#!/bin/bash # bashbot, the Telegram bot written in bash. # Written by @topkecleon, Juan Potato (@awkward_potato), Lorenzo Santina (BigNerd95) and Daniil Gentili (danog) # http://github.com/topkecleon/bashbot # Depends on JSON.sh (http://github.com/dominictarr/JSON.sh), # which is MIT/Apache-licensed. # This file is public domain in the USA and all free countries. # If you're in Europe, and public domain does not exist, then haha. TOKEN='' URL='https://api.telegram.org/bot'$TOKEN MSG_URL=$URL'/sendMessage' PHO_URL=$URL'/sendPhoto' UPD_URL=$URL'/getUpdates?offset=' OFFSET=0 send_message() { local chat="$1" local text="$(echo "$2" | sed 's/ mykeyboardstartshere.*//g')" local keyboard="$(echo "$2" | sed '/mykeyboardstartshere /!d;s/.*mykeyboardstartshere //g')" if [ "$keyboard" = "" ]; then res=$(curl -s "$MSG_URL" -F "chat_id=$chat" -F "text=$text") else send_keyboard "$chat" "$text" "$keyboard" fi } send_keyboard() { local chat="$1" local text="$2" shift 2 keyboard=init for f in $*;do keyboard="$keyboard, [\"$f\"]";done keyboard=${keyboard/init, /} res=$(curl -s "$MSG_URL" --header "content-type: multipart/form-data" -F "chat_id=$chat" -F "text=$text" -F "reply_markup={\"keyboard\": [$keyboard],\"one_time_keyboard\": true}") } send_photo() { res=$(curl -s "$PHO_URL" -F "chat_id=$1" -F "photo=@$2") } startproc() { local copname="$1" local TARGET="$2" mkdir -p "$copname" mkfifo $copname/out tmux new-session -d -n $copname "./question $TARGET 2>&1>$copname/out" local pid=$(ps aux | sed '/tmux/!d;/'$copname'/!d;/sed/d;s/'$USER'\s*//g;s/\s.*//g') echo $pid>$copname/pid while ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -q $pid;do read -t 10 line [ "$line" != "" ] && send_message "$TARGET" "$line" line= done <$copname/out } inproc() { local copname="$1" local copid="$2" shift 2 tmux send-keys -t $copname "$@ " ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -q "$copid" || { rm -r $copname; }; } process_client() { local MESSAGE=$1 local TARGET=$2 local msg="" local copname="CO$TARGET" local copidname="$copname/pid" local copid="$(cat $copidname 2>/dev/null)" if [ "$copid" = "" ]; then case $MESSAGE in '/question') startproc "$copname" "$TARGET"& ;; '/info') send_message "$TARGET" "This is bashbot, the Telegram bot written entirely in bash." ;; *) send_message "$TARGET" "$MESSAGE" esac else case $MESSAGE in '/cancel') kill $copid rm -r $copname send_message "$TARGET" "Command canceled." ;; *) inproc "$copname" "$copid" "$MESSAGE";; esac fi } while true; do { res=$(curl -s $UPD_URL$OFFSET) TARGET=$(echo $res | JSON.sh | egrep '\["result",0,"message","chat","id"\]' | cut -f 2) OFFSET=$(echo $res | JSON.sh | egrep '\["result",0,"update_id"\]' | cut -f 2) MESSAGE=$(echo $res | JSON.sh -s | egrep '\["result",0,"message","text"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) OFFSET=$((OFFSET+1)) if [ $OFFSET != 1 ]; then process_client "$MESSAGE" "$TARGET"& fi }; done