#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC2034,SC2059 #=============================================================================== # # FILE: bin/any_command.sh # USAGE='any_command.sh [-h|--help] [--force|--reference] bot_command args ...' # # DESCRIPTION: execute (almost) any bashbot command/function # can be used for testing commands while bot development # # OPTIONS: -- force - execute unknown commands/functions # by default only commands in 6_reference.md are allowed # # -h - display short help # --help - this help # # Set BASHBOT_HOME to your installation directory # # LICENSE: WTFPLv2 http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ # AUTHOR: KayM (gnadelwartz), kay@rrr.de # CREATED: 30.01.2021 10:24 # #### $$VERSION$$ v1.45-dev-69-gb454827 #=============================================================================== #### # parse args COMMAND="" # set bashbot environment source "${0%/*}/bashbot_env.inc.sh" "debug" # debug print_help "$1" error="" # check options if [[ "$1" = "--force" ]]; then # skip checks shift else # check for --ref ref="$1"; [[ "$1" == "--ref"* ]] && shift if [ "${#1}" -lt 11 ];then printf "${RED}Command must be minimum 11 characters!${NC}\n" error=3 fi if [[ "$1" != *"_"* ]];then printf "${RED}Command must contain _ (underscore)!${NC}\n" error=3 fi # simple hack to get allowed commands from doc if grep -q "^##### $1" <<<"$(sed -n -e '/^##### _is_/,$ d' -e '/^##### /p' "${BASHBOT_HOME:-..}doc/"6_*)"; then # oiutput reference and exit if [[ "${ref}" == "--ref"* ]]; then sed -n -e '/^##### '"$1"'/,/^##/ p' "${BASHBOT_HOME:-..}doc/"6_* exit fi else printf "Command ${GREY}%s${NC} not found in 6_reference.md, use ${GREY}--force${NC} to execute!\n" "$1" error=4 fi [ -n "${error}" ] && exit "${error}" fi #### # ready, do stuff here ----- COMMAND="$1" if [ "$2" == "BOTADMIN" ]; then ARG1="${BOTADMIN}" else ARG1="$2" fi # clear result and response BOTSENT=() UPD=() # send message in selected format "${COMMAND}" "${ARG1}" "${@:3}" # output result an telegram response print_result print_response