* @gitea Joomla Component Builder * @github Joomla Component Builder * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); use Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File; use Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder; /** * Structure class */ class Structure extends Get { /** * The folder counter * * @var int */ public $folderCount = 0; /** * The file counter * * @var int */ public $fileCount = 0; /** * The page counter * * @var int */ public $pageCount = 0; /** * The line counter * * @var int */ public $lineCount = 0; /** * The field counter * * @var int */ public $fieldCount = 0; /** * The seconds counter * * @var int */ public $seconds = 0; /** * The actual seconds counter * * @var int */ public $actualSeconds = 0; /** * The folder seconds counter * * @var int */ public $folderSeconds = 0; /** * The file seconds counter * * @var int */ public $fileSeconds = 0; /** * The line seconds counter * * @var int */ public $lineSeconds = 0; /** * The seconds debugging counter * * @var int */ public $secondsDebugging = 0; /** * The seconds planning counter * * @var int */ public $secondsPlanning = 0; /** * The seconds mapping counter * * @var int */ public $secondsMapping = 0; /** * The seconds office counter * * @var int */ public $secondsOffice = 0; /** * The total hours counter * * @var int */ public $totalHours = 0; /** * The debugging hours counter * * @var int */ public $debuggingHours = 0; /** * The planning hours counter * * @var int */ public $planningHours = 0; /** * The mapping hours counter * * @var int */ public $mappingHours = 0; /** * The office hours counter * * @var int */ public $officeHours = 0; /** * The actual Total Hours counter * * @var int */ public $actualTotalHours = 0; /** * The actual hours spent counter * * @var int */ public $actualHoursSpent = 0; /** * The actual days spent counter * * @var int */ public $actualDaysSpent = 0; /** * The total days counter * * @var int */ public $totalDays = 0; /** * The actual Total Days counter * * @var int */ public $actualTotalDays = 0; /** * The project week time counter * * @var int */ public $projectWeekTime = 0; /** * The project month time counter * * @var int */ public $projectMonthTime = 0; /** * The template path * * @var string */ public $templatePath; /** * The custom template path * * @var string */ public $templatePathCustom; /** * The Joomla Version Data * * @var object */ public $joomlaVersionData; /** * Static File Content * * @var array */ public $fileContentStatic = array(); /** * Extention Custom Fields * * @var array */ public $extentionCustomfields = array(); /** * Extention Tracking Files Moved * * @var array */ public $extentionTrackingFilesMoved = array(); /** * The standard folders * * @var array */ public $stdFolders = array('site', 'admin', 'media'); /** * The standard root files * * @var array */ public $stdRootFiles = array('access.xml', 'config.xml', 'controller.php', 'index.html', 'README.txt'); /** * Dynamic File Content * * @var array */ public $fileContentDynamic = array(); /** * The Component Sales name * * @var string */ public $componentSalesName; /** * The Component Backup name * * @var string */ public $componentBackupName; /** * The Component Folder name * * @var string */ public $componentFolderName; /** * The Component path * * @var string */ public $componentPath; /** * The Dynamic paths * * @var array */ public $dynamicPaths = array(); /** * The not new static items * * @var array */ public $notNew = array(); /** * Update the file content * * @var array */ public $updateFileContent = array(); /** * The new files * * @var array */ public $newFiles = array(); /** * The Checkin Switch * * @var boolean */ public $addCheckin = false; /** * The Move Folders Switch * * @var boolean */ public $setMoveFolders = false; /** * The array of last modified dates * * @var array */ protected $lastModifiedDate = array(); /** * The default view switch * * @var bool/string */ public $dynamicDashboard = false; /** * The default view type * * @var string */ public $dynamicDashboardType; /** * Constructor */ public function __construct($config = array()) { // first we run the perent constructor if (parent::__construct($config)) { // set the standard admin file $this->stdRootFiles[] = $this->componentData->name_code . '.php'; // set incase no extra admin folder are loaded $this->fileContentStatic[$this->hhh . 'EXSTRA_ADMIN_FOLDERS' . $this->hhh] = ''; // set incase no extra site folder are loaded $this->fileContentStatic[$this->hhh . 'EXSTRA_SITE_FOLDERS' . $this->hhh] = ''; // set incase no extra media folder are loaded $this->fileContentStatic[$this->hhh . 'EXSTRA_MEDIA_FOLDERS' . $this->hhh] = ''; // set incase no extra admin files are loaded $this->fileContentStatic[$this->hhh . 'EXSTRA_ADMIN_FILES' . $this->hhh] = ''; // set incase no extra site files are loaded $this->fileContentStatic[$this->hhh . 'EXSTRA_SITE_FILES' . $this->hhh] = ''; // set incase no extra media files are loaded $this->fileContentStatic[$this->hhh . 'EXSTRA_MEDIA_FILES' . $this->hhh] = ''; // run global updater ComponentbuilderHelper::runGlobalUpdater(); // set the template path $this->templatePath = $this->compilerPath . '/joomla_' . $this->joomlaVersions[$this->joomlaVersion]['folder_key']; // set some default names $this->componentSalesName = 'com_' . $this->componentData->sales_name . '__J' . $this->joomlaVersion; $this->componentBackupName = 'com_' . $this->componentData->sales_name . '_v' . str_replace( '.', '_', $this->componentData->component_version ) . '__J' . $this->joomlaVersion; $this->componentFolderName = 'com_' . $this->componentData->name_code . '_v' . str_replace( '.', '_', $this->componentData->component_version ) . '__J' . $this->joomlaVersion; // set component folder path $this->componentPath = $this->compilerPath . '/' . $this->componentFolderName; // set the template path for custom $this->templatePathCustom = $this->params->get( 'custom_folder_path', JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/custom' ); // make sure there is no old build $this->removeFolder($this->componentPath); // load the libraries files/folders and url's $this->setLibraries(); // load the powers files/folders $this->buildPowers(); // load the module files/folders and url's $this->buildModules(); // load the plugin files/folders and url's $this->buildPlugins(); // set the Joomla Version Data $this->joomlaVersionData = $this->setJoomlaVersionData(); // Trigger Event: jcb_ce_onAfterSetJoomlaVersionData $this->triggerEvent( 'jcb_ce_onAfterSetJoomlaVersionData', array(&$this->componentContext, &$this->joomlaVersionData) ); // set the dashboard $this->setDynamicDashboard(); // set the new folders if (!$this->setFolders()) { return false; } // set all static folders and files if (!$this->setStatic()) { return false; } // set all the dynamic folders and files if (!$this->setDynamique()) { return false; } return true; } return false; } /** * Set the line number in comments * * @param int $nr The line number * * @return string * */ private function setLine($nr) { if ($this->debugLinenr) { return ' [Structure ' . $nr . ']'; } return ''; } /** * Build the Powers files, folders * * @return void * */ private function buildPowers() { if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->powers)) { // Trigger Event: jcb_ce_onBeforeSetModules $this->triggerEvent( 'jcb_ce_onBeforeBuildPowers', array(&$this->componentContext, &$this->powers) ); // we track the creation of htaccess files $htaccess = array(); foreach ($this->powers as $power) { if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($power) && isset($power->path) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $power->path )) { // power path $power->full_path = $this->componentPath . '/' . $power->path; $power->full_path_jcb = $this->componentPath . '/' . $power->path_jcb; $power->full_path_parent = $this->componentPath . '/' . $power->path_parent; // set the power paths $this->dynamicPaths[$power->key] = $power->full_path_parent; // create the power folder if it does not exist // we do it like this to add html files to each part $this->createFolder($power->full_path_jcb); $this->createFolder($power->full_path_parent); $this->createFolder($power->full_path); // set power file $fileDetails = array('path' => $power->full_path . '/' . $power->file_name . '.php', 'name' => $power->file_name . '.php', 'zip' => $power->file_name . '.php'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], 'hhh . 'BOM' . $this->hhh . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $this->hhh . 'POWERCODE' . $this->hhh ); $this->newFiles[$power->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; if (!isset($htaccess[$power->path_jcb])) { // set the htaccess data $data = '# Apache 2.4+' . PHP_EOL . '' . PHP_EOL . ' Require all denied' . PHP_EOL . '' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '# Apache 2.0-2.2' . PHP_EOL . '' . PHP_EOL . ' Deny from all' . PHP_EOL . '' . PHP_EOL; // now we must add the .htaccess file $fileDetails = array('path' => $power->full_path_jcb . '/.htaccess', 'name' => '.htaccess', 'zip' => '.htaccess'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], $data ); $this->newFiles[$power->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; // now we must add the htaccess.txt file where the zip package my not get the [.] files $fileDetails = array('path' => $power->full_path_jcb . '/htaccess.txt', 'name' => 'htaccess.txt', 'zip' => 'htaccess.txt'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], $data ); $this->newFiles[$power->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; // now we must add the web.config file $fileDetails = array('path' => $power->full_path_jcb . '/web.config', 'name' => 'web.config', 'zip' => 'web.config'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], '' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL . '' . PHP_EOL ); $this->newFiles[$power->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; // we set these files only once $htaccess[$power->path_jcb] = true; } } } } } /** * Build the Modules files, folders, url's and config * * @return void * */ private function buildModules() { if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->joomlaModules)) { // Trigger Event: jcb_ce_onBeforeSetModules $this->triggerEvent( 'jcb_ce_onBeforeBuildModules', array(&$this->componentContext, &$this->joomlaModules) ); foreach ($this->joomlaModules as $module) { if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($module) && isset($module->folder_name) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $module->folder_name )) { // module path $module->folder_path = $this->compilerPath . '/' . $module->folder_name; // set the module paths $this->dynamicPaths[$module->key] = $module->folder_path; // make sure there is no old build $this->removeFolder($module->folder_path); // creat the main module folder $this->createFolder($module->folder_path); // set main mod file $fileDetails = array('path' => $module->folder_path . '/' . $module->file_name . '.php', 'name' => $module->file_name . '.php', 'zip' => $module->file_name . '.php'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], 'hhh . 'BOM' . $this->hhh . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '// No direct access to this file' . PHP_EOL . "defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');" . PHP_EOL . $this->hhh . 'MODCODE' . $this->hhh ); $this->newFiles[$module->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; // set custom_get if ($module->custom_get) { $fileDetails = array('path' => $module->folder_path . '/data.php', 'name' => 'data.php', 'zip' => 'data.php'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], 'hhh . 'BOM' . $this->hhh . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '// No direct access to this file' . PHP_EOL . "defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '/**' . PHP_EOL . ' * Module ' . $module->official_name . ' Data' . PHP_EOL . ' */' . PHP_EOL . "class " . $module->class_data_name . ' extends \JObject' . PHP_EOL . "{" . $this->hhh . 'DYNAMICGETS' . $this->hhh . "}" . PHP_EOL ); $this->newFiles[$module->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } // set helper file if ($module->add_class_helper >= 1) { $fileDetails = array('path' => $module->folder_path . '/helper.php', 'name' => 'helper.php', 'zip' => 'helper.php'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], 'hhh . 'BOM' . $this->hhh . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '// No direct access to this file' . PHP_EOL . "defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');" . PHP_EOL . $this->hhh . 'HELPERCODE' . $this->hhh ); $this->newFiles[$module->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } // set main xml file $fileDetails = array('path' => $module->folder_path . '/' . $module->file_name . '.xml', 'name' => $module->file_name . '.xml', 'zip' => $module->file_name . '.xml'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], $this->getModuleXMLTemplate($module) ); $this->newFiles[$module->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; // set tmpl folder $this->createFolder($module->folder_path . '/tmpl'); // set default file $fileDetails = array('path' => $module->folder_path . '/tmpl/default.php', 'name' => 'default.php', 'zip' => 'tmpl/default.php'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], 'hhh . 'BOM' . $this->hhh . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '// No direct access to this file' . PHP_EOL . "defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');" . PHP_EOL . $this->hhh . 'MODDEFAULT' . $this->hhh ); $this->newFiles[$module->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; // set install script if needed if ($module->add_install_script) { $fileDetails = array('path' => $module->folder_path . '/script.php', 'name' => 'script.php', 'zip' => 'script.php'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], 'hhh . 'BOM' . $this->hhh . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '// No direct access to this file' . PHP_EOL . "defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');" . PHP_EOL . $this->hhh . 'INSTALLCLASS' . $this->hhh ); $this->newFiles[$module->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } // set readme if found if ($module->addreadme) { $fileDetails = array('path' => $module->folder_path . '/README.md', 'name' => 'README.md', 'zip' => 'README.md'); $this->writeFile($fileDetails['path'], $module->readme); $this->newFiles[$module->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } // set the folders target path $target_path = ''; if ($module->target_client === 'administrator') { $target_path = '/administrator'; } // check if we have custom fields needed for scripts $module->add_scripts_field = false; $field_script_bucket = array(); // add any css from the fields if (($css = $this->getCustomScriptBuilder( 'css_view', $module->key )) !== null && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($css)) { // make sure this script does not have PHP if (strpos($css, 'add_scripts_field = true; // create the css folder $this->createFolder($module->folder_path . '/css'); // add the CSS file $fileDetails = array('path' => $module->folder_path . '/css/mod_admin.css', 'name' => 'mod_admin.css', 'zip' => 'mod_admin.css'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], $this->hhh . 'BOM' . $this->hhh . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $css ); $this->newFiles[$module->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; // add the field script $field_script_bucket[] = $this->_t(2) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " Custom CSS"; $field_script_bucket[] = $this->_t(2) . "\$document->addStyleSheet('" . $target_path . "/modules/" . $module->folder_name . "/css/mod_admin.css', ['version' => 'auto', 'relative' => true]);"; } } // add any JavaScript from the fields if (($javascript = $this->getCustomScriptBuilder( 'view_footer', $module->key )) !== null && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($javascript)) { // make sure this script does not have PHP if (strpos($javascript, 'add_scripts_field = true; // add the JavaScript file $this->createFolder($module->folder_path . '/js'); // add the CSS file $fileDetails = array('path' => $module->folder_path . '/js/mod_admin.js', 'name' => 'mod_admin.js', 'zip' => 'mod_admin.js'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], $this->hhh . 'BOM' . $this->hhh . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $javascript ); $this->newFiles[$module->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; // add the field script $field_script_bucket[] = $this->_t(2) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " Custom JS"; $field_script_bucket[] = $this->_t(2) . "\$document->addScript('" . $target_path . "/modules/" . $module->folder_name . "/js/mod_admin.js', ['version' => 'auto', 'relative' => true]);"; } } // set fields folders if needed if ($module->add_scripts_field || (isset($module->fields_rules_paths) && $module->fields_rules_paths == 2)) { // create fields folder $this->createFolder($module->folder_path . '/fields'); // add the custom script field if ($module->add_scripts_field) { $fileDetails = array('path' => $module->folder_path . '/fields/modadminvvvvvvvdm.php', 'name' => 'modadminvvvvvvvdm.php', 'zip' => 'modadminvvvvvvvdm.php'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], $this->getModAdminVvvvvvvdm( $field_script_bucket ) ); $this->newFiles[$module->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } } // set rules folders if needed if (isset($module->fields_rules_paths) && $module->fields_rules_paths == 2) { // create rules folder $this->createFolder($module->folder_path . '/rules'); } // set forms folder if needed if (isset($module->form_files) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray( $module->form_files )) { // create forms folder $this->createFolder($module->folder_path . '/forms'); // set the template files foreach ($module->form_files as $file => $fields) { // set file details $fileDetails = array('path' => $module->folder_path . '/forms/' . $file . '.xml', 'name' => $file . '.xml', 'zip' => 'forms/' . $file . '.xml'); // build basic XML $xml = ''; $xml .= PHP_EOL . ''; // search if we must add the component path $add_component_path = false; foreach ($fields as $field_name => $fieldsets) { if (!$add_component_path) { foreach ($fieldsets as $fieldset => $field) { if (!$add_component_path && isset( $module->fieldsets_paths[$file . $field_name . $fieldset] ) && $module->fieldsets_paths[$file . $field_name . $fieldset] == 1) { $add_component_path = true; } } } } // only add if part of the component field types path is required if ($add_component_path) { $xml .= PHP_EOL . '_t(1) . 'addrulepath="/administrator/components/com_' . $this->componentCodeName . '/models/rules"'; $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . 'addfieldpath="/administrator/components/com_' . $this->componentCodeName . '/models/fields"'; $xml .= PHP_EOL . '>'; } else { $xml .= PHP_EOL . '
'; } // add the fields foreach ($fields as $field_name => $fieldsets) { // check if we have an double fields naming set $field_name_inner = ''; $field_name_outer = $field_name; if (strpos($field_name, '.') !== false) { $field_names = explode('.', $field_name); if (count((array) $field_names) == 2) { $field_name_outer = $field_names[0]; $field_name_inner = $field_names[1]; } } $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . ''; foreach ($fieldsets as $fieldset => $field) { // default to the field set name $label = $fieldset; if (isset( $module->fieldsets_label[$file . $field_name . $fieldset] )) { $label = $module->fieldsets_label[$file . $field_name . $fieldset]; } // add path to module rules and custom fields if (isset( $module->fieldsets_paths[$file . $field_name . $fieldset] ) && $module->fieldsets_paths[$file . $field_name . $fieldset] == 2) { $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . ''; $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '
_t(2) . 'addrulepath="/modules/' . strtolower($module->code_name) . '/rules"'; $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . 'addfieldpath="/modules/' . strtolower($module->code_name) . '/fields"'; $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '>'; } else { $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '
'; } // check if we have an inner field set if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $field_name_inner )) { $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . ''; } // add the placeholder of the fields $xml .= $this->hhh . 'FIELDSET_' . $file . $field_name . $fieldset . $this->hhh; // check if we have an inner field set if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $field_name_inner )) { $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . ''; } $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '
'; } $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . ''; } $xml .= PHP_EOL . ''; // add xml to file $this->writeFile($fileDetails['path'], $xml); $this->newFiles[$module->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } } // set SQL stuff if needed if ($module->add_sql || $module->add_sql_uninstall) { // create SQL folder $this->createFolder($module->folder_path . '/sql'); // create mysql folder $this->createFolder( $module->folder_path . '/sql/mysql' ); // now set the install file if ($module->add_sql) { $this->writeFile( $module->folder_path . '/sql/mysql/install.sql', $module->sql ); // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } // now set the uninstall file if ($module->add_sql_uninstall) { $this->writeFile( $module->folder_path . '/sql/mysql/uninstall.sql', $module->sql_uninstall ); // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } } // creat the language folder $this->createFolder($module->folder_path . '/language'); // also create the lang tag folder $this->createFolder( $module->folder_path . '/language/' . $this->langTag ); // check if this lib has files if (isset($module->files) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($module->files)) { // add to component files foreach ($module->files as $file) { // set the path finder $file['target_type'] = $module->target_type; $file['target_id'] = $module->id; $this->componentData->files[] = $file; } } // check if this lib has folders if (isset($module->folders) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($module->folders)) { // add to component folders foreach ($module->folders as $folder) { // set the path finder $folder['target_type'] = $module->target_type; $folder['target_id'] = $module->id; $this->componentData->folders[] = $folder; } } // check if this module has urls if (isset($module->urls) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($module->urls)) { // add to component urls foreach ($module->urls as $n => &$url) { // should we add the local folder if (isset($url['type']) && $url['type'] > 1 && isset($url['url']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $url['url'] )) { // set file name $fileName = basename($url['url']); // get the file contents $data = ComponentbuilderHelper::getFileContents( $url['url'] ); // build sub path if (strpos($fileName, '.js') !== false) { $path = '/js'; } elseif (strpos($fileName, '.css') !== false) { $path = '/css'; } else { $path = ''; } // create sub media path if not set $this->createFolder( $module->folder_path . $path ); // set the path to module file $url['path'] = $module->folder_path . $path . '/' . $fileName; // we need this for later // write data to path $this->writeFile($url['path'], $data); // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } } } } } } } /** * Build the Plugins files, folders, url's and config * * @return void * */ private function buildPlugins() { if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->joomlaPlugins)) { // Trigger Event: jcb_ce_onBeforeSetPlugins $this->triggerEvent( 'jcb_ce_onBeforeBuildPlugins', array(&$this->componentContext, &$this->joomlaPlugins) ); foreach ($this->joomlaPlugins as $plugin) { if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($plugin) && isset($plugin->folder_name) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $plugin->folder_name )) { // plugin path $plugin->folder_path = $this->compilerPath . '/' . $plugin->folder_name; // set the plugin paths $this->dynamicPaths[$plugin->key] = $plugin->folder_path; // make sure there is no old build $this->removeFolder($plugin->folder_path); // creat the main component folder $this->createFolder($plugin->folder_path); // set main class file $fileDetails = array('path' => $plugin->folder_path . '/' . $plugin->file_name . '.php', 'name' => $plugin->file_name . '.php', 'zip' => $plugin->file_name . '.php'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], 'hhh . 'BOM' . $this->hhh . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '// No direct access to this file' . PHP_EOL . "defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');" . PHP_EOL . $this->hhh . 'MAINCLASS' . $this->hhh ); $this->newFiles[$plugin->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; // set main xml file $fileDetails = array('path' => $plugin->folder_path . '/' . $plugin->file_name . '.xml', 'name' => $plugin->file_name . '.xml', 'zip' => $plugin->file_name . '.xml'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], $this->getPluginXMLTemplate($plugin) ); $this->newFiles[$plugin->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; // set install script if needed if ($plugin->add_install_script) { $fileDetails = array('path' => $plugin->folder_path . '/script.php', 'name' => 'script.php', 'zip' => 'script.php'); $this->writeFile( $fileDetails['path'], 'hhh . 'BOM' . $this->hhh . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '// No direct access to this file' . PHP_EOL . "defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');" . PHP_EOL . $this->hhh . 'INSTALLCLASS' . $this->hhh ); $this->newFiles[$plugin->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } // set readme if found if ($plugin->addreadme) { $fileDetails = array('path' => $plugin->folder_path . '/README.md', 'name' => 'README.md', 'zip' => 'README.md'); $this->writeFile($fileDetails['path'], $plugin->readme); $this->newFiles[$plugin->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } // set fields & rules folders if needed if (isset($plugin->fields_rules_paths) && $plugin->fields_rules_paths == 2) { // create fields folder $this->createFolder($plugin->folder_path . '/fields'); // create rules folder $this->createFolder($plugin->folder_path . '/rules'); } // set forms folder if needed if (isset($plugin->form_files) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray( $plugin->form_files )) { // create forms folder $this->createFolder($plugin->folder_path . '/forms'); // set the template files foreach ($plugin->form_files as $file => $fields) { // set file details $fileDetails = array('path' => $plugin->folder_path . '/forms/' . $file . '.xml', 'name' => $file . '.xml', 'zip' => 'forms/' . $file . '.xml'); // biuld basic XML $xml = ''; $xml .= PHP_EOL . ''; // search if we must add the component path $add_component_path = false; foreach ($fields as $field_name => $fieldsets) { if (!$add_component_path) { foreach ($fieldsets as $fieldset => $field) { if (!$add_component_path && isset( $plugin->fieldsets_paths[$file . $field_name . $fieldset] ) && $plugin->fieldsets_paths[$file . $field_name . $fieldset] == 1) { $add_component_path = true; } } } } // only add if part of the component field types path is required if ($add_component_path) { $xml .= PHP_EOL . '_t(1) . 'addrulepath="/administrator/components/com_' . $this->componentCodeName . '/models/rules"'; $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . 'addfieldpath="/administrator/components/com_' . $this->componentCodeName . '/models/fields"'; $xml .= PHP_EOL . '>'; } else { $xml .= PHP_EOL . '
'; } // add the fields foreach ($fields as $field_name => $fieldsets) { // check if we have an double fields naming set $field_name_inner = ''; $field_name_outer = $field_name; if (strpos($field_name, '.') !== false) { $field_names = explode('.', $field_name); if (count((array) $field_names) == 2) { $field_name_outer = $field_names[0]; $field_name_inner = $field_names[1]; } } $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . ''; foreach ($fieldsets as $fieldset => $field) { // default to the field set name $label = $fieldset; if (isset( $plugin->fieldsets_label[$file . $field_name . $fieldset] )) { $label = $plugin->fieldsets_label[$file . $field_name . $fieldset]; } // add path to plugin rules and custom fields if (isset( $plugin->fieldsets_paths[$file . $field_name . $fieldset] ) && $plugin->fieldsets_paths[$file . $field_name . $fieldset] == 2) { $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . ''; $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '
_t(2) . 'addrulepath="/plugins/' . strtolower($plugin->group) . '/' . strtolower($plugin->code_name) . '/rules"'; $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . 'addfieldpath="/plugins/' . strtolower($plugin->group) . '/' . strtolower($plugin->code_name) . '/fields"'; $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '>'; } else { $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '
'; } // check if we have an inner field set if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $field_name_inner )) { $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . ''; } // add the placeholder of the fields $xml .= $this->hhh . 'FIELDSET_' . $file . $field_name . $fieldset . $this->hhh; // check if we have an inner field set if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $field_name_inner )) { $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . ''; } $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '
'; } $xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . ''; } $xml .= PHP_EOL . ''; // add xml to file $this->writeFile($fileDetails['path'], $xml); $this->newFiles[$plugin->key][] = $fileDetails; // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } } // set SQL stuff if needed if ($plugin->add_sql || $plugin->add_sql_uninstall) { // create SQL folder $this->createFolder($plugin->folder_path . '/sql'); // create mysql folder $this->createFolder( $plugin->folder_path . '/sql/mysql' ); // now set the install file if ($plugin->add_sql) { $this->writeFile( $plugin->folder_path . '/sql/mysql/install.sql', $plugin->sql ); // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } // now set the uninstall file if ($plugin->add_sql_uninstall) { $this->writeFile( $plugin->folder_path . '/sql/mysql/uninstall.sql', $plugin->sql_uninstall ); // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } } // creat the language folder path $this->createFolder($plugin->folder_path . '/language'); // also creat the lang tag folder path $this->createFolder( $plugin->folder_path . '/language/' . $this->langTag ); // check if this lib has files if (isset($plugin->files) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($plugin->files)) { // add to component files foreach ($plugin->files as $file) { // set the path finder $file['target_type'] = $plugin->target_type; $file['target_id'] = $plugin->id; $this->componentData->files[] = $file; } } // check if this lib has folders if (isset($plugin->folders) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($plugin->folders)) { // add to component folders foreach ($plugin->folders as $folder) { // set the path finder $folder['target_type'] = $plugin->target_type; $folder['target_id'] = $plugin->id; $this->componentData->folders[] = $folder; } } // check if this plugin has urls if (isset($plugin->urls) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($plugin->urls)) { // add to component urls foreach ($plugin->urls as $n => &$url) { // should we add the local folder if (isset($url['type']) && $url['type'] > 1 && isset($url['url']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $url['url'] )) { // set file name $fileName = basename($url['url']); // get the file contents $data = ComponentbuilderHelper::getFileContents( $url['url'] ); // build sub path if (strpos($fileName, '.js') !== false) { $path = '/js'; } elseif (strpos($fileName, '.css') !== false) { $path = '/css'; } else { $path = ''; } // create sub media media folder path if not set $this->createFolder( $plugin->folder_path . $path ); // set the path to plugin file $url['path'] = $plugin->folder_path . $path . '/' . $fileName; // we need this for later // write data to path $this->writeFile($url['path'], $data); // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } } } } } } } /** * Create Path if not exist * * @return void */ private function createFolder($path) { // check if the path exist if (!Folder::exists( $path )) { // create the path Folder::create( $path ); // count the folder created $this->folderCount++; // add index.html (boring I know) $this->indexHTML( $path, '' ); } } /** * Build the Libraries files, folders, url's and config * * @return void * */ private function setLibraries() { if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->libraries)) { // Trigger Event: jcb_ce_onBeforeSetLibraries $this->triggerEvent( 'jcb_ce_onBeforeSetLibraries', array(&$this->componentContext, &$this->libraries) ); // creat the main component folder if (!Folder::exists($this->componentPath)) { Folder::create($this->componentPath); // count the folder created $this->folderCount++; $this->indexHTML(''); } // create media path if not set $this->createFolder($this->componentPath . '/media'); foreach ($this->libraries as $id => &$library) { if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($library)) { // check if this lib has files if (isset($library->files) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($library->files)) { // add to component files foreach ($library->files as $file) { $this->componentData->files[] = $file; } } // check if this lib has folders if (isset($library->folders) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray( $library->folders )) { // add to component folders foreach ($library->folders as $folder) { $this->componentData->folders[] = $folder; } } // check if this lib has urls if (isset($library->urls) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($library->urls)) { // build media folder path $libFolder = strtolower( preg_replace( '/\s+/', '-', ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString( $library->name, 'filename', ' ', false ) ) ); $mediaPath = '/media/' . $libFolder; // should we add the local folder $addLocalFolder = false; // add to component urls foreach ($library->urls as $n => &$url) { if (isset($url['type']) && $url['type'] > 1 && isset($url['url']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $url['url'] )) { // create media/lib path if not set $this->createFolder( $this->componentPath . $mediaPath ); // add local folder $addLocalFolder = true; // set file name $fileName = basename($url['url']); // get the file contents $data = ComponentbuilderHelper::getFileContents( $url['url'] ); // build sub path if (strpos($fileName, '.js') !== false) { $path = '/js'; } elseif (strpos($fileName, '.css') !== false) { $path = '/css'; } else { $path = ''; } // create sub media path if not set $this->createFolder( $this->componentPath . $mediaPath . $path ); // set the path to library file $url['path'] = $mediaPath . $path . '/' . $fileName; // we need this for later // set full path $path = $this->componentPath . $url['path']; // write data to path $this->writeFile($path, $data); // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } } // only add if local if ($addLocalFolder) { // add folder to xml of media folders $this->fileContentStatic[$this->hhh . 'EXSTRA_MEDIA_FOLDERS' . $this->hhh] .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . "" . $libFolder . ""; } } // if config fields are found load into component config (avoiding duplicates) if (isset($library->how) && $library->how > 1 && isset($library->config) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($library->config)) { foreach ($library->config as $cofig) { $found = array_filter( $this->componentData->config, function ($item) use ($cofig) { return $item['field'] == $cofig['field']; } ); // set the config data if not found if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($found)) { $this->componentData->config[] = $cofig; } } } } } } } /** * set the dynamic dashboard if set * * @return void * */ private function setDynamicDashboard() { // only add the dynamic dashboard if all checks out if (isset($this->componentData->dashboard_type) && 2 == $this->componentData->dashboard_type && isset($this->componentData->dashboard) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $this->componentData->dashboard ) && strpos($this->componentData->dashboard, '_') !== false) { // set the default view $getter = explode('_', $this->componentData->dashboard); if (count((array) $getter) == 2 && is_numeric($getter[1])) { // the pointers $t = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($getter[0], 'U'); $id = (int) $getter[1]; // the dynamic stuff $targets = array('A' => 'admin_views', 'C' => 'custom_admin_views'); $names = array('A' => 'admin view', 'C' => 'custom admin view'); $types = array('A' => 'adminview', 'C' => 'customadminview'); $keys = array('A' => 'name_list', 'C' => 'code'); // check the target values if (isset($targets[$t]) && $id > 0) { // set the type name $type_names = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString( $targets[$t], 'w' ); // set the dynamic dash if (isset($this->componentData->{$targets[$t]}) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray( $this->componentData->{$targets[$t]} )) { // search the target views $dashboard = (array) array_filter( $this->componentData->{$targets[$t]}, function ($view) use ($id, $t, $types) { if (isset($view[$types[$t]]) && $id == $view[$types[$t]]) { return true; } return false; } ); // set dashboard if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($dashboard)) { $dashboard = array_values($dashboard)[0]; } // check if view was found (this should be true) if (isset($dashboard['settings']) && isset($dashboard['settings']->{$keys[$t]})) { $this->dynamicDashboard = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString( $dashboard['settings']->{$keys[$t]} ); $this->dynamicDashboardType = $targets[$t]; } else { // set massage that something is wrong $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('

Dashboard Error

'), 'Error' ); $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::sprintf( 'The %s (%s) is not available in your component! Please insure to only used %s, for a dynamic dashboard, that are still linked to your component.', $names[$t], $this->componentData->dashboard, $type_names ), 'Error' ); } } else { // set massage that something is wrong $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('

Dashboard Error

'), 'Error' ); $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::sprintf( 'The %s (%s) is not available in your component! Please insure to only used %s, for a dynamic dashboard, that are still linked to your component.', $names[$t], $this->componentData->dashboard, $type_names ), 'Error' ); } } else { // the target value is wrong $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('

Dashboard Error

'), 'Error' ); $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::sprintf( 'The %s value for the dynamic dashboard is invalid.', $this->componentData->dashboard ), 'Error' ); } } else { // the target value is wrong $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('

Dashboard Error

'), 'Error' ); $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::sprintf( 'The %s value for the dynamic dashboard is invalid.', $this->componentData->dashboard ), 'Error' ); } // if default was changed to dynamic dashboard the remove default tab and methods if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($this->dynamicDashboard)) { // dynamic dashboard is used $this->componentData->dashboard_tab = ''; $this->componentData->php_dashboard_methods = ''; } } } /** * Write data to file * * @return bool true on success * */ public function writeFile($path, $data) { return ComponentbuilderHelper::writeFile($path, $data); } /** * Build the Initial Folders * * @return void * */ private function setFolders() { if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject( $this->joomlaVersionData->create )) { // creat the main component folder if (!Folder::exists($this->componentPath)) { Folder::create($this->componentPath); // count the folder created $this->folderCount++; $this->indexHTML(''); } // now build all folders needed for this component foreach ($this->joomlaVersionData->create as $main => $folders) { $this->createFolder($this->componentPath . '/' . $main); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($folders)) { foreach ($folders as $sub => $subFolders) { $this->createFolder( $this->componentPath . '/' . $main . '/' . $sub ); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($subFolders)) { foreach ($subFolders as $sub_2 => $subFolders_2) { $this->createFolder( $this->componentPath . '/' . $main . '/' . $sub . '/' . $sub_2 ); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject( $subFolders_2 )) { foreach ( $subFolders_2 as $sub_3 => $subFolders_3 ) { $this->createFolder( $this->componentPath . '/' . $main . '/' . $sub . '/' . $sub_2 . '/' . $sub_3 ); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject( $subFolders_3 )) { foreach ( $subFolders_3 as $sub_4 => $subFolders_4 ) { $this->createFolder( $this->componentPath . '/' . $main . '/' . $sub . '/' . $sub_2 . '/' . $sub_3 . '/' . $sub_4 ); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject( $subFolders_4 )) { foreach ( $subFolders_4 as $sub_5 => $subFolders_5 ) { $this->createFolder( $this->componentPath . '/' . $main . '/' . $sub . '/' . $sub_2 . '/' . $sub_3 . '/' . $sub_4 . '/' . $sub_5 ); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject( $subFolders_5 )) { foreach ( $subFolders_5 as $sub_6 => $subFolders_6 ) { $this->createFolder( $this->componentPath . '/' . $main . '/' . $sub . '/' . $sub_2 . '/' . $sub_3 . '/' . $sub_4 . '/' . $sub_5 . '/' . $sub_6 ); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject( $subFolders_6 )) { foreach ( $subFolders_6 as $sub_7 => $subFolders_7 ) { $this->createFolder( $this->componentPath . '/' . $main . '/' . $sub . '/' . $sub_2 . '/' . $sub_3 . '/' . $sub_4 . '/' . $sub_5 . '/' . $sub_6 . '/' . $sub_7 ); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return true; } return false; } /** * Set the Static File & Folder * * @return boolean * */ private function setStatic() { if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject( $this->joomlaVersionData->move->static )) { $codeName = $this->componentCodeName; // TODO needs more looking at this must be dynamic actually $this->notNew[] = 'LICENSE.txt'; // do license check $LICENSE = false; $licenseChecker = strtolower($this->componentData->license); if (strpos($licenseChecker, 'gnu') !== false && strpos( $licenseChecker, '2' ) !== false && (strpos($licenseChecker, 'gpl') !== false || strpos( $licenseChecker, 'general public license' ) !== false)) { $LICENSE = true; // we only add version 2 auto at this time (TODO) } // do README check $README = false; // add the README file if needed if ($this->componentData->addreadme) { $README = true; } // start moving foreach ( $this->joomlaVersionData->move->static as $ftem => $details ) { // set item $item = $details->naam; // do the file renaming if ($details->rename) { if ($details->rename === 'new') { $new = $details->newName; } else { $new = str_replace($details->rename, $codeName, $item); } } else { $new = $item; } // if not gnu/gpl license dont add the LICENSE.txt file if ($item === 'LICENSE.txt' && !$LICENSE) { continue; } // if not needed do not add if (($item === 'README.md' || $item === 'README.txt') && !$README) { continue; } // check if we have a target value if (isset($details->_target)) { // set destination path $zipPath = str_replace( $details->_target['type'] . '/', '', $details->path ); $path = str_replace( $details->_target['type'] . '/', $this->dynamicPaths[$details->_target['key']] . '/', $details->path ); } else { // set destination path $zipPath = str_replace('c0mp0n3nt/', '', $details->path); $path = str_replace( 'c0mp0n3nt/', $this->componentPath . '/', $details->path ); } // set the template folder path $templatePath = (isset($details->custom) && $details->custom) ? (($details->custom !== 'full') ? $this->templatePathCustom . '/' : '') : $this->templatePath . '/'; // set the final paths $currentFullPath = (preg_match('/^[a-z]:/i', $item)) ? $item : $templatePath . '/' . $item; $currentFullPath = str_replace('//', '/', $currentFullPath); $packageFullPath = str_replace('//', '/', $path . '/' . $new); $zipFullPath = str_replace( '//', '/', $zipPath . '/' . $new ); // now move the file if ($details->type === 'file') { if (!File::exists($currentFullPath)) { $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('

File Path Error

'), 'Error' ); $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::sprintf( 'The file path: %s does not exist, and was not added!', $currentFullPath ), 'Error' ); } else { // get base name && get the path only $packageFullPath0nly = str_replace( basename($packageFullPath), '', $packageFullPath ); // check if path exist, if not creat it if (!Folder::exists($packageFullPath0nly)) { Folder::create($packageFullPath0nly); } // move the file to its place File::copy($currentFullPath, $packageFullPath); // count the file created $this->fileCount++; // store the new files if (!in_array($ftem, $this->notNew)) { if (isset($details->_target)) { $this->newFiles[$details->_target['key']][] = array('path' => $packageFullPath, 'name' => $new, 'zip' => $zipFullPath); } else { $this->newFiles['static'][] = array('path' => $packageFullPath, 'name' => $new, 'zip' => $zipFullPath); } } // ensure we update this file if needed if (isset($this->updateFileContent[$ftem]) && $this->updateFileContent[$ftem]) { // remove the pointer unset($this->updateFileContent[$ftem]); // set the full path $this->updateFileContent[$packageFullPath] = $packageFullPath; } } } elseif ($details->type === 'folder') { if (!Folder::exists($currentFullPath)) { $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('

Folder Path Error

'), 'Error' ); $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::sprintf( 'The folder path: %s does not exist, and was not added!', $currentFullPath ), 'Error' ); } else { // move the folder to its place Folder::copy( $currentFullPath, $packageFullPath, '', true ); // count the folder created $this->folderCount++; } } // only add if no target found since those belong to plugins and modules if (!isset($details->_target)) { // check if we should add the dynamic folder moving script to the installer script $checker = array_values((array) explode('/', $zipFullPath)); // TODO <-- this may not be the best way, will keep an eye on this. // We basicly only want to check if a folder is added that is not in the stdFolders array if (isset($checker[0]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($checker[0]) && !in_array($checker[0], $this->stdFolders)) { // check if we should add the dynamic folder moving script to the installer script if (!$this->setMoveFolders) { // add the setDynamicF0ld3rs() method to the install scipt.php file $this->setMoveFolders = true; // set message that this was done (will still add a tutorial link later) $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_( '

Dynamic folder(s) were detected.

' ), 'Notice' ); $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::sprintf( 'A method (setDynamicF0ld3rs) was added to the install script.php of this package to insure that the folder(s) are copied into the correct place when this component is installed!' ), 'Notice' ); } } elseif (count((array) $checker) == 2 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($checker[0])) { $add_to_extra = false; // set the target $eNAME = 'FILES'; $ename = 'filename'; // this should not happen and must have been caught by the above if statment if ($details->type === 'folder') { // only folders outside the standard folder are added $eNAME = 'FOLDERS'; $ename = 'folder'; $add_to_extra = true; } // if this is a file, it can only be added to the admin/site/media folders // all other folders are moved as a whole so their files do not need to be declared elseif (in_array($checker[0], $this->stdFolders) && !in_array($checker[1], $this->stdRootFiles)) { $add_to_extra = true; } // add if valid folder/file if ($add_to_extra) { // set the tab $eTab = $this->_t(2); if ('admin' === $checker[0]) { $eTab = $this->_t(3); } // set the xml file $this->fileContentStatic[$this->hhh . 'EXSTRA_' . ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString( $checker[0], 'U' ) . '_' . $eNAME . $this->hhh] .= PHP_EOL . $eTab . "<" . $ename . ">" . $checker[1] . ""; } } } } return true; } return false; } /** * Set the Dynamic File & Folder * * @return boolean * */ private function setDynamique() { $back = false; $front = false; if ((isset($this->joomlaVersionData->move->dynamic) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject( $this->joomlaVersionData->move->dynamic )) && (isset($this->componentData->admin_views) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray( $this->componentData->admin_views ))) { if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($this->dynamicDashboard)) { // setup dashboard $target = array('admin' => $this->componentData->name_code); $this->buildDynamique($target, 'dashboard'); } // now the rest of the views foreach ($this->componentData->admin_views as $nr => $view) { if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($view['settings'])) { $created = $this->getCreatedDate($view); $modified = $this->getLastModifiedDate($view); if ($view['settings']->name_list != 'null') { $target = array('admin' => $view['settings']->name_list); $config = array($this->hhh . 'CREATIONDATE' . $this->hhh => $created, $this->hhh . 'BUILDDATE' . $this->hhh => $modified, $this->hhh . 'VERSION' . $this->hhh => $view['settings']->version); $this->buildDynamique($target, 'list', false, $config); } if ($view['settings']->name_single != 'null') { $target = array('admin' => $view['settings']->name_single); $config = array($this->hhh . 'CREATIONDATE' . $this->hhh => $created, $this->hhh . 'BUILDDATE' . $this->hhh => $modified, $this->hhh . 'VERSION' . $this->hhh => $view['settings']->version); $this->buildDynamique( $target, 'single', false, $config ); } if (isset($view['edit_create_site_view']) && is_numeric( $view['edit_create_site_view'] ) && $view['edit_create_site_view'] > 0) { // setup the front site edit-view files $target = array('site' => $view['settings']->name_single); $config = array($this->hhh . 'CREATIONDATE' . $this->hhh => $created, $this->hhh . 'BUILDDATE' . $this->hhh => $modified, $this->hhh . 'VERSION' . $this->hhh => $view['settings']->version); $this->buildDynamique($target, 'edit', false, $config); } } // quick set of checkin once if (isset($view['checkin']) && $view['checkin'] == 1 && !$this->addCheckin) { // switch to add checking to config $this->addCheckin = true; } } $back = true; } if ((isset($this->joomlaVersionData->move->dynamic) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject( $this->joomlaVersionData->move->dynamic )) && (isset($this->componentData->site_views) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray( $this->componentData->site_views ))) { foreach ($this->componentData->site_views as $nr => $view) { $created = $this->getCreatedDate($view); $modified = $this->getLastModifiedDate($view); if ($view['settings']->main_get->gettype == 2) { // set list view $target = array('site' => $view['settings']->code); $config = array($this->hhh . 'CREATIONDATE' . $this->hhh => $created, $this->hhh . 'BUILDDATE' . $this->hhh => $modified, $this->hhh . 'VERSION' . $this->hhh => $view['settings']->version); $this->buildDynamique($target, 'list', false, $config); } elseif ($view['settings']->main_get->gettype == 1) { // set single view $target = array('site' => $view['settings']->code); $config = array($this->hhh . 'CREATIONDATE' . $this->hhh => $created, $this->hhh . 'BUILDDATE' . $this->hhh => $modified, $this->hhh . 'VERSION' . $this->hhh => $view['settings']->version); $this->buildDynamique($target, 'single', false, $config); } } $front = true; } if ((isset($this->joomlaVersionData->move->dynamic) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject( $this->joomlaVersionData->move->dynamic )) && (isset($this->componentData->custom_admin_views) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray( $this->componentData->custom_admin_views ))) { foreach ($this->componentData->custom_admin_views as $nr => $view) { $created = $this->getCreatedDate($view); $modified = $this->getLastModifiedDate($view); if ($view['settings']->main_get->gettype == 2) { // set list view$view $target = array('custom_admin' => $view['settings']->code); $config = array($this->hhh . 'CREATIONDATE' . $this->hhh => $created, $this->hhh . 'BUILDDATE' . $this->hhh => $modified, $this->hhh . 'VERSION' . $this->hhh => $view['settings']->version); $this->buildDynamique($target, 'list', false, $config); } elseif ($view['settings']->main_get->gettype == 1) { // set single view $target = array('custom_admin' => $view['settings']->code); $config = array($this->hhh . 'CREATIONDATE' . $this->hhh => $created, $this->hhh . 'BUILDDATE' . $this->hhh => $modified, $this->hhh . 'VERSION' . $this->hhh => $view['settings']->version); $this->buildDynamique($target, 'single', false, $config); } } $back = true; } // check if we had success if ($back || $front) { return true; } return false; } /** * move the fields and Rules * * @param array $field The field data * @param string $path The path to move to * * @return void * */ public function moveFieldsRules($field, $path) { // check if we have a subform or repeatable field if ($field['type_name'] === 'subform' || $field['type_name'] === 'repeatable') { // since we could have a custom field or rule inside $this->moveMultiFieldsRules($field, $path); } else { // check if this is a custom field that should be moved if (isset($this->extentionCustomfields[$field['type_name']])) { $check = md5($path . 'type' . $field['type_name']); // lets check if we already moved this if (!isset($this->extentionTrackingFilesMoved[$check])) { // check files exist if (File::exists( $this->componentPath . '/admin/models/fields/' . $field['type_name'] . '.php' )) { // copy the custom field File::copy( $this->componentPath . '/admin/models/fields/' . $field['type_name'] . '.php', $path . '/fields/' . $field['type_name'] . '.php' ); } // stop from doing this again. $this->extentionTrackingFilesMoved[$check] = true; } } // check if this has validation that should be moved if (isset($this->validationLinkedFields[$field['field']])) { $check = md5( $path . 'rule' . $this->validationLinkedFields[$field['field']] ); // lets check if we already moved this if (!isset($this->extentionTrackingFilesMoved[$check])) { // check files exist if (File::exists( $this->componentPath . '/admin/models/rules/' . $this->validationLinkedFields[$field['field']] . '.php' )) { // copy the custom field File::copy( $this->componentPath . '/admin/models/rules/' . $this->validationLinkedFields[$field['field']] . '.php', $path . '/rules/' . $this->validationLinkedFields[$field['field']] . '.php' ); } // stop from doing this again. $this->extentionTrackingFilesMoved[$check] = true; } } } } /** * move the fields and Rules of multi fields * * @param array $multi_field The field data * @param string $path The path to move to * * @return void * */ protected function moveMultiFieldsRules($multi_field, $path) { // get the fields ids $ids = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween( $multi_field['settings']->xml, 'fields="', '"' ) ) ); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $id) { // setup the field $field = array(); $field['field'] = $id; $this->setFieldDetails($field); // move field and rules if needed $this->moveFieldsRules($field, $path); } } } /** * get the created date of the (view) * * @param array $view The view values * * @return string Last Modified Date * */ public function getCreatedDate($view) { if (isset($view['settings']->created) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($view['settings']->created)) { // first set the main date $date = strtotime($view['settings']->created); } else { // first set the main date $date = strtotime("now"); } return JFactory::getDate($date)->format('jS F, Y'); } /** * get the last modified date of a MVC (view) * * @param array $view The view values * * @return string Last Modified Date * */ public function getLastModifiedDate($view) { // first set the main date if (isset($view['settings']->modified) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($view['settings']->modified) && '0000-00-00 00:00:00' !== $view['settings']->modified) { $date = strtotime($view['settings']->modified); } else { // use todays date $date = strtotime("now"); } // search for the last modified date if (isset($view['adminview'])) { $id = $view['adminview'] . 'admin'; // now check if value has been set if (!isset($this->lastModifiedDate[$id])) { if (isset($view['settings']->fields) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray( $view['settings']->fields )) { foreach ($view['settings']->fields as $field) { if (isset($field['settings']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject( $field['settings'] ) && isset($field['settings']->modified) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $field['settings']->modified ) && '0000-00-00 00:00:00' !== $field['settings']->modified) { $anotherDate = strtotime( $field['settings']->modified ); if ($anotherDate > $date) { $date = $anotherDate; } } } } } } elseif (isset($view['siteview'])) { $id = $view['siteview'] . 'site'; // now check if value has been set if (!isset($this->lastModifiedDate[$id])) { if (isset($view['settings']->main_get->modified) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $view['settings']->main_get->modified ) && '0000-00-00 00:00:00' !== $view['settings']->main_get->modified) { $anotherDate = strtotime( $view['settings']->main_get->modified ); if ($anotherDate > $date) { $date = $anotherDate; } } } } elseif (isset($view['customadminview'])) { $id = $view['customadminview'] . 'customadmin'; // now check if value has been set if (!isset($this->lastModifiedDate[$id])) { if (isset($view['settings']->main_get->modified) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString( $view['settings']->main_get->modified ) && '0000-00-00 00:00:00' !== $view['settings']->main_get->modified) { $anotherDate = strtotime( $view['settings']->main_get->modified ); if ($anotherDate > $date) { $date = $anotherDate; } } } } // check if ID was found if (!isset($id)) { $id = md5($date); } // now load the date if (!isset($this->lastModifiedDate[$id])) { $this->lastModifiedDate[$id] = $date; } return JFactory::getDate($this->lastModifiedDate[$id])->format( 'jS F, Y' ); } /** * Set the Static File & Folder * * @param array $target The main target and name * @param string $type The type in the target * @param string $fileName The custom file name * @param array $cofig to add more data to the files info * * @return boolean * */ public function buildDynamique($target, $type, $fileName = false, $config = false ) { // did we build the files (any number) $build_status = false; // check that we have the target values if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($target)) { // search the target foreach ($target as $main => $name) { // make sure it is lower case $name = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($name); // setup the files foreach ( $this->joomlaVersionData->move->dynamic->{$main} as $item => $details ) { if ($details->type === $type) { // set destination path $path = ''; if (strpos($details->path, 'VIEW') !== false) { $path = str_replace('VIEW', $name, $details->path); } else { $path = $details->path; } // make sure we have component to replace if (strpos($path, 'c0mp0n3nt') !== false) { $zipPath = str_replace('c0mp0n3nt/', '', $path); $path = str_replace( 'c0mp0n3nt/', $this->componentPath . '/', $path ); } else { $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::sprintf( '

c0mp0n3nt issue found

The path (%s) could not be used.

', $path ), 'Error' ); continue; } // setup the folder if (!Folder::exists($path)) { Folder::create($path); $this->indexHTML($zipPath); // count the folder created $this->folderCount++; } // do the file renaming if ($details->rename) { if ($fileName) { $new = str_replace( $details->rename, $fileName, $item ); $name = $name . '_' . $fileName; } elseif ($details->rename === 'new') { $new = $details->newName; } else { $new = str_replace( $details->rename, $name, $item ); } } else { $new = $item; } if (!File::exists($path . '/' . $new)) { // move the file to its place File::copy( $this->templatePath . '/' . $item, $path . '/' . $new ); // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } // setup array for new file $newFIle = array('path' => $path . '/' . $new, 'name' => $new, 'view' => $name, 'zip' => $zipPath . '/' . $new); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($config)) { $newFIle['config'] = $config; } // store the new files $this->newFiles['dynamic'][$name][] = $newFIle; // we have build atleast one $build_status = true; } } } } return $build_status; } /** * set the Joomla Version Data * * @return object The version data * */ private function setJoomlaVersionData() { // set the version data $versionData = json_decode( ComponentbuilderHelper::getFileContents( $this->templatePath . '/settings.json' ) ); // add custom folders if ((isset($this->componentData->folders) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray( $this->componentData->folders )) || $this->addEximport || $this->uikit || $this->footable) { if ($this->addEximport) { // move the import view folder in place $importView = array('folder' => 'importViews', 'path' => 'admin/views/import', 'rename' => 1); $this->componentData->folders[] = $importView; // move the phpspreadsheet Folder (TODO we must move this to a library package) $PHPExcel = array('folderpath' => 'JPATH_LIBRARIES/phpspreadsheet/vendor', 'path' => '/libraries/phpspreadsheet/', 'rename' => 0); $this->componentData->folders[] = $PHPExcel; } if (2 == $this->uikit || 1 == $this->uikit) { // move the UIKIT Folder into place $uikit = array('folder' => 'uikit-v2', 'path' => 'media', 'rename' => 0); $this->componentData->folders[] = $uikit; } if (2 == $this->uikit || 3 == $this->uikit) { // move the UIKIT-3 Folder into place $uikit = array('folder' => 'uikit-v3', 'path' => 'media', 'rename' => 0); $this->componentData->folders[] = $uikit; } if ($this->footable && (!isset($this->footableVersion) || 2 == $this->footableVersion)) { // move the footable folder into place $footable = array('folder' => 'footable-v2', 'path' => 'media', 'rename' => 0); $this->componentData->folders[] = $footable; } elseif ($this->footable && 3 == $this->footableVersion) { // move the footable folder into place $footable = array('folder' => 'footable-v3', 'path' => 'media', 'rename' => 0); $this->componentData->folders[] = $footable; } // pointer tracker $pointer_tracker = 'h'; foreach ($this->componentData->folders as $custom) { // check type of target type $_target_type = 'c0mp0n3nt'; if (isset($custom['target_type'])) { $_target_type = $custom['target_type']; } // for good practice ComponentbuilderHelper::fixPath( $custom, array('path', 'folder', 'folderpath') ); // fix custom path if (isset($custom['path']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($custom['path'])) { $custom['path'] = trim($custom['path'], '/'); } // by default custom path is true $customPath = 'custom'; // set full path if this is a full path folder if (!isset($custom['folder']) && isset($custom['folderpath'])) { // update the dynamic path $custom['folderpath'] = $this->updateDynamicPath( $custom['folderpath'] ); // set the folder path with / if does not have a drive/windows full path $custom['folder'] = (preg_match( '/^[a-z]:/i', $custom['folderpath'] )) ? trim($custom['folderpath'], '/') : '/' . trim($custom['folderpath'], '/'); // remove the file path unset($custom['folderpath']); // triget fullpath $customPath = 'full'; } // make sure we use the correct name $pathArray = (array) explode('/', $custom['path']); $firstFolder = array_values($pathArray)[0]; $lastFolder = end($pathArray); // only rename folder if last has folder name if (isset($custom['rename']) && $custom['rename'] == 1) { $custom['path'] = str_replace( '/' . $lastFolder, '', $custom['path'] ); $rename = 'new'; $newname = $lastFolder; } elseif ('full' === $customPath) { // make sure we use the correct name $folderArray = (array) explode('/', $custom['folder']); $lastFolder = end($folderArray); $rename = 'new'; $newname = $lastFolder; } else { $lastFolder = $custom['folder']; $rename = false; $newname = ''; } // insure we have no duplicates $key_pointer = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString( $custom['folder'] ) . '_f' . $pointer_tracker; $pointer_tracker++; // fix custom path $custom['path'] = ltrim($custom['path'], '/'); // set new folder to object $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer} = new stdClass(); $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->naam = str_replace( '//', '/', $custom['folder'] ); $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->path = $_target_type . '/' . $custom['path']; $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->rename = $rename; $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->newName = $newname; $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->type = 'folder'; $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->custom = $customPath; // set the target if type and id is found if (isset($custom['target_id']) && isset($custom['target_type'])) { $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->_target = array('key' => $custom['target_id'] . '_' . $custom['target_type'], 'type' => $custom['target_type']); } } unset($this->componentData->folders); unset($custom); } // add custom files if ((isset($this->componentData->files) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray( $this->componentData->files )) || $this->googlechart) { if ($this->googlechart) { // move the google chart files $googleChart = array('file' => 'google.jsapi.js', 'path' => 'media/js', 'rename' => 0); $this->componentData->files[] = $googleChart; $googleChart = array('file' => 'chartbuilder.php', 'path' => 'admin/helpers', 'rename' => 0); $this->componentData->files[] = $googleChart; } // pointer tracker $pointer_tracker = 'h'; foreach ($this->componentData->files as $custom) { // check type of target type $_target_type = 'c0mp0n3nt'; if (isset($custom['target_type'])) { $_target_type = $custom['target_type']; } // for good practice ComponentbuilderHelper::fixPath( $custom, array('path', 'file', 'filepath') ); // by default custom path is true $customPath = 'custom'; // set full path if this is a full path file if (!isset($custom['file']) && isset($custom['filepath'])) { // update the dynamic path $custom['filepath'] = $this->updateDynamicPath( $custom['filepath'] ); // set the file path with / if does not have a drive/windows full path $custom['file'] = (preg_match( '/^[a-z]:/i', $custom['filepath'] )) ? trim($custom['filepath'], '/') : '/' . trim($custom['filepath'], '/'); // remove the file path unset($custom['filepath']); // triget fullpath $customPath = 'full'; } // make sure we have not duplicates $key_pointer = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString( $custom['file'] ) . '_g' . $pointer_tracker; $pointer_tracker++; // set new file to object $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer} = new stdClass(); $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->naam = str_replace( '//', '/', $custom['file'] ); // update the dynamic component name placholders in file names $custom['path'] = $this->setPlaceholders( $custom['path'], $this->placeholders ); // get the path info $pathInfo = pathinfo($custom['path']); if (isset($pathInfo['extension']) && $pathInfo['extension']) { $pathInfo['dirname'] = trim($pathInfo['dirname'], '/'); // set the info $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->path = $_target_type . '/' . $pathInfo['dirname']; $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->rename = 'new'; $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->newName = $pathInfo['basename']; } elseif ('full' === $customPath) { // fix custom path $custom['path'] = ltrim($custom['path'], '/'); // get file array $fileArray = (array) explode('/', $custom['file']); // set the info $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->path = $_target_type . '/' . $custom['path']; $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->rename = 'new'; $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->newName = end( $fileArray ); } else { // fix custom path $custom['path'] = ltrim($custom['path'], '/'); // set the info $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->path = $_target_type . '/' . $custom['path']; $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->rename = false; } $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->type = 'file'; $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->custom = $customPath; // set the target if type and id is found if (isset($custom['target_id']) && isset($custom['target_type'])) { $versionData->move->static->{$key_pointer}->_target = array('key' => $custom['target_id'] . '_' . $custom['target_type'], 'type' => $custom['target_type']); } // check if file should be updated if (!isset($custom['notnew']) || $custom['notnew'] == 0 || $custom['notnew'] != 1) { $this->notNew[] = $key_pointer; } else { // update the file content $this->updateFileContent[$key_pointer] = true; } } unset($this->componentData->files); unset($custom); } return $versionData; } /** * set the index.html file in a folder path * * @param string $path The path to place the index.html file in * * @return void * */ private function indexHTML($path, $root = 'component') { if ('component' === $root) { $root = $this->componentPath . '/'; } // use path if exist if (strlen($path) > 0) { File::copy( $this->templatePath . '/index.html', $root . $path . '/index.html' ); // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } else { File::copy( $this->templatePath . '/index.html', $root . '/index.html' ); // count the file created $this->fileCount++; } } /** * Update paths with real value * * @param string $path The full path * * @return string The updated path * */ protected function updateDynamicPath($path) { return $this->setPlaceholders( $this->setPlaceholders( $path, ComponentbuilderHelper::$constantPaths ), $this->placeholders ); } /** * Remove folders with files * * @param string $dir The path to folder to remove * @param boolean $ignore The files and folders to ignore * * @return boolean True if all is removed * */ protected function removeFolder($dir, $ignore = false) { return ComponentbuilderHelper::removeFolder($dir, $ignore); } }