2024-06-23 23:17:44 +02:00
code.php Update 2024-06-24 1:01:32 2024-06-23 23:17:44 +02:00
code.power Update 2024-06-24 1:01:32 2024-06-23 23:17:44 +02:00 Update 2024-06-22 4:38:12 2024-06-22 04:38:13 +02:00
settings.json Update 2024-06-21 14:01:13 2024-06-21 14:01:19 +02:00

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final class Items (Details)

namespace: VDM\Joomla\Data extends: ****

class Items << (F,LightGreen) >> #RoyalBlue {
  # Load $load
  # Insert $insert
  # Update $update
  # Delete $delete
  # Database $database
  # string $table
  + __construct(Load $load, Insert $insert, ...)
  + table(string $table) : self
  + get(array $values, string $key = 'guid') : ?array
  + values(array $values, string $key = 'guid', ...) : ?array
  + set(array $items, string $key = 'guid') : bool
  + delete(array $values, string $key = 'guid') : bool
  + getTable() : string
  - insert(array $items) : bool
  - update(array $items, string $key) : bool
  - sort(array $items, string $key) : ?array
  - extractValues(array $items, string $key) : ?array
  - extractSet(array $items, array $set, ...) : ?array

note right of Items::__construct

  since: 3.2.2
    Load $load
    Insert $insert
    Update $update
    Delete $delete
    Database $database
    ?string $table = null
end note

note left of Items::table
  Set the current active table

  since: 3.2.2
  return: self
end note

note right of Items::get
  Get list of items

  since: 3.2.2
  return: ?array
end note

note left of Items::values
  Get the values

  since: 3.2.2
  return: ?array
    array $values
    string $key = 'guid'
    string $get = 'id'
end note

note right of Items::set
  Set items

  since: 3.2.2
  return: bool
end note

note left of Items::delete
  Delete items

  since: 3.2.2
  return: bool
end note

note right of Items::getTable
  Get the current active table

  since: 3.2.2
  return: string
end note

note left of Items::insert
  Insert a item

  since: 3.2.2
  return: bool
end note

note right of Items::update
  Update a item

  since: 3.2.2
  return: bool
end note

note left of Items::sort
  Sort items between insert and update.

  since: 3.2.2
  return: ?array
end note

note right of Items::extractValues
  Extracts values for a given key from an array of items.
Items can be either arrays or objects.

  since: 3.2.2
  return: ?array
end note

note left of Items::extractSet
  Extracts items from an array of items based on a set.
Items can be either arrays or objects.

  since: 3.2.2
  return: ?array
    array $items
    array $set
    string $key
    bool $inverse = false
end note

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