forked from joomla/Component-Builder
Add power path override option on component level. Fix the sql build feature. #1032.
407 lines
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407 lines
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* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 4th September, 2022
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
* @git Joomla Component Builder <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
namespace VDM\Joomla\Gitea;
use VDM\Joomla\Gitea\Abstraction\Api;
* The Gitea Issue
* @since 3.2.0
class Issue extends Api
* List a repository's issues.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repo name.
* @param string $state The state of the issues to get, defaults to 'open'.
* @param int $page The page to get, defaults to null.
* @param int $limit The number of issues per page, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $labels Comma-separated list of labels, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $q The search string, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $type The type to filter by (issues/pulls), defaults to null.
* @param string|null $milestones Comma-separated list of milestone names or IDs, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $since Only show items updated after the given time, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $before Only show items updated before the given time, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $createdBy Only show items created by the given user, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $assignedBy Only show items assigned to the given user, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $mentionedBy Only show items where the given user is mentioned, defaults to null.
* @return array|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function list(
string $owner,
string $repo,
string $state = 'open',
int $page = 1,
int $limit = 10,
?string $labels = null,
?string $q = null,
?string $type = null,
?string $milestones = null,
?string $since = null,
?string $before = null,
?string $createdBy = null,
?string $assignedBy = null,
?string $mentionedBy = null
): ?array
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/issues";
// Build the URI.
$uri = $this->uri->get($path);
// Set the query parameters
$uri->setVar('state', $state);
$uri->setVar('page', $page);
$uri->setVar('limit', $limit);
$uri->setVar('labels', $labels);
$uri->setVar('q', $q);
$uri->setVar('type', $type);
$uri->setVar('milestones', $milestones);
$uri->setVar('since', $since);
$uri->setVar('before', $before);
$uri->setVar('created_by', $createdBy);
$uri->setVar('assigned_by', $assignedBy);
$uri->setVar('mentioned_by', $mentionedBy);
// Send the get request.
return $this->response->get(
* Get an issue.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repo name.
* @param int $index The issue index.
* @return object|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function get(string $owner, string $repo, int $index): ?object
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/issues/{$index}";
// Send the get request.
return $this->response->get(
* Create an issue. If using deadline only the date will be taken into account, and time of day ignored.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repo name.
* @param string $issueTitle The issue title.
* @param array|null $assignees The array of assignees, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $issueBody The issue body, defaults to null.
* @param bool|null $closed If the issue is closed, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $dueDate The deadline for the issue, format: "YYYY-MM-DD", defaults to null.
* @param array|null $labelIds The array of label IDs to attach to the issue, defaults to null.
* @param int|null $milestoneId The milestone ID, defaults to null.
* @return object|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function create(
string $owner,
string $repo,
string $issueTitle,
?array $assignees = null,
?string $issueBody = null,
?bool $closed = null,
?string $dueDate = null,
?array $labelIds = null,
?int $milestoneId = null
): ?object
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/issues";
// Build the request data.
$data = new \stdClass();
$data->title = $issueTitle;
$data->body = $issueBody;
$data->assignees = $assignees;
$data->closed = $closed;
$data->due_date = $dueDate;
$data->labels = $labelIds;
$data->milestone = $milestoneId;
// Send the post request.
return $this->response->get(
$this->uri->get($path), json_encode($data)
* Search for issues across the repositories that the user has access to.
* @param string $q Search query.
* @param int $page Page number (default 1).
* @param int $limit Page size (default 10, max 50).
* @param string|null $state Issue state (default open).
* @param string|null $labels Label filter, comma-separated.
* @param string|null $milestones Milestone filter, comma-separated.
* @param int|null $priorityRepoId Repository to prioritize in the results.
* @param string|null $type Filter by type (issues/pulls).
* @param string|null $since Only show notifications updated after the given time (RFC 3339 format).
* @param string|null $before Only show notifications updated before the given time (RFC 3339 format).
* @param bool|null $assigned Filter assigned to you (default false).
* @param bool|null $created Filter created by you (default false).
* @param bool|null $mentioned Filter mentioning you (default false).
* @param bool|null $reviewRequested Filter pulls requesting your review (default false).
* @param string|null $owner Filter by owner.
* @param string|null $team Filter by team (requires organization owner parameter).
* @return array|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function search(
string $q,
int $page = 1,
int $limit = 10,
?string $state = 'open',
?string $labels = null,
?string $milestones = null,
?int $priorityRepoId = null,
?string $type = null,
?string $since = null,
?string $before = null,
?bool $assigned = null,
?bool $created = null,
?bool $mentioned = null,
?bool $reviewRequested = null,
?string $owner = null,
?string $team = null
): ?array
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/issues/search";
// Set the URL parameters.
$uri = $this->uri->get($path);
$uri->setVar('q', $q);
$uri->setVar('page', $page);
$uri->setVar('limit', $limit);
$uri->setVar('state', $state);
if ($labels !== null)
$uri->setVar('labels', $labels);
if ($milestones !== null)
$uri->setVar('milestones', $milestones);
if ($priorityRepoId !== null)
$uri->setVar('priority_repo_id', $priorityRepoId);
if ($type !== null)
$uri->setVar('type', $type);
if ($since !== null)
$uri->setVar('since', $since);
if ($before !== null)
$uri->setVar('before', $before);
if ($assigned !== null)
$uri->setVar('assigned', $assigned);
if ($created !== null)
$uri->setVar('created', $created);
if ($mentioned !== null)
$uri->setVar('mentioned', $mentioned);
if ($reviewRequested !== null)
$uri->setVar('review_requested', $reviewRequested);
if ($owner !== null)
$uri->setVar('owner', $owner);
if ($team !== null)
$uri->setVar('team', $team);
// Send the get request.
return $this->response->get(
* Edit an issue.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repo name.
* @param int $index The issue index.
* @param string|null $assignee The assignee, defaults to null.
* @param array|null $assignees The assignees, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $body The issue body, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $dueDate The due date, defaults to null.
* @param int|null $milestone The milestone, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $ref The reference, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $state The issue state, defaults to null.
* @param string|null $title The issue title, defaults to null.
* @param bool|null $unsetDueDate The flag to unset due date, defaults to null.
* @return object|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function edit(
string $owner,
string $repo,
int $index,
?string $assignee = null,
?array $assignees = null,
?string $body = null,
?string $dueDate = null,
?int $milestone = null,
?string $ref = null,
?string $state = null,
?string $title = null,
?bool $unsetDueDate = null
): ?object
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/issues/{$index}";
// Prepare the issue data.
$editIssueData = new \stdClass();
if ($assignee !== null || $assignees !== null)
$editIssueData->assignee = new \stdClass();
if ($assignee !== null)
$editIssueData->assignee->name = $assignee;
if ($assignees !== null)
$editIssueData->assignee->names = $assignees;
if ($body !== null)
$editIssueData->body = $body;
if ($dueDate !== null || $unsetDueDate !== null)
$editIssueData->dueDate = new \stdClass();
if ($dueDate !== null)
$editIssueData->dueDate->date = $dueDate;
if ($unsetDueDate !== null)
$editIssueData->dueDate->unset = $unsetDueDate;
if ($milestone !== null)
$editIssueData->milestone = $milestone;
if ($ref !== null)
$editIssueData->ref = $ref;
if ($state !== null)
$editIssueData->state = $state;
if ($title !== null)
$editIssueData->title = $title;
// Send the patch request.
return $this->response->get(
$this->uri->get($path), json_encode($editIssueData)
* Delete an issue.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repo name.
* @param int $index The issue index.
* @return string
* @since 3.2.0
public function delete(string $owner, string $repo, int $index): string
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/issues/{$index}";
// Send the delete request.
return $this->response->get(
), 204, 'success'