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2019-05-30 12:14:23 +02:00

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<div id="header">
<h1 class="title">Bashobot Documentation - doc/5_practice.html</h1>
<h4 id="home"><a href="../README.html">Home</a></h4>
<h2 id="best-practices">Best Practices</h2>
<h3 id="new-to-bot-development">New to bot development?</h3>
<p>If you are new to Bot development read <a href="">Bots: An introduction for developers</a> and consult <a href="">Telegram Bot API Documentation</a>.</p>
<p>In addition you should know about <a href="">BotFather, the one bot to rule them all</a>. It will help you create new bots and change settings for existing ones. <a href="">Commands known by Botfather</a></p>
<p>If you dontt have a github account, it may time to <a href="">sepup a free account now</a></p>
<h3 id="">Add commands to only</h3>
<p>To ease updates never change <code></code>, instead your commands and functions must go to <code></code> . Insert your Bot commands in the <code>case ... esac</code> block of the mycommands() function:</p>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash"><span class="co"># file:</span>
<span class="co"># your additional bahsbot commands</span>
<span class="co"># uncomment the following lines to overwrite info and help messages</span>
<span class="va">bashbot_info=</span><span class="st">&#39;This is *MY* variant of _bashbot_, the Telegram bot written entirely in bash.</span>
<span class="st">&#39;</span>
<span class="va">bashbot_help=</span><span class="st">&#39;*Available commands*:</span>
<span class="st">/echo message - _echo the given messsage_</span>
<span class="st">&#39;</span>
<span class="co"># </span><span class="al">NOTE</span><span class="co">: command can have @botname attached, you must add * in case tests... </span>
<span class="fu">mycommands()</span> <span class="kw">{</span>
<span class="kw">case</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$MESSAGE</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="kw"> in</span>
<span class="st">&#39;/echo&#39;</span>*<span class="kw">)</span> <span class="co"># example echo command</span>
<span class="ex">send_normal_message</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">${CHAT[ID]}</span><span class="st">&quot;</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$MESSAGE</span><span class="st">&quot;</span>
<span class="kw">;;</span>
<span class="co"># .....</span>
<span class="kw">esac</span>
<span class="kw">}</span></code></pre></div>
<h3 id="overwrite-extend-and-disable-global-commands">Overwrite, extend and disable global commands</h3>
<p>You can overwrite a global bashbot command by placing the same commands in <code></code> and add <code>return 1</code> ad the end of your command, see /kickme below.</p>
<p>To disable a global bashbot command place create a command simply containing return 1, see /leave below.</p>
<p>In case you want to add some processing to the global bashbot command add <code>return 0</code>, then both command will be executed.</p>
<p><strong>Learn more about <a href="">Bot commands</a>.</strong></p>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash"><span class="co"># file:</span>
<span class="kw">case</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$MESSAGE</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="kw"> in</span>
<span class="co">##########</span>
<span class="co"># command overwrite examples</span>
<span class="st">&#39;info&#39;</span>*<span class="kw">)</span> <span class="co"># output date in front of regular info</span>
<span class="ex">send_normal_message</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">${CHAT[ID]}</span><span class="st">&quot;</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$(</span><span class="fu">date</span><span class="va">)</span><span class="st">&quot;</span>
<span class="bu">return</span> 0
<span class="kw">;;</span>
<span class="st">&#39;/kickme&#39;</span>*<span class="kw">)</span> <span class="co"># this will replace the /kickme command</span>
<span class="ex">send_markdown_mesage</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">${CHAT[ID]}</span><span class="st">&quot;</span> <span class="st">&quot;*This bot will not kick you!*&quot;</span>
<span class="bu">return</span> 1
<span class="kw">;;</span>
<span class="st">&#39;/leave&#39;</span>*<span class="kw">)</span> <span class="co"># disable all commands starting with leave</span>
<span class="bu">return</span> 1
<span class="kw">;;</span>
<span class="kw">esac</span></code></pre></div>
<h3 id="seperate-logic-from-commands">Seperate logic from commands</h3>
<p>If a command need more than 2-3 lines of code, you should use a function to seperate logic from command. Place your functions in <code></code> and call the from your command. Example:</p>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash"><span class="co"># file:</span>
<span class="co"># your additional bahsbot commands</span>
<span class="fu">mycommands()</span> <span class="kw">{</span>
<span class="kw">case</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$MESSAGE</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="kw"> in</span>
<span class="st">&#39;/process&#39;</span>*<span class="kw">)</span> <span class="co"># logic for /process is done in process_message </span>
<span class="va">result=</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$(</span><span class="ex">process_message</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$MESSAGE</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">)</span><span class="st">&quot;</span>
<span class="ex">send_normal_message</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">${CHAT[ID]}</span><span class="st">&quot;</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$result</span><span class="st">&quot;</span>
<span class="kw">;;</span>
<span class="kw">esac</span>
<span class="kw">}</span>
<span class="co"># place your functions here</span>
<span class="fu">process_message()</span> <span class="kw">{</span>
<span class="bu">local</span> <span class="va">ARGS=</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">${1#</span>/* <span class="va">}</span><span class="st">&quot;</span> <span class="co"># remove command </span>
<span class="bu">local</span> <span class="va">TEXT</span> <span class="va">OUTPUT=</span><span class="st">&quot;&quot;</span>
<span class="co"># process every word in MESSAGE, avoid globbing</span>
<span class="kw">set</span> <span class="ex">-f</span>
<span class="kw">for</span> <span class="ex">WORD</span> in <span class="va">$ARGS</span>
<span class="kw">do</span>
<span class="co"># process links </span>
<span class="kw">if [[</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$WORD</span><span class="st">&quot;</span> <span class="ot">==</span> <span class="st">&quot;https://&quot;</span>*<span class="kw"> ]]</span>; <span class="kw">then</span>
<span class="va">REPORT=</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$(</span><span class="ex">dosomething_with_link</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$WORD</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">)</span><span class="st">&quot;</span>
<span class="co"># no link, add as text</span>
<span class="kw">else</span>
<span class="va">TEXT=</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$(</span><span class="bu">echo</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">${TEXT}</span><span class="st"> </span><span class="va">$WORD</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">)</span><span class="st">&quot;</span>
<span class="bu">continue</span>
<span class="kw">fi</span>
<span class="co"># compose result</span>
<span class="va">OUTPUT=</span><span class="st">&quot;* </span><span class="va">${REPORT}</span><span class="st"> </span><span class="va">${WORD}</span><span class="st"> </span><span class="va">${TEXT}</span><span class="st">&quot;</span>
<span class="va">TEXT=</span><span class="st">&quot;&quot;</span>
<span class="kw">done</span>
<span class="co"># return result, reset globbing in case we had no ARGS</span>
<span class="bu">echo</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">${OUTPUT}${TEXT}</span><span class="st">&quot;</span>
<span class="kw">}</span></code></pre></div>
<h3 id="test-your-bot-with-shellcheck">Test your Bot with shellcheck</h3>
<p>Shellcheck is a static linter for shell scripts providing excellent tips and hints for shell coding pittfalls. You can <a href="">use it online</a> or <a href="">install it on your system</a>. All bashbot scripts are linted by shellcheck.</p>
<p>Shellcheck examples:</p>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash">$ <span class="ex">shellcheck</span> -x
<span class="ex">Line</span> 17:
<span class="va">TEXT=</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$(</span><span class="bu">echo</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">${TEXT}</span><span class="st"> </span><span class="va">$WORD</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">)</span><span class="st">&quot;</span>
^<span class="ex">--</span> SC2116: Useless echo? Instead of <span class="st">&#39;cmd $(echo foo)&#39;</span>, just use <span class="st">&#39;cmd foo&#39;</span>.
<p>As you can see my <code></code> contains an useless echo command in TEXT= assigment and can be replaced by <code>TEXT=&quot;${TEXT}${WORD}&quot;</code></p>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash">$ <span class="ex">shellcheck</span> -x examples/notify
<span class="ex">OK</span>
$ <span class="ex">shellcheck</span> -x examples/question
<span class="ex">OK</span>
$ <span class="ex">shellcheck</span> -x
<span class="ex">OK</span>
$ <span class="ex">shellcheck</span> -x
<span class="ex">In</span> line 123:
<span class="va">text=</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$(</span><span class="bu">echo</span> <span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$text</span><span class="st">&quot;</span> <span class="kw">|</span> <span class="fu">sed</span> <span class="st">&#39;s/ mynewlinestartshere /\r\n/g&#39;</span><span class="va">)</span><span class="st">&quot;</span> <span class="co"># hack for linebreaks in startproc scripts</span>
^<span class="ex">--</span> SC2001: See if you can use <span class="va">${variable//</span>search<span class="va">/</span>replace<span class="va">}</span> instead.
<span class="ex">In</span> line 490:
<span class="va">CONTACT[USER_ID]=</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$(</span><span class="fu">sed</span> -n -e <span class="st">&#39;/\[&quot;result&quot;,&#39;</span><span class="va">$PROCESS_NUMBER</span><span class="st">&#39;,&quot;message&quot;,&quot;contact&quot;,&quot;user_id&quot;\]/ s/.*\][ \t]&quot;\(.*\)&quot;$/\1/p&#39;</span> <span class="op">&lt;</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">$TMP</span><span class="st">&quot;</span><span class="va">)</span><span class="st">&quot;</span>
^<span class="ex">--</span> SC2034: CONTACT appears unused. Verify it or export it.</code></pre></div>
<p>The example show two warnings in bashbots scripts. The first is a hint you may use shell substitions instead of sed, this is fixed and much faster as the “echo | sed” solution. The second warning is about an unused variable, this is true because in our examples CONTACT is not used but assigned in case you want to use it :-)</p>
<h4 id="prev-best-practice"><a href="5_practice.html">Prev Best Practice</a></h4>
<h4 id="next-functions-reference"><a href="6_reference.html">Next Functions Reference</a></h4>
<h4 id="version-v0.90-dev2-0-gec85636"><br /><span class="math display"><em>V</em><em>E</em><em>R</em><em>S</em><em>I</em><em>O</em><em>N</em></span><br /> v0.90-dev2-0-gec85636</h4>