diff --git a/src/api/core/organizations.rs b/src/api/core/organizations.rs
index f3d39849..7041d3cb 100644
--- a/src/api/core/organizations.rs
+++ b/src/api/core/organizations.rs
@@ -320,9 +320,37 @@ async fn get_org_collections_details(org_id: &str, headers: ManagerHeadersLoose,
         None => err!("User is not part of organization"),
+    // get all collection memberships for the current organization
     let coll_users = CollectionUser::find_by_organization(org_id, &mut conn).await;
+    // check if current user has full access to the organization (either directly or via any group)
+    let has_full_access_to_org = user_org.access_all
+        || (CONFIG.org_groups_enabled()
+            && GroupUser::has_full_access_by_member(org_id, &user_org.uuid, &mut conn).await);
     for col in Collection::find_by_organization(org_id, &mut conn).await {
+        // assigned indicates whether the current user has access to the given collection
+        let mut assigned = has_full_access_to_org;
+        // get the users assigned directly to the given collection
+        let users: Vec<Value> = coll_users
+            .iter()
+            .filter(|collection_user| collection_user.collection_uuid == col.uuid)
+            .map(|collection_user| {
+                // check if the current user is assigned to this collection directly
+                if collection_user.user_uuid == user_org.uuid {
+                    assigned = true;
+                }
+                SelectionReadOnly::to_collection_user_details_read_only(collection_user).to_json()
+            })
+            .collect();
+        // check if the current user has access to the given collection via a group
+        if !assigned && CONFIG.org_groups_enabled() {
+            assigned = GroupUser::has_access_to_collection_by_member(&col.uuid, &user_org.uuid, &mut conn).await;
+        }
+        // get the group details for the given collection
         let groups: Vec<Value> = if CONFIG.org_groups_enabled() {
             CollectionGroup::find_by_collection(&col.uuid, &mut conn)
@@ -332,29 +360,9 @@ async fn get_org_collections_details(org_id: &str, headers: ManagerHeadersLoose,
         } else {
-            // The Bitwarden clients seem to call this API regardless of whether groups are enabled,
-            // so just act as if there are no groups.
-        let mut assigned = false;
-        let users: Vec<Value> = coll_users
-            .iter()
-            .filter(|collection_user| collection_user.collection_uuid == col.uuid)
-            .map(|collection_user| {
-                // Remember `user_uuid` is swapped here with the `user_org.uuid` with a join during the `CollectionUser::find_by_organization` call.
-                // We check here if the current user is assigned to this collection or not.
-                if collection_user.user_uuid == user_org.uuid {
-                    assigned = true;
-                }
-                SelectionReadOnly::to_collection_user_details_read_only(collection_user).to_json()
-            })
-            .collect();
-        if user_org.access_all {
-            assigned = true;
-        }
         let mut json_object = col.to_json();
         json_object["Assigned"] = json!(assigned);
         json_object["Users"] = json!(users);
diff --git a/src/db/models/group.rs b/src/db/models/group.rs
index 670e3114..e50853e2 100644
--- a/src/db/models/group.rs
+++ b/src/db/models/group.rs
@@ -486,6 +486,39 @@ impl GroupUser {
+    pub async fn has_access_to_collection_by_member(
+        collection_uuid: &str,
+        member_uuid: &str,
+        conn: &mut DbConn,
+    ) -> bool {
+        db_run! { conn: {
+            groups_users::table
+                .inner_join(collections_groups::table.on(
+                    collections_groups::groups_uuid.eq(groups_users::groups_uuid)
+                ))
+                .filter(collections_groups::collections_uuid.eq(collection_uuid))
+                .filter(groups_users::users_organizations_uuid.eq(member_uuid))
+                .count()
+                .first::<i64>(conn)
+                .unwrap_or(0) != 0
+        }}
+    }
+    pub async fn has_full_access_by_member(org_uuid: &str, member_uuid: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> bool {
+        db_run! { conn: {
+            groups_users::table
+                .inner_join(groups::table.on(
+                    groups::uuid.eq(groups_users::groups_uuid)
+                ))
+                .filter(groups::organizations_uuid.eq(org_uuid))
+                .filter(groups::access_all.eq(true))
+                .filter(groups_users::users_organizations_uuid.eq(member_uuid))
+                .count()
+                .first::<i64>(conn)
+                .unwrap_or(0) != 0
+        }}
+    }
     pub async fn update_user_revision(&self, conn: &mut DbConn) {
         match UserOrganization::find_by_uuid(&self.users_organizations_uuid, conn).await {
             Some(user) => User::update_uuid_revision(&user.user_uuid, conn).await,