#!/usr/bin/env bash # file: git-add.sh # # works together with git pre-push.sh and ADD all changed files since last push #### $$VERSION$$ v1.20-0-g2ab00a2 # magic to ensure that we're always inside the root of our application, # no matter from which directory we'll run script GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null) if [ "$GIT_DIR" != "" ] ; then cd "$GIT_DIR/.." || exit 1 else echo "Sorry, no git repository $(pwd)" && exit 1 fi [ ! -f .git/.lastcommit ] && echo "No previous commit or hooks not installed, use \"git add\" instead ... Abort" && exit set +f FILES="$(find ./* -newer .git/.lastpush| grep -v -e 'DIST\/' -e 'STANDALONE\/' -e 'JSON.sh')" set -f # FILES="$(find ./* -newer .git/.lastpush)" [ "${FILES}" = "" ] && echo "Noting changed since last commit ..." && exit # run pre_commit on files dev/hooks/pre-commit.sh echo -e "Add files to repo: \c" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 for file in ${FILES} do [ -d "${file}" ] && continue echo -e "${file} \c" git add "$file" done echo " - Done."