2019-05-13 11:24:42 +02:00

17 lines
1.2 KiB

# test for text only output
This is a normal text
This is a normal text mynewlinestartshere with a line break
html_parse_mode This is a <b>HTML</b> text
html_parse_mode This is a <b>HTML</b> text mynewlinestartshere with a line break
markdown_parse_mode This is a *MARKDOWN* text
markdown_parse_mode This is a *MARKDOWN* text mynewlinestartshere with a line break
# test for keyboard, file, venue output
Text plus keyboard will appear in chat mykeyboardstartshere [ "Yep, sure" , "No, highly unlikely" ]
Text plus location will appear in chat mylatstartshere la10 mylongstartshere lo20
Text plus vuene will appear in chat mylatstartshere la10 mylongstartshere lo20 mytitlestartshere my home myaddressstartshere Diagon Alley N. 37
# test for new inline button
Text plus keyboard will appear in chat mybtextstartshere Button Text myburlstartshere https://www...
STABILO 88/240 Fineliner point 88 mynewlinestartshere mynewlinestartshere [] mynewlinestartshere mybtextstartshere Bei Amazon ansehen ... myburlstartshere mytextstartshere second part of text mynewlinestartshere plus newline.