Kay Marquardt (Gnadelwartz) 3daf84dad8 Bashbot Version 0.99
2020-07-27 18:14:18 +02:00

70 lines
1.8 KiB

# file: modules/
# do not edit, this file will be overwritten on update
# This file is public domain in the USA and all free countries.
# Elsewhere, consider it to be WTFPLv2. (
#### $$VERSION$$ 0.99-0-g2775000
# will be automatically sourced from bashbot
# source once magic, function named like file
eval "$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")(){ :; }"
# usage: status="$(get_chat_member_status "chat" "user")"
get_chat_member_status() {
sendJson "$1" '"user_id":'"$2"'' "$GETMEMBER_URL"
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
JsonGetString '"result","status"' <<< "$res"
kick_chat_member() {
sendJson "$1" 'user_id: '"$2"'' "$KICK_URL"
unban_chat_member() {
sendJson "$1" 'user_id: '"$2"'' "$UNBAN_URL"
leave_chat() {
sendJson "$1" "" "$LEAVE_URL"
user_is_creator() {
# empty is false ...
[[ "${1:--}" == "${2:-+}" || "$(get_chat_member_status "$1" "$2")" == "creator" ]] && return 0
return 1
user_is_admin() {
[ "${1:--}" == "${2:-+}" ] && return 0
user_is_botadmin "$2" && return 0
local me; me="$(get_chat_member_status "$1" "$2")"
[[ "${me}" =~ ^creator$|^administrator$ ]] && return 0
return 1
user_is_botadmin() {
local admin; admin="$(getConfigKey "botadmin")"; [ -z "${admin}" ] && return 1
[[ "${admin}" == "${1}" || "${admin}" == "${2}" ]] && return 0
#[[ "${admin}" = "@*" ]] && [[ "${admin}" = "${2}" ]] && return 0
if [ "${admin}" = "?" ]; then setConfigKey "botadmin" "${1:-?}"; return 0; fi
return 1
user_is_allowed() {
local acl="$1"
[ -z "$1" ] && return 1
grep -F -xq "${acl}:*:*" <"${BOTACL}" && return 0
[ -n "$2" ] && acl="${acl}:$2"
grep -F -xq "${acl}:*" <"${BOTACL}" && return 0
[ -n "$3" ] && acl="${acl}:$3"
grep -F -xq "${acl}" <"${BOTACL}"