Jeremy Lin c476e19796 Add email notifications for incomplete 2FA logins
An incomplete 2FA login is one where the correct master password was provided,
but the 2FA token or action required to complete the login was not provided
within the configured time limit. This potentially indicates that the user's
master password has been compromised, but the login was blocked by 2FA.

Be aware that the 2FA step can usually still be completed after the email
notification has already been sent out, which could be confusing. Therefore,
the incomplete 2FA time limit should be long enough that this situation would
be unlikely. This feature can also be disabled entirely if desired.
2021-10-28 00:19:43 -07:00

438 lines
16 KiB

use chrono::Utc;
use num_traits::FromPrimitive;
use rocket::{
request::{Form, FormItems, FromForm},
use rocket_contrib::json::Json;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::{
core::two_factor::{duo, email, email::EmailTokenData, yubikey},
ApiResult, EmptyResult, JsonResult,
db::{models::*, DbConn},
mail, util, CONFIG,
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
#[post("/connect/token", data = "<data>")]
fn login(data: Form<ConnectData>, conn: DbConn, ip: ClientIp) -> JsonResult {
let data: ConnectData = data.into_inner();
match data.grant_type.as_ref() {
"refresh_token" => {
_check_is_some(&data.refresh_token, "refresh_token cannot be blank")?;
_refresh_login(data, conn)
"password" => {
_check_is_some(&data.client_id, "client_id cannot be blank")?;
_check_is_some(&data.password, "password cannot be blank")?;
_check_is_some(&data.scope, "scope cannot be blank")?;
_check_is_some(&data.username, "username cannot be blank")?;
_check_is_some(&data.device_identifier, "device_identifier cannot be blank")?;
_check_is_some(&data.device_name, "device_name cannot be blank")?;
_check_is_some(&data.device_type, "device_type cannot be blank")?;
_password_login(data, conn, &ip)
t => err!("Invalid type", t),
fn _refresh_login(data: ConnectData, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
// Extract token
let token = data.refresh_token.unwrap();
// Get device by refresh token
let mut device = Device::find_by_refresh_token(&token, &conn).map_res("Invalid refresh token")?;
let user = User::find_by_uuid(&device.user_uuid, &conn).unwrap();
let orgs = UserOrganization::find_confirmed_by_user(&user.uuid, &conn);
let (access_token, expires_in) = device.refresh_tokens(&user, orgs);;
"access_token": access_token,
"expires_in": expires_in,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"refresh_token": device.refresh_token,
"Key": user.akey,
"PrivateKey": user.private_key,
"Kdf": user.client_kdf_type,
"KdfIterations": user.client_kdf_iter,
"ResetMasterPassword": false, // TODO: according to official server seems something like: user.password_hash.is_empty(), but would need testing
"scope": "api offline_access",
"unofficialServer": true,
fn _password_login(data: ConnectData, conn: DbConn, ip: &ClientIp) -> JsonResult {
// Validate scope
let scope = data.scope.as_ref().unwrap();
if scope != "api offline_access" {
err!("Scope not supported")
// Get the user
let username = data.username.as_ref().unwrap();
let user = match User::find_by_mail(username, &conn) {
Some(user) => user,
None => err!("Username or password is incorrect. Try again", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip, username)),
// Check password
let password = data.password.as_ref().unwrap();
if !user.check_valid_password(password) {
err!("Username or password is incorrect. Try again", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip, username))
// Check if the user is disabled
if !user.enabled {
err!("This user has been disabled", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip, username))
let now = Utc::now().naive_utc();
if user.verified_at.is_none() && CONFIG.mail_enabled() && CONFIG.signups_verify() {
if user.last_verifying_at.is_none()
|| now.signed_duration_since(user.last_verifying_at.unwrap()).num_seconds()
> CONFIG.signups_verify_resend_time() as i64
let resend_limit = CONFIG.signups_verify_resend_limit() as i32;
if resend_limit == 0 || user.login_verify_count < resend_limit {
// We want to send another email verification if we require signups to verify
// their email address, and we haven't sent them a reminder in a while...
let mut user = user;
user.last_verifying_at = Some(now);
user.login_verify_count += 1;
if let Err(e) = {
error!("Error updating user: {:#?}", e);
if let Err(e) = mail::send_verify_email(&, &user.uuid) {
error!("Error auto-sending email verification email: {:#?}", e);
// We still want the login to fail until they actually verified the email address
err!("Please verify your email before trying again.", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip, username))
let (mut device, new_device) = get_device(&data, &conn, &user);
let twofactor_token = twofactor_auth(&user.uuid, &data, &mut device, ip, &conn)?;
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() && new_device {
if let Err(e) = mail::send_new_device_logged_in(&, &ip.ip.to_string(), &now, & {
error!("Error sending new device email: {:#?}", e);
if CONFIG.require_device_email() {
err!("Could not send login notification email. Please contact your administrator.")
// Common
let orgs = UserOrganization::find_confirmed_by_user(&user.uuid, &conn);
let (access_token, expires_in) = device.refresh_tokens(&user, orgs);;
let mut result = json!({
"access_token": access_token,
"expires_in": expires_in,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"refresh_token": device.refresh_token,
"Key": user.akey,
"PrivateKey": user.private_key,
//"TwoFactorToken": "11122233333444555666777888999"
"Kdf": user.client_kdf_type,
"KdfIterations": user.client_kdf_iter,
"ResetMasterPassword": false,// TODO: Same as above
"scope": "api offline_access",
"unofficialServer": true,
if let Some(token) = twofactor_token {
result["TwoFactorToken"] = Value::String(token);
info!("User {} logged in successfully. IP: {}", username, ip.ip);
/// Retrieves an existing device or creates a new device from ConnectData and the User
fn get_device(data: &ConnectData, conn: &DbConn, user: &User) -> (Device, bool) {
// On iOS, device_type sends "iOS", on others it sends a number
let device_type = util::try_parse_string(data.device_type.as_ref()).unwrap_or(0);
let device_id = data.device_identifier.clone().expect("No device id provided");
let device_name = data.device_name.clone().expect("No device name provided");
let mut new_device = false;
// Find device or create new
let device = match Device::find_by_uuid(&device_id, conn) {
Some(device) => {
// Check if owned device, and recreate if not
if device.user_uuid != user.uuid {
info!("Device exists but is owned by another user. The old device will be discarded");
new_device = true;
Device::new(device_id, user.uuid.clone(), device_name, device_type)
} else {
None => {
new_device = true;
Device::new(device_id, user.uuid.clone(), device_name, device_type)
(device, new_device)
fn twofactor_auth(
user_uuid: &str,
data: &ConnectData,
device: &mut Device,
ip: &ClientIp,
conn: &DbConn,
) -> ApiResult<Option<String>> {
let twofactors = TwoFactor::find_by_user(user_uuid, conn);
// No twofactor token if twofactor is disabled
if twofactors.is_empty() {
return Ok(None);
TwoFactorIncomplete::mark_incomplete(user_uuid, &device.uuid, &, ip, conn)?;
let twofactor_ids: Vec<_> = twofactors.iter().map(|tf| tf.atype).collect();
let selected_id = data.two_factor_provider.unwrap_or(twofactor_ids[0]); // If we aren't given a two factor provider, asume the first one
let twofactor_code = match data.two_factor_token {
Some(ref code) => code,
None => err_json!(_json_err_twofactor(&twofactor_ids, user_uuid, conn)?, "2FA token not provided"),
let selected_twofactor = twofactors.into_iter().find(|tf| tf.atype == selected_id && tf.enabled);
use crate::api::core::two_factor as _tf;
use crate::crypto::ct_eq;
let selected_data = _selected_data(selected_twofactor);
let mut remember = data.two_factor_remember.unwrap_or(0);
match TwoFactorType::from_i32(selected_id) {
Some(TwoFactorType::Authenticator) => {
_tf::authenticator::validate_totp_code_str(user_uuid, twofactor_code, &selected_data?, ip, conn)?
Some(TwoFactorType::U2f) => _tf::u2f::validate_u2f_login(user_uuid, twofactor_code, conn)?,
Some(TwoFactorType::Webauthn) => _tf::webauthn::validate_webauthn_login(user_uuid, twofactor_code, conn)?,
Some(TwoFactorType::YubiKey) => _tf::yubikey::validate_yubikey_login(twofactor_code, &selected_data?)?,
Some(TwoFactorType::Duo) => {
_tf::duo::validate_duo_login(data.username.as_ref().unwrap(), twofactor_code, conn)?
Some(TwoFactorType::Email) => {
_tf::email::validate_email_code_str(user_uuid, twofactor_code, &selected_data?, conn)?
Some(TwoFactorType::Remember) => {
match device.twofactor_remember {
Some(ref code) if !CONFIG.disable_2fa_remember() && ct_eq(code, twofactor_code) => {
remember = 1; // Make sure we also return the token here, otherwise it will only remember the first time
_ => {
err_json!(_json_err_twofactor(&twofactor_ids, user_uuid, conn)?, "2FA Remember token not provided")
_ => err!("Invalid two factor provider"),
TwoFactorIncomplete::mark_complete(user_uuid, &device.uuid, conn)?;
if !CONFIG.disable_2fa_remember() && remember == 1 {
} else {
fn _selected_data(tf: Option<TwoFactor>) -> ApiResult<String> {|t|"Two factor doesn't exist")
fn _json_err_twofactor(providers: &[i32], user_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> ApiResult<Value> {
use crate::api::core::two_factor;
let mut result = json!({
"error" : "invalid_grant",
"error_description" : "Two factor required.",
"TwoFactorProviders" : providers,
"TwoFactorProviders2" : {} // { "0" : null }
for provider in providers {
result["TwoFactorProviders2"][provider.to_string()] = Value::Null;
match TwoFactorType::from_i32(*provider) {
Some(TwoFactorType::Authenticator) => { /* Nothing to do for TOTP */ }
Some(TwoFactorType::U2f) if CONFIG.domain_set() => {
let request = two_factor::u2f::generate_u2f_login(user_uuid, conn)?;
let mut challenge_list = Vec::new();
for key in request.registered_keys {
"appId": request.app_id,
"challenge": request.challenge,
"version": key.version,
"keyHandle": key.key_handle,
let challenge_list_str = serde_json::to_string(&challenge_list).unwrap();
result["TwoFactorProviders2"][provider.to_string()] = json!({
"Challenges": challenge_list_str,
Some(TwoFactorType::Webauthn) if CONFIG.domain_set() => {
let request = two_factor::webauthn::generate_webauthn_login(user_uuid, conn)?;
result["TwoFactorProviders2"][provider.to_string()] = request.0;
Some(TwoFactorType::Duo) => {
let email = match User::find_by_uuid(user_uuid, conn) {
Some(u) =>,
None => err!("User does not exist"),
let (signature, host) = duo::generate_duo_signature(&email, conn)?;
result["TwoFactorProviders2"][provider.to_string()] = json!({
"Host": host,
"Signature": signature,
Some(tf_type @ TwoFactorType::YubiKey) => {
let twofactor = match TwoFactor::find_by_user_and_type(user_uuid, tf_type as i32, conn) {
Some(tf) => tf,
None => err!("No YubiKey devices registered"),
let yubikey_metadata: yubikey::YubikeyMetadata = serde_json::from_str(&;
result["TwoFactorProviders2"][provider.to_string()] = json!({
"Nfc": yubikey_metadata.Nfc,
Some(tf_type @ TwoFactorType::Email) => {
use crate::api::core::two_factor as _tf;
let twofactor = match TwoFactor::find_by_user_and_type(user_uuid, tf_type as i32, conn) {
Some(tf) => tf,
None => err!("No twofactor email registered"),
// Send email immediately if email is the only 2FA option
if providers.len() == 1 {
_tf::email::send_token(user_uuid, conn)?
let email_data = EmailTokenData::from_json(&;
result["TwoFactorProviders2"][provider.to_string()] = json!({
"Email": email::obscure_email(&,
_ => {}
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
struct ConnectData {
grant_type: String, // refresh_token, password
// Needed for grant_type="refresh_token"
refresh_token: Option<String>,
// Needed for grant_type="password"
client_id: Option<String>, // web, cli, desktop, browser, mobile
password: Option<String>,
scope: Option<String>,
username: Option<String>,
device_identifier: Option<String>,
device_name: Option<String>,
device_type: Option<String>,
device_push_token: Option<String>, // Unused; mobile device push not yet supported.
// Needed for two-factor auth
two_factor_provider: Option<i32>,
two_factor_token: Option<String>,
two_factor_remember: Option<i32>,
impl<'f> FromForm<'f> for ConnectData {
type Error = String;
fn from_form(items: &mut FormItems<'f>, _strict: bool) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let mut form = Self::default();
for item in items {
let (key, value) = item.key_value_decoded();
let mut normalized_key = key.to_lowercase();
normalized_key.retain(|c| c != '_'); // Remove '_'
match normalized_key.as_ref() {
"granttype" => form.grant_type = value,
"refreshtoken" => form.refresh_token = Some(value),
"clientid" => form.client_id = Some(value),
"password" => form.password = Some(value),
"scope" => form.scope = Some(value),
"username" => form.username = Some(value),
"deviceidentifier" => form.device_identifier = Some(value),
"devicename" => form.device_name = Some(value),
"devicetype" => form.device_type = Some(value),
"devicepushtoken" => form.device_push_token = Some(value),
"twofactorprovider" => form.two_factor_provider = value.parse().ok(),
"twofactortoken" => form.two_factor_token = Some(value),
"twofactorremember" => form.two_factor_remember = value.parse().ok(),
key => warn!("Detected unexpected parameter during login: {}", key),
fn _check_is_some<T>(value: &Option<T>, msg: &str) -> EmptyResult {
if value.is_none() {