forked from joomla/Component-Builder
Improved the Schema Table update engine (more). Fix autoloader timing, and loading. Implement the Joomla Powers in JCB code, to move away from JClasses.
927 lines
28 KiB
927 lines
28 KiB
* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 4th September 2022
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
* @git Joomla Component Builder <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// No direct access to this JCB template file (EVER)
defined('_JCB_TEMPLATE') or die;
namespace ###NAMESPACEPREFIX###\Component\###ComponentNamespace###\Site\Helper;
// No direct access to this file
\defined('_JEXEC') or die;
* ###Component### component helper
* @since 3.0
abstract class ###Component###Helper
* Composer Switch
* @var array
protected static $composer = [];
* The Main Active Language
* @var string
* Load the Composer Vendors
public static function composerAutoload($target)
// insure we load the composer vendor only once
if (!isset(self::$composer[$target]))
// get the function name
$functionName = Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::safe('compose' . $target);
// check if method exist
if (method_exists(__CLASS__, $functionName))
return self::{$functionName}();
return false;
return self::$composer[$target];
* Convert a json object to a string
* @input string $value The json string to convert
* @returns a string
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___4b225c51_d293_48e4_b3f6_5136cf5c3f18___Power::string(...);
public static function jsonToString($value, $sperator = ", ", $table = null, $id = 'id', $name = 'name')
return Super___4b225c51_d293_48e4_b3f6_5136cf5c3f18___Power::string(
* Load the Component xml manifest.
public static function manifest()
$manifestUrl = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR."/components/com_###component###/###component###.xml";
return simplexml_load_file($manifestUrl);
* Joomla version object
protected static $JVersion;
* set/get Joomla version
public static function jVersion()
// check if set
if (!Super___91004529_94a9_4590_b842_e7c6b624ecf5___Power::check(self::$JVersion))
self::$JVersion = new Version();
return self::$JVersion;
* Load the Contributors details.
public static function getContributors()
// get params
$params = ComponentHelper::getParams('com_###component###');
// start contributors array
$contributors = [];
// get all Contributors (max 20)
$searchArray = range('0','20');
foreach($searchArray as $nr)
if ((NULL !== $params->get("showContributor".$nr)) && ($params->get("showContributor".$nr) == 2 || $params->get("showContributor".$nr) == 3))
// set link based of selected option
if($params->get("useContributor".$nr) == 1)
$link_front = '<a href="mailto:'.$params->get("emailContributor".$nr).'" target="_blank">';
$link_back = '</a>';
elseif($params->get("useContributor".$nr) == 2)
$link_front = '<a href="'.$params->get("linkContributor".$nr).'" target="_blank">';
$link_back = '</a>';
$link_front = '';
$link_back = '';
$contributors[$nr]['title'] = Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::html($params->get("titleContributor".$nr));
$contributors[$nr]['name'] = $link_front.Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::html($params->get("nameContributor".$nr)).$link_back;
return $contributors;
* Returns any Model object.
* @param string $type The model type to instantiate
* @param string $prefix Prefix for the model class name. Optional.
* @param string $component Component name the model belongs to. Optional.
* @param array $config Configuration array for model. Optional.
* @return \Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\BaseDatabaseModel
* @throws \Exception
* @since 4.4
public static function getModel(string $type, string $prefix = 'Site',
string $component = '###component###', array $config = [])
// make sure the name is correct
$type = Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::safe($type, 'F');
$component = strtolower($component);
if ($prefix !== 'Site' && $prefix !== 'Administrator')
$prefix = self::getPrefixFromModelPath($prefix);
// Get the model through the MVCFactory
return Factory::getApplication()->bootComponent('com_' . $component)->getMVCFactory()->createModel($type, $prefix, $config);
* Get the prefix from the model path
* @param string $path The model path
* @return string The prefix value
* @since 4.4
protected static function getPrefixFromModelPath(string $path): string
// Check if $path starts with JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR path
if (str_starts_with($path, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/'))
return 'Administrator';
// Check if $path starts with JPATH_SITE path
elseif (str_starts_with($path, JPATH_SITE . '/components/'))
return 'Site';
return 'Site';
* Add to asset Table
public static function setAsset($id, $table, $inherit = true)
$parent = Table::getInstance('Asset');
$parentId = $parent->id;
$name = 'com_###component###.'.$table.'.'.$id;
$title = '';
$asset = Table::getInstance('Asset');
// Check for an error.
$error = $asset->getError();
if ($error)
return false;
// Specify how a new or moved node asset is inserted into the tree.
if ($asset->parent_id != $parentId)
$asset->setLocation($parentId, 'last-child');
// Prepare the asset to be stored.
$asset->parent_id = $parentId;
$asset->name = $name;
$asset->title = $title;
// get the default asset rules
$rules = self::getDefaultAssetRules('com_###component###', $table, $inherit);
if ($rules instanceof AccessRules)
$asset->rules = (string) $rules;
if (!$asset->check() || !$asset->store())
Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($asset->getError(), 'warning');
return false;
// Create an asset_id or heal one that is corrupted.
$object = new \StdClass();
// Must be a valid primary key value.
$object->id = $id;
$object->asset_id = (int) $asset->id;
// Update their asset_id to link to the asset table.
return Factory::getDbo()->updateObject('#__###component###_'.$table, $object, 'id');
return false;
* Gets the default asset Rules for a component/view.
protected static function getDefaultAssetRules($component, $view, $inherit = true)
// if new or inherited
$assetId = 0;
// Only get the actual item rules if not inheriting
if (!$inherit)
// Need to find the asset id by the name of the component.
$db = Factory::getContainer()->get(DatabaseInterface::class);
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->quoteName('name') . ' = ' . $db->quote($component));
// check that there is a value
if ($db->getNumRows())
// asset already set so use saved rules
$assetId = (int) $db->loadResult();
// get asset rules
$result = Access::getAssetRules($assetId);
if ($result instanceof AccessRules)
$_result = (string) $result;
$_result = json_decode($_result);
foreach ($_result as $name => &$rule)
$v = explode('.', $name);
if ($view !== $v[0])
// remove since it is not part of this view
elseif ($inherit)
// clear the value since we inherit
$rule = [];
// check if there are any view values remaining
if (count((array) $_result))
$_result = json_encode($_result);
$_result = array($_result);
// Instantiate and return the AccessRules object for the asset rules.
$rules = new AccessRules($_result);
// return filtered rules
return $rules;
return $result;
* xmlAppend
* @param SimpleXMLElement $xml The XML element reference in which to inject a comment
* @param mixed $node A SimpleXMLElement node to append to the XML element reference, or a stdClass object containing a comment attribute to be injected before the XML node and a fieldXML attribute containing a SimpleXMLElement
* @return void
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1198aecf_84c6_45d2_aea8_d531aa4afdfa___Power::append($xml, $node);
public static function xmlAppend(&$xml, $node)
Super___1198aecf_84c6_45d2_aea8_d531aa4afdfa___Power::append($xml, $node);
* xmlComment
* @param SimpleXMLElement $xml The XML element reference in which to inject a comment
* @param string $comment The comment to inject
* @return void
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1198aecf_84c6_45d2_aea8_d531aa4afdfa___Power::comment($xml, $comment);
public static function xmlComment(&$xml, $comment)
Super___1198aecf_84c6_45d2_aea8_d531aa4afdfa___Power::comment($xml, $comment);
* xmlAddAttributes
* @param SimpleXMLElement $xml The XML element reference in which to inject a comment
* @param array $attributes The attributes to apply to the XML element
* @return null
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1198aecf_84c6_45d2_aea8_d531aa4afdfa___Power::attributes($xml, $attributes);
public static function xmlAddAttributes(&$xml, $attributes = [])
Super___1198aecf_84c6_45d2_aea8_d531aa4afdfa___Power::attributes($xml, $attributes);
* xmlAddOptions
* @param SimpleXMLElement $xml The XML element reference in which to inject a comment
* @param array $options The options to apply to the XML element
* @return void
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1198aecf_84c6_45d2_aea8_d531aa4afdfa___Power::options($xml, $options);
public static function xmlAddOptions(&$xml, $options = [])
Super___1198aecf_84c6_45d2_aea8_d531aa4afdfa___Power::options($xml, $options);
* get the field object
* @param array $attributes The array of attributes
* @param string $default The default of the field
* @param array $options The options to apply to the XML element
* @return object
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1198aecf_84c6_45d2_aea8_d531aa4afdfa___Power::field($attributes, $default, $options);
public static function getFieldObject(&$attributes, $default = '', $options = null)
return Super___1198aecf_84c6_45d2_aea8_d531aa4afdfa___Power::field($attributes, $default, $options);
* get the field xml
* @param array $attributes The array of attributes
* @param array $options The options to apply to the XML element
* @return object
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1198aecf_84c6_45d2_aea8_d531aa4afdfa___Power::xml($attributes, $options);
public static function getFieldXML(&$attributes, $options = null)
return Super___1198aecf_84c6_45d2_aea8_d531aa4afdfa___Power::xml($attributes, $options);
* Render Bool Button
* @param array $args All the args for the button
* 0) name
* 1) additional (options class) // not used at this time
* 2) default
* 3) yes (name)
* 4) no (name)
* @return string The input html of the button
public static function renderBoolButton()
$args = func_get_args();
// check if there is additional button class
$additional = isset($args[1]) ? (string) $args[1] : ''; // not used at this time
// button attributes
$buttonAttributes = array(
'type' => 'radio',
'name' => isset($args[0]) ? Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::html($args[0]) : 'bool_button',
'label' => isset($args[0]) ? Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::safe(Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::html($args[0]), 'Ww') : 'Bool Button', // not seen anyway
'class' => 'btn-group',
'filter' => 'INT',
'default' => isset($args[2]) ? (int) $args[2] : 0);
// set the button options
$buttonOptions = array(
'1' => isset($args[3]) ? Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::html($args[3]) : 'JYES',
'0' => isset($args[4]) ? Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::html($args[4]) : 'JNO');
// return the input
return Super___1198aecf_84c6_45d2_aea8_d531aa4afdfa___Power::field($buttonAttributes, $buttonAttributes['default'], $buttonOptions)->input;
* Get a variable
* @param string $table The table from which to get the variable
* @param string $where The value where
* @param string $whereString The target/field string where/name
* @param string $what The return field
* @param string $operator The operator between $whereString/field and $where/value
* @param string $main The component in which the table is found
* @return mix string/int/float
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___db87c339_5bb6_4291_a7ef_2c48ea1b06bc___Power::var(...);
public static function getVar($table, $where = null, $whereString = 'user', $what = 'id', $operator = '=', $main = '###component###')
return Super___db87c339_5bb6_4291_a7ef_2c48ea1b06bc___Power::var(
* Get array of variables
* @param string $table The table from which to get the variables
* @param string $where The value where
* @param string $whereString The target/field string where/name
* @param string $what The return field
* @param string $operator The operator between $whereString/field and $where/value
* @param string $main The component in which the table is found
* @param bool $unique The switch to return a unique array
* @return array
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___db87c339_5bb6_4291_a7ef_2c48ea1b06bc___Power::vars(...);
public static function getVars($table, $where = null, $whereString = 'user', $what = 'id', $operator = 'IN', $main = '###component###', $unique = true)
return Super___db87c339_5bb6_4291_a7ef_2c48ea1b06bc___Power::vars(
public static function isPublished($id,$type)
if ($type == 'raw')
$type = 'item';
$db = Factory::getContainer()->get(DatabaseInterface::class);
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->from('#__###component###_'.$type.' AS a');
$query->where(' = '. (int) $id);
$query->where('a.published = 1');
$found = $db->getNumRows();
return true;
return false;
public static function getGroupName($id)
$db = Factory::getContainer()->get(DatabaseInterface::class);
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->from('#__usergroups AS a');
$query->where(' = '. (int) $id);
$found = $db->getNumRows();
return $db->loadResult();
return $id;
* Get the action permissions
* @param string $view The related view name
* @param int $record The item to act upon
* @param string $views The related list view name
* @param mixed $target Only get this permission (like edit, create, delete)
* @param string $component The target component
* @param object $user The user whose permissions we are loading
* @return object The CMSObject of permission/authorised actions
public static function getActions($view, &$record = null, $views = null, $target = null, $component = '###component###', $user = 'null')
// load the user if not given
if (!Super___91004529_94a9_4590_b842_e7c6b624ecf5___Power::check($user))
// get the user object
$user = Factory::getApplication()->getIdentity();
// load the CMSObject
$result = new CMSObject;
// make view name safe (just incase)
$view = Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::safe($view);
if (Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::check($views))
$views = Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::safe($views);
// get all actions from component
$actions = Access::getActionsFromFile(
JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_' . $component . '/access.xml',
// if non found then return empty CMSObject
if (empty($actions))
return $result;
// get created by if not found
if (Super___91004529_94a9_4590_b842_e7c6b624ecf5___Power::check($record) && !isset($record->created_by) && isset($record->id))
$record->created_by = Super___db87c339_5bb6_4291_a7ef_2c48ea1b06bc___Power::var($view, $record->id, 'id', 'created_by', '=', $component);
// set actions only set in component settings
$componentActions = array('core.admin', 'core.manage', 'core.options', 'core.export');
// check if we have a target
$checkTarget = false;
if ($target)
// convert to an array
if (Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::check($target))
$target = array($target);
// check if we are good to go
if (Super___0a59c65c_9daf_4bc9_baf4_e063ff9e6a8a___Power::check($target))
$checkTarget = true;
// loop the actions and set the permissions
foreach ($actions as $action)
// check target action filter
if ($checkTarget && self::filterActions($view, $action->name, $target))
// set to use component default
$fallback = true;
// reset permission per/action
$permission = false;
$catpermission = false;
// set area
$area = 'comp';
// check if the record has an ID and the action is item related (not a component action)
if (Super___91004529_94a9_4590_b842_e7c6b624ecf5___Power::check($record) && isset($record->id) && $record->id > 0 && !in_array($action->name, $componentActions) &&
(strpos($action->name, 'core.') !== false || strpos($action->name, $view . '.') !== false))
// we are in item
$area = 'item';
// The record has been set. Check the record permissions.
$permission = $user->authorise($action->name, 'com_' . $component . '.' . $view . '.' . (int) $record->id);
// if no permission found, check edit own
if (!$permission)
// With edit, if the created_by matches current user then dig deeper.
if (($action->name === 'core.edit' || $action->name === $view . '.edit') && $record->created_by > 0 && ($record->created_by == $user->id))
// the correct target
$coreCheck = (array) explode('.', $action->name);
// check that we have both local and global access
if ($user->authorise($coreCheck[0] . '.edit.own', 'com_' . $component . '.' . $view . '.' . (int) $record->id) &&
$user->authorise($coreCheck[0] . '.edit.own', 'com_' . $component))
// allow edit
$result->set($action->name, true);
// set not to use global default
// because we already validated it
$fallback = false;
// do not allow edit
$result->set($action->name, false);
$fallback = false;
elseif (Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::check($views) && isset($record->catid) && $record->catid > 0)
// we are in item
$area = 'category';
// set the core check
$coreCheck = explode('.', $action->name);
$core = $coreCheck[0];
// make sure we use the core. action check for the categories
if (strpos($action->name, $view) !== false && strpos($action->name, 'core.') === false )
$coreCheck[0] = 'core';
$categoryCheck = implode('.', $coreCheck);
$categoryCheck = $action->name;
// The record has a category. Check the category permissions.
$catpermission = $user->authorise($categoryCheck, 'com_' . $component . '.' . $views . '.category.' . (int) $record->catid);
if (!$catpermission && !is_null($catpermission))
// With edit, if the created_by matches current user then dig deeper.
if (($action->name === 'core.edit' || $action->name === $view . '.edit') && $record->created_by > 0 && ($record->created_by == $user->id))
// check that we have both local and global access
if ($user->authorise('core.edit.own', 'com_' . $component . '.' . $views . '.category.' . (int) $record->catid) &&
$user->authorise($core . '.edit.own', 'com_' . $component))
// allow edit
$result->set($action->name, true);
// set not to use global default
// because we already validated it
$fallback = false;
// do not allow edit
$result->set($action->name, false);
$fallback = false;
// if allowed then fallback on component global settings
if ($fallback)
// if item/category blocks access then don't fall back on global
if ((($area === 'item') && !$permission) || (($area === 'category') && !$catpermission))
// do not allow
$result->set($action->name, false);
// Finally remember the global settings have the final say. (even if item allow)
// The local item permissions can block, but it can't open and override of global permissions.
// Since items are created by users and global permissions is set by system admin.
$result->set($action->name, $user->authorise($action->name, 'com_' . $component));
return $result;
* Filter the action permissions
* @param string $action The action to check
* @param array $targets The array of target actions
* @return boolean true if action should be filtered out
protected static function filterActions(&$view, &$action, &$targets)
foreach ($targets as $target)
if (strpos($action, $view . '.' . $target) !== false ||
strpos($action, 'core.' . $target) !== false)
return false;
return true;
* Check if have an json string
* @input string The json string to check
* @returns bool true on success
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___4b225c51_d293_48e4_b3f6_5136cf5c3f18___Power::check($string);
public static function checkJson($string)
return Super___4b225c51_d293_48e4_b3f6_5136cf5c3f18___Power::check($string);
* Check if have an object with a length
* @input object The object to check
* @returns bool true on success
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___91004529_94a9_4590_b842_e7c6b624ecf5___Power::check($object);
public static function checkObject($object)
return Super___91004529_94a9_4590_b842_e7c6b624ecf5___Power::check($object);
* Check if have an array with a length
* @input array The array to check
* @returns bool/int number of items in array on success
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___0a59c65c_9daf_4bc9_baf4_e063ff9e6a8a___Power::check($array, $removeEmptyString);
public static function checkArray($array, $removeEmptyString = false)
return Super___0a59c65c_9daf_4bc9_baf4_e063ff9e6a8a___Power::check($array, $removeEmptyString);
* Check if have a string with a length
* @input string The string to check
* @returns bool true on success
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::check($string);
public static function checkString($string)
return Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::check($string);
* Check if we are connected
* Thanks
* @returns bool true on success
public static function isConnected()
// If is down, then probably the whole internet is down, since IANA maintains the domain. Right?
$connected = @fsockopen("", 80);
// website, port (try 80 or 443)
if ($connected)
//action when connected
$is_conn = true;
//action in connection failure
$is_conn = false;
return $is_conn;
* Merge an array of array's
* @input array The arrays you would like to merge
* @returns array on success
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___0a59c65c_9daf_4bc9_baf4_e063ff9e6a8a___Power::merge($arrays);
public static function mergeArrays($arrays)
return Super___0a59c65c_9daf_4bc9_baf4_e063ff9e6a8a___Power::merge($arrays);
// typo sorry!
public static function sorten($string, $length = 40, $addTip = true)
return self::shorten($string, $length, $addTip);
* Shorten a string
* @input string The you would like to shorten
* @returns string on success
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::shorten(...);
public static function shorten($string, $length = 40, $addTip = true)
return Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::shorten($string, $length, $addTip);
* Making strings safe (various ways)
* @input string The you would like to make safe
* @returns string on success
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::safe(...);
public static function safeString($string, $type = 'L', $spacer = '_', $replaceNumbers = true, $keepOnlyCharacters = true)
return Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::safe(
* Convert none English strings to code usable string
* @input an string
* @returns a string
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::transliterate($string);
public static function transliterate($string)
return Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::transliterate($string);
* make sure a string is HTML save
* @input an html string
* @returns a string
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::html(...);
public static function htmlEscape($var, $charset = 'UTF-8', $shorten = false, $length = 40)
return Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::html(
* Convert all int in a string to an English word string
* @input an string with numbers
* @returns a string
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::numbers($string);
public static function replaceNumbers($string)
return Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::numbers($string);
* Convert an integer into an English word string
* Thanks to Tom Nicholson <>
* @input an int
* @returns a string
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::number($x);
public static function numberToString($x)
return Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::number($x);
* Random Key
* @returns a string
* @deprecated 3.3 Use Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::random($size);
public static function randomkey($size)
return Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::random($size);