#!/bin/bash # file: modules/inline.sh # do not edit, this file will be overwritten on update # This file is public domain in the USA and all free countries. # Elsewhere, consider it to be WTFPLv2. (wtfpl.net/txt/copying) # #### $$VERSION$$ v0.76-0-g6d497d5 # source from commands.sh to use the inline functions INLINE_QUERY=$URL'/answerInlineQuery' answer_inline_query() { answer_inline_multi "${1}" "$(shift; inline_query_compose "$RANDOM" "$@")" } answer_inline_multi() { sendJson "" '"inline_query_id": '"${1}"', "results": ['"${2}"']' "${INLINE_QUERY}" } # $1 unique ID for answer # $2 type of answer # remaining arguments are the "must have" arguments in the order as in telegram doc # followed by the optional arguments: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#inlinequeryresult inline_query_compose(){ local JSON="{}" local ID="${1}" local fours last # title2Json title caption description markup inlinekeyboard case "${2}" in # user provided media "article"|"message") # article ID title message (markup decription) JSON='{"type":"article","id":"'$ID'","input_message_content": {"message_text":"'$4'"} '$(title2Json "$3" "" "$5" "$6")'}' ;; "photo") # photo ID photoURL (thumbURL title description caption) [ "$4" = "" ] && tumb="$3" JSON='{"type":"photo","id":"'$ID'","photo_url":"'$3'","thumb_url":"'$4${tumb}'"'$(title2Json "$5" "$7" "$6")'}' ;; "gif") # gif ID photoURL (thumbURL title caption) [ "$4" = "" ] && tumb="$3" JSON='{"type":"gif","id":"'$ID'","gif_url":"'$3'", "thumb_url":"'$4${tumb}'"'$(title2Json "$5" "$6")'}' ;; "mpeg4_gif") # mpeg4_gif ID mpegURL (thumbURL title caption) [ "$4" != "" ] && tumb='","thumb_url":"'$4'"' JSON='{"type":"mpeg4_gif","id":"'$ID'","mpeg4_url":"'$3'"'${tumb}$(title2Json "$5" "$6")'}' ;; "video") # video ID videoURL mime thumbURL title (caption) JSON='{"type":"video","id":"'$ID'","video_url":"'$3'","mime_type":"'$4'","thumb_url":"'$5'"'$(title2Json "$6" "$7")'}' ;; "audio") # audio ID audioURL title (caption) JSON='{"type":"audio","id":"'$ID'","audio_url":"'$3'"'$(title2Json "$4" "$5")'}' ;; "voice") # voice ID voiceURL title (caption) JSON='{"type":"voice","id":"'$ID'","voice_url":"'$3'"'$(title2Json "$4" "$5")'}' ;; "document") # document ID title documentURL mimetype (caption description) JSON='{"type":"document","id":"'$ID'","document_url":"'$4'","mime_type":"'$5'"'$(title2Json "$3" "$6" "$7")'}' ;; "location") # location ID lat long title JSON='{"type":"location","id":"'$ID'","latitude":"'$3'","longitude":"'$4'","title":"'$5'"}' ;; "venue") # venue ID lat long title (adress forsquare) [ "$6" = "" ] && addr="$5" [ "$7" != "" ] && fours=',"foursquare_id":"'$7'"' JSON='{"type":"venue","id":"'$ID'","latitude":"'$3'","longitude":"'$4'","title":"'$5'","address":"'$6${addr}'"'${fours}'}' ;; "contact") # contact ID phone first (last thumb) [ "$5" != "" ] && last=',"last_name":"'$5'"' [ "$6" != "" ] && tumb='","thumb_url":"'$6'"' JSON='{"type":"contact","id":"'$ID'","phone_number":"'$3'","first_name":"'$4'"'${last}'"}' ;; # title2Json title caption description markup inlinekeyboard # Cached media stored in Telegram server "cached_photo") # photo ID file (title description caption) JSON='{"type":"photo","id":"'$ID'","photo_file_id":"'$3'"'$(title2Json "$4" "$6" "$5")'}' ;; "cached_gif") # gif ID file (title caption) JSON='{"type":"gif","id":"'$ID'","gif_file_id":"'$3'"'$(title2Json "$4" "$5")'}' ;; "cached_mpeg4_gif") # mpeg ID file (title caption) JSON='{"type":"mpeg4_gif","id":"'$ID'","mpeg4_file_id":"'$3'"'$(title2Json "$4" "$5")'}' ;; "cached_sticker") # sticker ID file JSON='{"type":"sticker","id":"'$ID'","sticker_file_id":"'$3'"}' ;; "cached_document") # document ID title file (description caption) JSON='{"type":"document","id":"'$ID'","document_file_id":"'$4'"'$(title2Json "$3" "$6" "$5")'}' ;; "cached_video") # video ID file title (description caption) JSON='{"type":"video","id":"'$ID'","video_file_id":"'$3'"'$(title2Json "$4" "$6" "$5")'}' ;; "cached_voice") # voice ID file title (caption) JSON='{"type":"voice","id":"'$ID'","voice_file_id":"'$3'"'$(title2Json "$4" "$5")'}' ;; "cached_audio") # audio ID file title (caption) JSON='{"type":"audio","id":"'$ID'","audio_file_id":"'$3'"'$(title2Json "$4" "$5")'}' ;; esac echo "${JSON}" }