#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC2034 #=============================================================================== # # FILE: bin/kickban_user.sh # USAGE='kickban_user.sh [-h|--help] [-u|--unban] "CHAT[ID]" "USER[ID]" [debug]' # # DESCRIPTION: kickban or unban a user from the given group # # OPTIONS: -u | --unban - unban user # CHAT[ID] - ID number of CHAT or BOTADMIN to send to yourself # USER[ID] - user to (un)ban # # -h - display short help # --help - this help # # # LICENSE: WTFPLv2 http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ # AUTHOR: KayM (gnadelwartz), kay@rrr.de # CREATED: 25.01.2021 20:34 # #### $$VERSION$$ v1.45-dev-75-gfdb2b3a #=============================================================================== #### # parse args BAN="kick_chat_member" case "$1" in "-u"|"--unban") BAN="unban_chat_member" shift ;; esac # set bashbot environment source "${0%/*}/bashbot_env.inc.sh" "${3:-debug}" # $3 debug print_help "$1" #### # ready, do stuff here ----- # send message in selected format "${BAN}" "$1" "$2" # output send message result print_result