chat:123456 JSON:"text":"\# test for text only output" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"text":"This is a normal text" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"text":"This is a normal text with a line break" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"text":" This is a HTML<\/b> text","parse_mode":"html" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"text":" This is a HTML<\/b> text with a line break","parse_mode":"html" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"text":" This is a \*MARKDOWN\* text","parse_mode":"markdown" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"text":" This is a \*MARKDOWN\* text with a line break","parse_mode":"markdown" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"text":"\# test for keyboard\, file\, venue output" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"text":"Text plus keyboard will appear in chat", "reply_markup": {"keyboard": [ [ "Yep, sure" , "No, highly unlikely" ] ] , "one_time_keyboard":true} URL: chat:123456 JSON:"latitude": la10, "longitude": lo20 URL: chat:123456 JSON:"latitude": la10, "longitude": lo20, "address": "Diagon Alley N. 37", "title": "my home" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"text":"\# test for new inline button" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"text":"Text plus keyboard will appear in chat", "reply_markup": {"inline_keyboard": [ [ {"text":"Button Text", "url":"https://www..."}] ]} URL: chat:123456 JSON:"text":"STABILO 88\/240 Fineliner point 88 [https:\/\/images\-na.ssl\-images\\/images\/I\/41oypA3kmHL.l_SX300.jpg] second part of text plus newline.", "reply_markup": {"inline_keyboard": [ [ {"text":"Bei Amazon ansehen ...", "url":""}] ]} URL: chat:123456 JSON:"text":"\# test for sendfile" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"photo":"/tmp/allowed/this_is_my.gif","caption":"Text plus absolute file will appear in chat" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"action": "upload_photo" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"document":"/tmp/allowed/this_is_my.doc","caption":"Text plus absolute file will appear in chat" URL: chat:123456 JSON:"action": "upload_document" URL: