#!/bin/bash # file: modules/message.sh # do not edit, this file will be overwritten on update # This file is public domain in the USA and all free countries. # Elsewhere, consider it to be WTFPLv2. (wtfpl.net/txt/copying) # # shellcheck disable=SC1117 #### $$VERSION$$ v1.25-dev-16-gdd19f0f # will be automatically sourced from bashbot # source once magic, function named like file eval "$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")(){ :; }" # source from commands.sh to use the sendMessage functions MSG_URL=${URL}'/sendMessage' EDIT_URL=${URL}'/editMessageText' PHO_URL=${URL}'/sendPhoto' AUDIO_URL=${URL}'/sendAudio' DOCUMENT_URL=${URL}'/sendDocument' STICKER_URL=${URL}'/sendSticker' VIDEO_URL=${URL}'/sendVideo' VOICE_URL=${URL}'/sendVoice' LOCATION_URL=${URL}'/sendLocation' VENUE_URL=${URL}'/sendVenue' ACTION_URL=${URL}'/sendChatAction' FORWARD_URL=${URL}'/forwardMessage' ALBUM_URL=${URL}'/sendMediaGroup' # # send/edit message variants ------------------ # # $1 CHAT $2 message send_normal_message() { local len text; text="$(JsonEscape "$2")" text="${text//$'\n'/\\n}" until [ -z "${text}" ]; do if [ "${#text}" -le 4096 ]; then sendJson "$1" '"text":"'"${text}"'"' "${MSG_URL}" break else len=4095 [ "${text:4095:2}" != "\n" ] &&\ len="${text:0:4096}" && len="${len%\\n*}" && len="${#len}" sendJson "$1" '"text":"'"${text:0:${len}}"'"' "${MSG_URL}" text="${text:$((len+2))}" fi done } # $1 CHAT $2 message send_markdown_message() { _format_message_url "$1" "$2" ',"parse_mode":"markdown"' "${MSG_URL}" } # $1 CHAT $2 message send_markdownv2_message() { _markdownv2_message_url "$1" "$2" ',"parse_mode":"markdownv2"' "${MSG_URL}" } # $1 CHAT $2 message send_html_message() { _format_message_url "$1" "$2" ',"parse_mode":"html"' "${MSG_URL}" } # $1 CHAT $2 msg-id $3 message edit_normal_message() { _format_message_url "$1" "$3" ',"message_id":'"$2"'' "${EDIT_URL}" } # $1 CHAT $2 msg-id $3 message edit_markdown_message() { _format_message_url "$1" "$3" ',"message_id":'"$2"',"parse_mode":"markdown"' "${EDIT_URL}" } # $1 CHAT $2 msg-id $3 message edit_markdownv2_message() { _markdownv2_message_url "$1" "$3" ',"message_id":'"$2"',"parse_mode":"markdownv2"' "${EDIT_URL}" } # $1 CHAT $2 msg-id $3 message edit_html_message() { _format_message_url "$1" "$3" ',"message_id":'"$2"',"parse_mode":"html"' "${EDIT_URL}" } # internal function, send/edit formatted message with parse_mode and URL # $1 CHAT $2 message $3 action $4 URL _format_message_url(){ local text; text="$(JsonEscape "$2")" text="${text//$'\n'/\\n}" [ "${#text}" -ge 4096 ] && log_error "Warning: html/markdown message longer than 4096 characters, message is rejected if formatting crosses 4096 border." until [ -z "${text}" ]; do sendJson "$1" '"text":"'"${text:0:4096}"'"'"$3"'' "$4" text="${text:4096}" done } # internal function, send/edit markdownv2 message with URL # $1 CHAT $2 message $3 action $4 URL _markdownv2_message_url() { local text; text="$(JsonEscape "$2")" text="${text//$'\n'/\\n}" [ "${#text}" -ge 4096 ] && log_error "Warning: markdownv2 message longer than 4096 characters, message is rejected if formatting crosses 4096 border." # markdown v2 needs additional double escaping! text="$(sed -E -e 's|([_|~`>+=#{}()!.-])|\\\1|g' <<< "${text}")" until [ -z "${text}" ]; do sendJson "$1" '"text":"'"${text:0:4096}"'"'"$3"'' "$4" text="${text:4096}" done } # # send keyboard, buttons, files --------------- # # $1 CHAT $2 message $3 keyboard send_keyboard() { if [[ "$3" != *'['* ]]; then old_send_keyboard "${@}"; return; fi local text='"text":"'"Keyboard:"'"' if [ -n "$2" ]; then text="$(JsonEscape "$2")" text='"text":"'"${text//$'\n'/\\n}"'"' fi local one_time=', "one_time_keyboard":true' && [ -n "$4" ] && one_time="" sendJson "$1" "${text}"', "reply_markup": {"keyboard": [ '"$3"' ] '"${one_time}"'}' "${MSG_URL}" # '"text":"$2", "reply_markup": {"keyboard": [ $3 ], "one_time_keyboard": true}' } # $1 CHAT $2 message $3 remove remove_keyboard() { local text='"text":"'"remove custom keyboard ..."'"' if [ -n "$2" ]; then text="$(JsonEscape "$2")" text='"text":"'"${text//$'\n'/\\n}"'"' fi sendJson "$1" "${text}"', "reply_markup": {"remove_keyboard":true}' "${MSG_URL}" # delete message if no message or $3 not empty [[ -z "$2" || -n "$3" ]] && delete_message "$1" "${BOTSENT[ID]}" "nolog" #JSON='"text":"$2", "reply_markup": {"remove_keyboard":true}' } # $1 CHAT $2 message $3 keyboard send_inline_keyboard() { local text; text='"text":"'$(JsonEscape "$2")'"'; [ -z "$2" ] && text='"text":"'"Keyboard:"'"' sendJson "$1" "${text}"', "reply_markup": {"inline_keyboard": [ '"$3"' ]}' "${MSG_URL}" # JSON='"text":"$2", "reply_markup": {"inline_keyboard": [ $3->[{"text":"text", "url":"url"}]<- ]}' } # $1 CHAT $2 message $3 button text $4 URL send_button() { send_inline_keyboard "$1" "$2" '[ {"text":"'"$(JsonEscape "$3")"'", "url":"'"$4"'"}]' } if [ -z "${BASHBOT_WGET}" ] && _exists curl ; then # there are no checks if URL or ID exists # $1 chat $3 ... $n URL or ID send_album(){ [ -z "$1" ] && return 1 [ -z "$3" ] && return 2 # minimum 2 files local CHAT JSON IMAGE; CHAT="$1"; shift for IMAGE in "$@" do [ -n "${JSON}" ] && JSON+="," JSON+='{"type":"photo","media":"'${IMAGE}'"}' done # shellcheck disable=SC2086 res="$("${BASHBOT_CURL}" -s -k ${BASHBOT_CURL_ARGS} "${ALBUM_URL}" -F "chat_id=${CHAT}"\ -F "media=[${JSON}]" | "${JSONSHFILE}" -s -b -n 2>/dev/null )" sendJsonResult "${res}" "send_album (curl)" "${CHAT}" "$@" [[ -z "${SOURCE}" && -n "${BASHBOT_EVENT_SEND[*]}" ]] && event_send "album" "$@" & } else send_album(){ log_error "Sorry, wget Album upload not yet implemented" BOTSENT[OK]="false" [[ -z "${SOURCE}" && -n "${BASHBOT_EVENT_SEND[*]}" ]] && event_send "album" "$@" & } fi UPLOADDIR="${BASHBOT_UPLOAD:-${DATADIR}/upload}" # for now this can only send local files with curl! # extend to allow send files by URL or telegram ID send_file() { local err upload_file "${@}"; err="$?" # fake Telegram response to provide error if [ "${err}" != "0" ]; then BOTSENT=() BOTSENT[OK]="false" case "${err}" in 1) BOTSENT[ERROR]="Path to file $2 contains to much '../' or starts with '.'";; 2) BOTSENT[ERROR]="Path to file $2 does not match regex: ${FILE_REGEX} ";; 3) if [[ "$2" == "/"* ]];then BOTSENT[ERROR]="File not found: $2" else BOTSENT[ERROR]="File not found: ${UPLOADDIR}/$2" fi;; esac [ -n "${BASHBOTDEBUG}" ] && log_message "Error in upload_file: ${BOTSENT[ERROR]}" fi } # supports http and local file # $1 chat, $2 file, $3 caption, $4 extension (optional) upload_file(){ local CUR_URL WHAT STATUS media text file="$2" ext="$4" text="$(JsonEscape "$3")" if [[ "${file}" =~ ^https*:// ]]; then media="URL" else # we have a file, check file location ... media="FILE" [[ "${file}" = *'..'* ]] && return 1 # no directory traversal [[ "${file}" = '.'* ]] && return 1 # no hidden or relative files if [[ "${file}" = '/'* ]] ; then [[ ! "${file}" =~ ${FILE_REGEX} ]] && return 2 # absolute must match REGEX else file="${UPLOADDIR:-NOUPLOADDIR}/${file}" # othiers must be in UPLOADDIR fi [ ! -r "${file}" ] && return 3 # and file must exits of course fi [ -z "${ext}" ] && ext="${file##*.}" case "${ext}" in audio|mp3|flac) CUR_URL="${AUDIO_URL}" WHAT="audio" STATUS="upload_audio" ;; photo|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|pic) CUR_URL="${PHO_URL}" WHAT="photo" STATUS="upload_photo" ;; sticker|webp) CUR_URL="${STICKER_URL}" WHAT="sticker" STATUS="upload_photo" ;; video|mp4) CUR_URL="${VIDEO_URL}" WHAT="video" STATUS="upload_video" ;; voice|ogg) CUR_URL="${VOICE_URL}" WHAT="voice" STATUS="upload_audio" ;; *) CUR_URL="${DOCUMENT_URL}" WHAT="document" STATUS="upload_document" ;; esac # prepare to send FILE / URL send_action "$1" "${STATUS}" # select method to use case "${media}" in FILE) # send local file ... sendUpload "$1" "${WHAT}" "${file}" "${CUR_URL}" "${text//\\n/$'\n'}";; URL) # send URL, should also work for file_id ... # e.g. '"photo":"https://dealz.rrr.de/assets/images/rbofd-1.gif","caption":"some text"' sendJson "$1" '"'"${WHAT}"'":"'"${file}"'","caption":"'"${text//\\n/$'\n'}"'"' "${CUR_URL}" esac return 0 } # typing for text messages, upload_photo for photos, record_video or upload_video for videos, record_audio or upload_audio for audio files, upload_document for general files, find_location for location send_action() { [ -z "$2" ] && return sendJson "$1" '"action": "'"$2"'"' "${ACTION_URL}" & } # $1 CHAT $2 lat $3 long send_location() { [ -z "$3" ] && return sendJson "$1" '"latitude": '"$2"', "longitude": '"$3"'' "${LOCATION_URL}" } # $1 CHAT $2 lat $3 long $4 title $5 address $6 foursquard id send_venue() { local add="" [ -z "$5" ] && return [ -n "$6" ] && add=', "foursquare_id": '"$6"'' sendJson "$1" '"latitude": '"$2"', "longitude": '"$3"', "address": "'"$5"'", "title": "'"$4"'"'"${add}" "${VENUE_URL}" } # # other send message variants --------------------------------- # # $1 CHAT $2 from chat $3 from msg id forward_message() { [ -z "$3" ] && return sendJson "$1" '"from_chat_id": '"$2"', "message_id": '"$3"'' "${FORWARD_URL}" } forward() { # backward compatibility forward_message "$@" || return } # $1 CHAT $2 bashbot formatted message, see manual advanced usage send_message() { [ -z "$2" ] && return local text keyboard btext burl no_keyboard file lat long title address sent text="$(sed <<< "$2" 's/ mykeyboardend.*//;s/ *my[kfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//')$(sed <<< "$2" -n '/mytextstartshere/ s/.*mytextstartshere//p')" #shellcheck disable=SC2001 text="$(sed <<< "${text}" 's/ *mynewlinestartshere */\n/g')" text="${text//$'\n'/\\n}" [ "$3" != "safe" ] && { no_keyboard="$(sed <<< "$2" '/mykeyboardendshere/!d;s/.*mykeyboardendshere.*/mykeyboardendshere/')" keyboard="$(sed <<< "$2" '/mykeyboardstartshere /!d;s/.*mykeyboardstartshere *//;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" btext="$(sed <<< "$2" '/mybtextstartshere /!d;s/.*mybtextstartshere //;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" burl="$(sed <<< "$2" '/myburlstartshere /!d;s/.*myburlstartshere //;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//g;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//g')" file="$(sed <<< "$2" '/myfile[^s]*startshere /!d;s/.*myfile[^s]*startshere //;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" lat="$(sed <<< "$2" '/mylatstartshere /!d;s/.*mylatstartshere //;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" long="$(sed <<< "$2" '/mylongstartshere /!d;s/.*mylongstartshere //;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" title="$(sed <<< "$2" '/mytitlestartshere /!d;s/.*mytitlestartshere //;s/ *my[kfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" address="$(sed <<< "$2" '/myaddressstartshere /!d;s/.*myaddressstartshere //;s/ *my[nkfltab][a-z]\{2,13\}startshere.*//;s/ *mykeyboardendshere.*//')" } if [ -n "${no_keyboard}" ]; then remove_keyboard "$1" "${text}" sent=y fi if [ -n "${keyboard}" ]; then if [[ "${keyboard}" != *"["* ]]; then # pre 0.60 style keyboard="[ ${keyboard//\" \"/\" \] , \[ \"} ]" fi send_keyboard "$1" "${text}" "${keyboard}" sent=y fi if [ -n "${btext}" ] && [ -n "${burl}" ]; then send_button "$1" "${text}" "${btext}" "${burl}" sent=y fi if [ -n "${file}" ]; then send_file "$1" "${file}" "${text}" sent=y fi if [ -n "${lat}" ] && [ -n "${long}" ]; then if [ -n "${address}" ] && [ -n "${title}" ]; then send_venue "$1" "${lat}" "${long}" "${title}" "${address}" else send_location "$1" "${lat}" "${long}" fi sent=y fi if [ "${sent}" != "y" ];then send_text_mode "$1" "${text}" fi } # $1 CHAT $2 message starting possibly with html_parse_mode or markdown_parse_mode # not working, fix or remove after 1.0!! send_text_mode() { case "$2" in 'html_parse_mode'*) send_html_message "$1" "${2//html_parse_mode}" ;; 'markdown_parse_mode'*) send_markdown_message "$1" "${2//markdown_parse_mode}" ;; *) send_normal_message "$1" "$2" ;; esac }