Kay Marquardt (Gnadelwartz) d2a578a757 codespell is much better
2020-06-23 16:35:50 +02:00

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# files:
# this is an out of the box test and example file to show what you can do in
# #### if you start to develop your own bot, use the clean version of this file:
# #### mycommands.clean
#### $$VERSION$$ v0.98-dev-70-g694ee61
# uncomment the following lines to overwrite info and help messages
# export bashbot_info='This is bashbot, the Telegram bot written entirely in bash.
# export bashbot_help='*Available commands*:
export res=""
# Set INLINE to 1 in order to receive inline queries.
# To enable this option in your bot, send the /setinline command to @BotFather.
export INLINE="0"
# Set to .* to allow sending files from all locations
# NOTE: this is a regex, not shell globbing! you must use a valid egex,
# '.' matches any character and '.*' matches all remaining charatcers!
# additionally you must escape special characters with '\', e.g. '\. \? \[ \*" to match them literally
# example: run bashbot over TOR
# export BASHBOT_CURL_ARGS="--socks5-hostname"
# set BASHBOT_RETRY to enable retry in case of recoverable errors, e.g. throtteling
# problems with send_,´message etc are looged to logs/ERROR.log
#export BASHBOT_RETRY="yes"
# set value for adaptive sleeping while waitingnfor uodates in millisconds
# max slepp between polling updates 10s (default 5s)
export BASHBOT_SLEEP="10000"
# add 0.2s if no update available, up to BASHBOT_SLEEP (default 0.1s)
# if you want to use timer functions, set BASHBOT_START_TImer to not empty value
# default is to nit start timer
# set to "yes" and give your bot admin privilegs to remove service messaes from groups
export SILENCER="no"
# messages for admin only commands
NOTADMIN="Sorry, this command is allowed for admin or owner only"
NOTBOTADMIN="Sorry, this command is allowed for bot owner only"
if [ "$1" = "startbot" ];then
# this function is run once after startup when the first message is received
# send message ito first user on startup
send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "Hi, you was the first one after startup!"
# reminde bot that it was started
touch .mystartup
# here we call the function above when the message arrives
# things to do only at source, eg. after startup
[ -f .mystartup ] && rm -f .mystartup && _exec_if_function my_startup
# your own bashbot commands
# NOTE: command can have @botname attached, you must add * in case tests...
mycommands() {
# a service Message was received
# add your own stuff here
if [ -n "${SERVICE}" ]; then
# example: delete every service message
if [ "${SILENCER}" = "yes" ]; then
delete_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "${MESSAGE[ID]}"
# example for actions based on chat or sender
case "${USER[ID]}+${CHAT[ID]}" in
'USERID+'*) # do something for all messages from USER
printf "%s: U=%s C=%s M=%s\n" "$(date)" "${USER[ID]}" "${CHAT[ID]}" "${MESSAGE}" >>"${DATADIR}/${USER[ID]}.log"
*'+CHATID') # do something for all messages from CHAT
printf "%s: U=%s C=%s M=%s\n" "$(date)" "${USER[ID]}" "${CHAT[ID]}" "${MESSAGE}" >>"${DATADIR}/${CHAT[ID]}.log"
'USERID+CHATID') # do something only for messages form USER in CHAT
printf "%s: U=%s C=%s M=%s\n" "$(date)" "${USER[ID]}" "${CHAT[ID]}" "${MESSAGE}" >>"${DATADIR}/${CHAT[ID]}+${USER[ID]}.log"
# pre-check admin only commands
case "${MESSAGE}" in
# must be private, group admin, or botadmin
send_action "${CHAT[ID]}" "typing"
if ! user_is_admin "${CHAT[ID]}" "${USER[ID]}" ; then
send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "${NOTADMIN}"; return 1
# ok, now lets process the real command
# must be botadmin
send_action "${CHAT[ID]}" "typing"
if ! user_is_botadmin "${USER[ID]}" ; then
send_markdown_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "*${NOTBOTADMIN}*"; return 1
# will we process edited messages also?
return 1 # no
# but if we do, remove /edited_message
case "${MESSAGE}" in
# example commands, replace thm by your own
'/echo'*) # example echo command
send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "$MESSAGE"
'/question'*) # start interactive questions
if [ "$res" -gt 0 ] ; then
startproc "examples/" || _message "Can't start question."
send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "$MESSAGE already running ..."
'/cancel'*) # cancel interactive command
if [ "$res" -gt 0 ] ;then killproc && _message "Command canceled.";else _message "No command is currently running.";fi
'/run_notify'*) # start notify background job
myback="notify"; checkback "$myback"
if [ "$res" -gt 0 ] ; then
background "examples/ 60" "$myback" || _message "Can't start notify."
send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "Background command $myback already running ..."
'/stop_notify'*) # kill notify background job
myback="notify"; checkback "$myback"
if [ "$res" -eq 0 ] ; then
killback "$myback"
send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "Background command $myback canceled."
send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "No background command $myback is currently running.."
# command overwrite examples
'/info'*) # output date in front of regular info
send_normal_message "${CHAT[ID]}" "$(date)"
return 0
'/kickme'*) # this will replace the /kickme command
send_markdown_mesage "${CHAT[ID]}" "*This bot will not kick you!*"
return 1
myinlines() {
# Inline query examples, do not use them in production (except image search ;-)
# shellcheck disable=SC2128
iQUERY="${iQUERY,,}" # all lowercase
case "${iQUERY}" in
"image "*) # search images with yahoo
local search="${iQUERY#* }"
answer_inline_multi "${iQUERY[ID]}" "$(my_image_search "${search}")"
"0"*) # a single message with title
answer_inline_query "${iQUERY[ID]}" "message" "Title of the result" "Content of the message to be sent"
"1"*) # a single photo
answer_inline_query "${iQUERY[ID]}" "photo" "" ""
"2"*) # two photos
answer_inline_multi "${iQUERY[ID]}" "
$(inline_query_compose "$RANDOM" "photo" ""),
$(inline_query_compose "$RANDOM" "photo" "")
"3"*) # three photos
answer_inline_multi "${iQUERY[ID]}" "
$(inline_query_compose "$RANDOM" "photo" ""),
$(inline_query_compose "$RANDOM" "photo" "")
$(inline_query_compose "$RANDOM" "photo" "")
"4") # four photo from array
local sep=""
local avatar=("" "" "" "")
answer_inline_multi "${iQUERY[ID]}" "
$(for photo in ${avatar[*]} ; do
echo "${sep}"; inline_query_compose "$RANDOM" "photo" "${photo}" "${photo}"; sep=","
"sticker") # example chaecd telegram sticker
answer_inline_query "${iQUERY[ID]}" "cached_sticker" "BQADBAAD_QEAAiSFLwABWSYyiuj-g4AC"
"gif") # example chaehed gif
answer_inline_query "${iQUERY[ID]}" "cached_gif" "BQADBAADIwYAAmwsDAABlIia56QGP0YC"
set +x
# place your processing functions here
# $1 search parameter
local image result sep="" count="1"
result="$(wget --user-agent 'Mozilla/5.0' -qO - "$1" | sed 's/</\n</g' | grep "<img src=")"
while read -r image; do
[ "$count" -gt "20" ] && break
image="${image#* src=\'}"; image="${image%%&pid=*}"
[[ "${image}" = *"src="* ]] && continue
echo "${sep}"; inline_query_compose "$RANDOM" "photo" "${image}"; sep=","
count=$(( count + 1 ))
done <<<"${result}"