#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC2034 #=============================================================================== # # FILE: bin/bashbot_stats.sh # USAGE='bashbot_stats.sh [-h|--help] [debug]' # # DESCRIPTION: output bashbot user stats # # OPTIONS: -h - display short help # --help - this help # # Set BASHBOT_HOME to your installation directory # # LICENSE: WTFPLv2 http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ # AUTHOR: KayM (gnadelwartz), kay@rrr.de # CREATED: 23.12.2020 20:34 # #### $$VERSION$$ v1.31-dev-14-g749eee7 #=============================================================================== # set bashbot environment source "${0%/*}/bashbot_env.inc.sh" "$1" [ -n "$1" ] && print_help #### # ready, do stuff here ----- echo -e "${GREEN}Hi I'm ${BOT_NAME}.${NC}" declare -A STATS jssh_readDB_async "STATS" "${COUNTFILE}" for MSG in ${!STATS[*]} do [[ ! "${MSG}" =~ ^[0-9-]*$ ]] && continue (( USERS++ )) done for MSG in ${STATS[*]} do (( MESSAGES+=MSG )) done if [ "${USERS}" != "" ]; then echo -e "${GREY}A total of ${NC}${MESSAGES}${GREY} messages from ${NC}${USERS}${GREY} users are processed.${NC}" else echo -e "${ORANGE}No one used your bot so far ...${NC}" fi jssh_readDB_async "STATS" "${BLOCKEDFILE}" for MSG in ${!STATS[*]} do [[ ! "${MSG}" =~ ^[0-9-]*$ ]] && continue (( BLOCKS++ )) done if [ "${BLOCKS}" != "" ]; then echo -e "${ORANGE}${BLOCKS} user(s) are blocked:${NC}${GREY}" sort -r "${BLOCKEDFILE}.jssh" echo -e "${NC}\c" else echo -e "${GREEN}No user is blocked currently ...${NC}" fi # show user created bot stats _exec_if_function my_bashbot_stats "$@"