/** * @package Joomla.Component.Builder * * @created 30th April, 2015 * @author Llewellyn van der Merwe * @git Joomla Component Builder * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ // Initial Script document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var add_php_view_vvvvvyt = jQuery("#jform_add_php_view input[type='radio']:checked").val(); vvvvvyt(add_php_view_vvvvvyt); var add_php_jview_display_vvvvvyu = jQuery("#jform_add_php_jview_display input[type='radio']:checked").val(); vvvvvyu(add_php_jview_display_vvvvvyu); var add_php_jview_vvvvvyv = jQuery("#jform_add_php_jview input[type='radio']:checked").val(); vvvvvyv(add_php_jview_vvvvvyv); var add_php_document_vvvvvyw = jQuery("#jform_add_php_document input[type='radio']:checked").val(); vvvvvyw(add_php_document_vvvvvyw); var add_css_document_vvvvvyx = jQuery("#jform_add_css_document input[type='radio']:checked").val(); vvvvvyx(add_css_document_vvvvvyx); var add_javascript_file_vvvvvyy = jQuery("#jform_add_javascript_file input[type='radio']:checked").val(); vvvvvyy(add_javascript_file_vvvvvyy); var add_js_document_vvvvvyz = jQuery("#jform_add_js_document input[type='radio']:checked").val(); vvvvvyz(add_js_document_vvvvvyz); var add_css_vvvvvza = jQuery("#jform_add_css input[type='radio']:checked").val(); vvvvvza(add_css_vvvvvza); var add_php_ajax_vvvvvzb = jQuery("#jform_add_php_ajax input[type='radio']:checked").val(); vvvvvzb(add_php_ajax_vvvvvzb); var add_custom_button_vvvvvzc = jQuery("#jform_add_custom_button input[type='radio']:checked").val(); vvvvvzc(add_custom_button_vvvvvzc); var button_position_vvvvvzd = jQuery("#jform_button_position").val(); vvvvvzd(button_position_vvvvvzd); }); // the vvvvvyt function function vvvvvyt(add_php_view_vvvvvyt) { // set the function logic if (add_php_view_vvvvvyt == 1) { jQuery('#jform_php_view-lbl').closest('.control-group').show(); } else { jQuery('#jform_php_view-lbl').closest('.control-group').hide(); } } // the vvvvvyu function function vvvvvyu(add_php_jview_display_vvvvvyu) { // set the function logic if (add_php_jview_display_vvvvvyu == 1) { jQuery('#jform_php_jview_display-lbl').closest('.control-group').show(); } else { jQuery('#jform_php_jview_display-lbl').closest('.control-group').hide(); } } // the vvvvvyv function function vvvvvyv(add_php_jview_vvvvvyv) { // set the function logic if (add_php_jview_vvvvvyv == 1) { jQuery('#jform_php_jview-lbl').closest('.control-group').show(); } else { jQuery('#jform_php_jview-lbl').closest('.control-group').hide(); } } // the vvvvvyw function function vvvvvyw(add_php_document_vvvvvyw) { // set the function logic if (add_php_document_vvvvvyw == 1) { jQuery('#jform_php_document-lbl').closest('.control-group').show(); } else { jQuery('#jform_php_document-lbl').closest('.control-group').hide(); } } // the vvvvvyx function function vvvvvyx(add_css_document_vvvvvyx) { // set the function logic if (add_css_document_vvvvvyx == 1) { jQuery('#jform_css_document-lbl').closest('.control-group').show(); } else { jQuery('#jform_css_document-lbl').closest('.control-group').hide(); } } // the vvvvvyy function function vvvvvyy(add_javascript_file_vvvvvyy) { // set the function logic if (add_javascript_file_vvvvvyy == 1) { jQuery('#jform_javascript_file-lbl').closest('.control-group').show(); } else { jQuery('#jform_javascript_file-lbl').closest('.control-group').hide(); } } // the vvvvvyz function function vvvvvyz(add_js_document_vvvvvyz) { // set the function logic if (add_js_document_vvvvvyz == 1) { jQuery('#jform_js_document-lbl').closest('.control-group').show(); } else { jQuery('#jform_js_document-lbl').closest('.control-group').hide(); } } // the vvvvvza function function vvvvvza(add_css_vvvvvza) { // set the function logic if (add_css_vvvvvza == 1) { jQuery('#jform_css-lbl').closest('.control-group').show(); } else { jQuery('#jform_css-lbl').closest('.control-group').hide(); } } // the vvvvvzb function function vvvvvzb(add_php_ajax_vvvvvzb) { // set the function logic if (add_php_ajax_vvvvvzb == 1) { jQuery('#jform_ajax_input-lbl').closest('.control-group').show(); jQuery('#jform_php_ajaxmethod-lbl').closest('.control-group').show(); } else { jQuery('#jform_ajax_input-lbl').closest('.control-group').hide(); jQuery('#jform_php_ajaxmethod-lbl').closest('.control-group').hide(); } } // the vvvvvzc function function vvvvvzc(add_custom_button_vvvvvzc) { // set the function logic if (add_custom_button_vvvvvzc == 1) { jQuery('#jform_custom_button-lbl').closest('.control-group').show(); jQuery('#jform_php_controller-lbl').closest('.control-group').show(); jQuery('#jform_php_model-lbl').closest('.control-group').show(); } else { jQuery('#jform_custom_button-lbl').closest('.control-group').hide(); jQuery('#jform_php_controller-lbl').closest('.control-group').hide(); jQuery('#jform_php_model-lbl').closest('.control-group').hide(); } } // the vvvvvzd function function vvvvvzd(button_position_vvvvvzd) { if (isSet(button_position_vvvvvzd) && button_position_vvvvvzd.constructor !== Array) { var temp_vvvvvzd = button_position_vvvvvzd; var button_position_vvvvvzd = []; button_position_vvvvvzd.push(temp_vvvvvzd); } else if (!isSet(button_position_vvvvvzd)) { var button_position_vvvvvzd = []; } var button_position = button_position_vvvvvzd.some(button_position_vvvvvzd_SomeFunc); // set this function logic if (button_position) { jQuery('.note_custom_toolbar_placeholder').closest('.control-group').show(); } else { jQuery('.note_custom_toolbar_placeholder').closest('.control-group').hide(); } } // the vvvvvzd Some function function button_position_vvvvvzd_SomeFunc(button_position_vvvvvzd) { // set the function logic if (button_position_vvvvvzd == 5) { return true; } return false; } // the isSet function function isSet(val) { if ((val != undefined) && (val != null) && 0 !== val.length){ return true; } return false; } jQuery(document).ready(function() { // get the linked details getLinked(); // check and load all the custom code edit buttons getEditCustomCodeButtons(); }); function getCodeFrom_server(id, type, type_name, callingName) { var url = "index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&task=ajax." + callingName + "&format=json&raw=true&vdm="+vastDevMod; if (token.length > 0 && id > 0 && type.length > 0) { url += '&' + token + '=1&' + type_name + '=' + type + '&id=' + id; } var getUrl = JRouter(url); return fetch(getUrl, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }).then(function(response) { if (response.ok) { return response.json(); } else { throw new Error('Network response was not ok'); } }).then(function(data) { return data; }).catch(function(error) { console.error('There was a problem with the fetch operation:', error); }); } function getLinked() { getCodeFrom_server(1, 'type', 'type', 'getLinked').then(function(result) { if (result.error) { console.error(result.error); } else if (result) { document.getElementById('display_linked_to').innerHTML = result; } }); } function getSnippetDetails(id){ getCodeFrom_server(id, '_type', '_type', 'snippetDetails').then(function(result) { if(result.snippet){ var description = ''; if (result.description.length > 0) { description = '


'; } var library = ''; if (result.library.length > 0) { library = ' ('+result.library+')'; } var code = '
'+result.name+' ('+result.type+') see more details'+library+'
'; jQuery('#snippet-code').remove(); jQuery('.snippet-code').append(code); // make sure the code block is active jQuery("#snippet").focus(function() { var jQuerythis = jQuery(this); jQuerythis.select(); // Work around Chrome's little problem jQuerythis.mouseup(function() { // Prevent further mouseup intervention jQuerythis.unbind("mouseup"); return false; }); }); } if(result.usage){ var usage = '


'; jQuery('#snippet-usage').remove(); jQuery('.snippet-usage').append(usage); } }) } function getDynamicValues_server(dynamicId){ var getUrl = JRouter("index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&task=ajax.getDynamicValues&format=json"); if(token.length > 0 && dynamicId > 0){ var request = token+'=1&view=site_view&id='+dynamicId; } return jQuery.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: getUrl, dataType: 'jsonp', data: request, jsonp: 'callback' }); } function getDynamicValues(id){ getDynamicValues_server(id).done(function(result) { if(result){ jQuery('#dynamic_values').remove(); jQuery('.dynamic_values').append('
'); // make sure the code bocks are active jQuery("code").click(function() { jQuery(this).selText().addClass("selected"); }); } }) } function getLayoutDetails_server(id){ var getUrl = JRouter("index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&task=ajax.getLayoutDetails&format=json&vdm="+vastDevMod); if(token.length > 0 && id > 0){ var request = token+'=1&id='+id; } return jQuery.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: getUrl, dataType: 'jsonp', data: request, jsonp: 'callback' }); } function getLayoutDetails(id){ getLayoutDetails_server(id).done(function(result) { if(result){ jQuery('#details').append(result); // make sure the code bocks are active jQuery("code").click(function() { jQuery(this).selText().addClass("selected"); }); } }) } function getTemplateDetails(id){ getCodeFrom_server(id, 'type', 'type', 'templateDetails').then(function(result) { if(result){ jQuery('#details').append(result); // make sure the code bocks are active jQuery("code").click(function() { jQuery(this).selText().addClass("selected"); }); } }) } // set snippets that are on the page var snippetIds = []; var snippets = {}; var snippet = 0; jQuery(document).ready(function($) { jQuery("#jform_snippet option").each(function() { var key = jQuery(this).val(); var text = jQuery(this).text(); snippets[key] = text; snippetIds.push(key); }); snippet = jQuery("#jform_snippet").val(); getSnippets(); }); function getSnippets(){ jQuery("#loading").show(); // clear the selection jQuery('#jform_snippet').find('option').remove().end(); jQuery('#jform_snippet').trigger('liszt:updated'); // get libraries value if set var libraries = jQuery("#jform_libraries").val(); if (libraries) { getCodeFrom_server(1, JSON.stringify(libraries), 'libraries', 'getSnippets').then(function(result) { setSnippets(result); jQuery("#loading").hide(); if (typeof snippetButton !== 'undefined') { // ensure button is correct var snippet = jQuery('#jform_snippet').val(); snippetButton(snippet); } }); } else { // load all snippets in none is selected setSnippets(snippetIds); jQuery("#loading").hide(); } } function setSnippets(array){ if (array) { jQuery('#jform_snippet').append(''); jQuery.each( array, function( i, id ) { if (id in snippets) { jQuery('#jform_snippet').append(''); } if (id == snippet) { jQuery('#jform_snippet').val(id); } }); } else { jQuery('#jform_snippet').append(''); } jQuery('#jform_snippet').trigger('liszt:updated'); } function getEditCustomCodeButtons_server(id) { var getUrl = JRouter("index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&task=ajax.getEditCustomCodeButtons&format=json&raw=true&vdm="+vastDevMod); let requestParams = ''; if (token.length > 0 && id > 0) { requestParams = token+'=1&id='+id+'&return_here='+return_here; } // Construct URL with parameters for GET request const urlWithParams = getUrl + '&' + requestParams; // Using the Fetch API for the GET request return fetch(urlWithParams, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }).then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Network response was not ok'); } return response.json(); }); } function getEditCustomCodeButtons() { // Get the id using pure JavaScript const id = document.querySelector("#jform_id").value; getEditCustomCodeButtons_server(id).then(function(result) { if (typeof result === 'object') { Object.entries(result).forEach(([field, buttons]) => { // Creating the div element for buttons const div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'control-group'; div.innerHTML = '
'; // Insert the div before .control-wrapper-{field} const insertBeforeElement = document.querySelector(".control-wrapper-"+field); insertBeforeElement.parentNode.insertBefore(div, insertBeforeElement); // Adding buttons to the div Object.entries(buttons).forEach(([name, button]) => { const controlsDiv = document.querySelector(".control-customcode-buttons-"+field); controlsDiv.innerHTML += button; }); }); } }).catch(error => { console.error('Error:', error); }); }