/** * * SoundManager 2 Demo: 360-degree / "donut player" * ------------------------------------------------ * http://schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/ * * An inline player with a circular UI. * Based on the original SM2 inline player. * Inspired by Apple's preview feature in the * iTunes music store (iPhone), among others. * * Requires SoundManager 2 Javascript API. * Also uses Bernie's Better Animation Class (BSD): * http://www.berniecode.com/writing/animator.html * */ /*jslint white: false, onevar: true, undef: true, nomen: false, eqeqeq: true, plusplus: false, bitwise: true, regexp: false, newcap: true, immed: true */ /*global document, window, soundManager, navigator */ var threeSixtyPlayer, // instance ThreeSixtyPlayer; // constructor (function(window) { function ThreeSixtyPlayer() { var self = this, pl = this, sm = soundManager, // soundManager instance uA = navigator.userAgent, isIE = (uA.match(/msie/i)), isOpera = (uA.match(/opera/i)), isSafari = (uA.match(/safari/i)), isChrome = (uA.match(/chrome/i)), isFirefox = (uA.match(/firefox/i)), isTouchDevice = (uA.match(/ipad|iphone/i)), hasRealCanvas = (typeof window.G_vmlCanvasManager === 'undefined' && typeof document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d') !== 'undefined'), // I dunno what Opera doesn't like about this. I'm probably doing it wrong. fullCircle = (isOpera||isChrome?359.9:360), // exclude old IE from hi-DPI / "retina"-scale display size hiDPIScale = (navigator.userAgent.match(/msie [678]/i)? 1 : 2); // CSS class for ignoring MP3 links this.excludeClass = 'threesixty-exclude'; this.links = []; this.sounds = []; this.soundsByURL = []; this.indexByURL = []; this.lastSound = null; this.lastTouchedSound = null; this.soundCount = 0; this.oUITemplate = null; this.oUIImageMap = null; this.vuMeter = null; this.callbackCount = 0; this.peakDataHistory = []; // 360player configuration options this.config = { playNext: false, // stop after one sound, or play through list until end autoPlay: false, // start playing the first sound right away allowMultiple: false, // let many sounds play at once (false = only one sound playing at a time) loadRingColor: '#ccc', // how much has loaded playRingColor: '#000', // how much has played backgroundRingColor: '#eee', // color shown underneath load + play ("not yet loaded" color) // optional segment/annotation (metadata) stuff.. segmentRingColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.33)', // metadata/annotation (segment) colors segmentRingColorAlt: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', loadRingColorMetadata: '#ddd', // "annotations" load color playRingColorMetadata: 'rgba(128,192,256,0.9)', // how much has played when metadata is present circleDiameter: null, // set dynamically according to values from CSS circleRadius: null, animDuration: 500, animTransition: window.Animator.tx.bouncy, // http://www.berniecode.com/writing/animator.html showHMSTime: false, // hours:minutes:seconds vs. seconds-only scaleFont: true, // also set the font size (if possible) while animating the circle // optional: spectrum or EQ graph in canvas (not supported in IE <9, too slow via ExCanvas) useWaveformData: false, waveformDataColor: '#0099ff', waveformDataDownsample: 3, // use only one in X (of a set of 256 values) - 1 means all 256 waveformDataOutside: false, waveformDataConstrain: false, // if true, +ve values only - keep within inside circle waveformDataLineRatio: 0.64, // "spectrum frequency" option useEQData: false, eqDataColor: '#339933', eqDataDownsample: 4, // use only one in X (of 256 values) eqDataOutside: true, eqDataLineRatio: 0.54, // enable "amplifier" (canvas pulses like a speaker) effect usePeakData: true, peakDataColor: '#ff33ff', peakDataOutside: true, peakDataLineRatio: 0.5, useAmplifier: true, // "pulse" like a speaker fontSizeMax: null, // set according to CSS scaleArcWidth: 1, // thickness factor of playback progress ring useFavIcon: false // Experimental (also requires usePeakData: true).. Try to draw a "VU Meter" in the favicon area, if browser supports it (Firefox + Opera as of 2009) }; this.css = { // CSS class names appended to link during various states sDefault: 'sm2_link', // default state sBuffering: 'sm2_buffering', sPlaying: 'sm2_playing', sPaused: 'sm2_paused' }; this.addEventHandler = (typeof window.addEventListener !== 'undefined' ? function(o, evtName, evtHandler) { return o.addEventListener(evtName,evtHandler,false); } : function(o, evtName, evtHandler) { o.attachEvent('on'+evtName,evtHandler); }); this.removeEventHandler = (typeof window.removeEventListener !== 'undefined' ? function(o, evtName, evtHandler) { return o.removeEventListener(evtName,evtHandler,false); } : function(o, evtName, evtHandler) { return o.detachEvent('on'+evtName,evtHandler); }); this.hasClass = function(o,cStr) { return typeof(o.className)!=='undefined'?o.className.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)'+cStr+'(\\s|$)')):false; }; this.addClass = function(o,cStr) { if (!o || !cStr || self.hasClass(o,cStr)) { return false; } o.className = (o.className?o.className+' ':'')+cStr; }; this.removeClass = function(o,cStr) { if (!o || !cStr || !self.hasClass(o,cStr)) { return false; } o.className = o.className.replace(new RegExp('( '+cStr+')|('+cStr+')','g'),''); }; this.getElementsByClassName = function(className,tagNames,oParent) { var doc = (oParent||document), matches = [], i,j, nodes = []; if (typeof tagNames !== 'undefined' && typeof tagNames !== 'string') { for (i=tagNames.length; i--;) { if (!nodes || !nodes[tagNames[i]]) { nodes[tagNames[i]] = doc.getElementsByTagName(tagNames[i]); } } } else if (tagNames) { nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName(tagNames); } else { nodes = doc.all||doc.getElementsByTagName('*'); } if (typeof(tagNames)!=='string') { for (i=tagNames.length; i--;) { for (j=nodes[tagNames[i]].length; j--;) { if (self.hasClass(nodes[tagNames[i]][j],className)) { matches.push(nodes[tagNames[i]][j]); } } } } else { for (i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) { if (self.hasClass(nodes[i],className)) { matches.push(nodes[i]); } } } return matches; }; this.getParentByNodeName = function(oChild,sParentNodeName) { if (!oChild || !sParentNodeName) { return false; } sParentNodeName = sParentNodeName.toLowerCase(); while (oChild.parentNode && sParentNodeName !== oChild.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { oChild = oChild.parentNode; } return (oChild.parentNode && sParentNodeName === oChild.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()?oChild.parentNode:null); }; this.getParentByClassName = function(oChild,sParentClassName) { if (!oChild || !sParentClassName) { return false; } while (oChild.parentNode && !self.hasClass(oChild.parentNode,sParentClassName)) { oChild = oChild.parentNode; } return (oChild.parentNode && self.hasClass(oChild.parentNode,sParentClassName)?oChild.parentNode:null); }; this.getSoundByURL = function(sURL) { return (typeof self.soundsByURL[sURL] !== 'undefined'?self.soundsByURL[sURL]:null); }; this.isChildOfNode = function(o,sNodeName) { if (!o || !o.parentNode) { return false; } sNodeName = sNodeName.toLowerCase(); do { o = o.parentNode; } while (o && o.parentNode && o.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== sNodeName); return (o && o.nodeName.toLowerCase() === sNodeName?o:null); }; this.isChildOfClass = function(oChild,oClass) { if (!oChild || !oClass) { return false; } while (oChild.parentNode && !self.hasClass(oChild,oClass)) { oChild = self.findParent(oChild); } return (self.hasClass(oChild,oClass)); }; this.findParent = function(o) { if (!o || !o.parentNode) { return false; } o = o.parentNode; if (o.nodeType === 2) { while (o && o.parentNode && o.parentNode.nodeType === 2) { o = o.parentNode; } } return o; }; this.getStyle = function(o,sProp) { // http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/getstyles.html try { if (o.currentStyle) { return o.currentStyle[sProp]; } else if (window.getComputedStyle) { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(o,null).getPropertyValue(sProp); } } catch(e) { // oh well } return null; }; this.findXY = function(obj) { var curleft = 0, curtop = 0; do { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; curtop += obj.offsetTop; } while (!!(obj = obj.offsetParent)); return [curleft,curtop]; }; this.getMouseXY = function(e) { // http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html e = e?e:window.event; if (isTouchDevice && e.touches) { e = e.touches[0]; } if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { return [e.pageX,e.pageY]; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { return [e.clientX+self.getScrollLeft(),e.clientY+self.getScrollTop()]; } }; this.getScrollLeft = function() { return (document.body.scrollLeft+document.documentElement.scrollLeft); }; this.getScrollTop = function() { return (document.body.scrollTop+document.documentElement.scrollTop); }; this.events = { // handlers for sound events as they're started/stopped/played play: function() { pl.removeClass(this._360data.oUIBox,this._360data.className); this._360data.className = pl.css.sPlaying; pl.addClass(this._360data.oUIBox,this._360data.className); self.fanOut(this); }, stop: function() { pl.removeClass(this._360data.oUIBox,this._360data.className); this._360data.className = ''; self.fanIn(this); }, pause: function() { pl.removeClass(this._360data.oUIBox,this._360data.className); this._360data.className = pl.css.sPaused; pl.addClass(this._360data.oUIBox,this._360data.className); }, resume: function() { pl.removeClass(this._360data.oUIBox,this._360data.className); this._360data.className = pl.css.sPlaying; pl.addClass(this._360data.oUIBox,this._360data.className); }, finish: function() { var nextLink; pl.removeClass(this._360data.oUIBox,this._360data.className); this._360data.className = ''; // self.clearCanvas(this._360data.oCanvas); this._360data.didFinish = true; // so fan draws full circle self.fanIn(this); if (pl.config.playNext) { nextLink = (pl.indexByURL[this._360data.oLink.href]+1); if (nextLink<pl.links.length) { pl.handleClick({'target':pl.links[nextLink]}); } } }, whileloading: function() { if (this.paused) { self.updatePlaying.apply(this); } }, whileplaying: function() { self.updatePlaying.apply(this); this._360data.fps++; }, bufferchange: function() { if (this.isBuffering) { pl.addClass(this._360data.oUIBox,pl.css.sBuffering); } else { pl.removeClass(this._360data.oUIBox,pl.css.sBuffering); } } }; this.stopEvent = function(e) { if (typeof e !== 'undefined' && typeof e.preventDefault !== 'undefined') { e.preventDefault(); } else if (typeof window.event !== 'undefined' && typeof window.event.returnValue !== 'undefined') { window.event.returnValue = false; } return false; }; this.getTheDamnLink = (isIE)?function(e) { // I really didn't want to have to do this. return (e && e.target?e.target:window.event.srcElement); }:function(e) { return e.target; }; this.handleClick = function(e) { // a sound link was clicked if (e.button > 1) { // only catch left-clicks return true; } var o = self.getTheDamnLink(e), canvasElements, sURL, soundURL, thisSound, oContainer, has_vis, diameter; if (o.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'a') { o = self.isChildOfNode(o,'a'); if (!o) { return true; } } if (!self.isChildOfClass(o,'ui360')) { // not a link we're interested in return true; } sURL = o.getAttribute('href'); if (!o.href || !sm.canPlayLink(o) || self.hasClass(o,self.excludeClass)) { return true; // pass-thru for non-MP3/non-links } sm._writeDebug('handleClick()'); soundURL = (o.href); thisSound = self.getSoundByURL(soundURL); if (thisSound) { // already exists if (thisSound === self.lastSound) { // and was playing (or paused) thisSound.togglePause(); } else { // different sound thisSound.togglePause(); // start playing current sm._writeDebug('sound different than last sound: '+self.lastSound.id); if (!self.config.allowMultiple && self.lastSound) { self.stopSound(self.lastSound); } } } else { // append some dom shiz, make noise oContainer = o.parentNode; has_vis = (self.getElementsByClassName('ui360-vis','div',oContainer.parentNode).length); // create sound thisSound = sm.createSound({ id:'ui360Sound'+(self.soundCount++), url:soundURL, onplay:self.events.play, onstop:self.events.stop, onpause:self.events.pause, onresume:self.events.resume, onfinish:self.events.finish, onbufferchange:self.events.bufferchange, type:(o.type||null), whileloading:self.events.whileloading, whileplaying:self.events.whileplaying, useWaveformData:(has_vis && self.config.useWaveformData), useEQData:(has_vis && self.config.useEQData), usePeakData:(has_vis && self.config.usePeakData) }); // tack on some custom data diameter = parseInt(self.getElementsByClassName('sm2-360ui','div',oContainer)[0].offsetWidth * hiDPIScale, 10); // see note re: IE <9 and excanvas when Modernizr is included, making weird things happen with <canvas>. canvasElements = self.getElementsByClassName('sm2-canvas','canvas',oContainer), thisSound._360data = { oUI360: self.getParentByClassName(o,'ui360'), // the (whole) entire container oLink: o, // DOM node for reference within SM2 object event handlers className: self.css.sPlaying, oUIBox: self.getElementsByClassName('sm2-360ui','div',oContainer)[0], oCanvas: canvasElements[canvasElements.length-1], oButton: self.getElementsByClassName('sm2-360btn','span',oContainer)[0], oTiming: self.getElementsByClassName('sm2-timing','div',oContainer)[0], oCover: self.getElementsByClassName('sm2-cover','div',oContainer)[0], circleDiameter: diameter, circleRadius: diameter/2, lastTime: null, didFinish: null, pauseCount:0, radius:0, fontSize: 1, fontSizeMax: self.config.fontSizeMax, scaleFont: (has_vis && self.config.scaleFont), showHMSTime: has_vis, amplifier: (has_vis && self.config.usePeakData?0.9:1), // TODO: x1 if not being used, else use dynamic "how much to amplify by" value radiusMax: diameter*0.175, // circle radius width:0, widthMax: diameter*0.4, // width of the outer ring lastValues: { bytesLoaded: 0, bytesTotal: 0, position: 0, durationEstimate: 0 }, // used to track "last good known" values before sound finish/reset for anim animating: false, oAnim: new window.Animator({ duration: self.config.animDuration, transition:self.config.animTransition, onComplete: function() { // var thisSound = this; // thisSound._360data.didFinish = false; // reset full circle } }), oAnimProgress: function(nProgress) { var thisSound = this; thisSound._360data.radius = parseInt(thisSound._360data.radiusMax*thisSound._360data.amplifier*nProgress, 10); thisSound._360data.width = parseInt(thisSound._360data.widthMax*thisSound._360data.amplifier*nProgress, 10); if (thisSound._360data.scaleFont && thisSound._360data.fontSizeMax !== null) { thisSound._360data.oTiming.style.fontSize = parseInt(Math.max(1,thisSound._360data.fontSizeMax*nProgress), 10)+'px'; thisSound._360data.oTiming.style.opacity = nProgress; } if (thisSound.paused || thisSound.playState === 0 || thisSound._360data.lastValues.bytesLoaded === 0 || thisSound._360data.lastValues.position === 0) { self.updatePlaying.apply(thisSound); } }, fps: 0 }; // "Metadata" (annotations) if (typeof self.Metadata !== 'undefined' && self.getElementsByClassName('metadata','div',thisSound._360data.oUI360).length) { thisSound._360data.metadata = new self.Metadata(thisSound,self); } // minimize ze font if (thisSound._360data.scaleFont && thisSound._360data.fontSizeMax !== null) { thisSound._360data.oTiming.style.fontSize = '1px'; } // set up ze animation thisSound._360data.oAnim.addSubject(thisSound._360data.oAnimProgress,thisSound); // animate the radius out nice self.refreshCoords(thisSound); self.updatePlaying.apply(thisSound); self.soundsByURL[soundURL] = thisSound; self.sounds.push(thisSound); if (!self.config.allowMultiple && self.lastSound) { self.stopSound(self.lastSound); } thisSound.play(); } self.lastSound = thisSound; // reference for next call if (typeof e !== 'undefined' && typeof e.preventDefault !== 'undefined') { e.preventDefault(); } else if (typeof window.event !== 'undefined') { window.event.returnValue = false; } return false; }; this.fanOut = function(oSound) { var thisSound = oSound; if (thisSound._360data.animating === 1) { return false; } thisSound._360data.animating = 0; soundManager._writeDebug('fanOut: '+thisSound.id+': '+thisSound._360data.oLink.href); thisSound._360data.oAnim.seekTo(1); // play to end window.setTimeout(function() { // oncomplete hack thisSound._360data.animating = 0; },self.config.animDuration+20); }; this.fanIn = function(oSound) { var thisSound = oSound; if (thisSound._360data.animating === -1) { return false; } thisSound._360data.animating = -1; soundManager._writeDebug('fanIn: '+thisSound.id+': '+thisSound._360data.oLink.href); // massive hack thisSound._360data.oAnim.seekTo(0); // play to end window.setTimeout(function() { // reset full 360 fill after animation has completed (oncomplete hack) thisSound._360data.didFinish = false; thisSound._360data.animating = 0; self.resetLastValues(thisSound); }, self.config.animDuration+20); }; this.resetLastValues = function(oSound) { oSound._360data.lastValues.position = 0; }; this.refreshCoords = function(thisSound) { thisSound._360data.canvasXY = self.findXY(thisSound._360data.oCanvas); thisSound._360data.canvasMid = [thisSound._360data.circleRadius,thisSound._360data.circleRadius]; thisSound._360data.canvasMidXY = [thisSound._360data.canvasXY[0]+thisSound._360data.canvasMid[0], thisSound._360data.canvasXY[1]+thisSound._360data.canvasMid[1]]; }; this.stopSound = function(oSound) { soundManager._writeDebug('stopSound: '+oSound.id); soundManager.stop(oSound.id); if (!isTouchDevice) { // iOS 4.2+ security blocks onfinish() -> playNext() if we set a .src in-between(?) soundManager.unload(oSound.id); } }; this.buttonClick = function(e) { var o = e?(e.target?e.target:e.srcElement):window.event.srcElement; self.handleClick({target:self.getParentByClassName(o,'sm2-360ui').nextSibling}); // link next to the nodes we inserted return false; }; this.buttonMouseDown = function(e) { // user might decide to drag from here // watch for mouse move if (!isTouchDevice) { document.onmousemove = function(e) { // should be boundary-checked, really (eg. move 3px first?) self.mouseDown(e); }; } else { self.addEventHandler(document,'touchmove',self.mouseDown); } self.stopEvent(e); return false; }; this.mouseDown = function(e) { if (!isTouchDevice && e.button > 1) { return true; // ignore non-left-click } if (!self.lastSound) { self.stopEvent(e); return false; } var evt = e?e:window.event, target, thisSound, oData; if (isTouchDevice && evt.touches) { evt = evt.touches[0]; } target = (evt.target||evt.srcElement); thisSound = self.getSoundByURL(self.getElementsByClassName('sm2_link','a',self.getParentByClassName(target,'ui360'))[0].href); // self.lastSound; // TODO: In multiple sound case, figure out which sound is involved etc. // just in case, update coordinates (maybe the element moved since last time.) self.lastTouchedSound = thisSound; self.refreshCoords(thisSound); oData = thisSound._360data; self.addClass(oData.oUIBox,'sm2_dragging'); oData.pauseCount = (self.lastTouchedSound.paused?1:0); // self.lastSound.pause(); self.mmh(e?e:window.event); if (isTouchDevice) { self.removeEventHandler(document,'touchmove',self.mouseDown); self.addEventHandler(document,'touchmove',self.mmh); self.addEventHandler(document,'touchend',self.mouseUp); } else { // incredibly old-skool. TODO: Modernize. document.onmousemove = self.mmh; document.onmouseup = self.mouseUp; } self.stopEvent(e); return false; }; this.mouseUp = function(e) { var oData = self.lastTouchedSound._360data; self.removeClass(oData.oUIBox,'sm2_dragging'); if (oData.pauseCount === 0) { self.lastTouchedSound.resume(); } if (!isTouchDevice) { document.onmousemove = null; document.onmouseup = null; } else { self.removeEventHandler(document,'touchmove',self.mmh); self.removeEventHandler(document,'touchend',self.mouseUP); } }; this.mmh = function(e) { if (typeof e === 'undefined') { e = window.event; } var oSound = self.lastTouchedSound, coords = self.getMouseXY(e), x = coords[0], y = coords[1], deltaX = x-oSound._360data.canvasMidXY[0], deltaY = y-oSound._360data.canvasMidXY[1], angle = Math.floor(fullCircle-(self.rad2deg(Math.atan2(deltaX,deltaY))+180)); oSound.setPosition(oSound.durationEstimate*(angle/fullCircle)); self.stopEvent(e); return false; }; // assignMouseDown(); this.drawSolidArc = function(oCanvas, color, radius, width, radians, startAngle, noClear) { // thank you, http://www.snipersystems.co.nz/community/polarclock/tutorial.html var x = radius, y = radius, canvas = oCanvas, ctx, innerRadius, doesntLikeZero, endPoint; if (canvas.getContext) { // use getContext to use the canvas for drawing ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); } // re-assign canvas as the actual context oCanvas = ctx; if (!noClear) { self.clearCanvas(canvas); } // ctx.restore(); if (color) { ctx.fillStyle = color; } oCanvas.beginPath(); if (isNaN(radians)) { radians = 0; } innerRadius = radius-width; doesntLikeZero = (isOpera || isSafari); // safari 4 doesn't actually seem to mind. if (!doesntLikeZero || (doesntLikeZero && radius > 0)) { oCanvas.arc(0, 0, radius, startAngle, radians, false); endPoint = self.getArcEndpointCoords(innerRadius, radians); oCanvas.lineTo(endPoint.x, endPoint.y); oCanvas.arc(0, 0, innerRadius, radians, startAngle, true); oCanvas.closePath(); oCanvas.fill(); } }; this.getArcEndpointCoords = function(radius, radians) { return { x: radius * Math.cos(radians), y: radius * Math.sin(radians) }; }; this.deg2rad = function(nDeg) { return (nDeg * Math.PI/180); }; this.rad2deg = function(nRad) { return (nRad * 180/Math.PI); }; this.getTime = function(nMSec,bAsString) { // convert milliseconds to mm:ss, return as object literal or string var nSec = Math.floor(nMSec/1000), min = Math.floor(nSec/60), sec = nSec-(min*60); // if (min === 0 && sec === 0) return null; // return 0:00 as null return (bAsString?(min+':'+(sec<10?'0'+sec:sec)):{'min':min,'sec':sec}); }; this.clearCanvas = function(oCanvas) { var canvas = oCanvas, ctx = null, width, height; if (canvas.getContext) { // use getContext to use the canvas for drawing ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); } if (ctx) { width = canvas.offsetWidth; height = canvas.offsetHeight; ctx.clearRect(-(width/2), -(height/2), width, height); } }; this.updatePlaying = function() { var timeNow = (this._360data.showHMSTime?self.getTime(this.position,true):parseInt(this.position/1000, 10)); var ringScaleFactor = self.config.scaleArcWidth; if (this.bytesLoaded) { this._360data.lastValues.bytesLoaded = this.bytesLoaded; this._360data.lastValues.bytesTotal = this.bytesTotal; } if (this.position) { this._360data.lastValues.position = this.position; } if (this.durationEstimate) { this._360data.lastValues.durationEstimate = this.durationEstimate; } // background ring self.drawSolidArc(this._360data.oCanvas,self.config.backgroundRingColor,this._360data.width,this._360data.radius * ringScaleFactor,self.deg2rad(fullCircle),false); // loaded ring self.drawSolidArc(this._360data.oCanvas,(this._360data.metadata?self.config.loadRingColorMetadata:self.config.loadRingColor),this._360data.width,this._360data.radius * ringScaleFactor,self.deg2rad(fullCircle*(this._360data.lastValues.bytesLoaded/this._360data.lastValues.bytesTotal)),0,true); // don't draw if 0 (full black circle in Opera) if (this._360data.lastValues.position !== 0) { self.drawSolidArc(this._360data.oCanvas,(this._360data.metadata?self.config.playRingColorMetadata:self.config.playRingColor),this._360data.width,this._360data.radius * ringScaleFactor,self.deg2rad((this._360data.didFinish===1?fullCircle:fullCircle*(this._360data.lastValues.position/this._360data.lastValues.durationEstimate))),0,true); } // metadata goes here if (this._360data.metadata) { this._360data.metadata.events.whileplaying(); } if (timeNow !== this._360data.lastTime) { this._360data.lastTime = timeNow; this._360data.oTiming.innerHTML = timeNow; } // draw spectrum, if applicable if ((this.instanceOptions.useWaveformData || this.instanceOptions.useEQData) && hasRealCanvas) { // IE <9 can render maybe 3 or 4 FPS when including the wave/EQ, so don't bother. self.updateWaveform(this); } if (self.config.useFavIcon && self.vuMeter) { self.vuMeter.updateVU(this); } }; this.updateWaveform = function(oSound) { if ((!self.config.useWaveformData && !self.config.useEQData) || (!sm.features.waveformData && !sm.features.eqData)) { // feature not enabled.. return false; } if (!oSound.waveformData.left.length && !oSound.eqData.length && !oSound.peakData.left) { // no data (or errored out/paused/unavailable?) return false; } /* use for testing the data */ /* for (i=0; i<256; i++) { oSound.eqData[i] = 1-(i/256); } */ var oCanvas = oSound._360data.oCanvas.getContext('2d'), offX = 0, offY = parseInt(oSound._360data.circleDiameter/2, 10), scale = offY/2, // Y axis (+/- this distance from 0) // lineWidth = Math.floor(oSound._360data.circleDiameter-(oSound._360data.circleDiameter*0.175)/(oSound._360data.circleDiameter/255)); // width for each line lineWidth = 1, lineHeight = 1, thisY = 0, offset = offY, i, j, direction, downSample, dataLength, sampleCount, startAngle, endAngle, waveData, innerRadius, perItemAngle, yDiff, eqSamples, playedAngle, iAvg, nPeak; if (self.config.useWaveformData) { // raw waveform downSample = self.config.waveformDataDownsample; // only sample X in 256 (greater number = less sample points) downSample = Math.max(1,downSample); // make sure it's at least 1 dataLength = 256; sampleCount = (dataLength/downSample); startAngle = 0; endAngle = 0; waveData = null; innerRadius = (self.config.waveformDataOutside?1:(self.config.waveformDataConstrain?0.5:0.565)); scale = (self.config.waveformDataOutside?0.7:0.75); perItemAngle = self.deg2rad((360/sampleCount)*self.config.waveformDataLineRatio); // 0.85 = clean pixel lines at 150? // self.deg2rad(360*(Math.max(1,downSample-1))/sampleCount); for (i=0; i<dataLength; i+=downSample) { startAngle = self.deg2rad(360*(i/(sampleCount)*1/downSample)); // +0.67 - counter for spacing endAngle = startAngle+perItemAngle; waveData = oSound.waveformData.left[i]; if (waveData<0 && self.config.waveformDataConstrain) { waveData = Math.abs(waveData); } self.drawSolidArc(oSound._360data.oCanvas,self.config.waveformDataColor,oSound._360data.width*innerRadius*(2-self.config.scaleArcWidth),oSound._360data.radius*scale*1.25*waveData,endAngle,startAngle,true); } } if (self.config.useEQData) { // EQ spectrum downSample = self.config.eqDataDownsample; // only sample N in 256 yDiff = 0; downSample = Math.max(1,downSample); // make sure it's at least 1 eqSamples = 192; // drop the last 25% of the spectrum (>16500 Hz), most stuff won't actually use it. sampleCount = (eqSamples/downSample); innerRadius = (self.config.eqDataOutside?1:0.565); direction = (self.config.eqDataOutside?-1:1); scale = (self.config.eqDataOutside?0.5:0.75); startAngle = 0; endAngle = 0; perItemAngle = self.deg2rad((360/sampleCount)*self.config.eqDataLineRatio); // self.deg2rad(360/(sampleCount+1)); playedAngle = self.deg2rad((oSound._360data.didFinish===1?360:360*(oSound._360data.lastValues.position/oSound._360data.lastValues.durationEstimate))); j=0; iAvg = 0; for (i=0; i<eqSamples; i+=downSample) { startAngle = self.deg2rad(360*(i/eqSamples)); endAngle = startAngle+perItemAngle; self.drawSolidArc(oSound._360data.oCanvas,(endAngle>playedAngle?self.config.eqDataColor:self.config.playRingColor),oSound._360data.width*innerRadius,oSound._360data.radius*scale*(oSound.eqData.left[i]*direction),endAngle,startAngle,true); } } if (self.config.usePeakData) { if (!oSound._360data.animating) { nPeak = (oSound.peakData.left||oSound.peakData.right); // GIANT HACK: use EQ spectrum data for bass frequencies eqSamples = 3; for (i=0; i<eqSamples; i++) { nPeak = (nPeak||oSound.eqData[i]); } oSound._360data.amplifier = (self.config.useAmplifier?(0.9+(nPeak*0.1)):1); oSound._360data.radiusMax = oSound._360data.circleDiameter*0.175*oSound._360data.amplifier; oSound._360data.widthMax = oSound._360data.circleDiameter*0.4*oSound._360data.amplifier; oSound._360data.radius = parseInt(oSound._360data.radiusMax*oSound._360data.amplifier, 10); oSound._360data.width = parseInt(oSound._360data.widthMax*oSound._360data.amplifier, 10); } } }; this.getUIHTML = function(diameter) { return [ '<canvas class="sm2-canvas" width="'+diameter+'" height="'+diameter+'"></canvas>', ' <span class="sm2-360btn sm2-360btn-default"></span>', // note use of imageMap, edit or remove if you use a different-size image. ' <div class="sm2-timing'+(navigator.userAgent.match(/safari/i)?' alignTweak':'')+'"></div>', // + Ever-so-slight Safari horizontal alignment tweak ' <div class="sm2-cover"></div>' ]; }; this.uiTest = function(sClass) { // fake a 360 UI so we can get some numbers from CSS, etc. var oTemplate = document.createElement('div'), oFakeUI, oFakeUIBox, oTemp, fakeDiameter, uiHTML, circleDiameter, circleRadius, fontSizeMax, oTiming; oTemplate.className = 'sm2-360ui'; oFakeUI = document.createElement('div'); oFakeUI.className = 'ui360'+(sClass?' '+sClass:''); // ui360 ui360-vis oFakeUIBox = oFakeUI.appendChild(oTemplate.cloneNode(true)); oFakeUI.style.position = 'absolute'; oFakeUI.style.left = '-9999px'; oTemp = document.body.appendChild(oFakeUI); fakeDiameter = oFakeUIBox.offsetWidth * hiDPIScale; uiHTML = self.getUIHTML(fakeDiameter); oFakeUIBox.innerHTML = uiHTML[1]+uiHTML[2]+uiHTML[3]; circleDiameter = parseInt(fakeDiameter, 10); circleRadius = parseInt(circleDiameter/2, 10); oTiming = self.getElementsByClassName('sm2-timing','div',oTemp)[0]; fontSizeMax = parseInt(self.getStyle(oTiming,'font-size'), 10); if (isNaN(fontSizeMax)) { // getStyle() etc. didn't work. fontSizeMax = null; } // soundManager._writeDebug('diameter, font size: '+circleDiameter+','+fontSizeMax); oFakeUI.parentNode.removeChild(oFakeUI); uiHTML = oFakeUI = oFakeUIBox = oTemp = null; return { circleDiameter: circleDiameter, circleRadius: circleRadius, fontSizeMax: fontSizeMax }; }; this.init = function() { sm._writeDebug('threeSixtyPlayer.init()'); var oItems = self.getElementsByClassName('ui360','div'), i, j, oLinks = [], is_vis = false, foundItems = 0, canvasElements, oCanvas, oCanvasCTX, oCover, diameter, radius, uiData, uiDataVis, oUI, oBtn, o, o2, oID; for (i=0,j=oItems.length; i<j; i++) { oLinks.push(oItems[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0]); // remove "fake" play button (unsupported case) oItems[i].style.backgroundImage = 'none'; } // grab all links, look for .mp3 self.oUITemplate = document.createElement('div'); self.oUITemplate.className = 'sm2-360ui'; self.oUITemplateVis = document.createElement('div'); self.oUITemplateVis.className = 'sm2-360ui'; uiData = self.uiTest(); self.config.circleDiameter = uiData.circleDiameter; self.config.circleRadius = uiData.circleRadius; // self.config.fontSizeMax = uiData.fontSizeMax; uiDataVis = self.uiTest('ui360-vis'); self.config.fontSizeMax = uiDataVis.fontSizeMax; // canvas needs inline width and height, doesn't quite work otherwise self.oUITemplate.innerHTML = self.getUIHTML(self.config.circleDiameter).join(''); self.oUITemplateVis.innerHTML = self.getUIHTML(uiDataVis.circleDiameter).join(''); for (i=0,j=oLinks.length; i<j; i++) { if (sm.canPlayLink(oLinks[i]) && !self.hasClass(oLinks[i],self.excludeClass) && !self.hasClass(oLinks[i],self.css.sDefault)) { self.addClass(oLinks[i],self.css.sDefault); // add default CSS decoration self.links[foundItems] = (oLinks[i]); self.indexByURL[oLinks[i].href] = foundItems; // hack for indexing foundItems++; is_vis = self.hasClass(oLinks[i].parentNode, 'ui360-vis'); diameter = (is_vis ? uiDataVis : uiData).circleDiameter; radius = (is_vis ? uiDataVis : uiData).circleRadius; // add canvas shiz oUI = oLinks[i].parentNode.insertBefore((is_vis?self.oUITemplateVis:self.oUITemplate).cloneNode(true),oLinks[i]); if (isIE && typeof window.G_vmlCanvasManager !== 'undefined') { // IE only o = oLinks[i].parentNode; o2 = document.createElement('canvas'); o2.className = 'sm2-canvas'; oID = 'sm2_canvas_'+i+(new Date().getTime()); o2.id = oID; o2.width = diameter; o2.height = diameter; oUI.appendChild(o2); window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(o2); // Apply ExCanvas compatibility magic oCanvas = document.getElementById(oID); /** * 05/2013: If present, Modernizr results in two canvas elements or something being made, one being <:canvas>. * When this is the case, the first doesn't have getContext('2d') and such - so, use the second. */ canvasElements = oCanvas.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('canvas'); if (canvasElements.length > 1) { oCanvas = canvasElements[canvasElements.length-1]; } } else { // add a handler for the button oCanvas = oLinks[i].parentNode.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0]; } // enable hi-DPI / retina features? if (hiDPIScale > 1) { self.addClass(oCanvas, 'hi-dpi'); } oCover = self.getElementsByClassName('sm2-cover','div',oLinks[i].parentNode)[0]; oBtn = oLinks[i].parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[0]; self.addEventHandler(oBtn,'click',self.buttonClick); if (!isTouchDevice) { self.addEventHandler(oCover,'mousedown',self.mouseDown); } else { self.addEventHandler(oCover,'touchstart',self.mouseDown); } oCanvasCTX = oCanvas.getContext('2d'); oCanvasCTX.translate(radius, radius); oCanvasCTX.rotate(self.deg2rad(-90)); // compensate for arc starting at EAST // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/319267/tutorial-for-html-canvass-arc-function } } if (foundItems>0) { self.addEventHandler(document,'click',self.handleClick); if (self.config.autoPlay) { self.handleClick({target:self.links[0],preventDefault:function(){}}); } } sm._writeDebug('threeSixtyPlayer.init(): Found '+foundItems+' relevant items.'); if (self.config.useFavIcon && typeof this.VUMeter !== 'undefined') { this.vuMeter = new this.VUMeter(this); } }; } // Optional: VU Meter component ThreeSixtyPlayer.prototype.VUMeter = function(oParent) { var self = oParent, me = this, _head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.match(/opera/i)), isFirefox = (navigator.userAgent.match(/firefox/i)); this.vuMeterData = []; this.vuDataCanvas = null; this.setPageIcon = function(sDataURL) { if (!self.config.useFavIcon || !self.config.usePeakData || !sDataURL) { return false; } var link = document.getElementById('sm2-favicon'); if (link) { _head.removeChild(link); link = null; } if (!link) { link = document.createElement('link'); link.id = 'sm2-favicon'; link.rel = 'shortcut icon'; link.type = 'image/png'; link.href = sDataURL; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(link); } }; this.resetPageIcon = function() { if (!self.config.useFavIcon) { return false; } var link = document.getElementById('favicon'); if (link) { link.href = '/favicon.ico'; } }; this.updateVU = function(oSound) { if (soundManager.flashVersion >= 9 && self.config.useFavIcon && self.config.usePeakData) { me.setPageIcon(me.vuMeterData[parseInt(16*oSound.peakData.left, 10)][parseInt(16*oSound.peakData.right, 10)]); } }; this.createVUData = function() { var i=0, j=0, canvas = me.vuDataCanvas.getContext('2d'), vuGrad = canvas.createLinearGradient(0, 16, 0, 0), bgGrad = canvas.createLinearGradient(0, 16, 0, 0), outline = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)'; vuGrad.addColorStop(0,'rgb(0,192,0)'); vuGrad.addColorStop(0.30,'rgb(0,255,0)'); vuGrad.addColorStop(0.625,'rgb(255,255,0)'); vuGrad.addColorStop(0.85,'rgb(255,0,0)'); bgGrad.addColorStop(0,outline); bgGrad.addColorStop(1,'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'); for (i=0; i<16; i++) { me.vuMeterData[i] = []; } for (i=0; i<16; i++) { for (j=0; j<16; j++) { // reset/erase canvas me.vuDataCanvas.setAttribute('width',16); me.vuDataCanvas.setAttribute('height',16); // draw new stuffs canvas.fillStyle = bgGrad; canvas.fillRect(0,0,7,15); canvas.fillRect(8,0,7,15); /* // shadow canvas.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'; canvas.fillRect(1,15-i,7,17-(17-i)); canvas.fillRect(9,15-j,7,17-(17-j)); */ canvas.fillStyle = vuGrad; canvas.fillRect(0,15-i,7,16-(16-i)); canvas.fillRect(8,15-j,7,16-(16-j)); // and now, clear out some bits. canvas.clearRect(0,3,16,1); canvas.clearRect(0,7,16,1); canvas.clearRect(0,11,16,1); me.vuMeterData[i][j] = me.vuDataCanvas.toDataURL('image/png'); // for debugging VU images /* var o = document.createElement('img'); o.style.marginRight = '5px'; o.src = vuMeterData[i][j]; document.documentElement.appendChild(o); */ } } }; this.testCanvas = function() { // canvas + toDataURL(); var c = document.createElement('canvas'), ctx = null, ok; if (!c || typeof c.getContext === 'undefined') { return null; } ctx = c.getContext('2d'); if (!ctx || typeof c.toDataURL !== 'function') { return null; } // just in case.. try { ok = c.toDataURL('image/png'); } catch(e) { // no canvas or no toDataURL() return null; } // assume we're all good. return c; }; this.init = function() { if (self.config.useFavIcon) { me.vuDataCanvas = me.testCanvas(); if (me.vuDataCanvas && (isFirefox || isOpera)) { // these browsers support dynamically-updating the favicon me.createVUData(); } else { // browser doesn't support doing this self.config.useFavIcon = false; } } }; this.init(); }; // completely optional: Metadata/annotations/segments code ThreeSixtyPlayer.prototype.Metadata = function(oSound, oParent) { soundManager._wD('Metadata()'); var me = this, oBox = oSound._360data.oUI360, o = oBox.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0], oItems = o.getElementsByTagName('li'), isFirefox = (navigator.userAgent.match(/firefox/i)), isAlt = false, i, oDuration; this.lastWPExec = 0; this.refreshInterval = 250; this.totalTime = 0; this.events = { whileplaying: function() { var width = oSound._360data.width, radius = oSound._360data.radius, fullDuration = (oSound.durationEstimate||(me.totalTime*1000)), isAlt = null, i, j, d; for (i=0,j=me.data.length; i<j; i++) { isAlt = (i%2===0); oParent.drawSolidArc(oSound._360data.oCanvas,(isAlt?oParent.config.segmentRingColorAlt:oParent.config.segmentRingColor),isAlt?width:width, isAlt?radius/2:radius/2, oParent.deg2rad(360*(me.data[i].endTimeMS/fullDuration)), oParent.deg2rad(360*((me.data[i].startTimeMS||1)/fullDuration)), true); } d = new Date(); if (d-me.lastWPExec>me.refreshInterval) { me.refresh(); me.lastWPExec = d; } } }; this.refresh = function() { // Display info as appropriate var i, j, index = null, now = oSound.position, metadata = oSound._360data.metadata.data; for (i=0, j=metadata.length; i<j; i++) { if (now >= metadata[i].startTimeMS && now <= metadata[i].endTimeMS) { index = i; break; } } if (index !== metadata.currentItem && index < metadata.length) { // update oSound._360data.oLink.innerHTML = metadata.mainTitle+' <span class="metadata"><span class="sm2_divider"> | </span><span class="sm2_metadata">'+metadata[index].title+'</span></span>'; // self.setPageTitle(metadata[index].title+' | '+metadata.mainTitle); metadata.currentItem = index; } }; this.strToTime = function(sTime) { var segments = sTime.split(':'), seconds = 0, i; for (i=segments.length; i--;) { seconds += parseInt(segments[i], 10)*Math.pow(60,segments.length-1-i); // hours, minutes } return seconds; }; this.data = []; this.data.givenDuration = null; this.data.currentItem = null; this.data.mainTitle = oSound._360data.oLink.innerHTML; for (i=0; i<oItems.length; i++) { this.data[i] = { o: null, title: oItems[i].getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML, startTime: oItems[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML, startSeconds: me.strToTime(oItems[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML.replace(/[()]/g,'')), duration: 0, durationMS: null, startTimeMS: null, endTimeMS: null, oNote: null }; } oDuration = oParent.getElementsByClassName('duration','div',oBox); this.data.givenDuration = (oDuration.length?me.strToTime(oDuration[0].innerHTML)*1000:0); for (i=0; i<this.data.length; i++) { this.data[i].duration = parseInt(this.data[i+1]?this.data[i+1].startSeconds:(me.data.givenDuration?me.data.givenDuration:oSound.durationEstimate)/1000, 10)-this.data[i].startSeconds; this.data[i].startTimeMS = this.data[i].startSeconds*1000; this.data[i].durationMS = this.data[i].duration*1000; this.data[i].endTimeMS = this.data[i].startTimeMS+this.data[i].durationMS; this.totalTime += this.data[i].duration; } }; if (navigator.userAgent.match(/webkit/i) && navigator.userAgent.match(/mobile/i)) { // iPad, iPhone etc. soundManager.setup({ useHTML5Audio: true }); } soundManager.setup({ html5PollingInterval: 50, // increased framerate for whileplaying() etc. debugMode: (window.location.href.match(/debug=1/i)), // disable or enable debug output consoleOnly: true, flashVersion: 9, useHighPerformance: true/*, useFlashBlock: true*/ }); // FPS data, testing/debug only if (soundManager.debugMode) { window.setInterval(function() { var p = window.threeSixtyPlayer; if (p && p.lastSound && p.lastSound._360data.fps && typeof window.isHome === 'undefined') { soundManager._writeDebug('fps: ~'+p.lastSound._360data.fps); p.lastSound._360data.fps = 0; } },1000); } window.ThreeSixtyPlayer = ThreeSixtyPlayer; // constructor }(window)); threeSixtyPlayer = new ThreeSixtyPlayer(); // hook into SM2 init soundManager.onready(threeSixtyPlayer.init);