forked from joomla/Component-Builder
Add fallback option to ensure that all JCB tables and fields exist. Move the powers autoloader to its own file.
524 lines
18 KiB
524 lines
18 KiB
* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 30th April, 2015
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
* @git Joomla Component Builder <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// Initial Script
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function()
var add_head_vvvvvxc = jQuery("#jform_add_head input[type='radio']:checked").val();
// the vvvvvxc function
function vvvvvxc(add_head_vvvvvxc)
// set the function logic
if (add_head_vvvvvxc == 1)
// the isSet function
function isSet(val)
if ((val != undefined) && (val != null) && 0 !== val.length){
return true;
return false;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
// get the linked details
// load the active array values
// load the active selection array values
getClassCodeIds('property', 'jform_id', false);
getClassCodeIds('method', 'jform_id', false);
// check and load all the customcode edit buttons
setTimeout(getEditCustomCodeButtons, 300);
// trigger the row watcher
function getCodeFrom_server(id, type, type_name, callingName) {
var url = "index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&task=ajax." + callingName + "&format=json&raw=true&vdm="+vastDevMod;
if (token.length > 0 && id > 0 && type.length > 0) {
url += '&' + token + '=1&' + type_name + '=' + type + '&id=' + id;
var getUrl = JRouter(url);
return fetch(getUrl, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
}).then(function(response) {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
} else {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
}).then(function(data) {
return data;
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error('There was a problem with the fetch operation:', error);
// set selection the options
selectionMemory = {'property':{},'method':{}};
selectionActiveArray = {'property':{},'method':{}};
selectedIdRemoved = {'property':'not','method':'not'};
function buildSelectionMemory(type) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 70; i++) {
// build ID
var id_check = 'jform_'+type+'_selection'+'__'+type+'_selection'+i+'__'+type;
// set memory
if (jQuery("#"+id_check).length) {
selectionMemory[type][id_check] = jQuery("#"+id_check+" option:selected").val();
function getClassHeaderCode(){
// now get the values
var value = jQuery("#jform_class_extends option:selected").val();
var add_value = jQuery("#jform_add_head input[type='radio']:checked").val();
if (add_value == 1 && value > 0){
// we first check local memory
var _result = jQuery.jStorage.get('extends_header_'+value, null);
if (_result) {
// now set the code
addCodeToEditor(_result, "jform_head", false, null);
} else {
// now get the code
getCodeFrom_server(value, 'extends', 'type', 'getClassHeaderCode').then(function(result) {
// now set the code
addCodeToEditor(result, "jform_head", false, null);
// add result to local memory
jQuery.jStorage.set('extends_header_'+value, result, {TTL: expire});
function getClassCodeIds(type, target_field, reset_all){
// now get the value
var value = jQuery('#'+target_field).val();
// now get the code
getCodeFrom_server(value, type, 'type', 'getClassCodeIds').then(function(result) {
// reset the selection
selectionActiveArray[type] = {};
// update the active array
jQuery.each(result, function(i, prop) {
selectionActiveArray[type][prop] = selectionArray[type][prop];
// update the active field selection
updateActiveFieldSelection(type, reset_all);
function updateActiveFieldSelection(type, reset_all){
// update the selection options
if ('joomla_plugin_group' === type) {
// get value if not going to reset all
if (!reset_all){
// get the active values
var activeValue = jQuery("#jform_"+type+" option:selected").val();
var activeText = jQuery("#jform_"+type+" option:selected").text();
// clear the options out
// add the active selection back (must be what is available)
jQuery("#jform_"+type).append('<option value="'+activeValue+'">'+activeText+'</option>');
// now add the lists back
jQuery.each( selectionActiveArray[type], function(aValue, aText ) {
if (activeValue !== aValue) {
jQuery("#jform_"+type).append('<option value="'+aValue+'">'+aText+'</option>');
} else {
// clear the options out
// now add the lists back
jQuery.each( selectionActiveArray[type], function(aValue, aText ) {
jQuery("#jform_"+type).append('<option value="'+aValue+'">'+aText+'</option>');
// reset all when global update is made
if (reset_all) {
} else {
// reset all when global update is made
if (reset_all) {
function resetAll(type) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// build ID
var id_check = 'jform_'+type+'_selection'+'__'+type+'_selection'+i+'__'+type;
// first check if Id is on page as that not the same as the one currently calling
if (jQuery("#"+id_check).length) {
if (i == 0) {
} else {
// remove the row
selectionMemory = {'property':{},'method':{}};
function getClassCode(field, type){
// get the ID
var id = jQuery(field).attr('id');
// now get the value
var value = jQuery('#' + id).val();
// check if we have a memory for this field, if true remove code of old selection and clear memory
if (selectionMemory[type].hasOwnProperty(id) && selectionMemory[type][id] > 0) {
// the old id to remove
var old_value = selectionMemory[type][id];
// remove the code // we first check local memory
var _result = jQuery.jStorage.get('code_4_'+type+'_'+old_value, null);
if (_result) {
// now remove the code
if (removeCodeFromEditor(_result, 'jform_main_class_code')) {
selectionMemory[type][id] = 0;
} else {
// now get the code
getCodeFrom_server(old_value, type, 'type', 'getClassCode').then(function(result) {
// now remove the code
if (removeCodeFromEditor(result, 'jform_main_class_code')) {
selectionMemory[type][id] = 0;
// add result to local memory
jQuery.jStorage.set('code_4_'+type+'_'+old_value, result, {TTL: expire});
if (propertyIsSet(value, id, type)) {
// reset the selection
// give out a notice
jQuery.UIkit.notify({message: Joomla.JText._('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_ALREADY_SELECTED_TRY_ANOTHER'), timeout: 5000, status: 'warning', pos: 'top-center'});
} else {
// set the active removed value
selectedIdRemoved[type] = id;
// do a dynamic update (to remove what was already used)
// set the add action
if (type === 'property') {
var _action_add = 'prepend';
} else {
var _action_add = 'append';
// we first check local memory
var _result = jQuery.jStorage.get('code_4_'+type+'_'+value, null);
if (_result) {
// now set the code
if (addCodeToEditor(_result, "jform_main_class_code", true, _action_add)) {
selectionMemory[type][id] = value;
} else {
// now get the code
getCodeFrom_server(value, type, 'type', 'getClassCode').then(function(result) {
// now set the code
if (addCodeToEditor(result, "jform_main_class_code", true, _action_add)) {
selectionMemory[type][id] = value;
// add result to local memory
jQuery.jStorage.set('code_4_'+type+'_'+value, result, {TTL: expire});
function selectionDynamicUpdate(type) {
selectionAvailable = {};
selectionSelectedArray = {};
selectionTrackerArray = {};
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 70; i++) { // for now this is the number of field we should check
// build ID
var id_check = 'jform_'+type+'_selection'+'__'+type+'_selection'+i+'__'+type;
// first check if Id is on page as that not the same as the one currently calling
if (jQuery("#"+id_check).length && selectedIdRemoved[type] !== id_check) {
// build the selected array
var key = jQuery("#"+id_check+" option:selected").val();
var text = jQuery("#"+id_check+" option:selected").text();
selectionSelectedArray[key] = text;
// keep track of the value set
selectionTrackerArray[id_check] = key;
// clear the options out
// now build the list to keep
jQuery.each( selectionActiveArray[type], function( prop, name ) {
if (!selectionSelectedArray.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
selectionAvailable[prop] = name;
// now add the lists back
jQuery.each( selectionTrackerArray, function( tId, tKey ) {
if (jQuery('#'+tId).length) {
jQuery('#'+tId).append('<option value="'+tKey+'">'+selectionSelectedArray[tKey]+'</option>');
jQuery.each( selectionAvailable, function( aKey, aValue ) {
jQuery('#'+tId).append('<option value="'+aKey+'">'+aValue+'</option>');
function rowWatcher() {
jQuery(document).on('subform-row-remove', function(event, row){
// we first chck if this is a method call
var valid_call = jQuery(row.innerHTML).find('.method_selection_list').attr('id');
var type_call = 'method';
if (!isSet(valid_call)){
// now lets see if this is a property call
var valid_call = jQuery(row.innerHTML).find('.property_selection_list').attr('id');
var type_call = 'property';
// so lets update selection if call valid
if (isSet(valid_call)){
selectedIdRemoved[type_call] = valid_call;
// also remove from code
var valid_value = jQuery(row.innerHTML).find('#' + valid_call + ' option:selected').val();
if (valid_value === '') {
valid_value = selectionMemory[type_call][valid_call];
// remove the code // we first check local memory
var _result = jQuery.jStorage.get('code_4_'+type_call+'_'+valid_value, null);
if (_result) {
// now remove the code
if (removeCodeFromEditor(_result, 'jform_main_class_code')) {
selectionMemory[type_call][valid_call] = 0;
} else {
// now get the code
getCodeFrom_server(valid_value, type_call, 'type', 'getClassCode').then(function(result) {
if (removeCodeFromEditor(result, 'jform_main_class_code')) {
selectionMemory[type_call][valid_call] = 0;;
// add result to local memory
jQuery.jStorage.set('code_4_'+type_call+'_'+valid_value, result, {TTL: expire});
jQuery(document).on('subform-row-add', function(event, row){
// we first chck if this is a method call
var valid_call = jQuery(row.innerHTML).find('.method_selection_list').attr('id');
var type_call = 'method';
if (!isSet(valid_call)){
// now lets see if this is a property call
var valid_call = jQuery(row.innerHTML).find('.property_selection_list').attr('id');
var type_call = 'property';
// so lets update selection if call valid
if (isSet(valid_call)){
selectedIdRemoved[type_call] = 'not';
function propertyIsSet(prop, id, type) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 70; i++) { // for now this is the number of field we should check
// build ID
var id_check = 'jform_'+type+'_selection'+'__'+type+'_selection'+i+'__'+type;
// first check if Id is on page as that not the same as the one currently calling
if (jQuery("#"+id_check).length && id_check != id) {
// get the property value
var tmp = jQuery("#"+id_check+" option:selected").val();
// now validate
if (tmp === prop) {
return true;
return false;
function addCodeToEditor(code_string, editor_id, merge, merge_target){
if (Joomla.editors.instances.hasOwnProperty(editor_id)) {
var old_code_string = Joomla.editors.instances[editor_id].getValue();
if (merge && old_code_string.length > 0) {
// make sure not to load the same string twice
if (old_code_string.indexOf(code_string) == -1) {
if ('prepend' === merge_target) {
var _string = code_string + "\n\n" + old_code_string;
} else if (merge_target && 'append' !== merge_target) {
var old_code_array = old_code_string.split(merge_target);
if (old_code_array.length > 1) {
var _string = old_code_array.shift() + "\n\n" + code_string + "\n\n" + merge_target + old_code_array.join(merge_target);
} else {
var _string = code_string + "\n\n" + merge_target + old_code_array.join('');
} else {
var _string = old_code_string + "\n\n" + code_string;
return true;
} else {
return true;
} else {
var old_code_string = jQuery('textarea#'+editor_id).val();
if (merge && old_code_string.length > 0) {
// make sure not to load the same string twice
if (old_code_string.indexOf(code_string) == -1) {
if ('prepend' === merge_target) {
var _string = code_string + "\n\n" + old_code_string;
} else if (merge_target && 'append' !== merge_target) {
var old_code_array = old_code_string.split(merge_target);
if (old_code_array.length > 1) {
var _string = old_code_array.shift() + "\n\n" + code_string + "\n\n" + merge_target + old_code_array.join(merge_target);
} else {
var _string = code_string + "\n\n" + merge_target + old_code_array.join('');
} else {
var _string = old_code_string + "\n\n" + code_string;
return true;
} else {
return true;
return false;
function removeCodeFromEditor(code_string, editor_id){
if (Joomla.editors.instances.hasOwnProperty(editor_id)) {
var old_code_string = Joomla.editors.instances[editor_id].getValue();
if (old_code_string.length > 0) {
// make sure string is found
if (old_code_string.indexOf(code_string) !== -1) {
// remove the code
return true;
} else {
var old_code_string = jQuery('textarea#'+editor_id).val();
if (old_code_string.length > 0) {
// make sure string is found
if (old_code_string.indexOf(code_string) !== -1) {
// remove the code
return true;
return false;
function getLinked(){
getCodeFrom_server(1, 'type', 'type', 'getLinked').then(function(result) {
function getEditCustomCodeButtons_server(id) {
var getUrl = JRouter("index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&task=ajax.getEditCustomCodeButtons&format=json&raw=true&vdm="+vastDevMod);
let requestParams = '';
if (token.length > 0 && id > 0) {
requestParams = token+'=1&id='+id+'&return_here='+return_here;
// Construct URL with parameters for GET request
const urlWithParams = getUrl + '&' + requestParams;
// Using the Fetch API for the GET request
return fetch(urlWithParams, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
}).then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
return response.json();
function getEditCustomCodeButtons() {
// Get the id using pure JavaScript
const id = document.querySelector("#jform_id").value;
getEditCustomCodeButtons_server(id).then(function(result) {
if (typeof result === 'object') {
Object.entries(result).forEach(([field, buttons]) => {
// Creating the div element for buttons
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.className = 'control-group';
div.innerHTML = '<div class="control-label"><label>Add/Edit Customcode</label></div><div class="controls control-customcode-buttons-'+field+'"></div>';
// Insert the div before .control-wrapper-{field}
const insertBeforeElement = document.querySelector(".control-wrapper-"+field);
insertBeforeElement.parentNode.insertBefore(div, insertBeforeElement);
// Adding buttons to the div
Object.entries(buttons).forEach(([name, button]) => {
const controlsDiv = document.querySelector(".control-customcode-buttons-"+field);
controlsDiv.innerHTML += button;
}).catch(error => {
console.error('Error:', error);