output
This is a normal text
This is a normal text mynewlinestartshere with a line break
html_parse_mode This is a HTML text
html_parse_mode This is a HTML text mynewlinestartshere with a line break
markdown_parse_mode This is a *MARKDOWN* text
markdown_parse_mode This is a *MARKDOWN* text mynewlinestartshere with a line break
# test for keyboard, file, venue output
Text plus keyboard will appear in chat mykeyboardstartshere [ "Yep, sure" , "No, highly unlikely" ]
Text plus file will appear in chat myfilelocationstartshere /home/user/doge.jpg
Text plus location will appear in chat mylatstartshere la10 mylongstartshere lo20
Text plus vuene will appear in chat mylatstartshere la10 mylongstartshere lo20 mytitlestartshere my home myaddressstartshere Diagon Alley N. 37
All in one will appear in chat mykeyboardstartshere [ "Yep, sure" , "No, highly unlikely" ] myfilelocationstartshere /home/user/doge.jpg mylatstartshere la10 mylongstartshere lo20
# test for new inline button
Text plus keyboard will appear in chat mybtextstartshere Button Text myburlstartshere https://www...
STABILO 88/240 Fineliner point 88 mynewlinestartshere mynewlinestartshere [https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41oypA3kmHL.l_SX300.jpg] mynewlinestartshere mybtextstartshere Bei Amazon ansehen ... myburlstartshere https://www.amazon.de/dp/B014TN3JYW mytextstartshere second part of text mynewlinestartshere plus newline.