/*! UIkit 2.21.0 | http://www.getuikit.com | (c) 2014 YOOtheme | MIT License */ (function(addon) { var component; if (window.UIkit) { component = addon(UIkit); } if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) { define("uikit-slideshow", ["uikit"], function() { return component || addon(UIkit); }); } })(function(UI) { "use strict"; var Animations, playerId = 0; UI.component('slideshow', { defaults: { animation : "fade", duration : 500, height : "auto", start : 0, autoplay : false, autoplayInterval : 7000, videoautoplay : true, videomute : true, slices : 15, pauseOnHover : true, kenburns : false, kenburnsanimations : [ 'uk-animation-middle-left', 'uk-animation-top-right', 'uk-animation-bottom-left', 'uk-animation-top-center', '', // middle-center 'uk-animation-bottom-right' ], }, current : false, interval : null, hovering : false, boot: function() { // init code UI.ready(function(context) { UI.$('[data-uk-slideshow]', context).each(function() { var slideshow = UI.$(this); if (!slideshow.data("slideshow")) { var obj = UI.slideshow(slideshow, UI.Utils.options(slideshow.attr("data-uk-slideshow"))); } }); }); }, init: function() { var $this = this, canvas, kbanimduration; this.container = this.element.hasClass('uk-slideshow') ? this.element : UI.$(this.find('.uk-slideshow')); this.slides = this.container.children(); this.slidesCount = this.slides.length; this.current = this.options.start; this.animating = false; this.triggers = this.find('[data-uk-slideshow-item]'); this.fixFullscreen = navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g) && this.container.hasClass('uk-slideshow-fullscreen'); // viewport unit fix for height:100vh - should be fixed in iOS 8 if (this.options.kenburns) { kbanimduration = this.options.kenburns === true ? '15s': this.options.kenburns; if (!String(kbanimduration).match(/(ms|s)$/)) { kbanimduration += 'ms'; } if (typeof(this.options.kenburnsanimations) == 'string') { this.options.kenburnsanimations = this.options.kenburnsanimations.split(','); } } this.slides.each(function(index) { var slide = UI.$(this), media = slide.children('img,video,iframe').eq(0); slide.data('media', media); slide.data('sizer', media); if (media.length) { var placeholder; switch(media[0].nodeName) { case 'IMG': var cover = UI.$('
').css({'background-image':'url('+ media.attr('src') + ')'}); media.css({'width': '100%','height': 'auto'}); slide.prepend(cover).data('cover', cover); break; case 'IFRAME': var src = media[0].src, iframeId = 'sw-'+(++playerId); media .attr('src', '').on('load', function(){ if (index !== $this.current || (index == $this.current && !$this.options.videoautoplay)) { $this.pausemedia(media); } if ($this.options.videomute) { $this.mutemedia(media); var inv = setInterval((function(ic) { return function() { $this.mutemedia(media); if (++ic >= 4) clearInterval(inv); } })(0), 250); } }) .data('slideshow', $this) // add self-reference for the vimeo-ready listener .attr('data-player-id', iframeId) // add frameId for the vimeo-ready listener .attr('src', [src, (src.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&':'?'), 'enablejsapi=1&api=1&player_id='+iframeId].join('')) .addClass('uk-position-absolute'); // disable pointer events if(!UI.support.touch) media.css('pointer-events', 'none'); placeholder = true; if (UI.cover) { UI.cover(media); media.attr('data-uk-cover', '{}'); } break; case 'VIDEO': media.addClass('uk-cover-object uk-position-absolute'); placeholder = true; if ($this.options.videomute) $this.mutemedia(media); } if (placeholder) { canvas = UI.$('').attr({'width': media[0].width, 'height': media[0].height}); var img = UI.$('').attr('src', canvas[0].toDataURL()); slide.prepend(img); slide.data('sizer', img); } } else { slide.data('sizer', slide); } if ($this.hasKenBurns(slide)) { slide.data('cover').css({ '-webkit-animation-duration': kbanimduration, 'animation-duration': kbanimduration }); } }); this.on("click.uikit.slideshow", '[data-uk-slideshow-item]', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var slide = UI.$(this).attr('data-uk-slideshow-item'); if ($this.current == slide) return; switch(slide) { case 'next': case 'previous': $this[slide=='next' ? 'next':'previous'](); break; default: $this.show(parseInt(slide, 10)); } $this.stop(); }); // Set start slide this.slides.attr('aria-hidden', 'true').eq(this.current).addClass('uk-active').attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); this.triggers.filter('[data-uk-slideshow-item="'+this.current+'"]').addClass('uk-active'); UI.$win.on("resize load", UI.Utils.debounce(function() { $this.resize(); if ($this.fixFullscreen) { $this.container.css('height', window.innerHeight); $this.slides.css('height', window.innerHeight); } }, 100)); // chrome image load fix setTimeout(function(){ $this.resize(); }, 80); // Set autoplay if (this.options.autoplay) { this.start(); } if (this.options.videoautoplay && this.slides.eq(this.current).data('media')) { this.playmedia(this.slides.eq(this.current).data('media')); } if (this.options.kenburns) { this.applyKenBurns(this.slides.eq(this.current)); } this.container.on({ mouseenter: function() { if ($this.options.pauseOnHover) $this.hovering = true; }, mouseleave: function() { $this.hovering = false; } }); this.on('swipeRight swipeLeft', function(e) { $this[e.type=='swipeLeft' ? 'next' : 'previous'](); }); this.on('display.uk.check', function(){ if ($this.element.is(":visible")) { $this.resize(); if ($this.fixFullscreen) { $this.container.css('height', window.innerHeight); $this.slides.css('height', window.innerHeight); } } }); }, resize: function() { if (this.container.hasClass('uk-slideshow-fullscreen')) return; var $this = this, height = this.options.height; if (this.options.height === 'auto') { height = 0; this.slides.css('height', '').each(function() { height = Math.max(height, UI.$(this).height()); }); } this.container.css('height', height); this.slides.css('height', height); }, show: function(index, direction) { if (this.animating || this.current == index) return; this.animating = true; var $this = this, current = this.slides.eq(this.current), next = this.slides.eq(index), dir = direction ? direction : this.current < index ? -1 : 1, currentmedia = current.data('media'), animation = Animations[this.options.animation] ? this.options.animation : 'fade', nextmedia = next.data('media'), finalize = function() { if (!$this.animating) return; if (currentmedia && currentmedia.is('video,iframe')) { $this.pausemedia(currentmedia); } if (nextmedia && nextmedia.is('video,iframe')) { $this.playmedia(nextmedia); } next.addClass("uk-active").attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); current.removeClass("uk-active").attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); $this.animating = false; $this.current = index; UI.Utils.checkDisplay(next, '[class*="uk-animation-"]:not(.uk-cover-background.uk-position-cover)'); $this.trigger('show.uk.slideshow', [next]); }; $this.applyKenBurns(next); // animation fallback if (!UI.support.animation) { animation = 'none'; } current = UI.$(current); next = UI.$(next); Animations[animation].apply(this, [current, next, dir]).then(finalize); $this.triggers.removeClass('uk-active'); $this.triggers.filter('[data-uk-slideshow-item="'+index+'"]').addClass('uk-active'); }, applyKenBurns: function(slide) { if (!this.hasKenBurns(slide)) { return; } var animations = this.options.kenburnsanimations, index = this.kbindex || 0; slide.data('cover').attr('class', 'uk-cover-background uk-position-cover').width(); slide.data('cover').addClass(['uk-animation-scale', 'uk-animation-reverse', animations[index].trim()].join(' ')); this.kbindex = animations[index + 1] ? (index+1):0; }, hasKenBurns: function(slide) { return (this.options.kenburns && slide.data('cover')); }, next: function() { this.show(this.slides[this.current + 1] ? (this.current + 1) : 0); }, previous: function() { this.show(this.slides[this.current - 1] ? (this.current - 1) : (this.slides.length - 1)); }, start: function() { this.stop(); var $this = this; this.interval = setInterval(function() { if (!$this.hovering) $this.next(); }, this.options.autoplayInterval); }, stop: function() { if (this.interval) clearInterval(this.interval); }, playmedia: function(media) { if (!(media && media[0])) return; switch(media[0].nodeName) { case 'VIDEO': if (!this.options.videomute) { media[0].muted = false; } media[0].play(); break; case 'IFRAME': if (!this.options.videomute) { media[0].contentWindow.postMessage('{ "event": "command", "func": "unmute", "method":"setVolume", "value":1}', '*'); } media[0].contentWindow.postMessage('{ "event": "command", "func": "playVideo", "method":"play"}', '*'); break; } }, pausemedia: function(media) { switch(media[0].nodeName) { case 'VIDEO': media[0].pause(); break; case 'IFRAME': media[0].contentWindow.postMessage('{ "event": "command", "func": "pauseVideo", "method":"pause"}', '*'); break; } }, mutemedia: function(media) { switch(media[0].nodeName) { case 'VIDEO': media[0].muted = true; break; case 'IFRAME': media[0].contentWindow.postMessage('{ "event": "command", "func": "mute", "method":"setVolume", "value":0}', '*'); break; } } }); Animations = { 'none': function() { var d = UI.$.Deferred(); d.resolve(); return d.promise(); }, 'scroll': function(current, next, dir) { var d = UI.$.Deferred(); current.css('animation-duration', this.options.duration+'ms'); next.css('animation-duration', this.options.duration+'ms'); next.css('opacity', 1).one(UI.support.animation.end, function() { current.removeClass(dir === 1 ? 'uk-slideshow-scroll-backward-out' : 'uk-slideshow-scroll-forward-out'); next.css('opacity', '').removeClass(dir === 1 ? 'uk-slideshow-scroll-backward-in' : 'uk-slideshow-scroll-forward-in'); d.resolve(); }.bind(this)); current.addClass(dir == 1 ? 'uk-slideshow-scroll-backward-out' : 'uk-slideshow-scroll-forward-out'); next.addClass(dir == 1 ? 'uk-slideshow-scroll-backward-in' : 'uk-slideshow-scroll-forward-in'); next.width(); // force redraw return d.promise(); }, 'swipe': function(current, next, dir) { var d = UI.$.Deferred(); current.css('animation-duration', this.options.duration+'ms'); next.css('animation-duration', this.options.duration+'ms'); next.css('opacity', 1).one(UI.support.animation.end, function() { current.removeClass(dir === 1 ? 'uk-slideshow-swipe-backward-out' : 'uk-slideshow-swipe-forward-out'); next.css('opacity', '').removeClass(dir === 1 ? 'uk-slideshow-swipe-backward-in' : 'uk-slideshow-swipe-forward-in'); d.resolve(); }.bind(this)); current.addClass(dir == 1 ? 'uk-slideshow-swipe-backward-out' : 'uk-slideshow-swipe-forward-out'); next.addClass(dir == 1 ? 'uk-slideshow-swipe-backward-in' : 'uk-slideshow-swipe-forward-in'); next.width(); // force redraw return d.promise(); }, 'scale': function(current, next, dir) { var d = UI.$.Deferred(); current.css('animation-duration', this.options.duration+'ms'); next.css('animation-duration', this.options.duration+'ms'); next.css('opacity', 1); current.one(UI.support.animation.end, function() { current.removeClass('uk-slideshow-scale-out'); next.css('opacity', ''); d.resolve(); }.bind(this)); current.addClass('uk-slideshow-scale-out'); current.width(); // force redraw return d.promise(); }, 'fade': function(current, next, dir) { var d = UI.$.Deferred(); current.css('animation-duration', this.options.duration+'ms'); next.css('animation-duration', this.options.duration+'ms'); next.css('opacity', 1); current.one(UI.support.animation.end, function() { current.removeClass('uk-slideshow-fade-out'); next.css('opacity', ''); d.resolve(); }.bind(this)); current.addClass('uk-slideshow-fade-out'); current.width(); // force redraw return d.promise(); } }; UI.slideshow.animations = Animations; // Listen for messages from the vimeo player window.addEventListener('message', function onMessageReceived(e) { var data = e.data, iframe; if (typeof(data) == 'string') { try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch(err) { data = {}; } } if (e.origin && e.origin.indexOf('vimeo') > -1 && data.event == 'ready' && data.player_id) { iframe = UI.$('[data-player-id="'+ data.player_id+'"]'); if (iframe.length) { iframe.data('slideshow').mutemedia(iframe); } } }, false); });