#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC2034,SC2059 #=============================================================================== # # FILE: bin/process_batch.sh # USAGE='process_update.sh [-h|--help] -w|--watch [-n|--lines n] [file] [debug]' # # DESCRIPTION: processes last 10 telegram updates in file, one update per line # # -w --watch watch for new updates added to file # -n --lines read only last "n" lines # file to read updates from # empty means read from webhook pipe # # -h - display short help # --help - this help # # LICENSE: WTFPLv2 http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ # AUTHOR: KayM (gnadelwartz), kay@rrr.de # CREATED: 27.02.2021 13:14 # #### $$VERSION$$ v1.45-dev-52-g84ff8ce #=============================================================================== #### # parse args COMMAND="process_multi_updates" lines="-n 10" case "$1" in "-f"|"--follow") follow="-f" shift ;; "-n"|"--lines") lines="-n $2" shift 2 ;; esac # set bashbot environment source "${0%/*}/bashbot_env.inc.sh" "debug" # debug print_help "${1:-nix}" # empty file is webhook file="${WEBHOOK}" [ -n "$1" ] && file="$1" if [[ ! -r "${file}" || -d "${file}" ]]; then printf "%b\n" "File ${GREY}${file}${NC} is not readable or is a directory." exit 1 fi #### # ready, do stuff here ----- trap 'kill $(jobs -p) 2>/dev/null' EXIT HUP QUIT # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2248 tail ${follow} ${lines} "${file}" |\ while IFS="" read -r input do # read json from stdin and convert update format json='{"result": ['"${input}"']}' UPDATE="$(${JSONSHFILE} -b -n <<<"${json}" 2>/dev/null)" # process telegram update "${COMMAND}" "$1" done