#!/bin/bash # file: modules/background.sh # do not edit, this file will be overwritten on update # This file is public domain in the USA and all free countries. # Elsewhere, consider it to be WTFPLv2. (wtfpl.net/txt/copying) # #### $$VERSION$$ v0.7-pre2-2-g68afdbf # source from commands.sh if you want ro use interactive or background jobs ## to statisfy shellcheck export res #### # I placed send_message here because main use case is interactive chats and background jobs send_message() { [ "$2" = "" ] && return local text keyboard btext burl no_keyboard file lat long title address sent text="$(sed <<< "${2}" 's/ mykeyboardend.*//;s/ *my[kfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//')$(sed <<< "${2}" -n '/mytextstartshere/ s/.*mytextstartshere//p')" text="$(sed <<< "${text}" 's/ *mynewlinestartshere */\r\n/g')" [ "$3" != "safe" ] && { no_keyboard="$(sed <<< "${2}" '/mykeyboardendshere/!d;s/.*mykeyboardendshere.*/mykeyboardendshere/')" keyboard="$(sed <<< "${2}" '/mykeyboardstartshere /!d;s/.*mykeyboardstartshere *//;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" btext="$(sed <<< "${2}" '/mybtextstartshere /!d;s/.*mybtextstartshere //;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" burl="$(sed <<< "${2}" '/myburlstartshere /!d;s/.*myburlstartshere //;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//g;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//g')" file="$(sed <<< "${2}" '/myfilelocationstartshere /!d;s/.*myfilelocationstartshere //;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" lat="$(sed <<< "${2}" '/mylatstartshere /!d;s/.*mylatstartshere //;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" long="$(sed <<< "${2}" '/mylongstartshere /!d;s/.*mylongstartshere //;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" title="$(sed <<< "${2}" '/mytitlestartshere /!d;s/.*mytitlestartshere //;s/ *my[kfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" address="$(sed <<< "${2}" '/myaddressstartshere /!d;s/.*myaddressstartshere //;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" } if [ "$no_keyboard" != "" ]; then remove_keyboard "$1" "$text" sent=y fi if [ "$keyboard" != "" ]; then if [[ "$keyboard" != *"["* ]]; then # pre 0.60 style keyboard="[ ${keyboard//\" \"/\" \] , \[ \"} ]" fi send_keyboard "$1" "$text" "$keyboard" sent=y fi if [ "$btext" != "" ] && [ "$burl" != "" ]; then send_button "$1" "$text" "$btext" "$burl" sent=y fi if [ "$file" != "" ]; then send_file "$1" "$file" "$text" sent=y fi if [ "$lat" != "" ] && [ "$long" != "" ]; then if [ "$address" != "" ] && [ "$title" != "" ]; then send_venue "$1" "$lat" "$long" "$title" "$address" else send_location "$1" "$lat" "$long" fi sent=y fi if [ "$sent" != "y" ];then send_text "$1" "$text" fi } send_text() { case "$2" in html_parse_mode*) send_html_message "$1" "${2//html_parse_mode}" ;; markdown_parse_mode*) send_markdown_message "$1" "${2//markdown_parse_mode}" ;; *) send_normal_message "$1" "$2" ;; esac } ###### # interactive and background functions background() { echo "${CHAT[ID]}:$2:$1" >"${TMPDIR:-.}/${copname:--}$2-back.cmd" startproc "$1" "back-$2-" } startproc() { killproc "$2" local fifo="$2${copname}" mkfifo "${TMPDIR:-.}/${fifo}" tmux new-session -d -s "${fifo}" "$1 &>${TMPDIR:-.}/${fifo}; echo imprettydarnsuredatdisisdaendofdacmd>${TMPDIR:-.}/${fifo}" tmux new-session -d -s "sendprocess_${fifo}" "bash $SCRIPT outproc ${CHAT[ID]} ${fifo}" } checkback() { checkproc "back-$1-" } checkproc() { tmux ls | grep -q "$1${copname}"; res=$?; return $? } killback() { killproc "back-$1-" rm -f "${TMPDIR:-.}/${copname}$1-back.cmd" } killproc() { local fifo="$1${copname}" (tmux kill-session -t "${fifo}"; echo imprettydarnsuredatdisisdaendofdacmd>"${TMPDIR:-.}/${fifo}"; tmux kill-session -t "sendprocess_${fifo}"; rm -f -r "${TMPDIR:-.}/${fifo}")2>/dev/null } inproc() { tmux send-keys -t "$copname" "${MESSAGE[0]} ${URLS[*]} " }