#![forbid(unsafe_code)] // #![warn(rust_2018_idioms)] #![warn(rust_2021_compatibility)] #![cfg_attr(feature = "unstable", feature(ip))] // The recursion_limit is mainly triggered by the json!() macro. // The more key/value pairs there are the more recursion occurs. // We want to keep this as low as possible, but not higher then 128. // If you go above 128 it will cause rust-analyzer to fail, #![recursion_limit = "87"] extern crate openssl; #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; #[macro_use] extern crate serde; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; #[macro_use] extern crate log; #[macro_use] extern crate diesel; #[macro_use] extern crate diesel_migrations; use std::{ fs::{canonicalize, create_dir_all}, panic, path::Path, process::exit, str::FromStr, thread, time::Duration, }; #[macro_use] mod error; mod api; mod auth; mod config; mod crypto; #[macro_use] mod db; mod mail; mod ratelimit; mod util; pub use config::CONFIG; pub use error::{Error, MapResult}; use rocket::data::{Limits, ToByteUnit}; pub use util::is_running_in_docker; #[rocket::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { parse_args(); launch_info(); use log::LevelFilter as LF; let level = LF::from_str(&CONFIG.log_level()).expect("Valid log level"); init_logging(level).ok(); let extra_debug = matches!(level, LF::Trace | LF::Debug); check_data_folder(); check_rsa_keys().unwrap_or_else(|_| { error!("Error creating keys, exiting..."); exit(1); }); check_web_vault(); create_dir(&CONFIG.icon_cache_folder(), "icon cache"); create_dir(&CONFIG.tmp_folder(), "tmp folder"); create_dir(&CONFIG.sends_folder(), "sends folder"); create_dir(&CONFIG.attachments_folder(), "attachments folder"); let pool = create_db_pool(); schedule_jobs(pool.clone()).await; crate::db::models::TwoFactor::migrate_u2f_to_webauthn(&pool.get().await.unwrap()).await.unwrap(); launch_rocket(pool, extra_debug).await // Blocks until program termination. } const HELP: &str = "\ Alternative implementation of the Bitwarden server API written in Rust USAGE: vaultwarden FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -v, --version Prints the app version "; pub const VERSION: Option<&str> = option_env!("VW_VERSION"); fn parse_args() { let mut pargs = pico_args::Arguments::from_env(); let version = VERSION.unwrap_or("(Version info from Git not present)"); if pargs.contains(["-h", "--help"]) { println!("vaultwarden {}", version); print!("{}", HELP); exit(0); } else if pargs.contains(["-v", "--version"]) { println!("vaultwarden {}", version); exit(0); } } fn launch_info() { println!("/--------------------------------------------------------------------\\"); println!("| Starting Vaultwarden |"); if let Some(version) = VERSION { println!("|{:^68}|", format!("Version {}", version)); } println!("|--------------------------------------------------------------------|"); println!("| This is an *unofficial* Bitwarden implementation, DO NOT use the |"); println!("| official channels to report bugs/features, regardless of client. |"); println!("| Send usage/configuration questions or feature requests to: |"); println!("| https://vaultwarden.discourse.group/ |"); println!("| Report suspected bugs/issues in the software itself at: |"); println!("| https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden/issues/new |"); println!("\\--------------------------------------------------------------------/\n"); } fn init_logging(level: log::LevelFilter) -> Result<(), fern::InitError> { // Depending on the main log level we either want to disable or enable logging for trust-dns. // Else if there are timeouts it will clutter the logs since trust-dns uses warn for this. let trust_dns_level = if level >= log::LevelFilter::Debug { level } else { log::LevelFilter::Off }; let mut logger = fern::Dispatch::new() .level(level) // Hide unknown certificate errors if using self-signed .level_for("rustls::session", log::LevelFilter::Off) // Hide failed to close stream messages .level_for("hyper::server", log::LevelFilter::Warn) // Silence rocket logs .level_for("_", log::LevelFilter::Off) .level_for("rocket::launch", log::LevelFilter::Error) .level_for("rocket::launch_", log::LevelFilter::Error) .level_for("rocket::rocket", log::LevelFilter::Warn) .level_for("rocket::server", log::LevelFilter::Warn) .level_for("rocket::fairing::fairings", log::LevelFilter::Warn) .level_for("rocket::shield::shield", log::LevelFilter::Warn) // Never show html5ever and hyper::proto logs, too noisy .level_for("html5ever", log::LevelFilter::Off) .level_for("hyper::proto", log::LevelFilter::Off) .level_for("hyper::client", log::LevelFilter::Off) // Prevent cookie_store logs .level_for("cookie_store", log::LevelFilter::Off) // Variable level for trust-dns used by reqwest .level_for("trust_dns_proto", trust_dns_level) .chain(std::io::stdout()); // Enable smtp debug logging only specifically for smtp when need. // This can contain sensitive information we do not want in the default debug/trace logging. if CONFIG.smtp_debug() { println!( "[WARNING] SMTP Debugging is enabled (SMTP_DEBUG=true). Sensitive information could be disclosed via logs!" ); println!("[WARNING] Only enable SMTP_DEBUG during troubleshooting!\n"); logger = logger.level_for("lettre::transport::smtp", log::LevelFilter::Debug) } else { logger = logger.level_for("lettre::transport::smtp", log::LevelFilter::Off) } if CONFIG.extended_logging() { logger = logger.format(|out, message, record| { out.finish(format_args!( "[{}][{}][{}] {}", chrono::Local::now().format(&CONFIG.log_timestamp_format()), record.target(), record.level(), message )) }); } else { logger = logger.format(|out, message, _| out.finish(format_args!("{}", message))); } if let Some(log_file) = CONFIG.log_file() { logger = logger.chain(fern::log_file(log_file)?); } #[cfg(not(windows))] { if cfg!(feature = "enable_syslog") || CONFIG.use_syslog() { logger = chain_syslog(logger); } } logger.apply()?; // Catch panics and log them instead of default output to StdErr panic::set_hook(Box::new(|info| { let thread = thread::current(); let thread = thread.name().unwrap_or("unnamed"); let msg = match info.payload().downcast_ref::<&'static str>() { Some(s) => *s, None => match info.payload().downcast_ref::() { Some(s) => &**s, None => "Box", }, }; let backtrace = backtrace::Backtrace::new(); match info.location() { Some(location) => { error!( target: "panic", "thread '{}' panicked at '{}': {}:{}\n{:?}", thread, msg, location.file(), location.line(), backtrace ); } None => error!( target: "panic", "thread '{}' panicked at '{}'\n{:?}", thread, msg, backtrace ), } })); Ok(()) } #[cfg(not(windows))] fn chain_syslog(logger: fern::Dispatch) -> fern::Dispatch { let syslog_fmt = syslog::Formatter3164 { facility: syslog::Facility::LOG_USER, hostname: None, process: "vaultwarden".into(), pid: 0, }; match syslog::unix(syslog_fmt) { Ok(sl) => logger.chain(sl), Err(e) => { error!("Unable to connect to syslog: {:?}", e); logger } } } fn create_dir(path: &str, description: &str) { // Try to create the specified dir, if it doesn't already exist. let err_msg = format!("Error creating {} directory '{}'", description, path); create_dir_all(path).expect(&err_msg); } fn check_data_folder() { let data_folder = &CONFIG.data_folder(); let path = Path::new(data_folder); if !path.exists() { error!("Data folder '{}' doesn't exist.", data_folder); if is_running_in_docker() { error!("Verify that your data volume is mounted at the correct location."); } else { error!("Create the data folder and try again."); } exit(1); } } fn check_rsa_keys() -> Result<(), crate::error::Error> { // If the RSA keys don't exist, try to create them let priv_path = CONFIG.private_rsa_key(); let pub_path = CONFIG.public_rsa_key(); if !util::file_exists(&priv_path) { let rsa_key = openssl::rsa::Rsa::generate(2048)?; let priv_key = rsa_key.private_key_to_pem()?; crate::util::write_file(&priv_path, &priv_key)?; info!("Private key created correctly."); } if !util::file_exists(&pub_path) { let rsa_key = openssl::rsa::Rsa::private_key_from_pem(&util::read_file(&priv_path)?)?; let pub_key = rsa_key.public_key_to_pem()?; crate::util::write_file(&pub_path, &pub_key)?; info!("Public key created correctly."); } auth::load_keys(); Ok(()) } fn check_web_vault() { if !CONFIG.web_vault_enabled() { return; } let index_path = Path::new(&CONFIG.web_vault_folder()).join("index.html"); if !index_path.exists() { error!( "Web vault is not found at '{}'. To install it, please follow the steps in: ", CONFIG.web_vault_folder() ); error!("https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden/wiki/Building-binary#install-the-web-vault"); error!("You can also set the environment variable 'WEB_VAULT_ENABLED=false' to disable it"); exit(1); } } fn create_db_pool() -> db::DbPool { match util::retry_db(db::DbPool::from_config, CONFIG.db_connection_retries()) { Ok(p) => p, Err(e) => { error!("Error creating database pool: {:?}", e); exit(1); } } } async fn launch_rocket(pool: db::DbPool, extra_debug: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { let basepath = &CONFIG.domain_path(); let mut config = rocket::Config::from(rocket::Config::figment()); config.address = std::net::IpAddr::V4(std::net::Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED); // TODO: Allow this to be changed, keep ROCKET_ADDRESS for compat config.temp_dir = canonicalize(CONFIG.tmp_folder()).unwrap().into(); config.limits = Limits::new() // .limit("json", 10.megabytes()) .limit("data-form", 150.megabytes()) .limit("file", 150.megabytes()); // If adding more paths here, consider also adding them to // crate::utils::LOGGED_ROUTES to make sure they appear in the log let instance = rocket::custom(config) .mount([basepath, "/"].concat(), api::web_routes()) .mount([basepath, "/api"].concat(), api::core_routes()) .mount([basepath, "/admin"].concat(), api::admin_routes()) .mount([basepath, "/identity"].concat(), api::identity_routes()) .mount([basepath, "/icons"].concat(), api::icons_routes()) .mount([basepath, "/notifications"].concat(), api::notifications_routes()) .manage(pool) .manage(api::start_notification_server()) .attach(util::AppHeaders()) .attach(util::Cors()) .attach(util::BetterLogging(extra_debug)) .ignite() .await?; CONFIG.set_rocket_shutdown_handle(instance.shutdown()); ctrlc::set_handler(move || { info!("Exiting vaultwarden!"); CONFIG.shutdown(); }) .expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler"); instance.launch().await?; info!("Vaultwarden process exited!"); Ok(()) } async fn schedule_jobs(pool: db::DbPool) { if CONFIG.job_poll_interval_ms() == 0 { info!("Job scheduler disabled."); return; } let runtime = tokio::runtime::Handle::current(); thread::Builder::new() .name("job-scheduler".to_string()) .spawn(move || { use job_scheduler::{Job, JobScheduler}; let mut sched = JobScheduler::new(); // Purge sends that are past their deletion date. if !CONFIG.send_purge_schedule().is_empty() { sched.add(Job::new(CONFIG.send_purge_schedule().parse().unwrap(), || { runtime.spawn(api::purge_sends(pool.clone())); })); } // Purge trashed items that are old enough to be auto-deleted. if !CONFIG.trash_purge_schedule().is_empty() { sched.add(Job::new(CONFIG.trash_purge_schedule().parse().unwrap(), || { runtime.spawn(api::purge_trashed_ciphers(pool.clone())); })); } // Send email notifications about incomplete 2FA logins, which potentially // indicates that a user's master password has been compromised. if !CONFIG.incomplete_2fa_schedule().is_empty() { sched.add(Job::new(CONFIG.incomplete_2fa_schedule().parse().unwrap(), || { runtime.spawn(api::send_incomplete_2fa_notifications(pool.clone())); })); } // Grant emergency access requests that have met the required wait time. // This job should run before the emergency access reminders job to avoid // sending reminders for requests that are about to be granted anyway. if !CONFIG.emergency_request_timeout_schedule().is_empty() { sched.add(Job::new(CONFIG.emergency_request_timeout_schedule().parse().unwrap(), || { runtime.spawn(api::emergency_request_timeout_job(pool.clone())); })); } // Send reminders to emergency access grantors that there are pending // emergency access requests. if !CONFIG.emergency_notification_reminder_schedule().is_empty() { sched.add(Job::new(CONFIG.emergency_notification_reminder_schedule().parse().unwrap(), || { runtime.spawn(api::emergency_notification_reminder_job(pool.clone())); })); } // Periodically check for jobs to run. We probably won't need any // jobs that run more often than once a minute, so a default poll // interval of 30 seconds should be sufficient. Users who want to // schedule jobs to run more frequently for some reason can reduce // the poll interval accordingly. // // Note that the scheduler checks jobs in the order in which they // were added, so if two jobs are both eligible to run at a given // tick, the one that was added earlier will run first. loop { sched.tick(); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(CONFIG.job_poll_interval_ms())); } }) .expect("Error spawning job scheduler thread"); }